Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Bella Thorne Describes Herself as Latina, Internet Trolls Attack

If you follow Bella Thorne on Instagram, you know that the 18-year-old’s social is an endless source of majestic wonder.

And by that we Bella takes a lot of butt selfies and wears a lot of tight clothing.

But it’s not all fun and games and barely-legal semi-nudity.

Yesterday, Bella posted a s shoutout to Disney for unveiling the brand’s first Latina princess.

She ended the post with the hashtags “#IAmLatina #Proud #Cuban,” and for some reason, all hell broke loose.

Some of the more jaw-dropping comments include:

“Girl you white as f–k!”

“This white chick ain’t Latina shes ginger for gods sake.”

“You’re white so don’t say “I am Latina”, because you’re not. It’s disrespectful to those of us who are actually Latina. Thanks.”

“You aren’t “Latina and proud” you probably don’t know anything about your culture. You’re a little white girl, get over it.”

“Shut the f–k up. You’re not Cuban. F–k you. Just because you’ve been to Cuba doesn’t make you Cuban. F–king dumb bitch!”

Yes, things escalated mighty quickly, as they tend to on Internet comment boards.

Look, frankly, we probably wouldn’t have guessed that Bella is of Cuban descent either.

Fortunately, we don’t have to guess, because she told us!

And with the exception of the occasional Rachel Dolezal type, people can generally be trusted when they describe their own ethnic heritage.

Bella’s father was of Cuban descent and like it or not, that means she’s free to self-identify as Latina.

Apparently, a lot of people have a big, big problem with that, which should lead them to a question far more important than any lingering uncertainty about Bella’s ethnic background:

If finding out that an 18-year-old actress is Latina is enough to send you into a seething fit of rage, isn’t it time to re-examine your priorities?