Friday, April 8, 2016

Caitlyn Jenner Addresses Relationship with Kris Jenner

Ready for another round of Jenner versus Jenner?

On this Sunday"s episode of I Am Cait, Caitly Jenner and company will prepare for Kris Jenner to touch down in New Oreleans, as the former husband and wife have plenty of issues to hash out.

Asked in the following sneak peek about the last time she spoke to Kris, the program flashes back to last season’s tension-filled installment when Kris met Caitlyn for the very first time, crying about how she felt discarded in the wake of her ex-husband’s gender transition.

"There’s a lot of emotions there. There’s 23 years of life together, and it’s tough stuff," Caitlyn says below of her relationship with Kris.

The stars, of course, are parents to Kylie Jenner and Kendall Jenner.

Also in this clip, good friend Jenny Boylan wonders if Caitlyn perhaps feels “a little on the defensive or self-conscious with [Kris] at all,” prompting the transgender icon to exclaim:

“I always felt on the defensive with her. There’s just another element here that I don’t quite understand, which hopefully I’ll have some time to talk to her about.”

It shouldn"t be that hard to understand how one"s long-time wife can feel very odd about one changing one"s gender from man to woman.

You can watch I Am Cait online or on television next week to see how the latest encounter plays out… and you can watch the following clip now:

Caitlyn jenner addresses relationship with kris jenner