Sunday, May 15, 2016

Azealia Banks Apologizes for Racist, Homophobic Attack on Zayn Malik

Earlier this week, terrible human Azealia Banks went on a sickening Twitter rant against Zayn Malik.

Among other things, she called him a “token brown boy,” a “curry scented b*tch” and a “f*ggot.” Oh, and she referred to his mother as a “dirty refugee.”


The shocking tirade led to a suspension of her Twitter account, and the internet rejoiced with the hashtag #AzealiaGotSuspendedParty.

She was also dropped from an upcoming London music festival.

Apparently recognizing that her bigotry might actually cost her some money, the rapper has now issued an apology on Instagram.

Read her message in full:

“Now that the immediacy of the infamous incident has worn off, I’ve had sometime to decompress & take a more rational assessment of things.

“I want to extend my sincerest apologies to the world.

“Employing racial/sexist slurs/stereotypes in attempt to make fun of or degrade another person or group is absolutely unacceptable and is not fair or fun for anyone.

“Allowing my anger to get the best of me, I’ve managed to insult millions of people without reason.

“And for that I give my deepest apologies.”

Banks’ PR team likely breathed a sigh of relief and tried to get some much-needed sleep after she posted it yesterday.

A few hours later, in a separate comment, she hilariously attempted to defend her “curry” insult by calling it a “dumb nyc joke about cabs smelling like curry” and reasoning, “I personally really enjoy curry and cook with it often.” 

Then today, she posted more crap that calls into question the sincerity of her apology.

She re-grammed a comment from a fan who wrote, “I like Azealia because she doesn’t care she says whatever the f**k she wants to say when she wants to without a fear in her body.”

The fan went on to bring up Skai Jackson’s comments, who after reading Banks’ attack on Malik, tweeted, “Azealia Banks needs to simmer down a little” and “When a no hip having 14 year old has more class than you. Worry about your career. Get one.”

In the caption, Banks wrote, “Yes. The child is a coon in training @skaijackson

Azealia Banks Instagram racism

And her PR team collectively choked on their Sunday brunch.