Thursday, June 16, 2016

Kim Kardashian Nude: Kanye Reacts!

Her thing has always been to disrobe and hop in front of the camera.

Heck, that’s how we got here!

Kim Kardashian covers the July issue of GQ, and the reality star used nothing more than a black trench to cover up the front part of her body.

Not surprisingly, Kanye West thinks she looks incredible.

“Kanye is in absolute awe of Kim’s GQ cover,” a source told Hollywood Life.

“He told her it’s her sexiest look so far and wants the photo blown up and framed on the wall.

“He loves the simplicity of the black trench coat partially draping her and thinks the cover is a masterpiece, a work of art.”

In 2007 it was considered an invasion of privacy to showcase her naked body.  Now, it’s art.

“Kanye might be the artistic genius in the family, but Kim is the CEO,” GQ’s Caity Weaver wrote about their interview, in which Kardashian discussed everything from the “special way she drives Kanye crazy, being on team #imwithher, what was really in O.J.’s Louis Vuitton bag (yeah, Kim knows), and making her life her business.”

One photo shows Kardashian completely sprawled out in bed, her boobs uncovered.  Another shot features Kim in a bra, thigh-highs and a trench coat, smoking a cigarette.

Such art!

Kardashian recently shared with People Magazine her determination to slim down from her current weight of 132 lbs to 120.  

“My butt and my hips are the last to go, but I’m not stopping!” she said.

Anyone who has had kids knows your body changes, and it’s hard to get your body back in shape,” Kardashian added.

“It takes so much determination, and mental and physical power and energy.”

The mom-of-two sticks to an exercise regime, and has subscribed to the Atkins diet (so much so that she became the company’s spokeswoman). 

“After having two kids, and being able to get in shape and still feel good about myself, I’ve never felt better. I worked my ass off, I’ve altered my life and I’m proud of that,” she said proudly.