Saturday, June 4, 2016

Kanye West Offered $10M By Saudi Prince to Sleep With Kim Kardashian

In today’s bizarre news, a Saudi prince has offered to pay $ 10 million to Kanye West in exchange for one night with his wife, Kim Kardashian, according to World News Daily Report.

Yes, this is the exact plotline from the 90s Demi Moore-Robert Redford movie Indecent Proposal, and yes, it is disgusting.

Apparently, nobody told this fresh prince that in the U.S., women choose who they sleep with and men can’t auction off their wives to the highest bidder.

Appalled reactions aside, the Saudi Defence Minister, Prince Mohamad Bin Salman, reportedly learned of Kanye West’s money problems after the rapper made them known on Twitter earlier this year.

West made headlines when he tweeted that he was $ 53 million in debt, then asked Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg for a $ 1 billion loan.

Kanye tweet - debt

Kanye Zuckerberg tweet

I guess the prince deemed this a good time to make an offer, but he says he’s really not into Kanye’s music or fashion line – just Kim.

“I have no interest whatsoever in his music or his clothing,” Prince Mohamad said during a press conference.

“But his wife, she is a treasure of inestimable value. I would gladly pay $ 10M or even more to spend one night with her.”

Let it be noted that this is the ONE TIME we shall welcome an unhinged Kanye West tirade. Seriously, ‘Ye, have at it.

On second thought, we’d love to hear it from Kim.

So far, neither Kim nor Kanye have reacted to the offer publicly – or privately, as far as we know.

The couple’s marriage has reportedly been on the rocks for months, according to every tabloid.

In fact, Kanye’s tweets about his financial woes (plus other insane rants) reportedly sent a humiliated Kim over the edge.

Divorce rumors quieted down for a minute, then sparked back up again after Kanye spewed out seven full minutes of word vomit about whateverrrrrr on The Ellen DeGeneres Show.

“Kim cringes every time someone asks her about Kanye’s rants,” a source revealed.