Showing posts with label Banned. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Banned. Show all posts

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Ryan Edwards: Banned From Seeing Son Due to Drug Use?!

Back in June, Ryan Edwards checked into rehab immediately after he married Mackenzie Standifer.

Ryan had passed out while driving to the wedding, and the shocking scene was captured by Teen Mom 2 cameras.

These days, Ryan is reportedly clean and sober.

But that doesn"t mean he"s regained the trust of his baby mama, Maci Bookout…


1. Ryan at Rock Bottom

Ryan edwards sad

Ryan’s addiction to heroin and prescription painkillers nearly cost him his life earlier this year. His shocking descent into addiction was documented on Teen Mom 2.

2. A Sad Ceremony

Mackenzie standifer ryan edwards

Viewers were stunned when Ryan lost consciousness while driving to his own wedding. Immediately after saying “I do,” Edwards checked into a rehab facility,

3. Custody Crisis

Maci bookout ryan edwards and bentley

These days, Ryan is clean and sober, but it seems he’s having a hard time regaining the trust of his son’s mother. Maci Bookout is reportedly very wary about leaving 8-year-old Bentley alone with his father.

4. Visitation Woes

Maci ryan and bentley

A recent episode of Teen Mom 2 showed Maci bringing Bentley to Ryan’s parents’ house for Father’s Day, to say the visit did not go smoothly would be a massive understatement.

5. See You In Court!

Ryan edwards hair

That’s the threat Ryan made when Maci left his parents’ house and brought Bentley along. It seems the situation is likely to get uglier before it gets better.

6. Ryan’s Frustration

Ryan edwards on teen mom o g

Those closest to the situation say Ryan is incredibly frustrated, not only because he barely sees his son, but also because Maci is wildly inconsistent with regard to the visitation schedule.

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Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Russia Banned From 2018 Winter Olympic Games

Russia is BANNED from the ’18 Winter Olympics after the country was caught running a MASSIVE doping scheme … the International Olympic Committee announced Tuesday. Athletes from Russia — across every sport — won’t be allowed to compete…


Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Ryan Edwards: Banned from Seeing Son Until He Passes Drug Test!

We all know that Ryan Edwards has had his fair share of issues.

Drug issues, douchebag issues … it"s always been something with this guy.

But earlier this year, things came to a head when Maci Bookout discovered the extent of his drug problem. She began taking steps to help him, and to protect their son, Bentley.

And that last part, the thing about protecting Bentley?

That"s the thing we"re going to be discussing today …

1. Borderline Deadbeat

Ryan edwards image

First, let’s get this sad fact out of the way: Ryan has never been a great father to Bentley. From refusing to spend a few dollars for a cake mix on his first birthday to consistently being late or absent for most major events, Bentley has just never seemed like a priority for Ryan.

2. Poor Bentley

Maci bookout and bentley

Sure, Ryan sees the kid, but it’s mostly because his own parents, Jen and Larry, are very active grandparents. If it weren’t for them, many Teen Mom OG fans feel like he wouldn’t be involved in Bentley’s life at all.


Ryan edwards high

We don’t know exactly when Ryan began experimenting with drugs, but we do know that he went to rehab for the first time in 2012, when Bentley was just four years old. That information was revealed by Ryan’s ex-girlfriend, Dalis Connell, and she didn’t sound too confident about how seriously he took treatment back then. So there’s a possibility he’s been on drugs for years now.

4. Downward Spiral

Ryan edwards on the teen mom reunion

Sometime last year, though, his drug use became heartbreakingly obvious to Teen Mom viewers. In many scenes, his eyes appeared to be bugging out of his head, and we began hearing about some strange behavior of his. Remember all his “trips to the bank” that would have him gone from home for hours?

5. The Truth Comes Out

Maci bookout on teen mom og

His drug use wasn’t confirmed until last season, when Maci went on a trip to Puerto Rico with Amber and Catelynn. She opened up to them about how concerned she was for Ryan, and Amber told her that it’d been clear to her that he’d been high on the show for a while. Same, Amber.

6. Scarier and Scarier

Ryan edwards and mackenzie standifer photo

But the big confirmation happened when Ryan and Mackenzie got married — specifically on their ride over to the parking lot where the wedding took place.

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Saturday, November 11, 2017

OJ Simpson Rails at Getting Banned from Cosmopolitan Hotel ... "Nothing Happened!"

OJ Simpson is livid over reports — presumably ours — that he was banned from the Cosmopolitan hotel in Vegas for life after getting drunk at a bar and being belligerent to hotel staff. Simpson is challenging the story we broke … that he was at…


Wednesday, November 1, 2017

MLB"s Bruce Maxwell Banned From Postmates After Gun Arrest

We’re still waiting on Bruce Maxwell’s side of the story after he allegedly pulled a gun on a female courier … but one thing’s for sure — he ain’t getting served by the same delivery company ever again. We got in touch with Postmates after…


Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Harvey Weinstein Banned for Life from Producers Guild of America

Harvey Weinstein just got the death penalty from the Producers Guild of America. The PGA announced Monday … “In light of Mr. Weinstein’s widely reported behavior .. the Producers Guild’s National Board has voted unanimously to enact a…


Monday, October 23, 2017

Janet Jackson NOT Banned from Super Bowl Halftime, NFL Says

Well, this is interesting …  If Justin Timberlake wants Janet Jackson in his halftime show, he can have Janet Jackson … because there is NO official ban barring her from performing at Super Bowl 52, TMZ Sports has learned.  After the…


Janet Jackson NOT Banned from Super Bowl Halftime, NFL Says

Well, this is interesting …  If Justin Timberlake wants Janet Jackson in his halftime show, he can have Janet Jackson … because there is NO official ban barring her from performing at Super Bowl 52, TMZ Sports has learned.  After the…


Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Barbara Evans on Being Banned From Jenelle"s Wedding: I"m Dead to Her!

Over the weekend, Jenelle Evans married David Eason in a ceremony in the couple’s backyard.

MTV camera crews were on hand, of course, but one important person in Jenelle’s life was noticeably absent.

Barbara Evans was not invited to her daughter’s wedding.

Many Teen Mom 2 fans believed the notoriously hard-hearted Jenelle would eventually soften and extend a last-minute invitation for her controversial mother.

But it didn’t happen, and Babs was not on hand to see her Jenelle marry for the second time.

The main reason for the enmity between mother and daughter is the ongoing custody battle for Jace, Jenelle’s eldest child.

Jenelle signed over primary custody of Jace shortly after he was born, and she’s been fighting to get him back for the past several years.

Barbara believes that Jenelle is still incapable of providing Jace with a stable home environment, and many TM2 fans – and, more importantly, the courts – agree.

Unfortunately for Babs, it seems standing her ground has done irreparable damage to her relationship with her daughter.

“I’m dead to her,” Barbara said in a recent interview with Radar Online.

“I texted her the morning of the wedding. I sent emojis of hearts, kisses, a frown and tears in my eyes. That’s all I have to say.”

Sometimes an emoji is worth a thousand words.

But in this case, the favorite mode of expression of Millennials everywhere proved insufficient.

Barbara has no delusions about why her daughter has cut ties.

“She said, ‘You’re not invited to the wedding because you won’t give back Jace,"” Babs said of her most recent conversation with her daughter.

“It’s not about her or me; it’s about Jace.”

Barbara says she was so distraught upon realizing Jenelle really wouldn’t allow her to attend the wedding that she left town:

“I’m very devastated that I wasn’t invited to the wedding,” Barbara told Radar.

“I am out of town. Out of sight out of mind. I can’t be around. I’ve been crying.”

“To do this to me it is heart-wrenching,” Evans added.

“If this is what che chooses – to alienate me out of her life – so be it.”

Barbara also revealed that while custody of Jace is the primary point of contention, she believes that Jenelle has been poisoned against by her new new husband.

“I think David planned it that way,” Evans said. “David has alienated me from Jenelle.”

Barbara went on to state that she believes the battle for custody of Jace will only get uglier from here.

But she added that she won’t be bullied into giving up:

“She’s coming back with a vengeance,” Evans said.

“I knew that from the day I walked out of court. But you know what? I will do anything it takes to make sure Jace is not in that house with David.

Sounds like the Battle of the Evanses is about to get even more brutal.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive Barbara and Jenelle’s tumultuous relationship.


Scott Disick: BANNED From Seeing Kids Until He Sobers Up

It’s official: Scott Disick won’t be permitted to see his children again until he can prove to their mother that he’s sober and able to provide them with a safe, stable environment for visitations.

If you’ve been following Scott’s “career” closely over the past few months, you know this isn’t much of a surprise.

Disick has been on a non-stop drinking binge, and he recently hit rock bottom in a frightening way.

Last month, Scott was hospitalized under a 5150 psychiatric hold after authorities determined that he presented a danger to himself.

He was released from the hospital without incident, but then, to the shock of his family and friends, the 34-year-old resumed drinking almost immediately.

Shortly thereafter, the Kardashians learned that Disick is dating Sofia Richie, and apparently that was the final straw.

(We would’ve thought the months of reckless boozing and drug use would’ve been the final straw, but the fact that 34-year-old Scott is dating a 19-year-old longtime family friend is indeed quite weird and gross.)

So now, Kourtney Kardashian is taking action that she probably should’ve taken years ago.

“Kourtney and her family have banned Scott from seeing his kids,” a source close to the situation tells Radar Online.

But the Kourtney and company aren’t simply kicking Scott to the curb.

In fact, it seems they realize that doing so would be tantamount to a death sentence.

Instead, insiders say, the Kardashians are planning an intervention for Disick.

It’s not the first time they’ve employed this tactic, but the family is reportedly hopeful that with Scott’s relationship with his kids on the line, he’ll finally listen up and get sober.

“His drinking has ruined his life, his relationship with Kourtney, and his friendship with Khloe,” says the source, adding:

“It’s really sad.”

At the intervention, the Kardashians (who are really the only family Scott has left following the death of his parents) will encourage the father of three to enter an in-patient rehab facility.

Scott has been to rehab at least five times in the past, and on each occasion, he left before completing his course of treatment.

Will this time be any different?

For the sake of Scott and his loved ones, we certainly hope so.


Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Jenelle Evans: BANNED From Seeing Jace By Barbara Evans Amid Drug Test Scandal!

Jenelle Evans’ mother Barbara says she has banned the Teen Mom 2 star from seeing her son indefinitely following her recent scandal.

Evans tested positive for marijuana while she was pregnant with her newborn daughter, Ensley, according to multiple media reports.

Additionally, Jenelle is accused of child neglect, and is being threatened with a custody fight over her second child, son Kaiser.

Just for a refresher, Jenelle had Jace with Andrew Lewis, who is MIA; Barbara Evans has cared for the boy almost his entire life.

She then had Kaiser with former fiance Nathan Griffith, and earlier this year, welcomed Ensley with current fiance David Eason.

The drug test shocker is bad news for her relationship with all three children, as even her own mom is drawing a red line over it.

Barbara Evans opened up about the explosive court documents filed by Griffith’s mother, who is seeking emergency custody of Kaiser.

“That’s a fact,” Barbara said of reports that Jenelle failed a drug test and was investigated by DCS for passing it along to Ensley.

“I have Jace, so when something like that happens, they contact me,” she said. “That’s the reason we were going to court.”

“I can’t send him over there when that’s happened [Ensley testing positive for drugs]. I don’t want to put him in that atmosphere.”

“I knew all along [about Ensley] and never exposed it until the day of court in May,” Barbara told Radar. “And the baby was born in January.”

“All that time I never opened my mouth.”

“I’m very curious if MTV will air the footage of me from the day I went to court with Jenelle,” she said of the conflict with her daughter.

“After court I was talking to one of her girlfriends, Jamie, asking ‘what do you think about this.’ I told her, ‘You just don’t know all that’s going on."”

“I said, ‘If you people only knew this true story. This is not about me or her, this is about Jace. Jace’s life.’ They filmed that.”

“I said it [Ensley testing positive for drugs]. Everybody thinks that I held Jace back, I told the girl. That’s the reason why.”

“She said ‘I didn’t know that.’ Well, nobody knew it. I was contacted about the investigation and told about it in court.”

Barbara says she has been cut off from her two younger grandchildren by Jenelle: “She won’t let me see Kaiser or Ensley.”

“I can’t see either one of them. She did that a long time ago. Same situation. She won’t let me see them,” she lamented.

“Then she says, ‘You don’t want to see your grandkids,’ but I told her, ‘You told me you would have me arrested if you came on your property.’”

Talk of Jenelle’s erratic behavior costing her custody is not new, but Barbara Evans also dropped another shocking allegation:

She got high on weed while pregnant with Jace as well.

“You should not be smoking weed when you’re pregnant. She was friggin’ stoned the whole time [she was pregnant with Jace],” says Barbara.

“I don’t care what it is. It is illegal. She is irresponsible.”

For her part, the 25-year-old Jenelle denies abusing her kids, calling the allegations just that, “allegations, mostly driven by my mom.”

“Our lawyers are working out a new agreement. Our lawyers are talking today. Doris [Davidson, Nathan’s mom] made accusations.”

“But I can tell you that Barbara has a lot to do with them.”

“Doris threw her own son under the bus by admitting that he has pending felonies and possibly on drugs,” Jenelle fires back.

“Her emergency filing was against me and Nathan both.”

That’s hardly comforting for Barbara, who says she won’t let Jenelle see Jace, and that she fears for the toddler in Jenelle’s custody.

“I’ve been worried about Kaiser for a long time. We think it’s because he looks like Nathan, therefore David gets more angry with him.”

“Just because of that fact.”

While David Eason’s treatment of Jenelle’s kids from her previous relationships has been criticized as well, he is not part of this investigation.

All we can say is stay tuned, because this saga is bound to get worse before it gets better, and to say a prayer for the children involved.


Thursday, September 7, 2017

Scott Disick: Still Drinking, Banned From Seeing Kids After Hospitalization

Yesterday, we reported that Scott Disick had recently been placed on 5150 psychiatric hold after authorities determined that he presented a threat to himself or others.

Details of the behavior that led to Disick’s hospitalization are scarce, but those closest to the reality star say they’re sadly not surprised, as Scott has spent the past several months engaged in wildly self-destructive behavior.

In the wake of news that longtime partner and mother of his children Kourtney Kardashian had moved on to a new relationship, Scott went on a bender that’s been described by friends as a suicide mission.

All summer, Disick traveled the world, partying with young women, drinking heavily, and reportedly engaging in reckless drug use.

Now it’s caught up to him, but sources say Scott has no intention of changing his ways.

After being spotted hitting clubs in Vegas last week, Disick is reportedly keeping the party going in Manhattan.

“Scott got into New York last night, and he’s partying. Why wouldn’t he?” a source told Radar Online on Wednesday.

“He’s been out of control forever!”

The insider says Scott is beginning to show signs of the physical toll taken by his lifestyle.

“Scott has been a mess for the last couple of weeks,” the source says.

“He is sloppy and sweaty, and doesn’t seem to care at all about himself. He really seems to be losing it.”

Not surprisingly, Disick’s drinking is also affecting his relationship with his kids and their mother.

“Scott doesn’t have custody,” a second source tells Radar.

“Now Kourtney isn’t going to give him anything more than just supervised visits with the kids.”

Yes, Kourtney has reportedly decided that her three children shouldn’t be alone with their father until Scott sobers up.

“She’s worried that they’re getting older and can see what a mess he is now, so she tries to limit the time they spend with him,” says the insider.

“He visits them at the most random times,” the source adds. “They live with Kourtney; she is their only parent.”

Sadly, it seems that for now, Disick is okay with the arrangement..

“Scott doesn’t want custody of the kids … He leaves that all up to Kourtney,” says the insider, adding that Scott is never with his children for “long periods of time.”

It’s possible that Scott realizes what a mess he’s been, and feels he’s not up to the task of caring for children.

He’s probably also aware that it’ll take a lot of work and a long period of time to convince Kourtney that he’s fit to be a father again.

Disick has already been to rehab on at least four different occasions.

Each time, he left treatment early and resumed drinking within days.

Here’s hoping Scott will eventually find the help he seems to desperately need.

We’ll have further updates on this story as more information becomes available.


Friday, September 1, 2017

Kendall Jenner: Banned From Clippers Games Due to Blake Griffin Relationship?

Though they haven’t made an official announcement yet, it’s pretty clear Kendall Jenner and Blake Griffin are dating.

No one knows exactly when the relationship started, but it seems that Kendall and Blake started hooking up sometime over the summer.

Which means Kendall won’t get to make her big courtside debut at the Staples Center until the start of the 2017-18 NBA season.

It would be a big moment for the 21-year-old model, as even a regular season game would mean more eyes on her than any fashion show or episode of Keeping Up With the Kardashians.

Unfortunately for Kendall, it seems the Clippers front office is trying to stop her from shining.

Sources tell Radar Online that Griffin has been strongly encouraged to not invite Kendall to any home games, as his bosses fear she would serve as a distraction.

Griffin’s coaches have reportedly “warned that his new relationship with Kendall better not affect his form this season.”

“He’s not telling anyone yet whether they’re actually together, but Clippers bosses have told him that regardless, she’s not welcome to crash their locker room and distract everyone with the Kardashian circus,” says one insider.

“They saw what happened to [former Clipper] Lamar Odom when he was with Khloe [Kardashian] and they are not having that from their marquee player.”

The source adds that Griffin’s management team is concerned that a public relationship with Kendall might affect Blake’s image as a down-to-earth nice guy.

Especially since his longtime, on-again, off-again girlfriend, Brynn Cameron, is so well-liked in the community.

“Not to mention everyone feels sorry for his longtime partner Brynn, who everyone knows and loves” the informant says.

“They can’t imagine how she must be feeling right now having the father of her children linked to a Kardashian.”

But whether his team likes it or not, it seems Blake and Kendall are definitely an item.

E! News reports that the pair was seen dining at LA hot spot Craig’s earlier this week.

“It was definitely more than just a friendly outing because the girls were seated close to their men.,” says one witness.

While Blake and Kendall were with another couple, onlookers say there was no mistaking the chemistry between them.

“You could tell Blake was more into Kendall by the way he was staring and smiling at her. He looked very into her,” the source adds.

Well, it sounds like Kendall might want to enjoy being the center of Blake’s attention while she can.

Tip-off is right around the corner, and she’s apparently persona non-grata at the games.


Tuesday, August 29, 2017

16 Things Actually, Disturbingly BANNED By the Duggars

The Duggar family"s unusual dating rules have been well documented, and have been well before the family was embroiled in scandals.

It was an abrupt and stunning fall from grace when Josh Duggar"s child molestation history – and rampant adultery – was first exposed.

Yet, despite his hypocrisy, and the fact that everything about them has been under more scrutiny, the Duggars weathered the storm.

TLC axed 19 Kids & Counting, only to come back with Counting On, and you can count on them never backing down from their beliefs.

When it comes to their core convictions, they stand firm.

Their belief system certainly takes a certain kind of conviction in order to practice, too, since their list of rules for love and life is not short.

Despite talk of Joy-Anna Duggar breaking courtship rules, and signs of hope like Jinger wearing shorts, these guidelines ain"t no joke.

Here are 16 things the Duggars specifically do not allow …

1. Dates Without Chaperones

Duggar daughters

The Duggar parents often accompany their kids on dates in order to maintain “accountability” and “keep things from going in the wrong direction,” per Jim Bob. The girls are fine with this, as being alone with men puts them in grave “moral danger.” When the parents aren’t available, their older siblings will often tag along, making every date a group date and a family affair.

2. Non-Group Texts

Jessa duggar and ben seewald engagement

Even in the kids’ late teens and early 20s, mom and dad are creeping on their text messages. When Ben Seewald jokingly wrote to fiancee Jessa, “Give me a ring,” Jim Bob actually jumped in on the group text, writing “No ring yet.” With a smiley face emoticon. Seriously, he did that. Whatever you think of him, Jim Bob needs his own Instagram so he can start posting screen shots of this stuff.

3. Hugs on the Chest

Derick and jill dillard pregnant

This moment you see here between Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard would not have been permitted until the couple was married. Side hugs are the preferred method of PDA in order to prevent any further temptation or “hanky panky,” as has been well documented on 19 Kids and Counting. The Duggars love their side hugs so hard … though not too too hard, lest they lead to full-frontal hugging. And any touching beyond that? Save it for your wedding night.

4. Alcohol

Jill duggar and derick dillard together

This is probably an obvious one if you know anything about the Duggars. The family does not smoke or drink. They do, however, enjoy the occasional sugary dessert or getting high on life and love.

5. Romance Novels

Christian grey anastasia steele kissing

Safe to say the Duggars are in the minority, having not read Fifty Shades of Grey (the movie adaptation of which they won’t be seeing either, we’re guessing). The Bible warns not to “think about gratifying the pleasure of the flesh,” so instead the family studies Christian text and not E.L. James’ erotic fiction. The Duggars’ option is probably 1,000 times better-written, we will give them that much.

6. Modern Music and/or Dancing

Taylor swift twerking

Avert your eyes, Michelle Duggar! The family matriarch feels that dancing encourages “sensual” feelings, while Jessa Duggar has said that she feels modern music promotes “sex, drugs, all that type of stuff.” Instead, the family chooses to play gospel music together.

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Friday, August 4, 2017

Charles Oakley Banned From MSG For 1 Year

7:58 AM PT – Oakley’s attorney Alex Spiro says his client “will be pursuing all civil remedies against Mr. Dolan based on this incident” … in other words, a lawsuits comin’. Charles Oakley ain’t gonna be attending a home Knicks game…


Friday, July 21, 2017

Justin Bieber: Banned in China for Being Impure, "Bad"

Judged on the low bar he has set for himself over the years, Justin Bieber has been acting pretty responsibly these days.

Heck, he just visited some sick young fans at a hospital and he grew all emotional performing at the Manchester memorial concert last month.

However, despite his run of relatively good behavior, the singer has apparently been banned from performing in China due to… well… very bad behavior.

The Beijing Municipal Bureau of Culture announced this week that Bieber cannot perform in the country because he is impure and he sets a negative example for supporters in that nation.

The ban was explained when a fan of the scandal-filled artist posted on the Bejing Culture Bureau’s website, asking why she couldn’t see the singer on stage in China during the Asia leg of his Purpose tour this September.

“Please give a detailed explanation of why Justin Bieber is not allowed to come to China!” wrote this curious individual, adding:

“[He] has won many major awards, which demonstrates his extraordinary talents. Why aren’t mainland fans given the right to enjoy his performance?” 

And this is how the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Culture replied:

We sympathize with your feelings. Justin Bieber is a talented singer but is also a controversial young foreign idol.

We understand that there are records of his bad behavior, whether it is in his private life abroad or on stage.

His inappropriate manner has caused public discontent.

In order to regulate the market order of show business in China and purify the market environment, it was decided that performers of inappropriate behavior will not be welcomed.

That’s just amazing all around.

What sort of bad behavior might China be referring to?

Bieber has a history of driving recklessly, screaming at his own fans and generally acting like a pompous jackass.

But there was a specific incident in China itself that may have gotten the government understandably riled up.

In 2013, while on tour in the area, the superstar was captured on camera being carried up to the Great Wall of China by his bodyguards.

Reports at the time indicated that officials in the country were offended by this action… as were many sane-minded individuals who saw it as the epitome of Justin Bieber acting like a spoiled brat.

Then, in 2014, Bieber shared photos of himself visiting the Yasukuni Shrine in Tokyo, which many Chinese citizens see as a monument to Japan’s brutal wartime past.

It’s not the kind of place you just brag about attending on social media.

Bieber quickly apologized for the images and deleted them from his Instagram account.

“While in Japan I asked my driver to pull over for which I saw a beautiful shrine,” he wrote at the time, explaining:

“I was mislead to think the Shrines were only a place of prayer. To anyone I have offended I am extremely sorry. I love you China and I love you Japan.”

That’s nice and all.

But Chinese authorities do not love him back.


Justin Bieber"s Banned from China for Bad Behavior

Justin Bieber found out it IS too late to say he’s sorry — China just banned his ass for bad behavior. Beijing’s Culture Bureau responded Friday to a fan’s request asking why the Biebs’ Purpose tour has scheduled dates in Japan, Indonesia, the…


Thursday, June 29, 2017

Kate Middleton: I Was Banned From Wimbledon!

Kate Middleton pretty much goes wherever she wants.

If there’s an event the Duchess wishes to attend, you better believe tickets, invitations, and welcoming committees aren’t hard to come by.

It’s one of the many, many perks of marrying into a royal family.

Kate is a big tennis fan, so not surprisingly, she’s usually in attendance at the sport’s most prestigious tournament, Wimbledon.

But there was one year when two previously unimaginable events occurred:

1. Kate expressed a desire to do something and was greeted with a fast and firm no, and as a result …

2. Kate was nowhere to be seen at Wimbledon.

We know what you’re thinking – who would deny Kate Middleton access to her nation’s most famous sporting event.

Well, believe it or not, even future queen’s don’t live their lives with complete autonomy.

As we learned from the recent reports of Prince George’s tantrums, Kate, like every parent, is ultimately at the beck and call of her children.

So when she was pregnant with George in 2013, Kate made a number of lifestyle changes and sacrifices.

One of the most painful, it seems, was being forced to sit out Wimbledon.

In a new documentaty on the revered tournament, Kate reveals that her doctor forbade her from attending the famous match in which Andy Murray beat Novak Djokovic to claim one of the tennis world’s top prizes.

“I was very heavily pregnant. I wrote to him [Murray] afterwards saying sorry for not being there,” Kate says in the doc.

She adds that when she begged the doc for permission to attend, replied with a firm “definitely not.”

A few weeks later, Prince George entered the world, and once he cools it with those tantrums, he’ll be able to attend every Wimbledon for the rest of his life.

So the story has a happy ending.

Of course, we guess that’s true of every store when you’ll one day preside over one of the planet’s biggest empires.

It’s good to be the future queen.


Tuesday, May 16, 2017

16 Disturbing Things BANNED By the Duggar Family

The Duggar family"s unusual dating rules have been well documented, and have been well before the family was embroiled in scandals.

It was epic, abrupt and stunning fall from grace when Josh Duggar"s child molestation history – and rampant adultery – was first exposed.

Yet, despite his hypocrisy, and the fact that everything about the family has been under more scrutiny, the Duggars are going strong.

TLC axed 19 Kids & Counting, only to come back with Counting On, and you can count on them never backing down from their beliefs.

When it comes to their core convictions, they stand firm.

Their belief system certainly takes a certain kind of conviction in order to practice, too, since their list of rules for love and life is not short.

Despite talk of Jinger or Joy-Anna Duggar breaking courtship rules, or being slightly less rigid with them, these guidelines ain"t no joke.

Here are 16 things the Duggars specifically do not allow …

1. Dates Without Chaperones

Duggar daughters

The Duggar parents often accompany their kids on dates in order to maintain “accountability” and “keep things from going in the wrong direction,” per Jim Bob. The girls are fine with this, as being alone with men puts them in grave “moral danger.” When the parents aren’t available, their older siblings will often tag along, making every date a group date and a family affair.

2. Non-Group Texts

Jessa duggar and ben seewald engagement

Even in the kids’ late teens and early 20s, mom and dad are creeping on their text messages. When Ben Seewald jokingly wrote to fiancee Jessa, “Give me a ring,” Jim Bob actually jumped in on the group text, writing “No ring yet.” With a smiley face emoticon. Seriously, he did that. Whatever you think of him, Jim Bob needs his own Instagram so he can start posting screen shots of this stuff.

3. Hugs on the Chest

Derick and jill dillard pregnant

This moment you see here between Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard would not have been permitted until the couple was married. Side hugs are the preferred method of PDA in order to prevent any further temptation or “hanky panky,” as has been well documented on 19 Kids and Counting. The Duggars love their side hugs so hard … though not too too hard, lest they lead to full-frontal hugging. And any touching beyond that? Save it for your wedding night.

4. Alcohol

Jill duggar and derick dillard together

This is probably an obvious one if you know anything about the Duggars. The family does not smoke or drink. They do, however, enjoy the occasional sugary dessert or getting high on life and love.

5. Romance Novels

Christian grey anastasia steele kissing

Safe to say the Duggars are in the minority, having not read Fifty Shades of Grey (the movie adaptation of which they won’t be seeing either, we’re guessing). The Bible warns not to “think about gratifying the pleasure of the flesh,” so instead the family studies Christian text and not E.L. James’ erotic fiction. The Duggars’ option is probably 1,000 times better-written, we will give them that much.

6. Modern Music and/or Dancing

Taylor swift twerking

Avert your eyes, Michelle Duggar! The family matriarch feels that dancing encourages “sensual” feelings, while Jessa Duggar has said that she feels modern music promotes “sex, drugs, all that type of stuff.” Instead, the family chooses to play gospel music together.

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Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Genie Bouchard Says "Cheater" Maria Sharapova Should Be Banned for Life

Tennis pro Genie Bouchard is slamming Maria Sharapova as a “cheater” who should NEVER be allowed to play pro tennis ever again.  Sharapova returned to pro tennis Wednesday after serving a 15 month suspension for testing positive for a banned…
