Wednesday, July 27, 2016

The Bachelorette Recap: The Men Tell All, Get Scared of Chad

Tuesday night did not reveal The Bachelorette spoilers we’re all wondering about heading into next week’s finale, but it did have its moments.

On The Bachelorette Season 12 Episode 10, a.k.a. the Men Tell All special, the most memorable dudes from the past season returned.

Three words for you: Chad effing Johnson.

Yes, we heard from others, including Luke Pell and Chase McNary, eliminated on the previous night’s installment of the ABC guilty pleasure.

But all eyes, predictably, were on the Chad.

It’s hard to know where to begin with a guy who called Alex a “manlet” and has hooked up with Robby and Grant’s exes in recent months.

Really. Chad Johnson and Hope Higginbotham, the girl Robby Hayes allegedly dumped 30 seconds before going on the show, hooked up.

Chad wasted little time trolling his co-stars in person this time, telling singer-songwriter James Taylor of all people, “I’ve got dirt on you, son.”

He told Derek, “Your pocket square doesn’t match your shirt,” and dismissed “manlet” Alex as a guy who, well, “he’s just super annoying.”

Jordan Rodgers, Chad says, “just wanted to be famous,” while Jordan’s final competitor Robby Hayes apparently “threatened” his ex-girlfriend.

Yes, the Chad was back in full force.

For his part, Johnson is not too upset about the way things shook out, even if others clearly aren’t over it. Like Nick, for the best example.

Threatening to fight Chad in some absurd display of masculinity, he either has a death wish or really wants us to remember who he was.

Seriously … who was Nick again?

Later, once the dust settled, Luke Pell reflected upon his hometown date rejection and how things might have gone differently for him.

“Watching it back, I see, verbally, I kind of held back. I could have been more expressive and direct,” Luke lamented to host Chris Harrison.

“I guess I’m a hopeless romantic in a sense, and there’s this once-in-a-lifetime experience and I’m looking for a once-in-a-lifetime moment.”

“I didn’t seize that moment when I should have. I was absolutely in love with her and I still love her,” he added, still in a daze.

If ABC was setting him up as the next Bachelor, it was a job well done … though Chase McNary may also have been auditioning Tuesday.

Chase didn’t regret telling JoJo he loved her, even after she invited him to the Fantasy Suite, then kicked him out once he dropped the L-word.

They even hugged it out. She and Chad? 

Not so much, after he tried to get a rise out of her by saying that Robby broke up with Hope “days before filming” as the tabloids claim.

Jordan Rodgers, meanwhile, was branded a “liar, cheater whose own older brother (NFL star Aaron Rodgers) won’t even talk to him.” 

JoJo just wasn’t going to go there.

“I could go off right now. But it’s not even worth my time. He loves the attention, and we’re giving it to him – so he’s not even worth my breath.” 
