Showing posts with label Assaulted. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Assaulted. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Massage Envy Sued by Woman Who Claims Therapist Sexually Assaulted Her and Others

Massage Envy kept a male therapist on staff with a history of sexual assaults, and he ended up ruining another woman’s life because of it … according to a new lawsuit. A married Washington D.C. woman — who’s filed as Jane Doe — claims she…


Saturday, September 16, 2017

Mario Lopez Assaulted at Vegas Spa ... Cops Called

Mario Lopez got assaulted by a fellow spa goer who smashed his phone and got so aggressive cops had to be called. Sources tell us Mario was working out at the Planet Hollywood Spa by Mandara in Vegas Friday and as he was leaving the bathroom in…


Friday, May 26, 2017

Stevie J Claims Joseline Hernandez Assaulted Him with Hot Mushrooms

Stevie J says Joseline Hernandez put a new twist on her attacks on him — this time her weapon of choice was, no joke … a bowl of hot mushrooms. The alleged fungi fling went down May 10 at Seasons 52 Restaurant in Atlanta. According…


Stevie J Claims Joseline Hernandez Assaulted Him with Hot Mushrooms

Stevie J says Joseline Hernandez put a new twist on her attacks on him — this time her weapon of choice was, no joke … a bowl of hot mushrooms. The alleged fungi fling went down May 10 at Seasons 52 Restaurant in Atlanta. According…


Thursday, May 11, 2017

Conrad Hilton Goes Off in Court, "I Got Assaulted, Objection!" (VIDEO)

Conrad Hilton’s not getting out of jail anytime soon, but he was back in court Thursday morning and once again … unleashed an angry rant. Paris Hilton’s younger bro was facing the judge in connection with his arrest last weekend outside E.G.…


Saturday, April 15, 2017

Jenelle Evans: Hey, I Was Assaulted by an Airline, Too!

Jenelle Evans has quite the story to tell.

Because hey, you know the story of United Airlines and David Dao?

David is a doctor, and he boarded a flight on United Airlines from Chicago to Louisville earlier this week. Everyone hopped on the plane before it was announced that the flight was overbooked, and five passengers would have to leave.

After no one volunteered, five people were chosen at random, and while four of them left willingly, David, the fifth passenger, refused because, as a doctor, he has several appointments the next day and couldn’t reschedule his flight.

United called the police, they violently removed David from the plane, and the story immediately went viral. It’s pretty much all anyone’s been able to talk about for the past several days.

“OK,” you may be thinking, “but what does any of this have to do with Jenelle Evans, everyone’s favorite Teen Mom trainwreck?”

And the answer, friends, is that is has everything to do with Jenelle.

See, Jenelle and her boyfriend, David Eason, went on yet another vacation this week.

They left their new baby, Ensley, and Jenelle’s two-year-old son Kaiser behind so they could take the oldest kids, Jace and David’s daughter Maryssa, to an Ariana Grande concert.

They flew American Airlines, and we know that because on April 13th, Jenelle tweeted the following message:

“After letting the manager know at @AmericanAir I was rudely treated. Was assaulted at the airport. Tried to grab my phone out of my hands!”

It’s hard to know exactly what she means here because Jenelle isn’t the best at communicating — was the phone thing the assault here? Was being “rudely treated” the assault? Was she actually assaulted?

Considering her criminal record, you’d think she’d be a little clearer on this point.

American Airlines responded to her tweet, telling her “Your comments concern us, Jenelle. Please DM us with your record locator and details.”

We assume she did DM them, because we haven’t heard anything else about the situation, and she even deleted the original message.

But someone did tell her “Sounds like you were on United Airlines” and she responded with “Lmao for real… people need to stop the madness!”, and that exchange is still up.

OK, now look, we don’t want to say that Jenelle could be lying for attention …

But her followers are more than willing to say so.

When one of her less assuming fans told Jenelle to let everyone know how things turn out, another replied “What happened is that she lied. She lies about everything.”

Another theorized “Jenelle just needs to make sure she has income after MTV fires her so this will be her new job of suing companies!”

“She does this same exact thing every single time she flies,” one person wrote. “By the way it’s karma because she treats everyone badly.”

If Jenelle really was assaulted at the airport, then we feel for her and hope that she gets justice or acknowledgement or whatever it is she wants from this.

And we’ll just leave it at that.


Thursday, December 22, 2016

Brazzers Fires Producer Who Allegedly Assaulted Porn Star Nikki Benz During Sex Scene

A porn studio fired a longtime producer after its star actress, Nikki Benz, accused him of stomping on her head and choking her out during a shoot … but the guy’s calling BS. Brazzers – a porn production company — tells TMZ ……


Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Feminist Claims She Was Sexually Assaulted in Virtual Reality

Jordan Belamire has been sexually assaulted three times in her life, she says. Twice in real life, specifically, and once in virtual reality. 

Belamire (an alias) says she was playing a game, QuiVr, on her brother-in-law’s HTC Vive VR system when she was sexually assaulted.

She’s not saying she was assaulted in the room while playing the game, she’s claiming she was violated in the virtual world of the game.

VR Player

According to Belamire, she was shooting zombies with strangers in QuiVr’s multiplayer mode when another player began to rub her chest.

Virtually, but she says it was just as bad as the “real” thing.

“I’ve been groped in real life, once in a Starbucks in broad daylight. I know what it’s like to happen in person,” Belamire, 30, told CNN.

“The shock and disgust I felt was not too far off from that.”

Another user, BigBro442, had caught on that she was a woman because her mic streamed her voice through to the virtual world. 

Belamire yelled “Stop!” as BigBro442 grabbed her.

VR Playa

That only made the bad situation worse, she said, as “he chased me around, making grabbing and pinching motions near my chest.”

“Emboldened, he even shoved his hand toward my virtual crotch and began rubbing,” she wrote in a post that has gone viral online.

Not everyone is buying into her claim that this is assault.

“Please explain how someone can be assaulted in any form in VR. This seems to be someone whining just to whine,” said one commenter.

Belamire temporarily suspended her Twitter as a result. 

Saying she is “more disturbed by the backlash than the VR incident itself,” she says she rejects the idea that this is someone harmless.

“It’s not real, therefore it’s OK; this is the amoral substructure of gaming culture,” wrote sociologist and gaming critic Katherine Cross.

“This, more than anonymity, is the source of much gender and racial harassment on the internet,” she says in her essay, “Ethics for Cyborgs.”

Other women have described similar experiences in VR.

“I still tensed up and felt uncomfortable, and removing the headset didn’t take that feeling away,” says one gamer of her own harassment.

Indeed, Belamire told CNN that the hand that stroked her body felt “very lifelike. You can make the fingers move in really realistic ways.” 

No, it’s not the same thing as real life, but it has an impact, she says, and one that’s severe enough that it should be taken very seriously.

Some industry critics suggest that there needs to be a code of conduct in VR since its psychological effects are still new and unknown.

Do you agree that this problem needs real monitoring?

Or is this much ado about (sorry) virtually nothing?


Thursday, August 25, 2016

Derick Dillard on El Salvador: People Get Sexually Assaulted Down Here!

Even if you’re not a fan of the family or its reality shows, you’ve probably heard about the Josh Duggar sex scandals.

In case you somehow missed it (or managed to successfully block it out of your memory), here’s a brief rundown:

Don’t click on that after eating, or before bed, or any other time that you don’t want to be exposed to nightmare fuel more potent than anything Stephen King could dream up on his best day.

Anyway, Josh won’t appear on Counting On, because even the Duggars occasionally demonstrate good sense.

So why are talking just days after the show kicked off its second season?

Well, it all has to do with a newly-released “extended trailer” for Counting On Season 2.

You see, Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard recently returned to Arkansas after a year of missionary work in Central America.

Part of the reason for that is that they’ve apparently decided El Salvador is simply not a safe place to raise a family.

Derick explains why in the clip below:

“There are a lot of dangerous realities that do come with living in a place like Central America,” Der tells the camera.

“Kidnappings, rape, murder – those are realities that everyone here has to face on a daily basis.”

He went on to say that we should build a wall around El Salvador and make their government pay for it.

Okay, we may have made that last part up.

And Derick’s point is a valid one in that there is more violent crime in many South and Central American countries than in the US.

Even so, it’s not hard to see why some fans were upset by his remarks.

The man is sitting next to his wife, who was molested by Josh Duggar, and saying that he’s looking forward to returning home because people get sexually assaulted in these parts, by golly!

It’s another indication that for all their lip service regarding the seriousness of Josh’s crimes, the Duggars and the men who married into the Duggar family aren’t really cognizant of the fact that they live with a child molester who evaded the authorities with the help of his parents.

If they really internalized that, there would be no way that they wouldn’t be seething with anger at Josh and Michelle and Jim Bob for helping him get away with his crimes.

And there’s no way that Derick would sit there and bemoan the prevalence of unpunished sexual assault in El Salvador.

Watch Counting On online at TV Fanatic for more obliviousness from the Dugz.

Derick Dillard on El Salvador: People Get Sexually Assaulted Down Here!

Even if you’re not a fan of the family or its reality shows, you’ve probably heard about the Josh Duggar sex scandals.

In case you somehow missed it (or managed to successfully block it out of your memory), here’s a brief rundown:

Don’t click on that after eating, or before bed, or any other time that you don’t want to be exposed to nightmare fuel more potent than anything Stephen King could dream up on his best day.

Anyway, Josh won’t appear on Counting On, because even the Duggars occasionally demonstrate good sense.

So why are talking just days after the show kicked off its second season?

Well, it all has to do with a newly-released “extended trailer” for Counting On Season 2.

You see, Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard recently returned to Arkansas after a year of missionary work in Central America.

Part of the reason for that is that they’ve apparently decided El Salvador is simply not a safe place to raise a family.

Derick explains why in the clip below:

“There are a lot of dangerous realities that do come with living in a place like Central America,” Der tells the camera.

“Kidnappings, rape, murder – those are realities that everyone here has to face on a daily basis.”

He went on to say that we should build a wall around El Salvador and make their government pay for it.

Okay, we may have made that last part up.

And Derick’s point is a valid one in that there is more violent crime in many South and Central American countries than in the US.

Even so, it’s not hard to see why some fans were upset by his remarks.

The man is sitting next to his wife, who was molested by Josh Duggar, and saying that he’s looking forward to returning home because people get sexually assaulted in these parts, by golly!

It’s another indication that for all their lip service regarding the seriousness of Josh’s crimes, the Duggars and the men who married into the Duggar family aren’t really cognizant of the fact that they live with a child molester who evaded the authorities with the help of his parents.

If they really internalized that, there would be no way that they wouldn’t be seething with anger at Josh and Michelle and Jim Bob for helping him get away with his crimes.

And there’s no way that Derick would sit there and bemoan the prevalence of unpunished sexual assault in El Salvador.

Watch Counting On online at TV Fanatic for more obliviousness from the Dugz.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Kelly Osbourne: I Was Sexually Assaulted in a Bar!

Kelly Osbourne was involved in a bizarre incident in a Los Angeles bar last week, and some witnesses are claiming the 31-year-old media personality was publicly groped by a stranger in public. 

It’s unclear exactly what happened, as several bar patrons have offered conflicting stories, and an unsettling number of them seem inexplicably fixated on Kelly’s level of intoxication.

According to Radar Online, the incident occurred while Osbourne was hanging out with a friend at the Sunset Marquis Hotel on June 16.

“Kelly seemed wasted drunk and she was screaming and causing a scene,” one eyewitness tells Radar.

“She was with a group of people in a VIP area when she had this meltdown. People definitely noticed!”

“She was happy and celebrating,” a different onlooker counters.

“She was absolutely not thrown out of the bar.”

A third patron offers a possible explanation for the conflicting nature of the first two stories with this account:

“Kelly was having a calm night with her friends when a guy in the bar tried to put his hand up her skirt. Some heated words were exchanged, and it’s no wonder. She’s an Osbourne!”

Well, we don’t think you have to be an Osbourne to get upset when you’re sexually assaulted, particularly when the violation happens in public, and every witness is more concerned with how drunk you are.

Kelly has been back in the tabloids in recent weeks as a result of Ozzy Osbourne’s affair with Michelle Pugh.

Kelly has taken the controversial stance that her father is not to blame, and is in fact a victim of elder abuse.

Earlier this month, Kelly posted Pugh’s phone number on Twitter, in a move that many decried as a shameful act of cyberbullying.

We may never know exactly what happened last week, but it’s clearly another strange chapter in the increasingly bizarre life of Kelly Osbourne.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

12 Celebrities Who Have Been Sexually Assaulted

These celebrities comprise a list that no one wants to be on.

Each has been a victim of sexual assault and our heart goes out to each one…

1. Oprah Winfrey

Oprah winfrey

The talk show icon has been open about the fact that she was raped by a relative at the age of nine.

2. Lady Gaga

Lady gaga

In December 2014, Lady Gaga told Howard Stern that she was raped by an older record producer when she was 19 years old. The artist’s single, “Swine,” is about the incident and she has gone on to become a spokesperson about sexual assault awareness.

3. Gabrielle Union

Gabrielle union

Gabrielle Union was also 19 years old when she raped while working at a shoe store.

4. Teri Hatcher

Teri hatcher

Teri Hatcher was raped by her uncle when she was only five years old. In 2002, she testified against the relative and helped sentence to 14 years in prison.

5. Ashley Judd

Ashley judd

Ashley Judd wrote in her memoir, “All That Is Bitter and Sweet,” that she was the victim of rape and incest. The incidents took place when she was a child.

6. Tyler Perry

Tyler perry

Actor, writer and director Tyler Perry has said he was raped by the mother of a childhood friend; she held him hostage in her house until he had sex with her.

View Slideshow

Monday, January 11, 2016

Josh Duggar to Danica Dillon: You Can"t PROVE I Assaulted You!

As his court battle with Danica Dillon draws closer, Josh Duggar’s lawyers are doing everything in their power to try and discredit  the former adult film star.

Dillon claims Duggar paid her for sex, then manhandled and verbally abused in her such a way that she suffered physical injuries and permanent emotional trauma.

Duggar now claims he’s never even met Dillon, and his attorneys reportedly plan to argue that she’s extorting their client in hopes that he’ll pay her off in order to avoid further negative publicity.

Josh claims he has photographic proof that he was not with Dillon on the day in question, but clearly his lawyers aren’t taking any chances, as they’ve asked the judge to make Dillon furnish evidence that she was abused before the trial proceeds.

On Friday, Duggar’s lawyers filed papers with the following request:

Presumably, if this matter is of such importance to her that she would file a public complaint, make accusations about Defendant on national television and demand more than half a million dollars, producing some documentation of her losses and injuries and the names of people who have knowledge about her allegations within the time set by this Court and required by its rules should be feasible.”

Legal experts say Josh’s lawyers were hoping to stop the proceedings before they even reach the pre-trial conference stage, but it seems the judge wasn’t having it.

The motion was rejected, and both parties are still scheduled to come face-to-face for a conference that’s scheduled for January 21.

You can expect Josh’s lawyers to continue pulling out all the stops between now and then.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Kendall & Kylie Jenner: Assaulted With Eggs in Australia!

It’s been an odd couple of days for the world’s most famous social media stars.

First we had Kendall and Kylie Jenner making out on Snapchat. Now comes the bizarre news that the sisters nearly wound up with egg on their faces during an appearance in Australia last night.

Yes, according to TMZ, an angry Aussie woman threw eggs at Kylie and Kendall while they were promoting their clothing line in Sydney. 

Sources say the sisters were safely whisked away from the scene, and the 30-year-old yolkster was promptly arrested.

Thankfully, the woman responsible had weak aim, and the projectiles reportedly splattered on the stage, several feet from where Kylie and Kendall were standing.

This isn’t the first time that a member of the Kardashian-Jenner clan has been subjected to a scary “prank” from an unstable weirdo.

Last year, Kim Kardashian was tackled at a Paris Fashion Week event by some D-bag who considers himself a comedian.

Shortly thereafter, Kris Jenner lashed out against pranksters after being subjected to a series of “jokes” that many would consider criminal harassment. 

As for the Aussie egg-tosser, she reportedly spit on police after she was arrested, so she may not have to worry about seeing the Kard clan on TV for quite some time.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Ariana Grande Gets (Sort Of) Assaulted on Stage

Remember when Ariana Grande and Justin Bieber teamed up for a weird video in which they tried to be funy in order to promote a bonus track on the latter"s new album?

That was awkward.

And so was this:

The 22-year old pop singer was in the middle of a concert on the Honda Stage at the iHeartRadio Theater in Burbank… when someone in the audience hurled a phone on stage.

As you can see here, no one was injured. And Grande handled it like a seasoned professional, even making a joke about the odd incident.

"Did someone throw a phone at me?" she asked. "Did someone just throw a phone on stage? That"s so dangerous. What if your screen cracked?"

It"s a good point and a good question, isn"t it?

Perhaps the fan just wanted Grande to snap a selfie and throw it back to him or her.

"Whose is this? Is this yours" Grande asked the crowd, holding the device. "Be careful. Take your phone back."

Perhaps Ariana has come a long way after she got into hot water for not handling the sight of a donut very well this summer, licking it and slamming America in the process.

During the concert, the artist – who sported a stitched mouth get-up for Halloween – also revealed that actor Jamie Foxx is the man behind the mystery voice in "Focus."

Watch the phone-hurling take place here and give Grande credit for just brushing it off.

(Note to fans attending future concerts for any singer or band: do not throw your phone on stage at any time. It"s just not a smart idea.)

Ariana grande gets sort of assaulted on stage