Showing posts with label Airlines. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Airlines. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

United Airlines, 2 Officers Fired in Violent Passenger Removal

The officers who violently dragged a passenger off a United Airlines flight have been canned and a third has resigned … 6 months after the violent incident was caught on video. The Chicago Dept. of Aviation on Tuesday released a report outlining…


Saturday, August 19, 2017

Tommy Lee"s Mile High Club Video Apparently Not Against American Airlines Policy

Tommy Lee won’t be busted for possibly busting with his girlfriend in an American Airlines bathroom, because what the 2 did inside is nobody’s business but theirs … TMZ has learned. Our American Airlines sources tell us … there were no…


Saturday, July 15, 2017

ScHoolboy Q Pissed at United Airlines for Putting New Puppy on Wrong Flight

ScHoolboy Q is down a dog, because United Airlines placed his new pooch on the wrong flight … TMZ has learned. The rapper tells us … he bought a French Bulldog puppy that was supposed to be shipped to him from Denver Friday, but when it arrived…


Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Delta Airlines Sued for Needle Prick That Forced Passenger to Get HIV Testing

Delta Airlines missed a needle that was left in a seat pocket, and an unsuspecting guest got stuck by it — leading to a year of HIV testing … according to a lawsuit. In docs, Gabriel Ybarra says he was flying from LAX to Atlanta…


Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Spirit Airlines Cancels Flights in Florida, Mass Chaos Erupts

Move over, Florida Man.

Take a seat, Florida Woman.

We need to talk for a moment about… Florida Airport?!?


On Monday, May 8 police officers were called to the Fort Lauderdale–Hollywood International Airport in Fort Lauderdale to deal with mass commotion after a multitude of passengers grew irate over the cancelation of their flights.

"There were several people there that were upset," Broward County Sheriff"s Office spokeswoman Gina Carter told ABC News in response to the incident, adding:

"We were called in to just make sure that things were kept from getting very unruly."

As you can see in the following footage, however, things most definitely became unruly.

Three people were reportedly placed under arrest for their roles in the melee, as angry travelers yelled at staffers while cops tried to restore order.

One witness told ABC"s Florida affiliate WSVN that numerous people were detained.

"I saw two people go down on the floor and get … handcuffed and dragged out of here," said the passenger, who was not named in the report.

Spirit is in the middle of a union dispute with the Airline Pilots Association and its pilots, who refused to fly yesterday of protest.

Said a spokesperson for the company in light of this footage;

"We are shocked and saddened to see the videos of what took place at Ft. Lauderdale/Hollywood International Airport.

"This is a result of unlawful labor activity by some Spirit pilots designed to disrupt Spirit operations for our customers, by canceling multiple flights across our network."

The incident comes at a bad time in general for the airline industry.

Over the past several weeks…

Watch footage of this chaotic airport scene below:

Spirit airlines cancels flights in florida mass chaos erupts

Spirit Airlines Passengers Get Into Huge Brawl After 11 Flights Canceled in Florida (VIDEOS)

Spirit Airlines shoulda seen it coming — a group of angry passengers escalated their rage into a full-on brawl that included cops following the airline’s cancellation of 11 flights at a Florida airport.  The incident went down Monday at…


Friday, May 5, 2017

Virgin Airlines Turns Away 3-Year Old Cancer Patient

To borrow a saying frequently used on Twitter these days, Virgin Airlines has a message for United and Delta:

Hold my beer.

In the wake of the latter two companies embroiling themselves in indefensible scandals, Virgin has gone ahead and committed what might be the worst PR disaster of all.

Virgin Airlines

Billie-Jean Simon tells The Daily Mail Australia that she and her three-year old daughter, Payton, were boarding a Brisbane flight bound for Newcastle last Wednesday.

The pair arrived at the gate on time, but Payton felt sick during boarding and had to be rushed to the bathroom.

The toddler sadly suffers from acute myeloid leukemia and “you just can’t tell a kid to hurry up when they’re being sick,” Billie-Jean’s mother, Tina Mancini, told the newspaper.

This seems like an obvious statement and not much of a controversy, right?

We wish that were the case.

mother, sick child

According to Tina, Billie-Jean and her sick child returned from the bathroom just “one minute” after the cut-off time for boarding.

Billie-Jean explained the situation to the Virgin employees at the gate.

She said that Payton was on her way to receive stem-cell treatment in Newcastle, an appointment she very badly needed to attend after having already endured 16 rounds of chemotherapy at Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital.

This was all relayed to the attendants and “they closed the door in her face,” Tina told Sunshine Coast Daily.

She added that Billie-Jean could “see people still walking down” the tunnel to the airplane.

It was still parked at the gate. The airline very easily could have let Billie-Jean and her CANCER-STRICKEN young daughter on board.

Alas, they stuck to the absolute letter of their law and did not budge on their boarding policy.

cancer patient

“When she asked about the next flight she was told it would be another $ 600, despite having insurance,” Tina explained. “With money so tight at the moment, it just wasn’t something she could afford.”

Therefore, mother and ill child drove until 1 a.m. to reach their destination.

They have since set up a GoFundMe page to help the family with the financial burden of Payton’s disease.

Over the last few weeks, the airline industry has been caught in one public relations humane disaster after another.

You’ve likely read by now about the United Airlines passenger who was bloodied and bruised after getting dragged off an overbooked flight.

But there was also the Delta passenger who got the boot from a plane for using the bathroom while it was still grounded.

And then Delta was at it again just a few days ago when it threatened to jail a mother and father who initially refused to take their very young kids off a plane that, once again, had been overbooked.

Watch their exchange with a flight attendant below: 

But closing the boarding door in the face of a three-year old with cancer?

The competition is stiff, but we need to congratulate Virgin Airlines for this act.

It’s officially the most despicable example of airline company behavior to date!


Wednesday, April 26, 2017

United Airlines Catches More Heat After Would-Be World"s Biggest Rabbit Dies on Flight (PHOTO)

United Airlines is catching more flak this week after a rabbit set to become the world’s biggest bunny died on-board one of its flights. The 3-foot bunny named Simon reportedly died Monday night on a United flight from Heathrow to O’Hare — yes,…


Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Pro Golfer Matt Goggin Blames United Airlines for Broken Clubs, Fears Dao Treatment (PHOTO)

Matt Goggin wants justice for his broken golf clubs — he’s just afraid to demand it from United Airlines for fear of getting manhandled a la Dr. David Dao. The Australian pro golfer’s pissed off about 3 of his clubs getting snapped at the…


Monday, April 24, 2017

Dr. David Dao"s Lawyer from United Incident Now Representing American Airlines Mother (VIDEO)

Dr. David Dao’s lawyer from the United incident is now on board for the mom from the American Airlines incident, but it sounds like this one ain’t going to court. Attorney Tom Demetrio went on “Today” Monday morning to…


Saturday, April 22, 2017

American Airlines Mother Struck By Stroller Tried Fitting Large Buggy On Plane

The mother of twins who was allegedly struck by a stroller by an American Airlines flight attendant tried fitting the double wide buggy on the narrow plane after being asked to leave it off … TMZ has learned. We’re told the woman had the stroller…


American Airlines Employee Hits Woman, Threatens Man Who Defends Her: Watch

Seriously, what is it with airlines and their employees losing their damn minds on flights lately?

Earlier this month, we heard the sad, bizarre story of a United Airlines flight that had gotten overbooked: five passengers were selected at random to leave the plane, and when one man refused, he was brutally beaten.

A few days after that, we heard about a bride and groom who were allegedly removed from a flight to their honeymoon destination.

Even Jenelle Evans jumped on the new trend, claiming that an American Airlines employee assaulted her in an airport.

But right now, American Airlines is under fire again — and there"s a pretty damning video to go along with the allegations.

On a flight yesterday, a mother was boarding a plane with her twin babies and a stroller. A passenger on the flight explains that a flight attendant "violently" took the stroller from her, hitting her and "just missing the baby."

After that, several passengers began taking video — you can see the aftermath of the incident below.

The mother in question stands at the front of the plane, sobbing, and you can hear a man say that he"s "not going to sit here and watch this."

He makes his way to the front as well, and asks for the flight attendant"s name. It"s a little hard to hear what"s being said, as the woman is crying so loudly.

Which, fair — it must be hard enough to fly with two babies, and some guy has to hit her with a stroller?

The flight attendant who did the deed returns to the plane to talk to the pilot, and the man who"d been asking for his name confronts him.


"Hey bud," he tells him. "You do that to me and I"ll knock you flat."

The attendant first tells him to stay out of it, but then he charges towards him, saying "try it, hit me, hit me," over and over.

The pilot and another employee diffuse the situation, and as they"re leading the flight attendant away again, he tells the man "you don"t know the whole story," which doesn"t exactly make a ton of sense.

The man, rightfully so, says "I don"t need to know the whole story, you almost hurt a baby."

American Airlines has already released a statement about the incident, and they say that they"ve started an investigation.

The flight attendant has been removed from duty for the time being, and the woman and her family were upgraded to first class for the rest of their trip.

Watch the absolute madness in the video below:

American airlines employee hits woman threatens man who defends

American Airlines Flight Attendant Strikes Mother of Twins with Stroller (VIDEO)

An all-out brawl almost erupted on an American Airlines jet after a flight attendant allegedly struck a woman juggling her twins with a stroller and an angry passenger jumped to her defense. It went down Friday night at San Francisco International…


Monday, April 17, 2017

United Airlines Removes Bride and Groom-to-Be from Plane (But Why?!?)

We have some good news and some bad news for United Airlines.

First, the good: the company has gone multiple days without beating up any paying customers.

But now the bad: the company made news once again over the weekend for alleged mistreatment of two passengers.

United Airlines planes

In this instance, an engaged couple was on board a United Airlines flight, heading from Houston to Costa Rica for their wedding.

Michael Hohl and Amber Maxwell tell KHOU that they were the last ones to board their plane and that they came across a sleeping man, draped across their assigned seats, upon arrival.

In response, Michael and Amber moved a few rows up in the economy cabin and asked if they could pay on the spot for seats in the Economy Plus section.

They were denied by flight attendants, who told the couple to return to their original seats.

“We thought not a big deal, it’s not like we are trying to jump up into a first-class seat,” Hohl explained to KHOU, adding:

“We were simply in an economy row a few rows above our economy seat.”


This is where details become murky, however.

The engaged twosome allege that a federal marshal escorted them from the plane due to their refusal to seat in the seats to which they were assigned.

But United says this simply isn’t true, releasing a statement that details how Michael and Amber “repeatedly attempted to sit in upgraded seating which they did not purchase and they would not follow crew instructions to return to their assigned seats.

“They were asked to leave the plane by our staff and complied.”

This statement from a United Airlines spokeswoman says the company offered the couple a discounted hotel rate for the night, and rebooked them on a Sunday morning flight.

united tickets

So there seems to be some disagreement here in regard to what transpired.

But the PR disaster is obviously not on the level of what happened between United and a doctor named David Dao.

As has been well documented by now, Dao was one of four passengers on a flight from Chicago to Louisville last week who was chosen at random to give up his seat because United had overbooked his flight.

When Dao refused to do so, he was dragged away against his will and the following video has turned United into an ongoing punchline:

After the incident triggered international outrage, United CEO Oscar Munoz apologized to Dao, his family and its customers, saying the carrier would no longer use law enforcement officers to remove passengers from overbooked flights.

(What a novel concept, huh?)

“I continue to be disturbed by what happened on this flight and I deeply apologize to the customer forcibly removed and to all the customers aboard,” Munoz said in a public Mea Culpa, days after his initial apologies were considered tone deaf and insensitive.

“No one should ever be mistreated this way.”

munoz statement

Dao is almost assuredly set to file a lawsuit against United Airlines.

We expect the company to settle for a hefty sum and for the carrier to eventually be renamed Dao Airlines.

Just kidding. But only a little bit.

This doctor is about to absolutely own that place.


Thursday, April 13, 2017

American Airlines Sued for Racism On Heels of United"s PR Nightmare

Move over, United … American Airlines has its own mess to deal with after a 75-year-old pastor claims AA blocked him from a flight just because he’s Korean. Benny Shin filed a lawsuit Thursday barely 2 hours after Dr. David Dao’s…


TMZ Live: United Airlines Passenger: Blockbuster News Conference

ON TODAY’S SHOW Charlie Murphy: His Final Days Kendall Jenner Back In Action After Pepsi Fiasco Survivor: Trans Contestant Outed On Show Kelly Rowland Ambushed By Protestors


David Dao to United Airlines: Prepare to PAY UP!

WARNING to all future United Airlines passengers:

Expect all upcoming luggage fees to increase by approximately 750%.

The company is about to be in need of vast sums of money…

At a press conference this afternoon, lawyer Tom Demetrio spoke on behalf of Dr. David Dao, the 69-year old passenger who was violently dragged off a United flight on Sunday night.

As most of the free world has likely read all about by now, Dao refused to give up the seat he paid for while traveling from Chicago to Louisville.

Because United had overbooked this flight, and no one had accepted the $ 800 offered to change their travel plans, the airline chose four individuals at random to leave the plane and take a later flight instead.

Dao was one of the people selected and asked to get off the plane.

He said he had patients to see early Monday morning, however, and remained in his seat.

Until, that is, Chicago police officers were called in… tried to talk to Dao reasonably… and then said they were forced to do THIS: 

Because fellow passengers captured the incident on their cellphones, the above footage quickly went viral.

As did the associated outrage.

It didn’t help his company’s cause when the United CEO offered up one of the lamest apologies of all-time, saying his airline has to “re-accommodate” customers from time to time.

That may be the case, Demetrio told the press today, but not in the manner as happened with Dao.

“If you’re going to eject a passenger, under no circumstances can it be done with unreasonable force or violence. That’s the law,” he said.

“For a long time, airlines – United, in particular – have bullied us. … We want respect and we want dignity. That’s it. Not a big deal.”

Dao was taken to a hospital as a result of his one-sided confrontation with the police.

Demetrio explained today that his client suffered a “significant concussion, a broken nose and sinus injuries.”

He also said Dao, who was released from the hospital last night, lost two front teeth and will be undergoing “reconstructive surgery.” 

So, naturally, Dao plans on suing United, right?

The assumption is that the company will be forced to pay millions of dollars in some kind of settlement.

“We’re not ready to sue. We’re doing our due diligence,” Demetrio said, although he was quick to add that a lawsuit basically is coming and ‘will be filed in Cook County.”

The attorney further said that Dao had conveyed to him that he was on a boat out of Vietnam after the 1975 fall of Saigon, and “being dragged down the aisle was more horrifying and harrowing than what he experienced in Vietnam.”

That’s fantastic. We love it. We’re in awe.

We’re not trying to downplay the trauma of what Dao went through on board that plane, but come on.

That’s just a tailor made quote to tell the public as a way to pressure United into forking over a whole lot of cash.

Dao “has no interest in ever seeing an airplane again” and will likely take a car home to Kentucky, the lawyer said, adding that his client has “absolutely zippo” memory of the incident.

The doctor himself previously spoke briefly to a news outlet in Louisville, saying “everything” was hurting.

After issuing one tone deaf statement after another, United CEO Oscar Munoz finally came out on Tuesday and made a full-fledged mea culpa.

“The truly horrific event that occurred on this flight has elicited many responses from all of us: outrage, anger, disappointment. I share all of those sentiments, and above all: my deepest apologies for what happened,” Munoz said, adding:

“Like you, I continue to be disturbed by what happened on this flight and I deeply apologize to the customer forcibly removed and to all the customers aboard.

“No one should ever be mistreated this way.”

munoz statement

One of Dao’s five children, Crystal, also talked to reporters today.

She said the entire family was “horrified and shocked and sickened” by the footage of her dad getting dragged off the flight.

Dao’s attorneys, meanwhile, have already filed documents in Chicago, demanding United preserve all evidence and personnel records related to his incident.

It sucks Dao had to go through this.

But he is about to be a VERY rich man.


United Airlines Passenger Stung by Scorpion

Another attack on a United Airlines flight, and this time it was a scorpion that got its revenge on a passenger. Richard Bell was on a flight from Houston to Calgary Sunday when a scorpion reportedly fell from an overhead bin and stung him. The…


Wednesday, April 12, 2017

United Airlines CEO Says Cops Will Never Remove a Booked Passenger Again (VIDEO)

United’s CEO, Oscar Munoz, is vowing cops will never board another one of his flights to remove a booked passenger again. Munoz also apologized again to Dr. David Dao, his family and all passengers who witnessed the now…


United Airlines Victim: EVERYthing Hurts!

David Dao, the 69-year old doctor from Kentucky who was dragged off a United Airlines flight against his will on Sunday night, has finally spoken out.

Talking to Louisville affiliate WLKY, Dao said he’s recovering from his injuries in a Chicago hospital and that “everything” hurts at the moment.

Added attorney Stephen Golan, whose name will likely surface often in the weeks ahead when Dao undoubtedly sues United for a kajillion dollars:

“The family of Dr. Dao wants the world to know that they are very appreciative of the outpouring of prayers, concern and support they have received.

“Currently, they are focused only on Dr. Dao’s medical care and treatment.”

By now, of course, you are likely familiar with Dao’s story:

He was violently removed from an aircraft at O’Hare International Airport after he refused to volunteer to give up his seat on an overbooked flight.

United had offered up to $ 1,000 to any individual who was willing to take a later flight to Kentucky and then randomly selected a quartet of passengers after no volunteers emerged.

After Dao refused to leave the plane, employees contacted members of the Chicago Police Department, who dragged Dao away, opening up a wound on his lip at the very least.

“He was bleeding,” said passenger Jayse Anspach, one of several witnesses who filmed the ugly incident. “He hit his face when they initially dragged him off.”

Shortly after footage of the physical, one-sided confrontation (below) went viral, United Airlines CEO Oscar Munoz made things worse.

He Tweeted a lame apology that referred to Dao’s removal from the plane as an example of how the company must sometimes “re-accommodate” passengers.

“Our team is moving with the sense of urgency to work with the authorities and conduct our own detailed review of what happened,” Munoz added at first.

“We are also reaching out to this passenger to talk directly to him and further address and resolve the situation.”

This message was not received very well by the public.

Munoz also wrote an email to employees that went viral, actually complimenting how they handled the awkward situation.

In this email, Munoz describes Dao as acting “disruptive and belligerent” while telling his staff the following:

“I emphatically stand behind all of you, and I want to commend you for continuing to go above and beyond to ensure we fly right.

“As you will read, this situation was unfortunately compounded when one of the passengers we politely asked to deplane refused and it become necessary to contact Chicago Aviation Security Officers to help.”

You can read the full email below:

oscar statement

Also lambasted on social media for this note to employees, Munoz tried to make amends once again on Tuesday.

He vowed that the company will  “do better” when it comes to overbooking flights, adding in the first statement that made him sound like an actual human being:

The truly horrific event that occurred on this flight has elicited many responses from all of us: outrage, anger, disappointment.

I share all of those sentiments, and above all: my deepest apologies for what happened.

Continued to CEO:

Like you, I continue to be disturbed by what happened on this flight and I deeply apologize to the customer forcibly removed and to all the customers aboard.

No one should ever be mistreated this way.

Thank you! Would that really have been so hard to come out and say right after this happened?

munoz statement

In other news semi-related to this heinous occurrence, TMZ has learned that Dao had his medical license suspended for many years after being convicted of drug trafficking.

He also admitted to accepting sexual favors from a colleague in exchange for forgiving a debt she owed him.

Not very cool at all of the doctor, but not relevant to this situation in any real way.

Dao’s sordid history doesn’t mean United treated him fairly; it’s not as though the company was even aware of his past, or that professional mistakes from a decade prior should be considered in regard to what transpired on Sunday.

Oh, and United is also the airline that banned a 10-year old girl from boarding a flight because she was wearing leggings at the gate.

Really, this happened:

Come fly the friendly skies, huh, United?

We assume you were going for irony with this motto.
