Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Kim Kardashian Shares Bizarre Story of Fighting With Kanye at Chrissy Teigen"s Wedding

Back in 2013, Chrissy Teigen and John Legend got married, and naturally, some of Hollywood’s biggest names turned out to celebrate the union of two A-listers.

Unfortunately, one of the most famous invitees (who happens to also be one of Teigen’s BFF’s) was unable to attend – but that doesn’t mean she missed out on a minute of the action!

Allow us to explain:

The Teigen-Legend nuptials took place just three months after Kim Kardashian gave birth to daughter North West.

As we know, Kim likes to lay low until the baby weight is gone, so she wasn’t about to attend a star-studded and pap-friendly social event so soon after welcoming her first daughter.

But good luck keeping Kanye away from that sort of thing.

Yeezy attended on his own, which is only slightly weird.

The really weird part is that he texted Kim non-stop throughout the ceremony and reception to let her know what she was missing out on:

“I got in a fight with Kanye during your wedding,” Kim told Chrissy to promote … whatever crap one of them is promoting these days. 

“I didn’t go … [North] was just born and I was so fat, and I had nothing to wear, so then he kept texting me, ‘Babe, this is the most beautiful wedding,’ ‘Babe, this is so pretty. I really wish you were here at Lake Como.’”

“Literally a play-by-play text. We got into the biggest fight. ‘Just stop texting me. Go enjoy the wedding, you’re making me feel so bad!’”

It would be one thing if Kanye was checking in on his wife and three-month old daughter, but no – homey was giving detailed reviews of the bacon-wrapped scallops.

So yeah, Kanye sounds really annoying.

Fortunately, he’s spent his whole career bracing us for this reveal by being obnoxious every chance he gets.

Maybe it won’t be as hard for Kim and Taylor Swift to find some common ground as we thought!