Showing posts with label Belafonte. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Belafonte. Show all posts

Monday, November 27, 2017

Mel B and Stephen Belafonte Strike Deal in Divorce

Mel B and Stephen Belafonte have struck a deal in their bitter divorce war … but a judge still has to sign off on it to make it official. In legal docs obtained by TMZ … Mel and Stephen struck a deal on November 8th and agreed to the…


Thursday, November 9, 2017

Mel B, Stephen Belafonte Settle Major Divorce Issues

Mel B and Stephen Belafonte have settled the domestic violence portion of their nasty divorce. We’re told the 2 have reached an agreement and Mel has withdrawn her domestic violence restraining order against Stephen. The implication…


Monday, October 23, 2017

Mel B Tossed My Baby Pics and Clothes, Claims Stephen Belafonte

Mel B coldly boxed up and tossed out her estranged husband’s stuff … according to Stephen Belafonte, who’s not taking it well. Stephen says Mel packed up 10 boxes of his belongings, which he picked up on Oct. 4 — but he was shocked at what was…


Thursday, September 14, 2017

Mel B Fears Her Kids Will Be Exposed to Sex Tapes with Stephen Belafonte

Mel B is playing the sex tape card in her effort to convince a judge to seal her divorce and domestic violence case from the public. According to new docs filed by Mel, and obtained by TMZ, Stephen Belafonte intends to enter 54 videos as exhibits in…


Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Mel B Allegedly Badgers Woman to Testify Stephen Belafonte Raped Her

Mel B’s being accused of harassing another potential witness in her divorce war with Stephen Belafonte … and this time the woman claims Mel wants her to lie about rape. TMZ has confirmed … a  22-year-old Swedish student allegedly had…


Mel B Allegedly Badgers Woman to Testify Stephen Belafonte Raped Her

Mel B’s being accused of harassing another potential witness in her divorce war with Stephen Belafonte … and this time the woman claims Mel wants her to lie about rape. TMZ has confirmed … a  22-year-old Swedish student allegedly had…


Friday, September 8, 2017

Mel B, Stephen Belafonte, First Face-off Since Divorce Filed

Stephen Belafonte just walked into an L.A. courtroom and nervously trained his eyes on a woman who now claims he brutalized her and threatened to destroy her life — Mel B. It was a short, tense face-off as the estranged couple faced a judge in the…


Thursday, September 7, 2017

Mel B: I Have Evidence Against Stephen Belafonte!

Mel B’s divorce from Stephen Belafonte is one of the messiest and saddest stories of the year, and that’s saying a lot.

It’s not sad that they’re divorcing — what’s sad is the horrifying accusations that have come out since their split. Mel B has a long court battle ahead of her.

But it looks like the Spice Girl and TV personality is striking back, and she’s armed with evidence that supports her claims — including depositions.

Do you guys remember back in December of 2014?

Honestly, 2017 feels like it’s lasted at least 1,000 years and we’re barely into September (and with two “500 year storms” already, that’s no surprise), so we’ll understand if you’re drawing a blank.

Fans notices bruises on Mel B during an airing of X Factor — on which the Spice Girl was a judge.

Mel B responded to speculation by declaring that her husband, Stephen Belafonte would never hurt her.

Unfortunately, as we are all aware by now, someone denying that they’re a victim of domestic violence … doesn’t mean anything. Victims will generally say anything to protect their abusers.

Until they reach a breaking point, that is.

This year, Mel B has split from husband Stephen Belafonte and was granted an order of protection after accusing Belafonte of punching and choking her.

That is horrifying to hear.

There have also been more salacious stories about their marriage, including claims that Mel B and Belafonte’s nanny was Belafonte’s lover.

Allegedly, Stephen Belafonte wanted to control Mel B’s money but also retain a young lover.

Belafonte had also allegedly blackmailed Mel B with recordings of their sex life.

Mel B’s nanny, Lorraine Gilles, sued for defamation, claiming that she had been Mel B’s consensual lover and that she had never had one-on-one sex with Stephen Belafonte.

Based upon new papers that Mel B’s team has filed, it sounds like Gilles is walking back some of those claims.

TMZ got a hold of some court documents that allege that Stephen Belafonte arranged a phony marriage for Lorraine Gilles, one that allowed him to keep Lorraine nearby.

And that he used Mel B’s money to do it.

The documents include portions of Lorraine Gilles’ deposition, in which she admits to having sex alone with Stephen Belafonte — ten to fifteen times.

Considering how many years she was in their lives, that sounds like a really low number, but it’s progress from her claim that she only had sex with him during threesomes.

Gilles also admits to having had sex with Belafonte around the time that she got an abortion, but claims that it wasn’t his.

(We’d ask how she, or anyone, could know for sure, as we can’t imagine that any genetic testing was involved — but hey, we’re no experts)

Now, Lorraine Gilles married Michael Bleu — which Mel B alleges was a sham.

Her team included a deposition from Bleu himself, in which he admits to having purchased the engagement ring for $ 30 on eBay.

Ah, romance.

Gilles also admits that the sex tapes — the ones that Mel B says Belafonte used to blackmail her — definitely exist and that she watched them as recently as July of 2016.

(There is a very real fear that Belafonte might release the sex tapes, in part or in whole, during these upcoming court battles)

As for Michael Bleu’s incentive for the fake marriage? Apparently Belafonte got Mel B to invest $ 60,000 in Michael Bleu’s business.

At the time, Mel B had no idea that Michael Bleu had been arrested for a sex crime (yikes!) and convicted for false imprisonment.

Mel B hopes to keep Belafonte’s domestic violence trial closed to the public, for her sake and for the sake of her children.

Belafonte wants it to be public — a powerful intimidation tactic against his accuser.

We hope that this whole ordeal comes to an end soon.


Mel B Claims Stephen Belafonte Had Repeated Sex with Nanny in Sham Marriage Scheme

Mel B’s estranged husband, Stephen Belafonte, and their former nanny, Lorraine Gilles, engineered a phony marriage for Gilles so she would not be deported, which would allow the 2 to carry on an affair behind Mel B’s back and rob her blind … this…


Friday, July 14, 2017

Mel B Ordered to Pay Stephen Belafonte $40k a Month in Spousal Support

Mel B’s bank account is gonna take a painful hit — at least for now — because she’s been ordered to pay her estranged husband $ 40,000 a month. Stephen Belafonte’s request for emergency spousal support was granted by a judge who agrees … he needs…


Friday, June 23, 2017

Mel B to Stephen Belafonte: Get a Job!

 Have you been keeping up with the drama that’s going down between Mel B and Stephen Belafonte?

It’s all getting a little crazy, and we’re sure there’s no end in sight for the warring former couple. It all started a few months back when Mel B decided it was time to end her marriage after 10 years. 

They got married after just five months of dating, and it’s pretty unclear just how long things have been sour between them, but we’re willing to bet it’s been at least a few years. 

At first, there was no indication about what the heck went wrong between them, but became considerably clearer when it emerged that Mel had filed a restraining order. 

In legal documents, Mel claimed that Stephen had physically abused her multiple times throughout their marriage and also dropped the revelation that he had been secretly recording their sexual encounters. 

It’s clear their marriage was built on an unhealthy dose of hatred, and that’s not a very strong foundation to sustain any relationship. 

The craziest story of all to come from the parting of ways is that the couple’s former nanny, Lorraine Gilles came forward to claim she was in a seven-year relationship with the couple. 

The latest twist in the tale comes from a report that Mel B does not want to grant Stephen spousal support. The reason? He’s asking for as much as $ 4,300 for food and groceries per month. 

That’s probably enough to feed most families in a year, so we would like to know whether he’s planning on feeding everyone in his building with the money. 

Mel has caught on to this and feels like he’s being a little too extravagant for her liking. She’s also not a fan of his $ 2000 per month clothing allowance. She said that Stephen took all of his belongings when he left their house. 

He even thinks he needs $ 11,000 per month for housing costs. We get that he needs security because of the increased media coverage, but the dude is seriously going too far with his claims. 

The funniest demand of all is $ 750 per month for his cell phone plan. We don’t even know if there is one that costs that much out there. Maybe he has an iPhone from the future. 

According to the report, Mel knows Stephen is working full-time in the restaurant they co-own, Serafina, so she will know whether he has money. 

She feels like if he isn’t making enough money, he should probably get a new job. With diva demands like that, it’s hard to imagine any employer taking Belafonte on. 

What do you think about all of this?

Sound off below!


Mel B Refuses to Give Stephen Belafonte $4k/Month for Food

Mel B’s drawing a line when it comes to footing the bill for her estranged husband’s food, clothing and cell phone habits … calling his “wish list” a pipe dream. Mel filed docs shooting holes in Stephen Belafonte’s request for emergency spousal…


Monday, June 12, 2017

Stephen Belafonte Shut Down On Child Custody Change

Stephen Belafonte bitched photogs were getting shots of his daughter during his monitored visits, but his plea to change the location for those visits was shot down. The judge decided to keep things status quo after Mel B’s estranged husband…


Friday, May 26, 2017

Stephen Belafonte Wants Big Money from Mel B in Alimony in Divorce

Stephen Belafonte says he’s flat broke and wants Mel B to ante up in a big way so he doesn’t go under. Stephen has filed legal docs in his divorce case saying he’s tapped out to the point he’s couch surfing with friends … unable to afford a place…


Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Melanie Brown: Stephen Belafonte is a Dangerous Porn Producer!

Melanie Brown has filed documents in court that detail multiple reasons why her estranged husband ought NOT to be allowed near his daughter for the foreseeable future.

This action took place about one month after Brown and Stephen Belafonte ended their marriage, and three weeks after Brown made a handful of serious allegations against Belafonte.

As previously reported, Brown claimed to a judge earlier this month that Belafonte shoved her to the ground and hit her in the face on multiple occasions.

Throughout the course of their 10-year marriage, Brown also says Belafonte secretly recorded threesomes between the couple and its nanny, using this footage as blackmail in case Brown ever thought about leaving him.

Moreover, Brown told friends to keep their mouths shut about this abuse out of fear Belafonte would murder her.

It’s clearly an ugly situation all around.

And it just got even uglier.

On Monday morning, lawyers for the former Spice Girls member attempted to deny Belafonte the right to spend time with his five-year old daughter, Madison.

They argued that he’s a bad influence as a father because Belafonte is a part-time producer of pornography.

For real! According to Brown, that is.

Melanie Brown and Stephen Belafonte pose here with Lorraine Gilles, the nanny who claims Brown often got her drunk and took advantage of her sexually.

Brown says there’s evidence on various computers owned by Belafonte that prove he has connections to the adult film industry; namely, papers that point to Belafonte renting spaces around Los Angeles to shoot NC-17 rated material.

There’s also this charge:

Attorneys for the singer claim Belafonte is friends with a rapper nicknamed True Life, who stayed with them in the family home on at least one occasion.

True Life has served time in jail for manslaughter… yet Belafonte allowed him to sleep in Madison’s bed (when she wasn’t home).

Brown believes this is just one example of Belafonte making very poor decisions when it comes to his life and his child.

In the end – despite Brown’s lawyer saying new evidence was developing about Belafonte’s use of “assets for various illegal, nefarious activitie” – a Los Angeles Superior Court decreed that Belafonte could see his five-year-old daughter.

He set visitations at twice per week and ordered that they take place under professional supervision.

Elsewhere in this sordid saga, Lorraine Gilles has filed a defamation lawsuit against Brown.

The nanny cited above claims Brown soiled her reputation in her declaration against Belafonte, in which Brown alleged Belafonte had gotten Gilles and used Brown’s money to pay for an abortion.

Via her own legal documents, Gilles says Brown painted her as “a homewrecker, prostitute, and extortionist” and, in her lawsuit, Gilles depicts a very different set-up of her life with Brown and Belafonte.

Shortly after arriving from Germany in 2009, Gilles says Brown “seduced a naive and a curious 18-year-old foreign exchange student … with alcohol, fame, and casual sex.”

She goes on to say every threesome was “consensual” and that she even developed a relationship with Brown apart from Belafonte.

Gillies believes photos such as the one below prove that she and Brown got along very, very, very well.

In her lawsuit, Gilles write that she eventually accepted Brown’s offer to work for her and Belafonte as their nanny.

She says her “sexual and employment relationship with Brown continued for approximately seven years.”

Completely contradicting Brown, Gilles says she rarely engaged in group sex with both halves of the couple – and that, when she did, it was only because Brown invited Belafonte to join in.

And then Brown herself went behind the camera and filmed the sessions.

Gilles – who admits to an abortion, but says it was not Belafonte’s baby – is suing for libel, invasion of privacy, and intentional infliction of emotional distress.

She’s seeking unspecified damages.


Monday, April 24, 2017

Stephen Belafonte Gets Visitation with His Daughter, Must Stay Away from Eddie Murphy"s

Stephen Belafonte will get to see the daughter he had with Mel B, but under very strict terms laid out by a judge. Belafonte and his attorneys were in court Monday trying to get unmonitored visitation with 5-year-old Madison. Mel B’s…


Mel B Claims Stephen Belafonte Produces Porn, Keep Our Kids Away

Mel B says her estranged husband is involved in the porn industry, and that means he shouldn’t be allowed to have unmonitored visitation with their kids. Mel B’s attorneys are in court fighting Stephen Belafonte’s efforts to regain visitation…


Mel B Admits to Three-Way Sex But Says Stephen Belafonte Cheated Alone with Nanny

Mel B is not disputing what her former nanny claimed in her defamation lawsuit against the singer — that Mel B, husband Stephen Belafonte and the then-nanny had 3-ways for 7 years … but Mel B says the 2 of them crossed the line. Sources connected…


Saturday, April 22, 2017

Mel B"s Ex-Husband Says She Put their Daughter at Risk with Belafonte (VIDEO)

Jimmy Gulzar has a question for Mel B — if Stephen Belafonte is as bad as you say he is … why did you let our daughter live with him all these years? Mel’s ex-husband blasts her for failing as a mom to keep their 18-year-old daughter, Phoenix,…


Thursday, April 20, 2017

Stephen Belafonte Says His Kids Miss Him Badly, Thanks to Mel B (PHOTOS)

Mel B has alienated Stephen Belafonte’s daughter and stepdaughter from him … and now he wants a judge to make things right … so says Belafonte in new legal docs. When he last saw them he says the 2 kids told him, “Mommy is really mad at you and…
