Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Kim Kardashian: Toddler Asks "Why Are You Famous?"

Out of the mouths of babes.

Kim Kardashian recorded her dinner conversations with a young man from the other night, and the topic at hand was all too relevant.

Sid, son of Kardashian"s best friend, Allison Azoff, asked Kardashian why she was on a bunch of magazines.

"I don"t know! Because I like magazines!" Kardashian answered.

The conversations were filmed on Snapchat by Azoff, further proof that nothing is candid when it comes to the Kardashians.

"Are you famous?" Sid pressed on.

"Am I famous? Um, I don"t like to use that term, but…"

Yes, Sid.  She is famous.

"How are you famous?" he asked.

Kardashian paused for a moment, figuring out the best way to answer that question, given her audience.

 "That"s up for question, too!" she said.

To which Azoff chirped, "She"s got a big booty!"

That, and a sex tape.  And a mobile game that is second only to Pokemon Go in terms of popularity.

In fact, the latter has not only increased Kardashian"s level of fame, it"s made her a ton of money as well.

So much money that she made the cover of Forbes Magazine, which highlights "the new mobile moguls."

The game, Kim Kardashian: Hollywood has made the reality star $ 45 million.

"It"s such a proud moment for me as an entrepreneur to feel recognized by being on the cover of such a prestigious business magazine," she wrote on her app (which requires a monthly access fee).

"I do believe that when you set goals and work hard, you can achieve whatever you want.

"I remember always seeing Forbes magazines in my dad"s office and never even dreamed it would be me on the cover. I"m so proud that they have given me this tremendous honor."

Call her every name in the book, but you have to hand it to a girl who managed to turn a sex tape into a media empire.

Oddly enough, we still can"t answer Sid"s question.

Kim kardashian toddler asks why are you famous