Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Kevin Jonas & Wife: Expecting a Baby Girl!

Looks like it’s time for Kevin Jonas and wife Danielle to drag the pink cradle out of storage!

The couple revealed on Instagram yesterday that they’re expecting another baby girl.

The couple made the announcement on Instagram with the help of their first daughter, 2-year-old Alena Rose.

Kevin posted the above pic along with a caption reading simply, “It’s a girl!!!!”

Just prior to that he hilariously encouraged fans to make a guess on the photo below:

Okay, so it’s not the most original joke, but it’s funny nonetheless.

No exact due date had been revealed but the Kevin announced that he and Danielle are expecting a second baby back in April.

If they waited until after the first trimester, as many couples do, then they’re second bundle of joy could be arriving as soon as early fall.

Kevin and Danielle haven’t made many public appearances in recent months, so we don’t have any bump information to go off of.

The couple welcomed Alena Rose back in February of 2014, and they began talking about expanding their family again almost immediately.

Amazingly, sources say they’re already talking about a third child!

If you’re keeping score at home, Kevin is only 28.

The kid’s clearly going for Duggar numbers.

He’s a little behind, but he could still make it happen!

Anyway, congrats to Kevin and Danielle.

And we’ll go ahead and offer premature congrats on baby #3 while we’re at it!