Friday, April 22, 2016

Jenelle Evans: NOT GUILTY of Assaulting Nathan Griffth"s Girlfriend!

Jenelle Evans officially has one less legal entanglement to worry about.

Radar Online is reporting that Jenelle has been found not guilty on assault charges stemming from an August 20 incident involving Nathan Griffith’s girlfriend, Jessica Henry.

At the time of Jenelle’s arrest, Henry claimed that Jenelle threw a Mason jar at her head when she and Nathan went to Evans’ apartment to pick up some of Nathan’s things after she kicked him out.

The trial was much shorter than expected (likely owing to a lack of physical evidence), and Jenelle was acquitted on all charges this morning.

“I’ll be happy to tell you first…not guilty,” the Teen Mom 2 star tweeted moments ago.

Evans’ attorney, Amy Loving, confirmed the news, telling Radar, “The trial is over and she was found not guilty.”

Jenelle made it clear from the start that she was willing to testify before the six-person jury in her case, but that may not have been necessary due to the revelation that Griffith lied about witnessing the attack.

Sources close to the trial say Loving furnished evidence proving that Griffith told police that he did not see the altercation between the two women as he loading his belongings into his truck.

The prosecution was reportedly relying on Griffith’s testimony as the cornerstone of their case.

Even if Griffith had been able to convince the jury of his story, insiders say it would have been difficult for the DA to prove that he and Henry did not go to Jenelle’s house with the intent of provoking her into a fight.

Evans reportedly believes that Griffith and Henry made up the story in hopes of robbing her of custody of her Kaiser, her 1-year-old son with Nathan.

“Jenelle thinks that Nathan is just using this to try and manipulate her in their custody case,” says a source close to Jenelle.

That matter has yet to be decided in court, but it looks like Jenelle’s argument that Nathan is an unstable and unfit parent just got a lot easier.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive all of Jenelle’s many, many ups and downs.