Showing posts with label Baltierra. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Baltierra. Show all posts

Monday, July 30, 2018

Tyler Baltierra Opens Up About Bipolar Disorder, Sticks It to Haters

Last week, Tyler Baltierra flaunted his weight loss by posting a thirst trap. But he’s been making improvements in more than just his physical health.

Tyler has bipolar disorder, which presents a number of mental health hurdles that he has had to overcome.

In a new post, he lays out his description of the highs and lows of bipolar disorder — and he has some choice words for his haters.

Tyler’s poetry about mental illness is not a new thing to Teen Mom fans, but this time, he is really spelling out how bipolar disorder puts him in a precarious state.

“Bi Polar is like dancing on the edge of a cliff,” Tyler writes ina  post shared to social media.

Bipolar disorder, formerly referred to as manic depression, involves oscillations between extremes.

“The good moods are full of endless euphoric adrenaline,” Tyler says.

Those good moods — manic episodes — can lead a person to act impulsively to follow their bliss without thought for repercussions.

“But the bad moods,” Tyler writes with poetic flare. “Cause a reclusive crash with an abusive rift.”

Tyler Baltierra Pens Poetry About Bipolar Disorder

The bad moods are when one is bogged down with depression and may feel that they’ll never again know happiness or joy.

Continuing his poem, Tyler writes that these bad moods take place “when there’s just too much emotions to go through & sift.”

“Which,” Tyler continues. “Makes you trip down a long hard fall when you slip.”

Though the highs of bipolar disorder feel better than the lows, both can be harmful to a person’s life.

“After you lose that grip once that adrenaline filled dance inevitably makes you tip,” Tyler explains.

After the poem, Tyler extended his message.

“I am not my diagnosis,” Tyler affirms.

That is an important distinction. With medication, he is still himself — but in a better state of mind.

Tyler’s positive statements continue: “I am in control of my perceptions and my reactions.”

Finally, he adds a tag: “#PoetryIsMyBrainsFreedom”

Tyler Baltierra fan replies 01

Tyler chose to highlight positive responses that he has received, sharing them to Instagram with a message.

“Just a reminder to all the haters out there…” Tyler begins.

For the record, he does get a few very vocal, nasty trolls. They question whether he even has bipolar disorder and ask intrusive, invasive questions demanding that he “prove” his diagnosis.

“For every ONE negative ignorant opinion about my poetry,” Tyler announces. “There is more than DOUBLE the positive ones from these amazing people who are impacted by it”

The negative comments can turn very nasty. It’s good that he has some positive feedback, too.

“They’re the reason I share it in the first place,” Tyler explains. “So keep on hating or keep on scrolling, but that will NEVER change the fact that it’s touching people’s hearts & that’s what truly matters anyway.”

“To all of my supporters,” Tyler concludes. “I love you & can’t thank you enough, you are AMAZING.”

Tyler Baltierra fan replies 02

Tyler posted a follow-up message regarding the hate that he receives.

“What’s ironic to me, is that everyone thinks I’m this depressed, unstable, ‘moping in my own self pity’ kind of guy.”

Tyler explains that they assume this “just because I have been venting my vulnerable feelings through words, but that’s just my escape.”

Self-expression through art is cathartic and healthy.

“It’s just a place to put them,” Tyler explains of his feelings. “So they have a different home to belong to instead of on the shoulders of my spirit through life.”

Tyler announces: “I’m actually the happiest I have been in a very long time!!!”


Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Catelynn Lowell & Tyler Baltierra Check Into Rehab to Save Marriage (Report)

It looks like more hard times are ahead for Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra.

According to Radar Online, the Baltierras have checked into an in-patient couple-oriented therapy program in a last-ditch effort to save their marriage.

Catelynn has been to rehab several times over the course of the past two years, and while she"s made progress with her mental health, insiders say she and Tyler both continue to struggle daily.

Now, it seems they"ve decided that in order to make their marriage work, they"ll both need to address their mental health issues with the help of professionals.

Here"s what we know about the situation thus far:

1. Better Days

Catelynn lowell and tyler baltierra snuggles

For years, Tyler and Catelynn were the most stable couple in all of the Teen Mom franchise.

2. Hard Times

Catelynn lowell tyler baltierra on instagram

Sadly, a combination of difficult times, past trauma, and latent mental health issues all combined to put the Baltierras’ marriage to the test in a major way.

3. The Domino Effect

The baltierras

Both Tyler and Catelynn have been diagnosed with various mental illnesses that are at least partially the result of their traumatic upbringings.

4. Tragedy Strikes

Catelynn lowell on teen mom

When Catelynn suffered a miscarriage, the tragedy triggered a downward spiral that prompted her to check into rehab multiple times.

5. A Double-Edged Sword

Tyler with catelynn

Tyler did his best to be a supportive spouse, but as is so often the case with this sort of thing, Catelynn’s illness and frequent absences eventually began to take a toll.

6. Stepping Up

Tyler and catelynn post therapy

Tyler took care of the couple’s daughter and visited Catelynn in Arizona as often as possible. But eventually, it all became too much …

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Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Tyler Baltierra Flaunts WILD Weight Loss in New Thirst Trap!

Teen Mom OG star Tyler Baltierra has shown off his insane weight loss in recent weeks, but he’s been working to do more than just shed some pounds.

He’s working hard to tone his body and regain his abs. And, as you can see below, it is clearly working.

There’s a fine line between sharing your body transformation progress and posting a thirst trap, and Tyler may have just crossed it.

It’s not #TransformationThursday yet, but clearly Tyler Baltierra was happy to share his extraordinary progress with his fans and followers.

“Five months ago, I was 208” pounds, Tyler Baltierra shares in the caption of the photo that he shared with Snapchat followers.

208 can be a lot or a little, depending upon your height and build. At only 5-foot-11, he was feeling a little to large at that size.

“… Today?” he continues. “163! #BOOM.”

That’s a 45 pound weight loss in only 5 months. That’s 9 pounds a month! And just look at the results:

Like we said, he isn’t just walking the line between a fitness pic and a thirst trap. He crossed it.

But why shouldn’t he? He’s really transformed his look this year.

His pecs and abs are looking top notch. His hard work is obviously paying off, and he has every right to flaunt the results to the world.

This is a great reminder that all of this is about more than just shedding some unwanted pounds.

Tyler has detailed his mental health struggles online. He’s also sharing his efforts to improve his physical health.

Beside the side-by-side ab pics below, Tyler writes: “1 month before (LEFT) & after! (RIGHT)”

“Finally making some progress on this goal of mine,” he proudly shares with his fans and followers.

“I think It’s important to document your journey,” Tyler says. “Even if you don’t ever decide to share it.”

For some people pursuing weight loss, the photos at the start of their efforts aren’t the sort that they would ever want to share. That’s fine.

But Tyler explains why it’s important to keep a personal photo journal.

What he’s describing here is what fitness folks refer to as personal accountability photos. Some share them daily.

“Because the days you don’t feel like putting in the work because either you don’t feel like you’re seeing results or you’re just feeling lazy as hell,” Tyler explains. 

He continues, saying that: “those are the days those pics come in handy to motivate & prove to yourself what you are doing & why!”

“40lbs down & only 2 months of consistently working out…BOOM!” he announces.

And that’s up to 45, now.

“For once in my life,” Tyler says. “I’m actually pumped & pretty proud of myself!”

He has a lot of reason to be proud!

Unfortunately, some naysayers are already claiming that all of this body-sculpting is going to lead Tyler Baltierra to leave Catelynn Lowell.

They say that Catelynn might enjoy Tyler’s new body now, but that we’re only a few months away from news of a separation.

Though working out can be a red flag for an affair or an impending breakup, it can also just mean that someone wants to improve their health or self esteem.

And while it’s true that one partner suddenly changing their lifestyle can lead to a split, that doesn’t mean that it always happens.

Tyler and Catelynn have been together since they were twelve years old. It’s hard to imagine that some abs, however nice, are going to break them up.

Besides, as we said, Catelynn really likes what Tyler’s done with himself.


Friday, July 13, 2018

Catelynn Lowell & Tyler Baltierra: On the Brink of Divorce AGAIN?!

If you"re a Teen Mom OG viewer, you know that the past year has been tremendously difficult for Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra.

Both individually and as a couple, Catelynn and Tyler have faced a number of obstacles that might have driven a weaker marriage to collapse.

So it perhaps it should come as no surprise that they recently came to the brink of calling it quits.

Fans will recall the episode in which Catelynn first talked about divorce as a possibility.

Now, the Baltierras are speaking out about that particular rough patch, and while they were able to persevere, they say the situatin was every bit as painful as it looked:

1. Opening Up

Opening up

Catelynn and Tyler recently sat down with Dr. Oz and gave what’s been touted as the most honest interview of their careers.

2. Telling It All


It’s tough to imagine that the Baltierras could have anything to hide after all these years in the spotlight, but apparently, they spilled unprecedented quantities of tea while speaking with the good doctor.

3. A Painful Recap

A painful recap

“When the series first launched, you guys were 16. It’s almost 10 years,” Oz says in a preview released today.

4. Tyler with Catelynn

Tyler with catelynn

“We’ve followed them through battles with depression and most recently, a heartbreaking miscarriage,” Oz adds.

5. Their Darkest Hour

Catelynn lowell on teen mom

Fans will recall the tremendous emotional toll that Catelynn’s miscarriage took on both her and Tyler.

6. Put to the Test

Tyler and catelynn post therapy

Catelynn checked into rehab to be treated for PTSD and other mental health issues in the wake of her miscarriage. In the months that followed, her marriage was nearly driven to its breaking point.

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Thursday, July 12, 2018

Tyler Baltierra: Hell Yeah MTV Was Right to Fire Farrah Abraham!

Late last year, Farrah Abraham was fired from Teen Mom OG as a result of her refusal to stop performing in live online sex shows.

The decision met with a mixed response, as even some of Farrah"s staunchest critics thought MTV"s reasoning was questionable and had the effect of shaming both Abraham and other sex workers.

Tyler Baltierra is now speaking out on the network"s decision — and Farrah probably won"t care for what he has to say.

Get ready for another round in the ongoing feud between two of the Teen Mom franchise"s most outspoken stars:

1. Keeping It Real

Tyler baltierra gets honest on instagram

Tyler is known for speaking his mind on social media. And when it comes to Farrah, he’s never pulled any punches.

2. At It Again

Farrah abraham in a gold and black dress

Farrah and Tyler have clashed before, perhaps most notably when she posted a lengthy Instagram rant in which she claimed that Baltierra is gay and his wife, Catelynn Lowell, is a drug addict.

3. The Last Laugh

Catelynn lowell and tyler baltierra snuggles

Of course, the Baltierras have emerged victorious, as not only are they still employed, Farrah’s life has devolved into a public trainwreck in the months since she was fired.

4. The Arrest

Farrah abraham on insta

Farrah’s latest downward spiral began when she was arrested at the Beverly Hills Hotel last month after allegedly assaulting a staff member.

5. The Feud

Farrah drita split

Things got worse from there, as Abraham found herself embroiled in a very public feud with Mob Wives star Drita D’Avanzo.

6. Spiking the Football

Catelynn lowell tyler baltierra on instagram

So perhaps it should come as no surprise that Tyler had little sympathy for Farrah when he was asked about her while filming an interview with Dr. Oz this week …

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Monday, July 9, 2018

Tyler Baltierra: Why Fans Are Convinced He"s Leaving Catelynn Lowell!

Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra have always been and will always be THE Teen Mom couple.

Obviously, right?

They’ve been together since they were 12 years old, and they’re the only couple from the 16 and Pregnant days who are still together.

Sure, there’s been some ups and downs, and there were a few times it seemed like they weren’t going to make it, but they’ve managed to pull through.

They’re celebrating 14 years together this year, and since they’re both only 26 … it’s just pretty wild, you know?

But as difficult as this may be to believe, there are some people in the world who don’t want other people to be happy.

And that’s why there are several Teen Mom fans who are just absolutely certain that a Baltierra divorce is on the horizon.

See, both Catelynn and Tyler have had a rough, rough time lately.

After Catelynn gave birth to their daughter, Nova, back in 2015, she developed some pretty intense postpartum depression, and she’s been dealing with depression and anxiety ever since.

She’s had a hard time dealing with it, but when she got pregnant last fall only to suffer a miscarriage, things got so bad that she began contemplating suicide.

She checked into a treatment center to get some help, which was absolutely the right thing to do, but it did leave Tyler in a position of taking care of everything at home by himself.

And at the time, he had a whole lot to take care of.

There was little Nova, obviously, and his new children’s clothing business, but on top of that, he felt the need to keep an eye on his sister and her children since his father had just gone to rehab.

His sister ended up going to rehab a few months later, so it’s understandable that he felt that need.

And then, on top of all of that, he was dealing with the grief from the miscarriage, as well as his own mental health problems — it was around this time when he was diagnosed as bipolar.

Honestly, it’s amazing they made it throught that rough patch at all, especially since there was talk from both of them that maybe they weren’t right for each other anymore.

But they’re still together, because “in sickness and health” and all that, and although Tyler’s been making some questionable comments about how unhappy he’s been, it does seem like they’re going strong.

Tyler’s been going strong himself in a different way — after losing weight a few months ago, he’s been working on bulking up.

He’s shared shirtless selfies to document his progress, and over the weekend, he shared a before and after pic: the left photo is what he looked like a month ago, and on the right is what he looks like now.

So he looks really, really great, right?

But more important, he feels great, too.

“Finally making some progress on this goal of mine,” he wrote in his caption for the photo. “I think it’s important to document your journey, even if you don’t ever decide to share it.”

“Because the days you don’t feel like putting in the work because you don’t feel like you’re seeing results or you’re just feeling lazy as hell, those are the days those pics come in handy to motivate & prove to yourself what you are doing & why!”

He explained that this new photo is the result of “40 lbs down & only 2 months of working out.”

He also added that “For once in my life I’m actually pumped & pretty proud of myself!”

So what does any of that have to do with his marriage?

According to several of Tyler’s followers, the issue is that Catelynn doesn’t seem to be getting into fitness like he is. And that, of course, is grounds for divorce.

“Why do I feel like he’s gonna get his body riiiight & leave Catelynn…..” one person asked.

“Amid all these divorce rumors you think that you’d be posting tons of you and your wife still in love!” another person told him. “Sadly we’ll most likely see in a few months that you guys are indeed separating. That’s usually how it runs.”

One of his followers speculated that “Soon he will find himself someone that loves themselves and will actually be happy in a relationship that doesn’t keep dragging him down.”

Another put that sentiment in much simpler terms with “Tyler gonna be picking up a new hottie soon.”

Some people were especially cruel about it, like this jackass that wrote “Now GET A HOT mentally stable awesome new girlfriend, man you’re wasting your life with this chick.”

And that’s not even touching all the people who insisted that Catelynn is a “fat cow” who should be the one working out instead of Tyler.

OK, look, all the divorce rumors aside, is it honestly so hard to believe that maybe he just actually loves her?

That regardless of the changes he makes to his own body, he can still appreciate hers, and perhaps even be attracted to it?

Maybe they will get divorced, and if they do, it would probably be more about them growing apart and less about his new muscles.

Either way … can we maybe focus a little more on Tyler’s accomplishment here and a little less on Catelynn’s weight?


Friday, July 6, 2018

Tyler Baltierra Details Mental Illness in Powerful New Poem

Teen Mom OG star Tyler Baltierra struggles with his mental health, and has to defend himself and explain to fans that his mental illness doesn’t make him a bad parent.

He’s absolutely right. He has coping mechanisms, and one of those is expressing himself through poetry.

In a powerful and evocative new poem, he explains what it’s like to endure the fog of depression and anxiety on a daily basis.

On Instagram, Tyler Baltierra shared a somewhat freeform poem that, at first, might resemble prose.

“Living with this depression & anxiety causes hurt.” Tyler’s poem begins. “Its brain is like an alien stuck in a foreign body.”

A lot of people can feel that way. Particularly those who endure a chronic battle with an illness.

“That body just keeps getting up,” Tyler continues. “it keeps putting on these clothes & it goes about the day doing whatever is required.”

It sounds like he is describing an empty routine that feels devoid of meaning.

“But It barely eats,” Tyler laments. “It’s always weak & it’s always tired.”

Many feel betrayed by their flesh prisons, and Tyler is no exception.

“But I’m so confused,” Tyler writes. “I just don’t get it, because if it’s so weak & it’s so tired, then why can’t it sleep when it’s time for its mind to retire.”

Insomnia is a special kind of torment that adds insult to injury for those enduring the chronic fatigue that can accompany depression.

“It’s like its mind is this tire that keeps spinning in circles & it gets lost every time it takes a spin while driving on that thin of a wire.”

By this point, you have no doubt noted that retire and wire rhyme with some earlier words. There’s a lot of that going on.

“But even though it lacks the ability to see what is required,” Tyler says. “That doesn’t mean It’s not allowed to desire the love & compassion every other human being desires.”

“It feels like it’s a conspire to not have known this information prior,” Tyler writes.

He means a conspiracy, but he’s using poetic license to play with the word.

“Because now all these thoughts in its brain caused by all these demons inside won’t stop talking with such an evil tone that’s dire…”

To be clear, he’s not talking about delusions of demons. He’s talking about the horror of intrusive thoughts.

(On their own, intrustive thoughts are supposed to be prompts to do things that we don’t want to do, so that our horrified internal reactions reinforce our resistance to those impulses. Mental illness can make that much worse)

Tyler writes: “& that tone distracts it from ever being able to see the positivity in this life it could actually acquire.”

That’s depression for you.

Tyler Baltierra ends his poem with the tag: “#PoetryIsMyBrainsFreedom.”

The Teen Mom OG star has opened up about his mental health struggles in the past.

Recently, he shared a heartbreaking poem that he wrote while battling suicidal ideation after getting the news of his father, Butch Baltierra, once again going to jail.

A person’s parent’s screw-ups, as a parent or as a human being, can haunt their children well into adulthood.

Tyler has explained that he shares all of this, not only because expressing himself through poetry is therapeutic, but because he hopes to help people.

Sometimes, the most powerful thing that you can do for someone is to make them understand that they are truly not alone.

The comments under Tyler’s poem were filled with expressions of support and sympathy.

A number of followers mentioned that they very personally understood his experiences.

Others recommended CBD oil, which they say can alleviate anxiety and depression like marijuana without producing the high.

It is always heartwarming to see people come together with solutions that worked for them, but not every solution is universal.


Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Tyler Baltierra Claps Back at Haters: My Mental Health Doesn"t Make Me a Bad Parent!

Earlier this week, Teen Mom OG star Tyler Baltierra shared a poem about his heartbreaking suicide attempt. It must have taken a lot of courage for him to share such an intimate piece of self-expression.

Unfortunately, some people had the nerve to use this opportunity to suggest that he and Catelynn shouldn’t be allowed to be parents because of their mental health.

Tyler took to Twitter to clap back against this very dangerous line of thinking.

One Twitter user, an Instagram model whose claim to fame is having been on Bad Girls Club, decided to ask a not-so-innocent question about Tyler and Catelynn.

“Sad that him and his wife are struggling with depression and bi polar disorder,” Danielle says.

Unfortunately, she did not stop there.

Tyler and Catelynn have her sympathies, “but is that really a healthy environment for a child to grow up in?” she asks.

She also does that thing that some people do when they have a decent following on social media and would rather be able to say that they are “starting a conversation” than voicing an opinion.

“[I don’t know,] thoughts people?” she asks, as if her entire tweet were just an innocuous question about Catelynn’s hairstyle.

Tyler saw this and, very understandably, felt the need to speak out.

“So everyone who has a mental health issue shouldn’t be allowed to have children?” he tweeted.

You can really feel his righteous indignation.

Tyler continued, describing parenting as getting to “experience the most beautiful thing this life can give you.”

Not everyone will necessarily agree that parenting, with its many ups and downs, qualifies for that lofty superlative … but we’ll let it slide for the moment.

“It’s the same,” Tyler continues. “As telling someone who has diabetes or any manageable condition, that they shouldn’t have kids.”

Sadly, people have probably made arguments along those lines, too. No, wait, people have definitely made arguments along those lines. And it’s horrifying.

Tyler makes his feelings clear, writing: “I highly disagree with that!”

Tyler was not the only one who strenuously objects to the notion that people being treated for their mental health are disqualified from being parents.

One Twitter user replied to the original tweet: “Wow really?? I have anxiety and manic depression as well! I’ve raised two healthy sons to adulthood! Shame on you for that statement! I’ve had this since age 20! I’m 44 now!”


“This is the problem with most people,” another person tweeted. “If they have never experienced it they can’t understand. I’m raising 3 children while I suffer from anxiety. I’m a GREAT mom and they are very well taken care of! I am on medication and I take care of myself so I can take care of them!”

Many mental illnesses are totally treatable. If you argue that someone’s depression makes them a bad parent, you sound like a sleezy divorce lawyer.

Another tweets: “Were you not just begging twitter to pay your rent a few months ago? Worry about yourself & not the mental health of others.. btw Tyler is a WONDERFUL dad.”

Wow. Somebody brought some reciepts to the roast.

Another wrote, more simply: “Just because they struggle doesn’t mean [they’re] bad parents.”

Others simply couldn’t believe this woman’s audacity to ask the question.

“Why in 2018 is mental health still being stigmatised?!” another tweeter asks. “Why should people feel ashamed for having an illness that is out with their control?! This needs to STOP!”

Another decided that Danielle needed a little more roasting.

This person tweeted: “At least their kids can look back and see that their parents had positive impact in life and on tv. What are your kids gna see when they google your name? Bad girls clubs clips bahaha now thats sad.”

People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw shade.

Others, however, defended the question … sort of.

“I don’t think it’s a bad question,” another fan tweeted. “You have to truly understand that some are completely unaware of how it feels to live with a mental illness. Educate those whom do not understand.”

That’s a good point, honestly — sometimes, people have to ask questions to learn. Even if those questions have horrifying implications.

Speaking of horrifying thoughts, however, some people went above and beyond when agreeing with Danielle’s question.

One person tweeted: “Selective breeding, we do it with animals, why not humans…only way to stabilize society and weed out illness.”

Let’s just hope that this person is, like, 12 and still coming to grasp with right and wrong. Because, and I hate Nazi comparisons, but … that is one scary tweet.

Obviously, if someone is a bad parent, either abusive or neglectful or otherwise unable to give their child love and support, the child needs a better home where they can be safe and healthy.

But mental illness — in addition to being treatable — does not disqualify someone from being an amazing parent. It’s just a thing that they have to deal with.

In fact, that personal struggle can make them more empathetic to a child’s potential struggles.

In the mean time, the world has no shortage of truly awful parents who don’t have any mental illness. Being a terrible person is a character trait, not an ailment.

Good for Tyler for sticking up for himself, his wife, and for every other parent with mental health struggles.


Monday, June 25, 2018

Tyler Baltierra Details Suicide Attempt in Heartbreaking New Poem

We’ve been talking about Tyler Baltierra and his mental health for a while now, mostly because he and Catelynn Lowell have been putting such a focus on it lately.

For the past several months they’ve been dedicating themselves to ending the stigma around mental illness, and they’ve been doing it by being honest about their own struggles.

Catelynn, of course, did two separate six-week stays in a treatment center in Arizona back in winter, to deal with the grief of having a miscarriage and to work through some of her childhood trauma.

She allowed MTV to film much of that journey for Teen Mom OG, even though it was extremely personal and very tough to watch.

As for Tyler, he revealed a few months back that he was diagnosed as bipolar, and he’s also been very open about that.

He’s made several posts on social media about his feelings, and more recently he’s been sharing some poetry that’s really been letting his fans and followers in on his emotional state.

Yesterday, he posted a brand new poem, probably the longest, most intimate one he’s released to date.

And that’s because it’s a poem about his suicide attempt.

As he revealed in that book he and Catelynn wrote together, he tried to hang himself when he was just 12 years old, but was able to free himself before suffering too much damage.

It was bad enough reading about it in the book, but in this poem, he’s gone into even more detail — seriously, it’s a tough read with some graphic details.

Even in the caption he wrote for it, he admitted he wasn’t going to share it, “but I know that I’m not the only one who went through mental health struggles & I know that someone can relate to this experience.”

He said that the poem “was written in a very dark time in my life,” and that “I still don’t like to categorize myself as a survivor but the older I get, the more I realize that we are ALL survivors & we ALL are worthy enough to live!”

And with that, let’s get right into the actual poem, all right?

He begins by asking his readers to “Imagine a little boy almost 12 years old with an angry core & he’s already smoking & trying to find a way to not have his mind collapse to the floor.”

The boy, he writes, goes to school and gets good grades, but has a bad attitude, anger issues, and problems with authority, so he get suspended, but “it doesn’t bother him that bad cause he knows this week he’s gonna see his Dad.”

“But ya see, later on that week, he gets a call from his Dad that makes his knees become weak, ‘Sorry Son, your dad f-cked up again, I have to go back to livin in prison ya see, this is hard on me.”

Tyler’s obviously referring to his father Butch here, who’s been in and out of his life because of his drug addiction.

It’s had a profound impact on him, and as we’re seeing now, 12-year-old Tyler had a very hard time dealing with it.

The poem continues with “He cringes with pain& collects his tears as his ears hear the collect call disappear.”

“He sits in the middle of the kitchen, tears are falling to the floor as he rests his head on the cabinet door & asks what is this life even worth living for?”

As you can probably imagine, here’s where things get dark.

“He sees the knives on the counter,” Tyler writes, “he thinks maybe he can go out that way, he just wants his mind to stop the wander, to stop the shower, of all these emotions that hold all the power …”

Then he describes climbing a tree in his backyard to think and seeing a rope that used to hold a tire swing.

“He grabs that rope, ties it around his neck, then jumps with the weight of all his emotions & he can’t seem to cope with all that, which makes that rope snap back,” he recalls.

“He grabs that rope as it starts to choke, he’s gasping for air, now he’s losing hope, he’s struggling to breathe, he’s stretching his feet to reach the dirt & scrambling because his young naive brain didn’t believe how much this would hurt.”

See what we mean about this being a tough read?

Next, Tyler says that he struggled to get free, and when he imagined his mother finding his body, it gave him the extra motivation he needed to keep trying.

He was able to touch the tips of his toes to the ground long enough to catch his breath, and that helped him gather enough strength to pull himself up and get his head loose.

“He doesn’t believe what happened,” he continues, “he runs in the house & can’t believe how tight that rope just fastened. He can’t believe he just tried killing himself & how his little brain could be so saddened.”

He found some makeup to cover up the “red bleeding rope marks” on his neck, and as he was applying it, “he feels lost, sad, & happy, yeah all those emotions he feels simultaneously.”

“Lost in his mind, sad for all the desperate times, but happy to still be alive!”

It’s a lot to take in, right?

Fortunately, Tyler’s received nothing but support since sharing this, with many of his followers thanking him for being courageous enough to be so open and honest about such a difficult topic.

Lots of people have even told him that his poem is one of the most moving things they’ve ever read, which seems like some pretty high praise.

Here’s hoping that Tyler is feeling way, way better than he did when he attempted suicide, and that he never feels that low again.

Because seriously … how tragic.


Sunday, June 10, 2018

Tyler Baltierra Shows Off INSANE Weight Loss!

There have been a whole lot of changes for Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra these past several months, right?

And as you likely know, not all of them have been good.

Last fall, they decided it was time to expand their family, and Catelynn actually did get pregnant pretty fast. Unfortunately, she suffered a miscarriage shortly after announcing the news to her family (and to the Teen Mom OG film crew).

She’s dealt with depression and anxiety for years, and the miscarriage sent her into a tailspin that resulted in two separate six-week visits to a treatment center in Arizona.

In March, she left her second rehab stint, and she’s been home since — and thankfully, it seems like she’s doing much better these days.

As for Tyler, who struggled with his own grief over the miscarriage on top of holding down the home and family clothing business while Catelynn was gone, it looks like he’s been feeling a lot better too!

Judging by a new photo he shared on Instagram, he’s looking a lot different, too!

Tyler Baltierra selfie

DANG, right?!

“Hard work is paying off!” he captioned the photo. “It’s been 6 months since completely changing my eating habits, I dropped 40lbs & now it’s time to cut it all up with these workouts, BOOM!”

He added the hashtags “crushing these personal goals” and “it feels great,” which is nice.

Then, as you can see in the photo (because of the text and also because of the evidence), he’s already seeing progress with his ab muscles.

Tyler has never been a heavy guy, quite the contrary — he’s always been pretty skinny.

But sometime in the past year or so, his metabolism did seem to slow down, and he started looking a little fuller in the face, which he himself frequently mentioned on social media.

Back in October, he announced that he had “a major dadbod,” but that “I just haven’t decided if I care yet hahaha.”

Tyler Baltierra Weight Loss

Around New Years though, like so many of us, he decided he did care, and he switched up his diet.

He started dropping weight fast — by the beginning of February, he said that he was already down 35 pounds.

Judging by this new post of his, the goal was to lose 40 pounds altogether, and now that he’s done it, he’s going to start working on building muscle.

And judging by the comments on the post, a whole lot of his followers appreciate what they’re seeing.

An insane amount of people complimented his looks here, which is more than fair — as we’ve said, he’s obviously looking good.

“Taking dad bod to a whole new level!” one commenter joked.

“Good job Tyler,” another wrote. “Besides getting back into shape, exercise is so important for mental stability. I applaud you.”

That’s a good point, because on top of all the bad feelings brought on by the miscarriage, we know that he was also diagnosed as bipolar recently.

He’s said that he wanted to try working on things naturally before starting on any medications, and while there’s definitely no shame if he ends up needing meds, exercise and a healthy diet certainly can’t hurt.

Let’s see, what else … a ton of people admitted that they thought Tyler was Justin Bieber at first when they saw this photo in their Instagram feed, which is hilarious but understandable.

Of course, things couldn’t be all positive and lighthearted for long — plenty of his followers felt the need to tell him that Catelynn should be the one working out instead.

Some even suggest that he should leave her. Because of abs.

Somehow, we doubt that will happen, and even if it did, this isn’t a story about Baltierra divorce rumors.

It’s a story about how Tyler is feeling himself, and rightfully so.

Congrats, bud!


Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Catelynn Lowell & Tyler Baltierra: Divorce Isn"t So Bad!

Last week, rumors that Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra were headed for divorce made their way across the social media landscape with surprising speed.

Typically, when such reports surface but are not confirmed by either half of the couple in question, it’s easy to dismiss them as unfounded gossip.

But in this case, there was real reason to believe Catelynn and Tyler may have called it quits.

Fans began to talk after noticing that Catelynn had unfollowed Tyler on Instagram.

(There was also much chatter about the fact that she had changed her name to “Catelynn Lowell” on Instagram, but in fact, that had always been her display name.)

And while that may have been the most recent indication of trouble in paradise, it certainly wasn’t the only one.

On top of the suspicious social media activity, the fact that Tyler and Catelynn spent Mother’s Day weekend in separate states had fans on high alert.

All of this came on the heels of a very public rough patch that was documented on the latest Teen Mom OG season finale.

In the episode, Catelynn – who was fresh from a 6-week stint in Arizona rehab center – told Tyler that she feels she may need to return to the facility for further treatment.

Tyler encouraged his wife to seek out a facility closer to home for the sake of their daughter, prompting Lowell to reply, “She’ll manage.”

Later in the episode, Tyler confessed to his sister that he had begun to grapple with fears that Catelynn might not be the right partner for him.

Fans were stunned, and many pointed out that it was not the first time that season that Tyler and Catelynn had broached the subject of divorce. 

Needless to say, it’s not hard to see why fans were so quick to buy into the latest round of breakup rumors.

But against tough odds, it seems the Baltierras are determined to make their relationship work:

Tyler posted the above photo to Instagram earlier this week.

“Damn! I think divorce looks pretty good on us,” he captioned the pic.

“But we are getting a divorce #nothingcanstopus,” Catelynn added.

It’s important to note, of course, that Tyler and Catelynn both seem to have posted those comments sarcastically.

Catelynn even added a series of cry-laughing emojis to drive the point home.

And fans who are rooting for the beloved couple have found further encouragement in recent comments from Catelynn’s father, David Lowell:

“Tyler is in Texas visiting his dad Butch and Catelynn is in Florida with Nova visiting her older sister,” David said of the couple’s weekend apart.

“Everything is good as far as I know. I don’t know about the Instagram name change. I didn’t notice.”

Catelynn also addressed the rumors with a candid social media post:

“[Tyler Baltierra] and I are not getting a divorce,” she wrote.

“Couples go through ups and downs that’s normal life. We are a solid couple that will work through anything life throws at us!” 

So we guess it’s safe to say Tyler and Catelynn won’t be calling it quits anytime soon.

It’s a refreshing change of pace, as TMOG couples don’t have the greatest success rate.

Watch Teen Mom OG online for more on one the Baltierras’ many ups and downs.


Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Catelynn Lowell-Tyler Baltierra Divorce: Is It Really Happening?!

Last week, Teen Mom OG fans were stunned by news that Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra were divorcing after three years of marriage and nearly 13 years as a couple.

More shocking than the rumor itself, however, was the fact that it seemed to be rooted in reality.

Catelynn changed her name from Baltierra back to Lowell on Instagram, and fans were able to confirm that the couple spent Mother"s Day weekend in separate states.

All of this came on the heels of a difficult year for the Baltierras that saw Catelynn suffering a miscarriage and both parties battling mental illness.

Did it all get to be too much for one of the Teen Mom franchise"s most beloved couples?

Here"s what we know so far:


1. Happier Times

Catelynn lowell and tyler baltierra snuggles

Just a few weeks ago, Catelynn and Tyler were happily posing for photos together and commenting on one another’s social media posts. But some fans are convinced their relationship has deteriorated very rapidly…

2. Signs of Trouble

Catelynn lowell tyler baltierra on instagram

The most recent signs that Tyler and Catelynn might be in the midst of a rough patch came over the weekend. Fans picked up on two red flags that may indicate trouble in paradise.

3. A Subtle Message?

Catelynn baltierra

Catelynn recently changed her display name on Instagram to “Catelynn Lowell.” At one point, she also unfollowed Tyler on the site.

4. Trying Times

Catelynn lowell and tyler

Reports of the dissolution of Catelynn and Tyler’s marriage come at the end of a year that would have put even the strongest of relationships to the test.

5. A Tragic Setback

Catelynn lowell on teen mom

Catelynn suffered a miscarriage just as she and Tyler’s excitement about welcoming a new child had reached a fever pitch. The loss took a tremendous emotional toll on both Baltierras.

6. Catelynn’s Struggles

Catelynn lowell purple hair

In the months that followed, Catelynn checked into rehab twice to be treated for PTSD and other emotional issues. Tyler stood by her side, but Catelynn’s extended absences had an obvious impact on their marriage.

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