Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Robby Hayes: Will He Actually Win The Bachelorette?

One of many athletic, handsome, shady men seeking JoJo Fletcher’s heart, Robby Hayes has emerged as a frontrunner on The Bachelorette.

NOTE: The Bachelorette spoilers tell you all you need to know about the outcome this season, and are usually more accurate than not.

Let’s shelve that for the moment, though.

Based on his recent, amorous interactions with the woman of the hour, one gets the sense that he’s not going anywhere anytime soon.

Very possibly to her detriment.

Before we get into the seedy aspects of Robby’s personal life – at least what the rumors are saying – let’s go over his positive attributes.

His Instagram often features his brothers and mom, and he listed his grandma as the one person he would most like to have lunch with.

So he’s totally a family man – and, like more than a few other suitors on the current season of the ABC guilty pleasure – an athletic one.

A member of Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity at Florida State, Hayes set records in swimming en route to the U.S. Olympic Trials in 2012.

He was also a sales manager for Myrtha Pools USA, a model for Molinari Models and Talent, and is working on his Masters in Finance.

Robby Hayes is getting that degree at the University of Miami, when he’s not on reality shows at least. So he’s got a lot going for him.

Including a great deal of drama.

Before going on The Bachelorette, he lost a friend in a car accident, quit his job, and dumped his girlfriend of three years, Hope Higginbotham.

Later this season, Fletcher will ask if he dumped Hope to come on the program, much like JoJo grilled Jordan Rodgers this past Monday.

Should be interesting. Imagine if she knew that Chad Johnson is dating Hope Higginbotham now that he’s back from Bachelor in Paradise.

Seriously. Just insane trolling.

Whether or not Robby ends up with Fletcher’s final rose remains to be seen, but based on the situation with Hope and his dead friend?

Red flags. Just saying.