Showing posts with label Baier. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Baier. Show all posts

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Matt Baier: Begging Amber Portwood to Film Sex Tape?!

As we heard just a few days ago, Amber Portwood is considering the possibility of making a sex tape with her sketchy boyfriend, Matt Baier.

We know, we’re still not OK either.

Amber and Matt met with Vivid Entertainment, the same company that sold Farrah Abraham’s sex tape, earlier this month to go over their options.

They have decided what to do about the offer yet, but from the way they’ve been going on about it on social media and in interviews, there’s a good chance they’ll go through with it.

Amber has said that she’s not “strapped for cash,” and that she has “a nice house a nice life. I have everything I need.”

But, she’s quick to add, “I’m a business person.”

And in this new interview Matt did with Us Weekly, he’s pushing the “business” aspect of a sex tape, and he’s pushing it hard.

Matt says that they took the meeting in the first place “because we’re business people and people want to meet with us, and if they’re legitimate people, we’ll take the meeting.”

Like people are knocking down his door for meetings, right? Oh, Matt.

“What I can tell you about the Vivid meeting,” he says, “is that it was incredibly professional.”

“We were shocked at how business-like and professional and low pressure it was. Both of us were extraordinarily flattered to get such a generous offer from Vivid.”

“We never envisioned ourselves as being adult film stars, especially me in any way shape or form,” he continues.

But still, he says he and Amber are happy they took the meeting, because “It was a very good meeting that we really, really enjoyed.”

But was it a good meeting? Was it handled professionally? It wasn’t seedy or anything, was it? It was good?

“As business people,” Matt explains, “Amber and I need to consider every offer we get from every different angle.”

“No matter what offer — we have several offers made to us — we look at it with a pros-and-cons sort of business standpoint.”

Very Important Businessman Matt knows that “there are people in the world who are going to judge us that we even took the meeting.”

But “I can tell you just from having that meeting, Amber and I gained a whole new respect for that industry that we didn’t have before.”

And before you point out that all the Teen Mom OG cast members came down on Farrah for making a sex tape, and Amber and Matt would be ridiculously hypocritical to do the same thing, check yourself.

“Despite our differences with Farrah — and I can only speak for myself — our disagreements with Farrah have nothing to do with the decision she made to do an adult film,” Matt claims.

“I can tell you from getting that offer it’s not an easy decision to make either way.”

“There’s a semblance of respect there that she put herself out there like that,” he adds of Farrah. “That’s the one thing I can say that we agree with Farrah on.”

So it seems like he’s really, really trying to make this sex tape thing happen, doesn’t it?

Not only is he going on about how wonderful and amazing and professional Vivid Entertainment is, he’s also trying to make it seem like making a sex tape is a respectable thing to do.

Which is fine, of course, but let’s not forget how Amber made remarks about Farrah “selling her vagina,” and how she’s nothing like Farrah.

Somebody better warn Amber and Matt about the dangers of living in a glass house.


Thursday, May 25, 2017

Matt Baier: I"m Not a Monster, I"m Just High!

Look, Matt Baier is one of the creepiest characters to ever appear on reality television. That’s just a fact.

And if there were any doubts about that, they should have all been erased after the most recent episode of Teen Mom OG.

In the episode, we saw Matt accompany poor Amber Portwood to Las Vegas to see their friends get married. While they were there, they considered getting married themselves.

Amber decided to call her brother, Shawn, first, and he wasn’t exactly down with the idea of his little sister getting married without her family present.

She agreed, adding that it didn’t feel right to have a wedding without her daughter by her side.

And Matt lost his damn mind.

While speaking to Amber, he went back and forth between guilting her and comforting her when his guilt made her feel bad, but when she stepped away, he went off on a producer.

He said that he would never marry Amber after she humiliated him on TV, and he even claimed she wanted to marry her brother instead of him.

He also called Shawn a “f-cking f—-t,” which is just reprehensible.

For the entire episode, Matt’s behavior was alarming and inexcusable, but in a shocking new interview, he admits there’s a reason for it all.

Earlier this year, he relapsed.

Matt, who’s said that he used to be addicted to the same things Amber was addicted to, tells People that “I had a drug relapse this year for the first time with prescription pills.”

He says that for around two months he was “taking a good amount of pills and I was killing the pain,” and that things got out of control — and the Vegas trip was in the middle of that period.

When he saw the episode, he says he cried, because “That person that I was watching was not me, it’s not who I am. I remember getting really upset and I felt a lot of shame.”

“Also, what I said is completely not how I feel and also it didn’t make sense. I do know that I allowed myself to have my buttons pushed that day, I just don’t remember it all that well.”

“They just caught me on a really bad day.”

He adds that “When I saw that piece of tape I had no idea that even existed — that wasn’t me. I completely blacked out. I was selfish. I was rambling.”

“I was not remembering something we had filmed just 20 minutes prior. I was in a really, really bad place.”

It’s a little confusing, because he says he blacked out and doesn’t remember anything, and even at the time he couldn’t remember things that had happened minutes before.

But in the episode, we see him going to a producer a while after his claims that he would never marry Amber and begging her to get the footage erased.

Specifically, he urged her to offer “oral pleasures” to someone who could get rid of the footage.

Also, in Monday’s aftershow, he didn’t mention the relapse at all. In that version of events, he was “95% joking,” or he was heartbroken about not being able to marry Amber right then.

But anyway.

Matt says that it was only a short while into his relapse before Amber figured out that something was up, and when he told her the extent of things, she advised him to “get help immediately.”

“Amber is supportive, but she can be stern when it comes to stuff like this — she was pretty firm about it,” he recalls.

One thing he wants to make clear is that he never took his pills when Amber’s daughter, Leah, was around because “I would never — I never did drugs around my kids.”

He says that he went to a program, got sober again, and “Now I have zero desire for it.”


If all of this is true, then Amber really needs to consider moving on from him, no matter how supportive she may be. She had a very serious problem with her addiction, and it would be dangerous for her to be around this.

But on the other hand, if Matt is making this story up for some reason … well, she still needs to consider moving on.

Basically, just run, Amber. Run hard, run fast, and don’t look back.


Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Amber Portwood: It"s MTV"s Fault Matt Baier Looks Like a Douche!

If you watch Teen Mom online, you’re probably aware that Amber Portwood and Matt Baier are going through a bit of a rough patch.

And by “rough patch,” we mean if Amber’s got any sense, Matt’s currently packing up his Tom Brady jerseys and Spinal Tap collectibles in order to haul his sorry deadbeat ass back to Boston.

Portwood and Baier have called off their wedding, but it’s unclear if they’re still together as a couple.

Matt’s given Amber plenty of reasons to kick him to the curb, but lately, he seems to be making a real case for himself as the worst boyfriend in the history of the Teen Mom franchise.

(And as fans know, that’s no easy feat.)

In addition to the fact that we now have real reason to believe that Matt cheated on Amber, he’s now pressuring her to get married ASAP, a move that smacks of the most shameless kind of golddigging.

Fans were stunned when Matt swore he would “never” marry Amber if she didn’t agree to a quickie wedding in Vegas.

After that exchange, fans assumed there was no way Amber could continue to overlook Matt’s many glaring flaws.

But denial is a powerful thing, and it seems it’s also Amber’s drug of choice these days.

Baier and Portwood appeared on the Teen Mom: OG after-show this week, and a fan in the audience tells The Ashley’s Reality Roundup that Amber went on a wild rant that never made it to air:

“Amber totally called out MTV and went off on a total rant for like 10 minutes,” the audience member tells The Ashley.

“It came right after the part where she says that no one can make her do or say anything for the cameras, but they cut out what she said next.”

According to the anonymous onlooker, the bulk of Amber’s rage was directed not at Matt, but at MTV:

“She was more mad at them for trying to start something with her brother,” the audience member says.

“That really pissed her off and she said that they keep trying to ‘f**k with her and her family.’”

And like every Teen Mom star, Amber is convinced that MTV needs her more than she needs MTV:

“She even said, ‘They’re going to edit all this out but f**k MTV! She kept saying she has other deals in the works, and other people want her, and that MTV should just fire her but they won’t because they need her.”

Matt, of course, was quick to jump right on the “poin the finger at MTV” bandwagon:

“Matt basically blamed MTV for why he got mad in the clip,” the audience member said.

“He said he knew they’d take their great trip and just use that one part where she doesn’t want to marry him and make it look like she didn’t want to be with him. They both said that MTV was trying to screw them over.”

Sigh. Someday reality stars will understand that no one wants to see the “fun,” uneventful parts of their trip.

Showing a very different side on social media, Amber insisted that if she had heard Matt saying he’d lost interest in marrying her, she would have reacted quite differently:

“Yeah wish he would have said that to me!! Lol good thing he whispered it to her because I don’t mess around with comments like that!!”

Sure you don’t, Amber. Sure you don’t.


Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Amber Portwood: Did She Finally Dump Matt Baier?!

If you watched last night’s episode of Teen Mom: OG, you know that it featured what may have been the rock bottom moment in the relationship between Amber Portwood and Matt Baier.

The Mamber relationship has basically been one long rough patch, but lately things have really come to a head, and the consensus amongst fans is that Matt might be taking his dead beat ass back to Boston in the very near future.

In Monday night’s installment, Matt and Amber traveled to Las Vegas to help friends of theirs scout locations for their upcoming wedding.

Sensing an opportunity to legally secure his place aboard the Amber gravy train, Baier started pressuring Portwood to elope.

Matt wound up losing it when she hesitated and eventually told one of the show’s producers that he would “never” marry Amber.

Sort of an odd reaction to someone not wanting to get married quickly enough for you, but it looks like Matt’s getting his wish.

Portwood has called off the wedding, but not as a result of Baier’s shady Vegas shenanigans.

No, her decision is a result of Baier failing a lie detector test designed to determine whether or not he’s ever cheated on her.

So yeah, it took the emergence of what is very nearly conclusive evidence that Matt has been unfaithful for Amber to push the wedding back.

What’s truly amazing about all of this is that she might not have even gone so far as to break up with him.

According to The Ashley’s Reality Roundup, Matt and Amber are definitely still living together.

(Matt has even used Amber’s house as his home address in some recently filed legal documents.)

However, a tweet posted by Amber during last night’s episode has given fans new reason to be hopeful:

“I think a lot of people will be shocked this season. But I feel vindicated!! #trustedmyinstincts love always,” Portwood wrote.

A lot of fans have pointed out that that makes it sound very much like Amber has finally cut ties with Matt.

Unfortunately, what’s been going on in their lives these past few days hasn’t been captured by MTV cameras, so unless Amber goes into greater detail, it may be quite some time before we find out what’s going on with any certainty.


Monday, May 22, 2017

Farrah Abraham Comments on Amber Portwood-Matt Baier Breakup

We learned last week that Amber Portwood and Matt Baier have called off their wedding.

It remains unclear if Amber dumped Matt (as so many fans are hoping), or if she simply pushed back the exchange of vows in order to determine if he’s really the man she thought he was.

Whatever the case, all is certainly not well in Mamber Land.

And wherever one of her co-stars is having a difficult time, you can be sure Farrah Abraham will pop up to rub salt in their wounds and throw her unique brand of semi-coherent shade.

Farrah and Amber have been feuding for months now, and things have escalated well beyond the smack talk and social media burns that usually characterize reality star beefs.

Abraham and Portwood’s cold war heated up in a hurry when Baier attacked Farrah’s dad during the filming of last season’s Teen Mom: OG reunion show.

We generally don’t side with Farrah as a rule, but in this case, her team was definitely in the right.

Regardless of who said what during the taping, Baier overstepped his bounds by making it physical, and it seems that all these months later, the bad blood between Farrah and Amber is just as real as ever.

Asked about her feelings on Amber’s relationship woes on social media, Farrah responded with two words that speak volumes about her feelings on the Portwood-Baier romance:

“Not surprised,” she wrote.

Yes, like so many of us, Farrah is “not surprised” that Amber is finally waking up to how shady her fiance is.

We were hoping for more creative trash talk, but this is Farrah, so a thread of angry tweets probably isn’t far off.

Amber made tabloid headlines back in March, when she invited Farrah to her wedding, but obviously, she won’t be attending for a number of reasons.

For one thing, she publicly rebuked Amber’s invitation.

On top of that – it’s looking more and more like the wedding will never happen.

Amber and Matt say they’re just taking a break to figure out where they stand.

But it’s tough to imagine them getting back together and then abruptly getting hitched.

We think Farrah may have gotten the last laugh on this one.


Friday, May 19, 2017

Amber Portwood & Matt Baier: The Wedding Is Off, But We"re Still Together!

Amber Portwood and Matt Baier seem to be in a very confused state these days.

It’s tough to figure out exactly what’s going on between them, because as far as we can tell, Matt and Amber don’t even know if they’re together or not.

The latest of many rough patches began when Baier failed a lie detector, leading Amber to believe he’d been cheating on her.

Shortly thereafter, Amber gave a number of statements that made it sound as though she was considering kicking Matt to the curb, but hadn’t quite committed yet.

“I can’t say we’re together right now and I can’t say we aren’t together right now,” she explained in an interview.

“It’s a weird situation.”

The cheating revelation comes on the heels of a streak of unconscionably douchey behavior, even by Matt Baier standards.

Baier recently declared that he would “never” marry Portwood following a conflict with her brother, and it generally seemed as though  he had little interest in saving his troubled relationship.

After her wishy-washy “we’re not together, but we’re not not together” remarks Amber finally got assertive this week and revealed that she and Baier had called off their wedding.

Teen Mom fans were pretty much universally thrilled, as Matt has proven himself to be the worst on countless occasions.

Even before the cheating allegations, we knew that Baier was a deadbeat dad with a wandering eye who has no qualms about berating the fiancee who finances his indolent lifestyle.

Unfortunately, it looks like Amber may be having some trouble sticking to her guns.

According to Radar Online, Portwood and Baier are still living together, and she’s currently going back and forth on the decision of whether or not to kick him out.

“Amber has not made any final decisions just yet,” a source close to the couple tells Radar.

“The relationship is still chugging along for now.”

Right now, it’s not looking good for fans who are hoping that Amber will put some major distance between herself and Baier.

Earlier this week, Portwood issued a statement on social media in which she wrote, “As of right now, we are not broken up.”

Still it seems her friends have remained optimistic, as Amber continues to offer the occasional glimmer of hope:

“She is saying it’s over,” says one source.

“But they could get back together. They’ve gone through lots of ups and downs.”

That’s putting it mildly.

Watch Teen Mom online to remind yourself of just how many “ups and downs” Matt and Amber have endured.


Thursday, May 18, 2017

Amber Portwood and Matt Baier: The Wedding is OFF!

Rejoice, Teen Mom fans, for something really and truly wonderful has happened …

Amber Portwood is no longer planning on marrying Matt Baier!!!

This amazing news comes after a week of speculation on the state of their relationship.

Rumors have been flying wild that Matt cheated on her, and he even failed a lie detector test on the subject.

Amber told him to get out of her house, and we were all so proud … so very, very proud.

We did get a little worried though, when after the initial kicking out she seemed a little hesitant about actually breaking up with him for good.

She’s been making statements like “As of now, we are not broken up” and “I can’t say we’re together right now and I can’t say we aren’t together right now.”

You know, things that don’t exactly inspire all the confidence in the world but are still giving us hope for a better tomorrow.

She hasn’t commented further on what’s going on with Matt, but thanks to a source who spoke with E! News, we’re now hearing that the couple’s October wedding is officially canceled.

“For the time being, Matt and Amber’s engagement is on hold,” the source explains. “They are working on their relationship.”

“A lot has come out through the course of filming and from various online stories. That has added extra pressure and made things difficult.”

There’s also the fact that Matt is a disgusting, manipulative creep, that probably hasn’t been too great for their relationship.

But we’re sure that goes without saying.

“They’ve both been open about their personal struggles,” the source continues, “but it hasn’t been easy when their lives are under such heavy scrutiny.”

“Despite their issues, they are still living together and are hopeful things can be fixed.”

… Well, at least this is a start.

Sure, it would be wonderful if Amber would finally kick him to the curb, once and for all, but postponing the wedding is a good start.

And really, since this isn’t the first time she’s called off a wedding to Matt, we’d imagine this should be a real eye-opener.

Remember, she was all set to marry him last October, but she decided not to go through with it after the truth of Matt’s deadbeat dad ways began coming out.

And then, as we’ll see in next week’s episode of Teen Mom OG, she was considering marrying him in Las Vegas before deciding against it.

There are only so many times you can cancel a wedding with the same guy before you start to figure out that maybe things aren’t going to work out, you know?

We’re all for happy endings here, but we can probably all agree that the happiest ending here would be Amber removing this jackass from her life.

Forever. Please.


Matt Baier: I Will NEVER Marry Amber Portwood!

Things between Amber Portwood and Matt Baier … well, they’re still not looking so great.

And what incredible news that is.

Tensions have been high between them for a while now, but last week while they were in L.A., things came to a head after Matt failed a lie detector test.

Specifically, he failed because he didn’t tell the truth when answering questions about cheating on Amber.

She flipped out, and rightfully so, and told him to go back to their home in Indiana, pack up his things, and be gone by the time she returned.

In the days after the test, she gave some strange statements about Matt.

“I can’t say we’re together right now and I can’t say we aren’t together right now,” she explained in an interview. “It’s a weird situation.”

Then, in a statement she gave about the rumored split, she said “As of now, we are not broken up.”

It really seems like she’s at a crossroads when it comes to Matt, and like she’s taking her time to decide what she wants to do.

But if this new Teen Mom OG sneak peek is anything to go by, she needs to dump that creep immediately.

The clip begins during Amber and Matt’s trip to Las Vegas — you remember, the one they took in February when Matt tried to make us all believe they were getting married.

It turns out that they actually were considering a wedding, but before they committed to anything, Amber called her brother Shawn from a chapel.

“Would you be mad if I got married in Vegas and then had a ceremony somewhere else?” she asks him.

Shawn, who’s usually pretty level-headed and supportive of her, tells her that “it’s kinda not cool,” but that she’s an adult and she can make her own decisions.

It was a perfectly reasonable, respectful response, and Amber did ask him for his input.

But Matt’s not having it.

He gets snippy with Amber, who tells him that she doesn’t want to get married, at least “not like this,” to which Matt very maturely responds “All right, whatever.”

She tries to explain to him how important it is to have her family’s support, and he shuts down completely.

In a really disturbing turn of events, he discounts her feelings, then when she begins to get upset, he goes to comfort her, telling her that he’s not doing anything wrong.

With footage like this, it’s easy to see how hard he’s manipulated her over the years.

So Matt tells Amber that he understands that her family is important to her, that everything is fine between them, but adds “I will say that what your brother just did to you was wrong.”

Just a reminder: what her brother did to her was offer his opinion when asked.

Amber asks Matt not to talk about her brother like that while the cameras are rolling. They end the conversation, and then Matt turns to a producer and says “I will not marry her now, ever.”

Sorry, what?

“I’m not going to let her brother dictate my life,” he goes on, and when the producer tries to talk sense to him, he says “She wants to marry her brother. That’s who she wants to marry.”

“F-ck her, she just humiliated me on TV. I’m done. Done.”

OK, so one more time, Matt is saying that he’ll never marry Amber and “f-ck her” because she wants her family to be at her wedding, and her big brother wants to see her get married.

Yeah, sounds like a totally reasonable dude that you’d for sure want to spend the rest of your life with, right?

As of now, we’re still not sure what’s going on with Amber and Matt. He keeps writing gushy things about her on social media, but she hasn’t been responding.

Hopefully it’s because she’s finally realized what a massive creep this guy truly is.

Fingers crossed, everybody.


Saturday, May 13, 2017

Amber Portwood: Foreshadowing Matt Baier Split on Teen Mom OG?!

As we heard yesterday, things aren"t looking too good for Amber Portwood and Matt Baier.

And thank goodness for that.

After hearing rumors that Matt had been cheating on her, Amber made him take a lie detector test this week while they were in L.A. He failed, and she flipped.

She told him to go home and get his things out of her house, but later she said that she wasn"t sure whether or not they were together.

Matt made a gushy, bizarre statement about how they were totally in love and stronger than ever, but Amber added that "As of now, we are not broken up."

It sounds like she"s on the fence about staying with him … and in this Teen Mom OG sneak peek, we"re seeing that she"s been on that fence for a long time.

In the clip, Amber goes to try on wedding dresses — judging by her hair and the timeline we"ve seen on the show, this will have been at least three months ago.

She walks out of the dressing room in a gorgeous gown, her friend is fawning over her, but still she looks deeply unhappy.

She looks at herself for a while, looking more and more distressed, and when the bridal shop employee asks her how she feels to be in a wedding dress, she says "I don"t know."

Not in a sweet, overwhelmed way, but in truly troubled way.

Her friend asks if she"s going to cry, and Amber nods, but again, it"s not a sweet moment.

Finally she says "All right, I"m ready to get out of this. Get me out of this. Now."

Not exactly the attitude you"d expect from an excited bride about to marry the love of her life.

See Amber"s undeniable sadness in the clip below:

Amber portwood foreshadowing matt baier split on teen mom og

Friday, May 12, 2017

Amber Portwood and Matt Baier: It"s Over, Kind Of!!!

Today is a very special day, a glorious day that we’ve been praying for for a very, very long time.

Amber Portwood has broken up with the incredibly creepy douche monster known as Matt Baier!

Well, sort of.

The trouble reportedly started a few weeks ago when, according to The Ashley’s Reality Roundup, rumors began swirling that Matt was cheating on Amber. She confronted him about it, and he denied it.

But the thing about Matt Baier is that you really can’t believe a word that comes out of his mouth, and Amber knows that.

So she put a pin it until this week, when they flew out to L.A. together. They did some interviews, Matt pretended he was famous, you know, the usual.

Then she asked him to take a lie detector test. And he did not do so well.

He apparently lied about some of the questions about cheating, and Amber was so bothered by it that she sent him home, telling him to get his things and get out of her house before she returned.

Sounds amazing, right?

But things are still a little confusing.

After the polygraph incident, Amber chatted with Dr. Drew’s wife, Susan Pinsky, on her podcast, and she said some pretty interesting things.

About Matt, she said “We were engaged for a couple of years, and we had a venue set up for a wedding October 13th.”

However, she added “Some things have happened over the last couple of days so I don’t know.”

“We were together three years,” she explained. “I can’t say we’re together right now and I can’t say we aren’t together right now.”

“It’s a weird situation. I can say he went home yesterday and I am here.”

So it sounds like she’s on the fence about dumping him, doesn’t it? Like they’ve already got the wedding planned, so now she has to decide if cheating is a deal breaker for her.

But according to Matt, everything is totally 100% fine, no relationship issues whatsoever.

“No, we are not broken up,” he said in his own statement. “There have been very sick, lonely people for the past three years trying to destroy us, and that’s going to take its toll on any relationship.”

He confirms that he did take a lie detector test “to once and for all prove to everybody that I’ve never been unfaithful to Amber.”

“Amber and I have been through an awful lot worse for the last three years. We’re constantly battling outside forces who try to inject themselves into our relationship.”

He concludes his statement by saying that “Amber and I will get through this like we always have. We haven’t broken up.”

Good ol’ Matt also said that those people who’ve been meddling in their relationship “are being dealt with in the legal system now.”

It’s a little odd that he’s taking this stance, since Amber said herself that she’s not sure of the status of their relationship.

In fact, she gave a new statement to go along with Matt’s here — she said that “As of now, we are not broken up.”

Not exactly a confident declaration of love, huh?

It seems like Amber is at a crossroads right now, so let’s just hope that she takes her time, really considers her options, and makes the right decision.

The right decision, of course, being to dump Matt, once and for all.


Friday, April 21, 2017

Amber Portwood Speaks Out on Matt Baier Abuse Allegations

Earlier this week, we reported on allegations that Amber Porwood abused Matt Baier several times throughout their relationship.

The allegations came from none other than Baier himself, who shared photos of his battered and bloodied face with an unidentified friend, and claimed that Portwood was responsible.

After the pics unexpectedly went public, Baier claimed that they were several years old and taken during a previous relationship.

Matt Baier Abuse Photo

Unfortunately for him, the Teen Mom sleuths were already on the case, and details like Matt’s glasses and the poster in the background tipped them off that these pics were no more than a year old.

Yesterday, Baier spoke out on the allegations, claiming that the accusations against Amber are the result of a vast media conspirac.

We assume he’s since been offered a job in the Trump White House:

“The rumor that’s circulating is both vicious and completely false,” Baier said.

“I can’t stand by and allow the media or anyone else to undermine the progress that Amber has made in turning her life around, or the relationship we’ve worked hard to build together.”

Baier went on to change his story and admit that the pics are recent, but now he now claims they’re the result of “roughhousing” with friends.

Last night, Amber spoke about the allegations for the first time, and she’s also accusing fans and the press of undermining the progress that she’s made by suggesting she beat the hell out of her fiance:

“Five years ago I made the decision to choose prison over rehab in order to fully turn my life around,” Portwood said in a statement issued to E! News.

“Since then I’ve worked hard to make serious changes for myself, for my daughter, and for all the fans who supported me.”

Amber added:

“I’m saddened by the latest rumors, which are both untrue and unfounded, but plan to continue to stay focused on my recovery and being the best person I can be for everyone in my life.

“In spite of everything I am truly blessed and will keep going on the positive path I set forth on.”

The statement assumes that just because someone is generally on an upward trajectory, they won’t occasionally backlide.

Portwood has a history of violence and abuse, so when people see photos of her significant other looking bruised and battered, they’re going to suspect she had something to do with it.

And vague platitudes about self-improvement probably won’t be enough to convince anyone of Amber’s innocence.


Thursday, April 20, 2017

Matt Baier: About Those Amber Portwood Abuse Rumors ...

Amber Portwood and Matt Baier have never been our favorite Teen Mom couple.

After all, with reports that Matt tried to holler at both Farrah Abraham and Jenelle Evans before finally succeeding with Amber, and with that whole thing about him being a deadbeat dad of a still unproven amount of children …

Like, why would we ever be into him?

But despite the protests of Teen Mom fans everywhere, Amber is still with Matt, and they’re planning on getting married this October.

Or at least, that was the plan before all the abuse allegations hit the fan.

Earlier this week, some questionable photos of Matt Baier surfaced — photos that showed some pretty nasty injuries that seemed to be from a fight.

In one photo, Matt has some bloody cuts on his face, and in another, he has a black eye.

Matt Baier Black Eye Photo

Not only that, but the photos were actually screenshots of texts — along with the pictures, Matt wrote messages like “Look what she just did” and “Remember this is the woman who did this!”

So the easy assumption would be that these are photos from Matt claiming that Amber abused him, right?

After all, Amber has a history of domestic violence, and we saw her viciously attack Gary Shirley more than once.

She’s come a long, long way since then, but still, fans have noted that the background in one of Matt’s photos matches a room in Amber’s house, and the glasses he’s wearing are his current ones.

Matt Baier Abuse Photo

As much as we don’t want to believe that Amber, much less 2017 Amber, could do something like this, could it actually be true?

According to a statement Matt gave People, absolutely not.

“The rumor that’s circulating is both vicious and completely false,” the statement begins.

“I can’t stand by and allow the media or anyone else to undermine the progress that Amber has made in turning her life around, or the relationship we’ve worked hard to build together.”

“The photo that surfaced is nothing more than the result of some roughhousing amongst my guy friends,” he explains. “I got my butt kicked by a friend, and it was well-deserved, I might add.”

“Now someone’s trying to use the pic to paint an untrue picture of our life together.”

“Amber would never lay a hand on me,” Matt concludes, “and I can’t wait to marry the love of my life in October.”

So there you have it.

The photos have nothing to do with Amber, their relationship is lovely and beautiful and all good things, and we’re all dumb for believing otherwise.

However, let’s also remember that at one point in this new season of Teen Mom OG, Amber breaks down while trying on wedding dresses, telling a friend “You can love each other and want to be with each other for the rest of your life and still not trust each other.”

So hey, even if the abuse rumors aren’t true, maybe still don’t get married?

Just a thought.


Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Amber Portwood Accused of Abusing Matt Baier: See the Photos

Ever since the world learned that Amber Portwood and Matt Baier are engaged, Teen Mom: OG obsessives have been encouraging Amber to cut bait and run from the relationship before it’s too late.

Fans see Baier as a deadbeat dad and opportunist who looks at Amber and sees nothing but a meal ticket and a coattail to ride.

However, new photos that appear to show physical damage sustained by Baier during a fight might turn the tide of public opinion against Amber.

Matt Baier Abuse Photo

Then again, the story surrounding the sketchy circumstances surrounding the pics might leave frustrated TMOG viewers with the belief that Amber and Matt are both simply too messed up to be in a relationship.

The pics were originally tweeted by Smarty Jones, a gossip blogger and podcast host with a history of digging deep to unearth the truth about sketchy reality stars.

“Just a regular Tuesday, taking pills and beating each other. Give it up for @mattbEPT @amberlportwood #ShesAFighter @mtv #TeenMomOG,” she captioned one of the photos.

Naturally, fans initially reacted to the pics with disdain for Amber.

Matt Baier Black Eye Photo

However, it doesn’t appear that the situation is as similar as originally thought, and it now seems that Matt may not be entirely blameless.

For starters, there’s are doubts about the authenticity of the photos.

Many fans have speculated that Matt faked the pics in order to gain sympathy from one of his side chicks.

That’s a theory that seems to be supported by Jones’ recent tweets on the subject:


Smarty Jones: Matt Baier Tweets

Jones also tweeted a message to Amber encouraging her to check Baier’s phone.

Whatever the case, it looks as though Baier is currently in the midst of a mad scramble to bury the pics.

He started by claiming they were several years old and from a previous relationship.

It’s not clear who Baier is corresponding with in the messages below, but he does seem to be referring to the photos that surfaced today:

Matt Baier Social Media Messages

Online sleuths quickly debunked that claim by pointing out that the photo in the background is the same as the one that Amber posted online just last year.

It’s not definitive proof that he’s lying (Maybe Matt brought the Marilyn Monroe with him from a prior relationship?), but it certainly doesn’t help Matt’s case.

Matt Baier Proof

Several fans have also pointed out that the glasses Matt is wearing in the first image are similar to the ones he wears these days, not the smaller frames he sported early on in his relationship wit Amber.

Needless to say, something profoundly fishy is going on here.

We’ll keep you updated on this developing story as more information becomes available.

In the meantime, watch Teen Mom online to remind yourself of how profoundly messed-up Amber and Matt’s relationship really is.
