Showing posts with label 'Phil. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 'Phil. Show all posts

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Dr. Phil Runs Into Skateboarder with Car, Ambulance Called

Dr. Phil’s car insurance might be going up soon, because he ran into a skateboarder in a crosswalk … and all signs point to the TV host being at fault. Law enforcement sources tell TMZ … Dr. Phil was driving out of a parking lot near Universal…


Thursday, October 12, 2017

Phil Robertson to "Reject Political Correctness," Anchor New Show

About a year after Duck Dynasty went off the air, Phil Robertson is set to make his return to the small screen.

But he isn’t plotting his comeback by himself.

He’s bringing his firestorm of controversial opinions with him!

According to The Hollywood Reporter, the reality star some have dubbed Redneck Dumbledore has landed his own show on CRTV.

This is a $ 99-a-year digital network whose most popular programs are hosted by conservative commentators Mark Levin, Steven Crowder and Michelle Malkin.

Robertson’s series will be titled In the Woods With Phil and he explains why in a sneak peek from one of the installments.

“What does a man do when they try to run him out of town for quoting a Bible verse?” Robertson asks. “I tell you what he does; he goes deep in the woods.

Robertson, of course, has quite a history of speaking his mind.

The ex-Duck Dynasty patriarch was suspended by A&E in 2013 for making rather strong anti-gay comments.

“Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there,” he told GQ a few years ago, adding at the time:

“Beastiality, sleeping around with this woman and that woman and that woman and those men.”

He then paraphrased a Bible passage and also said the following:

“It seems like, to me, a vagina – as a man – would be more desirable than a man’s anus, that’s just me.

“I’m just thinking: There’s more there! She’s got more to offer. I mean, come on, dudes! You know what I’m saying?

“But hey, sin: It’s not logical, my man. It’s just not logical.”

Regarding his upcoming show, Robertson says that he plans on rejecting “political correctness,” explaining:

“For far too long we have been told to shut up. No more. Here’s the deal, America. These are my woods. Out here, I call the shots.

“Out here, we reject political correctness, or as I like to say, ‘pontificated crap’.”

When we last heard from Robertson, he was slamming Miley Cyrus and The Discovery Channel.

“America is floundering in sin,” he said in May of last year, citing Miley as someone who promotes “decadence” and who is ruining this country.

Robertson will provide a preview of his show on Friday at the Values Voters Summit in Washington, where speakers include President Donald Trump and his former White House adviser, Steve Bannon.

“Our culture and values are being overrun and progressives are hell bent on purging traditional values from media,” says CRTV senior vp Gaston Mooney. “Phil is a Christian and CRTV is proud to have him proclaim from our platform.”


Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Phil Spector"s New Prison Mug Shot Released, Now Totally Bald with Hearing Aids

Music legend Phil Spector hasn’t moved much during his 8 years in prison for 2nd degree murder — his hairline, on the other hand, has gotten the hell outta Dodge. Prison officials in Stockton, CA just released a new mug shot of 76-year-old Spector,…


Thursday, June 29, 2017

Tyson Chandler: Phil Jackson "Helped Me Out" By Shipping Me to Dallas

Phoenix Suns star Tyson Chandler says he ain’t gonna trash his old boss, Phil Jackson — telling TMZ Sports the Zen Master “helped me out” by trading him from the Knicks to the Mavs back in 2014.  People trashed the trade back then (and…


Wednesday, June 28, 2017

NY Knicks Firing Phil Jackson

The NY Knicks are done with Phil Jackson — the team is expected to announce he’s leaving the organization as early as Wednesday morning. 71-year-old Jackson is the President of Basketball Operations for the Knicks — and people HATE him right now…


Monday, June 26, 2017

Kenyon Martin Says Knicks Should Fire "Old, Asleep" Phil Jackson

Phil Jackson’s too damn old to lead an NBA franchise and it’s high time the Knicks kicked his geriatric ass to the curb … so says ex-NBA baller Kenyon Martin, who just LIT UP the Zen master. We caught up with K-Mart hangin’ with BIG3 teammate Al…


Friday, June 23, 2017

Fat Joe Says Phil Jackson Ruined N.Y. Knicks: "He Stunk Up The Place"

Fat Joe is flat-out pissed at Phil Jackson for turning his beloved New York Knicks into a dumpster fire … and now he’s legitimately worried he’ll DIE before they start winning again. We spoke with Joe Crack about the Knicks prez trying…


Thursday, June 8, 2017

Phil Collins Head Cut Open in Hotel Fall, Cancels London Shows

Phil Collins suffered a “severe gash on his head close to his eye” … forcing the cancellation of his final 2 shows in London. The singer says he took the nasty spill in his hotel room while walking to the bathroom in the middle of the night.…


Phil Collins Rushed to Hospital, Cancels Shows

Phil Collins was rushed to hospital after suffering a fall in his hotel room. 

The 66-year-old singer fell while going to the bathroom and required stitches in his head.

This means Collins’ concerts which were scheduled to go ahead on Thursday and Friday will now be delayed until November. 

A representative for Collins took to the star’s official Facebook page with the following statement:

We unfortunately have to announce that Phil Collins’ performance at the Royal Albert Hall in London will be postponed tonight (June 8) and tomorrow (June 9).

Phil suffers from ‘drop foot’ as a result of a back operation which makes it difficult to walk. He rose in the middle of the night to go to the toilet and slipped in his hotel room, hitting his head in the fall on a chair.

He was taken to hospital where he had stitches for a severe gash on his head close to his eye and is recovering well. He will be kept under observation for 24 hours.

Phil sends his sincere apologies and thanks to fans. He has had a fantastic week at his first shows in 10 years, cannot thank people enough for their warm reaction and is excited to return.

These Royal Albert Hall shows will be rearranged for November 26th and 27th this year. All tickets for June 8th will be valid for November 26th and tickets for June 9th will be valid for November 27th.

He will carry on with this tour on Sunday in Cologne and then Paris before returning to London for his headline performance at BST Hyde Park on June 30th.

It’s good to hear the singer is now on the mend, but it must have been a frightening incident for him. 

Collins has been vocal about his health concerns in the past, opening up to Billboard in 2016 about them and pondering whether he would ever be able to return to the performer he once was. 

I don’t know if I’ll ever be fit enough to play the drums again on tour,” said Collins.

“My left arm has changed – it’s a neural thing. The back surgery I had was great – I mean, how good can surgery be? But it was problem-free.”

“But then when I was recovering on crutches, I fell and fractured my foot. When I recovered from foot surgery, I fell again and fractured another part of the same foot. My right foot now is completely numb.”

He continued, “It could be a year or three months to get feeling back – I have no idea. But my kids want me to do shows so they can brag to their friends.”

“I intend on doing some things. I stopped going into the studio because I was sad, but now I’m getting a taste of it again.”

We wish Phil a speedy recovery. 


Monday, May 15, 2017

Partied Out Phil in "Wayne"s World" "Memba Him?!

Sean Sullivan is best known for playing the drunk crew member Phil — and is the partied out passenger in the backseat of the infamous Bohemian Rhapsody car scene — in the 1992 rock classic ‘Wayne’s World.’ Guess what he…


Friday, May 5, 2017

YTV Host PJ "Phresh" Phil "Memba Him?!

Phil Guerrero is best known for his on-screen persona PJ ‘Phresh’ Phil while hosting kid’s shows on the awesome Canadian youth television channel YTV. Guess what he looks like now!


Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Phil Simms Says Son Misreported Tony Romo News, "Probably My Fault"

Phil Simms says reports he was blindsided by the news he was being replaced by Tony Romo is completely false … and it’s awkward since it was his own son who reported that in the first place.  Here’s the deal …  right after CBS made…


Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Phil Simms Not Officially Out at CBS

You may not have seen the last of Phil Simms on CBS.  With Tony Romo coming in as the new #1 game analyst — the question now is what happens to Simms?  Our sources tell us straight-up there has been no official decision on whether Simms…


Phil Simms Not Officially Out at CBS

You may not have seen the last of Phil Simms on CBS.  With Tony Romo coming in as the new #1 game analyst — the question now is what happens to Simms?  Our sources tell us straight-up there has been no official decision on whether Simms…


Tony Romo Picks CBS ... Replacing Phil Simms?

Well, that was fast!! Tony Romo has already picked his new home — and it’s CBS. Tuesday morning, news broke that Romo was leaving football to pursue a career as a broadcaster — with multiple networks battling to sign the ex-Cowboys star. …


Saturday, February 11, 2017

Danielle Bregoli to Dr. Phil: I Made You!

Danielle Bregoli made her triumphant return to the Dr. Phil show on Friday.

Or at least just her return.

The 13-year old became a viral sensation after she appeared as guest opposite the exploitive psychologist in September, stopping by the program alongside her mother due to her God awful attitude and behavior.

After the audience started to laugh at her language and antics, Bregoli taunted the crowd by screaming the following:

"Cash me ousside, how ’bout dat?"

The odd trash talk turned into Bregoli"s catchphrase, grew into a meme on social media made Danielle Bregoli Internet famous.

She then got into a fight with a woman on board an airplane, an incident that took place after she filmed the interview below.

After telling the host that she hoped to become a nurse, Dr. Phil asked whether the attention Bregoli has been receiving from the Web has been positive or negative.

“I guess what’s good for you is I made you just like how Oprah made you,” replied Bregoli. “You were nothin’ before I came on this show.”

“Thank you for that,” responded Dr. Phil.

What about her stay at the Turn-About Ranch, a treatment program for troubled teens sponsored by Dr. Phil?

Did that help change her life for the better?

Watch the following clip to see her response and then shake your head along with us over the following fact:

Someone just made us root for Dr. Phil

Danielle bregoli to dr phil i made you

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Dr. Phil Guest: I"m Pregnant With Jesus & I"m Eminem"s Daughter!

Dr. Phil has been on a real role lately.

The walrus-like charlatan of daytime television has been exploiting troubled women for years, but lately he’s stepped up his game up to the point that he’s managed to go viral several times in the span of a few months.

Not bad for a guy who’s been looking down on the mentally ill from his high horse since the ’90s!

First he trended by taking advantage of Shelley Duvall’s mental illness.

Then came the Cash Me Ousside Girl, a phenomenon we still can’t figure out:

And now, there’s Haley (last name not provided), a troubled 20-year-old who caught Phil’s interest with her beliefs that she was pregnant with the second coming of Jesus Christ, and that Eminem was her father.

Haley first went viral when she appeared on the show back in November.

These days, she’s being treated for schizophrenia, and she no longer believes she’s knocked up with the son of God.

She says she’s aware now that what she thought was baby Jesus was really just gas, which is an amusing statement until you remember that Haley is mentally ill and says she “still feels like” she lost a child.

As a therapist, it’s Phil’s job to recognize that Haley is in dire need of long-term medical attention, and that the last thing she needs is to be paraded in front of his audience every two months.

Thankfully, she’s receiving help from actual medical professionals, and she no longer believes she was impregnated through immaculate conception.

She’s inflexible on the Eminem question, however:

Clearly, the audience is amused by Haley, but there’s nothing funny about her situation.

In the clip above, Phil gets a chuckle by grilling her about her relationship to Eminem.

When she states that she believes the Phil is both her uncle and the rapper’s father, Phil quips

“Well, I have a son who’s a musician, but it ain’t Slim Shady.”

Ha! Only real doctors like Phil appreciate how truly hilarious schizophrenia really is.

Never change, Phil.

Just kidding, change immediately; you’re terrible.

Can we make Oprah pay some sort of massive public fine for introducing this mustachioed penis to the world?

Seems like someone should have to pay.


Friday, February 3, 2017

Danielle Bregoli: "Cash Me Ousside" Girl to Return to Dr. Phil Show

As you may or may not be aware, the world is effing bonkers these days.

That observation applies to just about every single thing that’s going on at the moment, but for the moment, we’ll focus on how seemingly random fashion in which people become famous on the Internet.

One day you’re sprinkling salt on a steak in an interesting way or being appointed to the National Security Council despite a total lack of qualifications, and the next day the Internet is meme-ing you within an inch of your life.

The latest beneficiary (or victim, depending on your viewpoint) of this strange phenomenon is Danielle Bregoli, better known as the Cash Me Ousside Girl:

In case you’re lucky enough to be unaware of this latest social media star, Danielle appeared on the Dr. Phil Show back in September.

For some reason, the Internet decided last month that her appearance was too gloriously bizarre to not become the stuff of meme legend.

In fairness, they were right about that.

The accent, the threat to fight the entire audience, referring to a bunch of middle-aged mom-types as hoes, and of course – the catchphrase.

In recent weeks, “cash me ousside” has been immortalized in countless memes, and Bregoli bragodoccio has been celebrated with the sort multi-layered irony that can only be found on social media.

Do people love Bregoli? Hate her? Does it matter?

Not in 2017!

Hell, Bregoli even received the rare honor of being memed IRL, as the kids say:

Howbow dah, indeed!

Now, Dr. Phil and his producers are sending some seriously mixed messages by rewarding Bregoli’s behavior with another interview!

Yes, the 13-year-old will make a triumphant return to the show that made her famous some time next week.

The Dr. Phil Show shared the news this on Thursday, but the air date for Bregoli and Phil’s second round has yet to be announed.

Will she offer up material for more classic memes?

Probably not, as the joke is roughly 4 billion years old in Internet years, and it seems unlikely that Danielle will show Harambe-like longevity.

But will she deliver through-the-roof ratings?

Also, probably not, because if Snakes On a Plane taught us anything, it’s that Internet lulz usually don’t translate to commercial success in other media.

But hey, at least Danielle will get to enjoy a rare 16th minute of fame.

And to that we say, howbow dah?


Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Punxsutawney Phil: Groundhog Day Sage Set to Nail 2017 Weather Forecast … Maybe

The rodent. The myth. The legend.

Punxsutawney Phil, the Western Pennsylvania great without whom Groundhog Day would not be a thing, is hours away from doing HIS thing:

Making his annual prediction early Thursday morning, LIVE from the Keystone State, to inform the masses how early 2017 will shake out.

Will there be a shadow sighting, thus signaling six more weeks of winter? Or will there be no shadow, and thus, an early spring on the horizon?

Only Punxsutawney Phil knows.

Groundhog Day, of course, is when the affable, rotund critter emerges from Gobbler’s Knob in Punxsutawney, Pa., at bitter cold daybreak.

He either sees his shadow or he doesn’t. A lot rides on this, given that if there is a shadow sighting, six more weeks of winter remain.

No shadow? Early spring, baby!

The odds of that are not great.

In 119 years, Punxsutawney Phil has predicted the coming of “early spring” but 18 times, not a shock since he lives in Western Pennsylvania.

Not to mention, one of those times was 2013, when record snowfall totals proceeded to pound much of the U.S. not even a week later.

On the flip side, he’s basically nailed it three straight years since that debacle, with shadow sightings portending wintry weather in 2014-15.

In 2016, Phil did not see his shadow and North America saw its mildest winter in recorded history throughout much of this great continent.

Hopefully, Punxsy decides to get some rest tonight and not watch Arrow online. We need him on his game, because too much is at stake.

The current forecast for Thursday a.m. for the Weather Capitol of the World is cloudy with a chance of snow showers, for what it’s worth.

How it plays out is anyone’s guess.

No one can say. Except Phil.

So just sit back, relax, think about your favorite scenes from Groundhog Day the movie and bask in the glory that is this American holiday.

The way things are going so far in 2017, we could all use a respite from political and cultural tumult. Punxsy Phil is here to give it to us.

For that, we thank him.


Saturday, December 31, 2016

Jeanie Buss Predicted Phil Jackson Split In 2009 (VIDEO)

Call her Nostradamus … because back in 2009, Jeanie Buss accurately predicted she’d never marry Phil Jackson.  We were digging around the ol’ TMZ video vault when we found this clip of the couple leaving a wedding in Bev Hills back in the…
