Friday, April 1, 2016

Keshia Knight Pulliam BREAKS SILENCE on Bill Cosby Rape Allegations

With more than 50 women coming forward and accusing Bill Cosby of rape, it’s getting harder and harder to find anyone who’ll still go to bat for the disgraced comedian.

But it appears the former Jell-O spokesperson still has a friend in Keshia Knight Pulliam.

Pulliam, who played Cosby’s daughter Rudy Huxtable on The Cosby Show, recently shut down Amber Rose after the model shared some critical words about the man.

As a guest on Pulliam’s podcast, “Kandidly Keshia,” Amber was discussing her annual “Slut Walk,” an event held to speak out against misogyny and sexist double standards against women.  

“I get very frustrated when I see guys call girls hoes or, you know, when people like just stick up for Bill Cosby,” Amber told Pulliam.

That’s when Pulliam cut off her guest and did the exact thing that Amber said frustrates her – stick up for Bill Cosby.

“I feel you, and everyone’s entitled to their opinion, but we still live in a country where you’re innocent till proven guilty,” scolded Pulliam.

“And I understand everything that has happened, and me being a feminist and believing women — no means no and I get that — but, just so you know, I did work with him for a really long time,” she continued.

“I love him dearly, still, and that isn’t the man that I know.”

It was an awkward moment, to be sure, and while Amber assured Pulliam that she does “totally get it,” she struggled to find a response that wouldn’t offend her host.  

“I feel like… celebrity… and classism… and double standards… all take a part in, you know, society and how we treat people,” Amber finally managed. 


But it’s doubtful Amber will change her stance on the issue. She recently released a new collection of emoji, which includes an icon of Cosby holding up a sign reading, “I DID IT.” 

Looks like these two are going to have to agree to disagree.