Saturday, June 18, 2016

Chelsea Clinton Welcomes Second Child!

Congratulations are in order for Chelsea Clinton!

The former first daughter announced the birth of her son, Aidan Clinton Mezvinsky, Saturday morning on Twitter.

“Marc and I are overwhelmed with gratitude and love as we celebrate the birth of our son, Aidan Clinton Mezvinsky,” she wrote.

Chelsea’s parents, Hillary and Bill Clinton expressed their excitement as well:

“We are overjoyed to be grandparents again … Chelsea and Aidan are both doing well and enjoying this very special time together.”

Chelsea announced her pregnancy back in December, tweeting, “Next summer, Charlotte is going to be a big sister! Feeling very blessed & grateful this holiday season.”

She gave birth to Charlotte in September 2014 and her mom and dad have both gushed about being grandparents on numerous occasions.

Presumed Democratic presidential nominee Hillary embraces her familial role, even including the title in her Twitter bio.

“Wife, mom, grandma, women+kids advocate, FLOTUS, Senator, SecState, hair icon, pantsuit aficionado, 2016 presidential candidate,” the bio reads.

Last year during an interview, ABC News Anchor David Muir asked the presidential hopeful what she wanted her grandchild to call her.

“Grandma’s fine. Madame President’s fine. Whatever she chooses,” she joked.

Chelsea and husband Marc Mezvinsky, an investment banker, were married in 2010 in Rhinebeck, New York.

The couple currently reside in New York City.

Best wishes to the entire family!