Showing posts with label Black. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Black. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Eric Benet Says Music Biz Favors White R&B Singers Over Black Ones

Fresh off his shot at rappers, Eric Benet says black R&B artists are getting shaded … by white singers and the music biz, in general, and he calls it a clear case of history repeating itself. The singer was on Van Lathan’s ‘The Red…


Tuesday, August 7, 2018

CNN"s Jeffrey Toobin Says Trump Has a Habit of Attacking Black People

Jeffrey Toobin thinks it’s awfully peculiar President Trump seems to have a habit of viciously attacking black people … but stops short of calling him a full-on racist. We got CNN’s Chief Legal Analyst Monday at LAX and asked about DT’s latest…


Monday, July 23, 2018

Georgia Southern Student Accidentally Texts the N-Word to Black Roommate

A lot of discussion of racism these days centers upon politics at the highest level, institutionalized racist norms, and white supremacist violence. But individual racism is still alive and well in America.

That is what a black student discovered when her roommate accidentally sent a text message to her that was about her.

It featured an appalling use of the n-word. But the white student who sent it is desperately claiming that autocorrect is to blame.

Georgia Southern N-Word, Courtney Schaefer 01

This deeply unsettling story begins with a pleasant if somewhat anxious exchange via text messages.

“Hey Courtney! My name is Nwamaka,” the blue text bubbles say. “I wanted to introduce myself since I am going to be your new roommate.”

“Hey!” Courtney replies. “Did you just call me? So sorry lol my phone is on silent.”

Some people have their phones making noise all of the time and . . . I’m not sure how they stand it. That said, Courtney may have just been uncomfortable answering an unexpected call.

Nwamaka explains: “It was an accident!”

“Haha it’s all good,” Courtney replies. “I went to add you as a contact and I accidentally called you too.”

Georgia Southern N-Word Messages 01

That is all well and good … until the next gray text bubble from Courtney.

“Her insta looks pretty normal,” Courtney writes. “Not too n—–ish.”

Yes, that was her using the n-word. With -ish as a suffix. We wish that she were saying needlefish or something, but no.

“OMG I am so sorry!” Courtney immediately wrote. “Holy crap.”

“Damn spell check,” Courtney says, blaming her phone’s autocorrect function for conjuring the literal worst word in the English language. “I did NOT mean to say that.”

Georgia Southern N-Word Messages 02

Courtney then attempts to assure Nwamaka that she totally didn’t write the n-word.

“I was texting Hannah and I meant to say ‘triggerish,"” she claims.

Triggerish is, notably, not a word. People use new words all of the time (I say yeet at least three times a week), but it’s difficult to see how anything else makes sense in this sentence.

“Meaning like you seem really cool,” Courtney pleads. “Nothing that triggered a red flag.”

Uh, we sort of see that. Though there’s a huge hole in this argument still.

Courtney then says: “I am so embarrassed! I apologize.”

Georgia Southern N-Word Messages 03

It was not Nwamaka who made the screencaps of their conversation go viral. That was her friend, Dajah Morrison, who was outraged over the texts that her friend received.

“Triggerish is not a word at all,” Dahah told WSAV. “The closest word to that is triggerfish. So for her to cover those things up, it just didn’t add up.”

Many have pointed out that there’s another layer to Courtney’s words.

Have you ever tried to write the word f–k on a phone for the past few years? Android or iPhone, it doesn’t matter.

Your phone is going to try to turn your word into duck. People commenting on this story have noted that, though they’ve had their share of autocorrect embarrassments, they’ve never seen the phone “correct” to a slur.

Georgia Southern N-Word, Courtney Schaefer 02

A lot of autocomplete or autocorrect style programs learn based upon a person’s writing habits. Some have said that, at best, Courtney is suggesting that she uses the n-word a lot in other conversations. 

Which is … not much better.

As you can see in the attached image, Georgia Southern released a statement apologizing for the incident.

“The use of such racist comments is offensive and unacceptable and in no way reflects the attitudes or values of Georgia Southern University,” the letter says.

The statement continues: “To be clear, there is no place for bigotry or racism on our campuses.”

There is no mention of any disciplinary action being taken towards Courtney over her allegedly accidental slur.

For the rest of us, this is a great time to remember that those of us who are not black should not use the n-word. Not ending with an -er or with an -a.

Not in text messages. Not in conversation. Not on political signs. And no, not even when we’re singing along with music.


Saturday, July 21, 2018

Offset Targeted Because He"s a Rich, Successful, Black Rapper, Says Lawyer

Offset was unjustly targeted by police because he’s successful, wealthy, black and a rapper … so says his lawyer. Attorney Drew Findling tells TMZ … his client broke NO LAWS, and cops used a lane change as a thinly veiled excuse to try and take…


Monday, July 16, 2018

WWE"s Mark Henry Says There"s "50-50" Split Among Black Wrestlers Over Hulk"s Return

Mark Henry says there’s a divide among black wrestlers over the WWE’s decision to accept Hulk Hogan back into the community … just three years after he was caught on tape using the n-word. “It’s 50-50,” Henry tells TMZ Sports. “I’ve talked to…


WWE"s Mark Henry Says There"s "50-50" Split Among Black Wrestlers Over Hulk"s Return

Mark Henry says there’s a divide among black wrestlers over the WWE’s decision to accept Hulk Hogan back into the community … just three years after he was caught on tape using the n-word. “It’s 50-50,” Henry tells TMZ Sports. “I’ve talked to…


Coupon Carl: CVS Manager Calls 9-1-1 on Black Woman Using a Coupon

From a woman who attacked a black teen at a pool to a neighbor calling the police on an 8-year-old selling water, a lot of white people seem to be calling the police on black people for non-crimes.

In a video that made waves on social media over the weekend, a CVS manager dubbed "Coupon Carl" trembles while calling the police.

The reason he dialed 9-1-1? Well, a black woman brought in a coupon and he questioned its authenticity. That"s it.

Morry matson aka coupon carl

Camilla Hudson recorded and shared a video of part of a disturbing encounter she had in a CVS.

In the video, while some sort of extremely irritating alarm goes off, a man named Morry Matson appears to tremble while speaking to emergency services over the phone.

As Morry asks for police, Hudson calmly assures Matson that she will be there when the police arrive.

He gives the person a description, as if she might bolt at any moment.

She spells her name and mentions that she has ID and will happily share it with them.

Coupon carl facebook post

Hudson took to Facebook to share the whole story, though the social media platform removed the post.

"I had the police called on me because I tried to use a coupon at the CVS pharmacy," Hudson warned her Facebook friends.

"I stopped in," she explained. "To make a purchase using a coupon mailed to me by the product manufacturer, as a replacement for problematic/defective product."

She then explains that the manager suspected it of being fraudulent.

When she asked for his name, she reports, he "became agitated and rude."

He apparently stormed off, slammed a door, and called the police.

Hudson reports that 9-1-1 hung up on him the first time that he called, so he called again and claimed that she was harassing him.

Morry matson coupon carl trembles while calling police

On it ssurface, Morry Matson appears to be, at best, a man who abandoned any pretense of customer service and perhaps 

At worst, he seems to be a racist who assumed that a black woman was a criminal because he had never seen her coupon before.

But there"s another layer to this story.

The man who suspected this woman of forgery to the point where he called the police on a customer was actually busted for forgery under two years ago.

What"s more, the incident in which he dabbled with forgery also had a racial component.

Coupon carl faces the camera

Morry was spearheading an effort to build a pricey waterfront bike path to a beach — a path that just happened to be near his home.

He was pushing for a ballot measure to build this on the taxpayer"s dime.

His proposal mentioned that improving the beachfront area would not result in "people from the South Side," which is one of the laziest apparent euphemisms for people of color that we"ve ever read.

The reason that he didn"t get to have his proposal on the ballot was because it was discovered that he had filled multiple pages of his petition with names that he had written himself.

This is according to forensic experts, which is what got the ballot measure removed in 2016. But apparently people looking at the petition could determine that it was fraudulent with the naked eye.

He had also been gathering names for well beyond the 90 day limit imposed.


"You’re calling me a liar, you’re calling me a thief, you’re calling me a forger,” Hudson says..

“It’s not that they didn’t take the coupon or refused to take the coupon, it’s how he did it," she explains.

"He was nasty, he was unprofessional, he was dismissive, he was accusatory," Hudson says. "His entire tone and demeanor was offensive and problematic."

Speaking of problematic, Morry says that he was a state delegate for Donald Trump in 2016. He is now running for Chicago"s 48th Ward Alderman.

CVS released a statement that they are investigating this troubling incident.

Man calls 911 over sandwich order

Coupon carl cvs manager calls 9 1 1 on black woman using a coupo

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Kevin "Baby Slice" Ferguson Stoked About "Black Panther" Star Playing Kimbo

Kevin “Baby Slice” Ferguson says “Black Panther” star Winston Duke playing his legendary dad Kimbo is knockout casting … telling TMZ Sports Duke has already proved he can play the role. Duke played M’Batu in “Black Panther” and a lot people who…


Friday, July 13, 2018

Kendrick Lamar and SZA Say "Black Panther" Lawsuit Over Song is Absurd

Kendrick Lamar and SZA were monumentally huge artists and that’s what propelled the soundtrack for “Black Panther” … not a 19-second clip an artist claims was a rip-off of her artwork. Kendrick and SZA just filed legal docs asking a…


Monday, July 2, 2018

Neighbor Calls Police on 12-Year-Old Black Entrepreneur for Mowing the Lawn

While of course no child should have to work, when kids want to sell water on a hot day or mow some lawns for cash, that"s admirable. But some people will always try to ruin it.

An enterprising 12-year-old boy started up his own lawn business, but had the police called on him by a client"s neighbor. It was an outrageous story.

In a heartwarming twist, things turned out okay — and business is booming.

Neighbors call 911 over 12 year old mowing grass 04

Maple Heights is a suburb of Cleveland, Ohio. It has a lot of homes with a lot of lawns and a lot of grass that needs to be trimmed.

Reggie Fields is the enterprising 12-year-old boy runs Mr. Reggie"s Lawn Cutting Service.

That"s not a joke — because this small landscaping crew is not a one-person operation.

Fields runs the small company that also employs his cousins, who work starting as early as sunrise.

They were mowing the lawn of a resident named Lucille Holt when one of her neighbors called the police.

Neighbors call 911 over 12 year old mowing grass 01

As Holt revealed in a video to Facebook that soon became widely circulated, her neighbors called the police because a narrow strip of grass that Fields mowed was technically in their yard and not in Holt"s.

Plenty of neighbors can be petty, or simply strict about defending which parts of a property belong to them. Most would simply come outside and tell the landscapers to avoid their part of the lawn — not call the police.

(She actually lists a number of occassions on which these neighbors have called the police, and while one was over concerns of domestic violence, it sounds like they have also made 9-1-1 calls that most would consider frivilous)

It is strange for anyone to call the police on children — one of whom is as young as nine — for crossing an imaginary boundary while being helpful.

"I"m so glad you"re out here doing something positive," Holt said of the enterprising young people. "You should not be getting the police called on you because you"re out here cutting grass.

Neighbors call 911 over 12 year old mowing grass 02

While everything turned out okay, it was not lost on Lucille Holt — or, really, on anyone reading the story — that calling the police on a young black child can have horrible, permanent consequences.

We have all read too many heartbreaking horror stories of innocent, unarmed children dying because the wrong person was wearing a badge.

Fortunately, this situation did not become a tragedy.

In fact, the police officers who arrived were quick to realize that this had nothing to do with the hardworking children.

And the police seemed intent on diffusing the situation of tension between neighbors before things escalate. Which is exactly what you want to see from law enforcement.

Neighbors call 911 over 12 year old mowing grass 03

It is, of course, the responsibility of the homeowner to inform their landscapers where the property boundaries are to avoid conflict.

Reggie Fields was apologetic for the role that he inadvertently played in this squabble between neighbors.

"They said I was cutting their grass. I didn"t know it," Fields says. "I was like, that"s a shame. I didn"t know."

Reggie"s mother says that this story has been a massive boon for his business.

"Some people are calling from out of town, saying, "Can you come cut my grass?" she reports.

Neighbors call 911 over 12 year old mowing grass 05

It is no surprise that many people in the Cleveland area want to encourage these young entrepreneurs. Especially after someone chose to put them at potential risk.

There are also businesses and other property owners interested in hiring his team.

When a story goes viral like this, it creates an easy opportunity for good PR for local businesses. They look good, they help someone, and they get their grass trimmed.

Reggie Fields" cash app is $ mrreggies18. His service line is 216-482-4308.

Reggie will be entering the seventh grade, but he already has plans for how to continue his business in the fall — by purchasing more rakes so that they can pick up leaves.

For the winter, he plans to purchase snow shovels. That"s amazing.

We hope that people exercise careful judgment when contacting emergency services.

Man calls 911 over sandwich order

Neighbor calls police on 12 year old black entrepreneur for mowi

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Pusha T and His Manager Buy $300k Ferraris in Black and White

Pusha T and his manager went with a salt and pepper theme — or maybe ebony and ivory — for their brand new whips … but either way, they’re looking dope. The rapper bought a white 2018 488 Spider at Ferrari of Central New Jersey Monday, while his…


Tuesday, June 19, 2018

"Black Panther" Star Chadwick Boseman Hands MTV Award to Waffle House Hero

Chadwick Boseman got an award for playing a super hero on the big screen, but he couldn’t accept the award without acknowledging a real-life hero just several feet away from him. Enter James Shaw Jr. The “Black Panther” star won the…


Monday, June 18, 2018

Tiffany Haddish Will Battle Black Panther to Host MTV Movie & TV Awards

Tiffany Haddish will come face-to-face with the Black Panther himself before taking over hosting duties of the MTV Movie & TV Awards. Production sources tell us Monday night’s show will open with a “Black Panther” spoof featuring Queen Latifah,…


Tiffany Haddish Will Battle Black Panther to Host MTV Movie & TV Awards

Tiffany Haddish will come face-to-face with the Black Panther himself before taking over hosting duties of the MTV Movie & TV Awards. Production sources tell us Monday night’s show will open with a “Black Panther” spoof featuring Queen Latifah,…


Monday, June 4, 2018

Rebecca Black Is One Red-Hot Mamacita

Yep … that’s YouTube star Rebecca Black, best known for her 2011 earworm, “Friday” … and we have a feeling these photos will be just as catchy for her fans.  Rebecca hit the pool at the Dream Hollywood hotel over the weekend. Apparently,…


Friday, May 25, 2018

Snoop Dogg: Kanye West Needs a Black Woman! Kim is No Good!

Just in case anyone has forgotten: Snoop Dogg is a gift. In so many ways. But … did he miss the mark this time?

During an appearance on The View, they asked Snoop about Kanye West basically blaming black people for slavery.

Snoop says that Kim isn"t doing Kanye any good — that he needs a black woman in his life.

Snoop dogg on the view

As you can see in the attached video, Snoop shares some heartwarming thoughts and experiences.

When asked about his response to Kanye suggesting that 400 years of slavery sounded like "a choice," Snoop is characteristically direct.

"I thought he needed some medical attention, first and foremost."

Many people thought that, though Kim Kardashian blasted the media for questioning her husband"s mental state.

"But then, once I got past the laughing, I started feeling sad for him."

That was a widespread experience.

Kimye marriage pic

Snoop continues.

"He truly misses his mother."

Donda West tragically passed away in 2007.

"He truly misses a black woman in his life."

That, as you can imagine, is where his comments turned controversial. But Snoop tries to clarify what he means.

"He truly misses the stability of having somebody telling him when he’s wrong and correcting him and checking him."

He clearly feels that Kim is not doing right by Kanye by allowing him to spout off nonsense without criticism.

"As opposed to allowing him to continue to do what he’s been doing."

In Snoop"s mind, Kanye needs a serious reality check from the people who love him.

"And that to me is something that he needs."

Snoop dogg on the view

Snoop says that Kanye clearly needs some kind of support or assistance.

"He needs help."

In his opinion, Kanye"s outlandish statements aren"t designed to hurt anyone — they"re a symptom of something else.

"He’s crying out for help, so instead of me bashing him, we trying to help him now."

That is very compassionate of Snoop.

Maga kanye

Back in April, Snoop weighed in on Kanye"s controversies and outbursts, writing:

"The evolution of Jay-Z and Kanye show you how influential your wife can be to your life."

Oh wow. Jay-Z, of course, has made tremendous strides in being a better person. And Kanye … well, we all know what he"s been like.

But is Kim really to blame?

In any case, a source told HollywoodLife that Snoop isn"t worried about backlash from Kanye over his public disses.

"Snoop clearly was calling out Kim and Kanye with his wife comments."


"And he is not scared one bit if Kanye drops a verse on him to get back at Snoop."

Well, we don"t imagine that the idea of Kanye singing about him has Snoop quaking in his boots. Why would it?

Snoop dogg listens

Obviously, Snoop"s comments are controversial.

Though Snoop refers to Kanye missing his mother, it is not difficult to interpret his words as saying that Kanye being married to a white woman is the cause of his behavior.

Let us be clear: Kanye is responsible for Kanye"s behavior. Kim is not Kanye"s therapist or shaman or whatever. She"s his wife.

And black women are, in fact, people. They don"t exist to be life coaches or common sense providers or nurturers to be prescribed to grown men who don"t know how to speak without putting their foot in their mouth.

A lot of people care about Kanye and want to explain away his behavior as the result of something external. Maybe Kim or maybe mental illness.

The reason that they want to believe that is because Kanye"s words don"t make sense.

But another reason is that perhaps people who have admired Kanye for a long time don"t want to think that their erstwhile hero is just … bad.

Kanye says slavery was a choice accidentally spawns a meme

Snoop dogg kanye west needs a black woman kim is trash

Friday, May 18, 2018

"Black Lightning" Star Gives Ex-Neighbor Meghan Markle Seal of Approval

When Meghan Markle walks down the aisle, actress Christine Adams will be watching closely — not just because she’s British, but because she has some history with Prince Harry’s betrothed. Christine, who stars on the CW’s “Black…


Thursday, May 17, 2018

YouTuber Vitaly Zdorovetskiy Says KSI Can Win Logan Paul Fight "Because He"s Black"

KSI has a REAL shot to beat Logan Paul’s ass in the boxing match everyone’s talking about … because he’s black … so says YouTube megastar Vitaly Zdorovetskiy  Yeah, he really said that.  Was he joking? Maybe … Vitaly’s…


Tuesday, May 8, 2018

FIFA Fines Russia Over Racist Taunts at French Black Players

FIFA has fined the Russian Football Union roughly $ 30,000 over an incident in which Russian fans screamed racist slurs at black players during a Russia vs. France game in March. The players targeted by the scumbag racist fans include French…


Monday, May 7, 2018

Marco Rubio Says Univ. of Florida Screwed Black Grads During Ceremony

Marco Rubio can only shake his head after the Univ. of Florida made headlines for shoving black grads off the stage when they tried to celebrate — and says his alma mater needs some cultural schooling. We got the Florida Senator in D.C. and…
