Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Pippa Middleton Confirms Engagement to James Matthews!

It’s official. The world’s most famous behind is getting married.

Kate Middleton’s younger sister Pippa Middleton is engaged, she has landed herself a very cute, very nice and very rich fiance.

As she left James Matthews’ Chelsea flat on July 19th, Pippa Middleton sported a gorgeous ring and told waiting reporters that she “couldn’t be happier.”

Shortly after, Matthews exited the home via a side gate, merely smiling to the press as he and his dog went about their day.

The couple told the Press Association in a statement:

“Miss Pippa Middleton and Mr. James Matthews are delighted to announce they became engaged on Sunday, July 17 and plan to marry next year.”

Congrats were also sent from the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge (who were “delighted with the news,” per Kensington Palace), as well as Middleton’s parents, Michael and Carole.

“They make a wonderful couple and we wish them every happiness together,” Michael’s statement read.

Richard Kay of the Daily Mail broke the story last night, around the same time Middleton posed for photos (with her left hand strategically placed behind her back) at a party for the British Heart Foundation.

Matthews started Eden Rock Capital Management in 2001, and his parents own a hotel bearing the same name in St. Barts.

He and Middleton rang in the new year on the island, and back in August the Middleton family (sans the Duchess of Cambridge) were guests of the Matthews.

The couple got back together last fall after splitting in 2012.  After, Middleton dated another financier, Nico Jackson before breaking it off in 2015 (he is currently based in Geneva, Switzerland).

Matthews’ family is similar to the Middletons in that his parents are self-made, a trait they passed on to the 40-year-old.

“He worked very hard from an early age,” a friend told Kay of Matthews.

“He made a huge amount of cash from hedge funds and some more from the London property market.”

“We’re talking millions here and you don’t do that by the age of 40 unless you are a sharp cookie. And James is very bright.”

Royal fans should not expect Catherine to serve as matron of honor, but we’re hoping that Prince George and Princess Charlotte will play some part in the wedding.