Monday, July 25, 2016

Big Brother Recap: Most Shocking Nominations of the Season?

Victor’s return to the Big Brother house really succeeded in changing things up. 

Frank tried his best to pull James into his tiny alliance, but would Victor really join in with the villains of the house?

Paul made it clear to Paulie that he would need to play the friendship card with Victor in order to keep Victor away from Frank. 

The rest of his alliance were very much in agreement, but could this all be part of Victor’s master plan?

Victor has an advantage because he managed to get information on the house guests from the other evicted contestants. 

The house was very much set on taking Victor out of the equation, but Da’vonne had a chat with Nicole and confirmed that the house should target Frank instead of Victor. 

Nicole took the news straight to Frank!

The HOH competition was an endurance one that raged on all night. Frank tried his best to win, but he fell. 

Poor Victor fell off his podium when he tried to get a drink of water.


Things got interesting when it was down to Da’Vonne, James and Bridgette. 

Frank decided to go and have a chat with Da’vonne. She told him she was gunning for him because he would be targeting her. 

He then went and threw Nicole under the bus. 

Da’vonne was furious, and she believed him!

In the end, Da’vonne and Bridgette agreed to drop and let James be crowned the HOH. 

Natalie was quick to make a deal with Bridgette, without running it by James. I get that they’re a couple, but they should be conferring on everything. 

If that news spread around the house, it would look bad on James and Natalie. 

Natalie and James then had a chat about targets and Natalie made it clear that he doesn’t need to do what the house wants. 

She claimed that they were not putting Bridgette up. Paulie then crashed their conversation and implied to Bridgette that she comes as a package deal with James. 

She was still visibly annoyed with it all, but what other option did she have?

She knows that Paulie is ruling the house, so going against him could signal the end of her game. 

At the nominations ceremony, James nominated Bridgette and Frank. 

Everyone looked so cheery about it, but Bridgette was furious because James went back on his word. 

What do you think of the nominations?

Was James right to target Frank?

Hit the comments!