Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Kailyn Lowry: Accused of CHEATING By Javi Marroquin!

Ever since Javi Marroquin went on overseas deployment with the U.S. Airforce in January, his marriage to Kailyn Lowry has been a series of ups and downs.

Okay, mostly downs.

Constant reports of divorce and cheating by both parties have been floating around the gossip mill, and Kailyn and Javi have shared cryptic yet telling messages on Twitter.

The latest controversy comes after the airing of a preview clip for Teen Mom 2, in which Kail fights with Javi over FaceTime.

Kailyn maintains a cold, stoic demeanor while her husband complains about work, and Javi wishes she"d show a little more compassion.

"I"m a robot," Kail tells him.

But it"s a text that comes through during the conversation that has fans talking.


While on the phone, she swipes away a message from Tyler Hill, which Javi can"t see. However, viewers who watched the clip were quick to alert him about it on Twitter.

“Oh interesting. Same guy from last season,” he wrote in a tweet that has since been deleted.

If you recall, the couple bickered last season when Javi caught Kail texting another man.

However, Kailyn tells Radar Online that Tyler is not the same guy, and that they are just friends.

“Tyler Hill is my best friend from school,” she told the site. “I didn’t sleep with him!”

“You didn’t see emojis next to his name," she reasoned.

Maybe I"m just way behind the times, but no one told me that it"s not cheating if there"s no emoji.

"Tyler has the same major as me," she continued. "We have the same classes together. We’ve even filmed together.”

Well, it"s certainly possible for a woman to have a platonic male friend.

But the interaction between Kailyn and Javi appears anything but loving, which leads us to wonder if the only reason they"re keeping mum about their divorce on social media is so we can see it play out on the show.

Watch below:


Kailyn lowry accused of cheating by javi marroquin