Friday, July 8, 2016

Kristen Stewart Rocks See-Through Dress, Continues to Seek Attention

Last time we checked in on Kristen Stewart, she was being accused of cheating on a French singer and then stealing her look to boot.

Has she topped that in the months since? No, in terms of tabloid headline-ready life choices that’s pretty tough to improve upon – but she did rock a see-through dress on the red carpet last night.

You may be saying to yourself, “Hey, THG, I’ve seen Kristen Stewart naked on multiple occasions! Why should I care that she’s wearing a sheer outfit on the red carpet?!”

To which we say – you’ve got a real attitude problem, hypothetical reader.

And also: Sure, Kristen gets naked a lot, but have we really reached the point where we’re just going to overlook a dress that you can freakin’ see through?

Yeah, all the interesting bits are covered but it’s a dress … that you can see through.

Twilight was a long time ago, but Kristen is still famous enough that we’re willing to take time out and give her her due even when she hints at public nudity.

These are divisive times we’re living in, but there are certain things we can all still agree on, and frankly, we don’t want to live in a country where famous actresses can’t make headlines by walking the red carpet semi-nude.

We’re pretty sure the Founding Fathers didn’t imagine a future in which Kristen Stewart would go out in public wearing next to nothing and we would all just turn a blind eye.

So you go ahead and tell yourself there are more important things going on in the world, comrade!

While you’re off hunting moose and squirrel with Putin, we’ll be enjoying our nearly naked actresses with pride, dammit!

Forgive us if our patriotism is getting interfering your breakfast of borsht and  … whatever else they eat in other countries.

We’ll be over here watching K-Stew gnaw on her lower lip and almost show her boobs like gosh darn Americans!

*sheds tear to sound of bald eagle screaming*