Monday, April 18, 2016

Kourtney Kardashian Birthday Tribute: Hot Pics, Life Lessons and More!

She’s the most beautiful member of her famous family, and likely it’s most normal member as well.

Although she has had sex with Scott Disick at least three times for some reason.

We’ll try not to hold that against Kourtney Kardashian, however, especially not today.

Because today is Kourtney’s 37th birthday!!!!!

In honor of the special occasion, we’re here to pay tribute to the one sister who does not make us want to break our screens every time we watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online, partly because she so often looks like THIS on Instagram:

Yeah. You really messed this one up, Scotty D. Big time.

Aside from her smoking hot looks, however, Kourtney has offered us many life lessons over the years.

Any time we feel as if we’re on the verge of losing it, we just turn to the following GIFs to help us keep calm kalm and carry karry on:

So she’s hot, she’s smart and she’s single.

Why isn’t Kourtney Kardashian The Bachelorette again? We have no idea.

But if ABC executives are reading, we do have a list of reasons why she’d be the ideal candidate for this gig:

Kourtney, of course, is a member of the Kardashians.

So she has taken her clothing off for public consumption on more than one occasion.

A birthday girl in her birthday suit? What better way to celebrate today’s milestone?!?

Here’s to you, your cute children, your lovely smile and your delicious snack trays, Kourtney Kardashian. Never change.