Monday, July 11, 2016

Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar: Is It Over (and Why?)!

Is the once-rock solid marriage of 19 Kids and Counting patriarch and matriarch Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar officially on the ropes?

If you watch Jill & Jessa Counting On online, you’ll see … a whole lot of the next generation of Duggars and not a lot of Jim Bob and Michelle.

Maybe even any of them in the upcoming Season 2.

This is largely because while the younger children and young adults of the family maintain a strong following, Josh Duggar is tainted.

By extension, the already-controversial Jim Bob and Michelle took a major hit last year for trying to deal with Josh’s issues “in-house.”

The lack of accountability for Josh molesting his little sisters – coupled with the subsequent reveal that he was a philandering cheater?

Let’s just say it’s been a bit challenging for his parents.

This is the case for several reasons, most notably the fact that in their hearts, they feel “destroyed” by their eldest son’s abhorrent actions.

Then there’s the fact that their public personas have taken a hit, as well as the conflict between them which has arisen out of the scandal.

Michelle was reportedly livid with Jim Bob and church leaders, who wanted to give Josh a strict punishment that would “appease God.”

Things went Jim Bob’s way, with Josh sent to Christian sex rehab labor camp for much of last year, but to Jim Bob, this came at a cost.

Insiders say nowadays, since Josh’s return to Arkansas, Michelle is – for the first time – no longer doing what her husband asks of her.

A friend shockingly reveals to the celebrity news tabloid:

“She has actually raised her voice to Jim Bob.”

Whoa. Shut UP.

“The Jim Bob Michelle fell in love with 32 years (and 19 kids) ago is very different from the man she knows now,” the source continues.

Michelle is standing up for herself because “he bears little resemblance to the young man who was filled with hope and happiness.”

With all these issues, is there any chance it’s over?

As in for real over? Will the couple divorce?!

Ha. Not likely whatsoever. #BecauseDuggars.

“That would be against everything she lives for,” said an insider, adding that breaking a Covenant Marriage simply isn’t done.

“But they are not the happy couple they once were.”