Monday, June 20, 2016

Kid at Toy Store is Having the Best Day of Anyone"s Life

As you may have heard by now, it"s a lot of fun to be a kid at a candy store.

Which is easy to understand. Just imagine being a kid and having all that candy at your disposal. SO MUCH FUN!

But what about being a kid at a toy store?!?

Based on the following video evidence, we feel confident in saying that this location also lends itself very well to a great time.

In footage that has gone viral, a positively adorable little boy is in the shopping cart at an undisclosed establishment.

We don"t know exactly where he is, but we do know that he could not be more excited to be there.

How can we tell for sure?

It helps that he keeps yelling "OH MY GOODNESS" at nearly everything on the shelf.

It may be the cutest video we"ve ever seen. It"s certainly the cutest video we"ve seen today.

And we think you"ll soon be saying the very same thing.

We should ALL be this psyched about something at least one time in our lives, don"t you think?

Click Play below and see more for yourself:

Infant at toy store is having the best day of anyones life