Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Bill Clinton Makes It Personal: Watch His DNC Speech!

Bill Clinton is most definitely with her.

Unlike others who may be voting for Hillary Clinton this November, however, Bill Clinton has been with her since the early 1970s.

And that was the basis for the former President"s moving speech at the Democratic National Convention on Tuesday night.

Opening his 43-minute message by talking about the way in which he "met a girl" in 1971, Clinton told a winding and romantic tale about his life with the Presidential hopeful.

The aspiring first-ever First Husband said Hillary had "big blonde hair, BIG glasses, wore no makeup and she exuded this sense of strength and self-possession that I found magnetic" when he first met her.

"I followed her out, intending to introduce myself. I got close enough to touch her back – but I couldn"t," he continued.

"Somehow, I knew this wouldn"t be just another tap on the shoulder and I might be starting something I couldn"t stop."

With his story, Clinton managed to humanize a woman who many find to be a career politician, someone who is heartless and who feels entitled to the be our next President.

"I married my best friend," he later explained.

"I was still in awe after more than four years of being around her, at how smart and strong and loving and caring she was, and I really hoped that her choosing me and rejecting my advice to pursue her own career was a decision she would never regret."

With every personal tale he wove, Clinton brought the theme of his speech back to his wife"s work ethic and selflessness.

Yes, the speech ran very long.

But that"s because Hillary Clinton has been involved in a public service for a very long time. There"s a lot to talk about when it comes to all she"s done.

For all her early accomplishments as a lawyer and children"s advocate, though, Hillary"s priority was being a mother, Bill said.

"She became, as she often said, our family"s designated worrier, born with an extra responsibility gene."

Clinton often labeled his wife as a "change maker" and said she is forever focused on what she can improve upon next.

"Some people say, "Well, we need change. She"s been around a long time," " Bill said in a mocking sing-song. "She sure has! And she"s sure been worth every single year she"s put into making people"s lives better!"

It was an impressive weaving together of the personal and the professional by the ex-President, who took a jab at the Republicans as follows:

“How does this square up with the things that you heard at the Republican convention? What"s the difference in what I told you and what they said? How do you square it? You can"t. One is real, the other is made up.

"You just have to decide — you just have to decide which is which, my fellow Americans."

Watch the full speech now:

Bill clinton makes it personal watch his dnc speech