Showing posts with label Catelynn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Catelynn. Show all posts

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Tyler Baltierra Refutes Catelynn Lowell Cheating Rumor. HARD.

Tyler Baltierra would like your attention.

Does he have it?

Because the Teen Mom OG star has something he would like to say.

And that something is this:

He is not, in any way, shape or form, a cheater.

The steady boyfriend of Catelynn Lowell was forced to come to his own defense on Saturday after being alerted to a blind istem on some website called Crazy Days And Nights.

The item was shared a day earlier and read as follows:

This Teen Mom star has been cheating on his significant other for almost a year.

Eventually, when she starts having a clear head she is going to catch on and that could finally push her over the edge to suicide.

Because Lowell has been checking herself in and out of rehab over the past couple months due to a bit of mental instability, it was rather easy for readers to connect these dots.

This post is clearly implying that Tyler has been disloyal to Catelynn.

blind item

“Is this a joke or?!??! It’s kinda hard to tell these days,” Tyler initially Tweeted in response.

However, after other fans told Baltierra that the same website lobbed the same allegation his way last August, Tyler shot back far more forcefully.

“Okay, so yes, I should just ignore this & yes, since I know it’s not true I shouldn’t be paying attention to it,” he Tweeted, adding:

“BUT I’m a very stubborn individual & have always got a thrill from seeking out justice & facts. SO, Mr. @entylawyer here I am calling you out!

“Let’s see evidence.”

tb tweet

“Enty Lawyer” actually replied pretty quickly to this challenge, writing online:

“I haven’t revealed anything about you in quite some time. You seem defensive though. Anything you care to share?”

This account also looped in Farrah Abraham and Simon Saran, Baltierra and Lowell’s Teen Mom costars.

Shot back Tyler, quoting the website’s earlier blind item from last summer:

“So what is this then? A “blind item” revealed? Are you saying your sources are Farrah & Simon? Good lord help us all! It’s sounding more & more crazy, the more you talk.

“So please keep going…indulge me.”

blind item 2

The 26-year old added that he had nothing to fear…

… and wasn’t going to let his good name be sullied.

“A panicked person would keep their mouth shut & hope this all slides under the radar.

“Not me, I’m marching in & calling it all out! Because I have NOTHING to hide nor worry about.”

Baltierra has been trying to keep busy while his wife remains in treatment, posting footage on Snapchat this morning that featured him renovating the couple’s home, including putting in a luxurious master suite.

Despite rumors to the contrary, he insists he is not leaving Catelynn.

And it looks like Simon Saran is intent on helping Tyler keep busy, considering the trash he’s talking on social media.

“Are you for real with all that!? Coming from the dude that sleeps with Farrah & actually allowed that info to be filmed & aired for the world to see!?” Tyler wrote to his nemesis today, adding:

“God you really have lost your touch with your insults. I’m gonna need a little more from you Simon. Try again.”

Simon’s reply?

“Much rather sleep with her than what you have to sleep with. Trust me.”

Simon Saran tweets

Why do we have a feeling we have not heard the last from these two?

And why does that make us giddy and gleeful to see what’s next?


Thursday, January 25, 2018

Catelynn Lowell: In Rehab After Suffering Miscarriage?!

To be honest, we thought that we knew the full, tragic extent of Catelynn Lowell’s current issues with her mental health.

But, as it turns out, we really, really did not.

Since Catelynn has lived so much of her life on television, we’ve been able to see many of the heartbreaking things she’s been through.

We saw her agonize with Tyler Baltierra over the decision to place their first daughter for adoption, and we saw how completely unsupportive their parents were about it.

We saw how terrible her mother was to her afterwards, to the point where it was almost too uncomfortable to watch.

And then, when she and Tyler had precious little Nova three years ago, we saw her suffer from severe postpartum depression after giving birth.

More recently, Catelynn has been in and out of rehab since December, dealing with suicidal thoughts and trying to work through her childhood trauma.

It just seems like a whole, whole lot for one person to go through.

Now, thanks to a genuinely upsetting new report, we’re learning that she’s been through even more than that.

To give a little background, there was some interesting footage in the teaser for next week’s new episode of Teen Mom OG.

In the teaser, the one that aired immediately after the most recent episode, we saw Catelynn tell Tyler that Nova was going to be a big sister — meaning, of course, that she was pregnant.

She even presented a positive pregnancy test.

That would be a fine little scene if the cast members weren’t so active on social media, because let’s be real, if Catelynn was pregnant right now, there is literally no way we wouldn’t know all about it.

So what’s going on?

According to a source who spoke with The Ashley’s Reality Roundup, “Catelynn got pregnant and surprised Tyler and Nova and then had a miscarriage not long after.”

“That happened right before she went to treatment when she tweeted about thinking about killing herself.”

Oh, Catelynn …

The source adds that “The crew and production staff heard she was about six weeks pregnant when it happened, but no one is 100 percent sure.”

So that makes it sound like the miscarriage definitely had a hand in her worsened depression, right?

It’s absolutely heartbreaking to think about, but there’s another layer to the whole thing that makes it just a little bit harder.

“They don’t do voiceovers until the episode is all done and being edited usually,” the insider explained, “so Catelynn had to talk about trying to get pregnant and then getting pregnant even after she had the miscarriage.”

“We felt badly for her.”

Yes, obviously. It actually sounds kind of cruel to make her do this.

The source also said that her miscarriage “is definitely going to be a big topic on the show.”

“That’s why last week they made sure her voiceover was something like, ‘I’m not telling Tyler I took my birth control out."”

If Catelynn did go to rehab very soon after the miscarriage, then left early, returned to complete her treatment, and then went in for another round of treatment a couple of weeks after that, it seems safe to say that she isn’t doing terribly well.

Here’s hoping she’s able to work through everything — because she’s been through enough hard times for a lifetime.


Monday, January 22, 2018

Tyler Baltierra: Leaving Catelynn Lowell While She"s in Rehab?!

Don’t look now, but Catelynn Lowell may be in for even more hard times.

When it rains, it sure does pour, huh?

Catelynn has been struggling for months now — years, depending on how you look at it.

She gave birth to her second daughter, Nova, three years ago, and after that, she developed what seemed to be a pretty severe case of postpartum depression.

She went to rehab to deal with the depression in March of 2016, but obviously it wasn’t a quick fix. After she returned home, she was still very, very depressed.

At some point last year, it looked to us like Catelynn had finally turned a corner — she seemed much happier, and she and Tyler looked to be more in love than ever.

Things were going so well that they even began planning for their next child.

But before she could get pregnant, things fell apart again.

In November, she announced that she’d be heading back to rehab because she’d been having some suicidal thoughts. She even said that she’d been thinking of multiple ways to kill herself.

She had Tyler’s full support then, and he cared for their daughter and ran their darling little clothing business while she spent about six weeks in Arizona, working on herself.

Just after the holidays, she completed her treatment and returned home, and that was great and all …

But last week, she headed back to the same treatment center for another six-week stay.

This time around, Cate said that she’d be focusing on dealing with her childhood trauma and getting her medications sorted out.

She got a lot of criticism for her back-to-back rehab stays from people who thought that she should get help closer to home, that it was wrong of her to leave her family for such long amounts of time.

Before she checked back into treatment, she hit back at those naysayers, telling them to “quit acting like you know what I should be doing or shouldnt!!” and that she is “NOT running away from my family!”

It’s all very dramatic and upsetting, right?

Well, buckle up, because things are about to get even worse.

While Catelynn spends six more weeks in Arizona at her treatment center — a swanky rehab paid for in full by MTV — Tyler will spend six more weeks taking care of everything back home.

And it sounds like this time around, it’s really getting to him.

Yesterday, he tweeted “I just don’t know if I can do this anymore,” and while he didn’t specify what he was talking about here, most of us assumed it had to do with Catelynn.

Several fans suggested that regardless of what he was referring to, he’s obviously going through a lot himself right now, and that even though his wife is going through a hard time, it was OK to get help for himself, too.

Today, he announced that he’s doing just that!

In a video he posted to his Instagram and Twitter accounts, he revealed that he was about to head into a therapy appointment.

“I’m doing a little self care today, you know what I mean?” he said. “Sometimes you gotta put yourself ahead of other people sometimes in life.”

“It doesn’t mean you don’t love them or care about them, it just means you love them enough to put yourself first, so you can be the best you you can be.”

He finished his video by thanking his fans for being so supportive and kind towards his family, and he expressed the same idea in his caption for the video.

“I always believe that we, as a society, need to learn how to love each other better,” he wrote. “You guys have really showed that lately with our family crisis that’s going on.”

“If anyone is reading this & needs help or someone to talk to, PLEASE reach out to someone, anyone. You are loved, you are worthy, & you are extraordinarily special!”

If you watch the video, which we definitely recommend, you can see that while his message is positive, it sort of seems like there’s a little bit of interesting subtext here.

And that subtext kind of makes it sound like he is just exhausted with taking care of Catelynn.

Well, Catelynn, his father, various other family members … for years and years, Tyler has had to be the strong one while nearly everyone else in his life goes through one major crisis after another.

Meanwhile, he’s been through so much trauma himself that he tried to commit suicide when he was just 12 years old.

With the video and the “I just don’t know if I can do this anymore” tweet … we’re a little worried about the state of the Baltierra household, we’ll say that much.


Sunday, January 21, 2018

Catelynn Lowell: Filming Rehab Stay for Teen Mom OG?!

It’s been a rough few months for Catelynn Lowell.

And that’s putting it lightly.

Back in November, she revealed that she’d been suffering from suicidal thoughts — she said that things were so bad that she’d been thinking of specific ways to kill herself.

With the support of her husband, Tyler Baltierra, she checked into a rehab center in Arizona, the same one she visited in March of 2016 to get help with her postpartum depression.

At one point, she decided to check out early so that she wouldn’t miss Christmas with her daughter, but she quickly realized that that wasn’t the best idea.

She returned and completed her treatment, then came home just after the holidays.

We heard a lot of nice things from Cate, about how she was happy and thankful for her family, sweet things like that.

But earlier this week, she shocked us once again when she tweeted that she’d be heading back to rehab for the third time.

“Well they say third times a charm…” she wrote. “I’m going back to treatment people for 6 weeks to work on my trauma and getting on different meds.”

She thanked Tyler for his support and told him that she loved him, and that was that.

Well, almost — she also composed a tweet to her “haters.”

“YOU DONT KNOW EVERYTHING IVE BEEN THROUGH!” she wrote. “Quit acting like you know what I should be doing or shouldnt!!”

“I’m NOT running away from my family! Those are the poeple I love the most!! You ppl are ignorant.”

She’s referring to the reaction she got after announcing her latest trip to rehab — it wasn’t as positive as it was the last time around.

Many people couldn’t understand why she’d need to go back just a couple of weeks after leaving, why she wouldn’t just focus on the aftercare she’d talked about before.

People also didn’t understand why she felt the need to go all the way to Arizona instead of finding a treatment center closer to home.

Additionally, why would she go back to a place that obviously hasn’t been helping her in the way she needs?

It’s all very complicated, that’s for sure, but it looks like we’re getting answers to at least some of those questions.

According to an insider who spoke with The Ashley’s Reality Roundup, “MTV pays for her to go to the treatment facility every single time under the agreement that we are allowed to film her while she’s there as much as we want.”

And there it is.

The crew was reportedly there for her last stay in rehab, and they’re there this time, too — we know that much, because one of her producers tweeted about traveling to Arizona with her.

The Ashley’s source, who seems to be a crew member himself, added that the treatment center costs $ 50,000 for each stay, “so yeah, they’re gonna get their footage.”

So in the past three months, they’ve paid $ 100,000 for her treatment?!

It’s no wonder why this source claimed that we’re going to see plenty of footage of Catelynn at rehab later this season.

The source also said “From what we’re heard, and I can’t be 100 percent sure, they keep going back because the treatment center works with MTV, and will let them film there.”

“That’s why Leah Messer went there too to treat her anxiety issues. It’s no coincidence. But MTV still has to pay.”

Honestly, this is pretty upsetting news.

If you look back at all the instances of televised therapy on reality shows, you’ll see that it never really works.

How is Catelynn going to open up about her childhood trauma with cameras in her face? How could she possibly get the kind of help she needs like that?

It sounds like some of the crew members have their reservations about the whole thing too — the MTV insider said that “not everyone is happy about it.”

“Some of us feel Catelynn needs to be there long-term, without anyone from the show filming or interacting with her. Not everyone felt it was right, but it is what it is.”

Sadly, that’s true. If Cate still feels like she needs help, why wouldn’t she let MTV foot that massive bill for it?

Still, it really just does not sound like a great sign …


Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Catelynn Lowell: Back In Rehab Just Weeks After Leaving Treatment

Many Teen Mom OG fans are expressing concern on social media today in response to news that Catelynn Lowell will be checking back into rehab to seek further treatment for trauma and other emotional issues.

But perhaps they shouldn’t be worried.

After all, Catelynn doesn’t seem to be.

Don’t get us wrong–we’re sure she’s sad to once again be parting ways with her daughter and husband for an extended period of time.

But she also appears to appreciate this development for what it is–a chance to find a treatment plan that will work for her long-term, and allow her to be the best wife, mother, and entrepreneur she can be.

“Well they say third time’s a charm,” Lowell tweeted.

“I’m going back to treatment people for 6 weeks to work on my trauma and getting on different meds.”

Addressing her husband, Tyler Baltierra, Catelynn added:

“THANK YOU @TylerBaltierra I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!!! You are my light!! And nova you are my sunshine #KeepTalkingMH.”

The hashtag is part of a social media movement to encourage productive conversation about the challenges and stigmas surrounding mental illness.

Shortly after her message was posted, Catelynn re-tweeted her TMOG co-star Amber Portwood, who wrote:

“Sometimes it takes a strong man to pick up a broken woman.”

Lowell checked into rehab back on November 17 after revealing to her Twitter followers that she had been struggling with suicidal thoughts.

“I’m taking the time I need right now to take good care of myself,” she told Radar Online at the time.

“On November 17, I thought of every way possible to commit suicide, from wrapping a belt around my neck to just running my car into an electric pole.”

Catelynn left the facility on December 29 after six weeks of treatment.

She left rehab with an extensive plan to maintain her mental health, informing her social media followers that she had quit drinking and using drugs, and would be pursuing a proactive treatment program.

“She’s going to be doing their regular therapy, couple’s therapy and outpatient,” said a source close to Lowell.

Of course, as anyone who’s ever struggled with mental health knows, recovery is rarely a straight path.

We wish Catelynn all the best and hope that she’s able to find the help she needs.

Watch Teen Mom OG online for more on Catelynn’s courageous struggle.


Thursday, January 11, 2018

Catelynn Lowell: I"m Done With Drugs & I"m Gonna Lose Weight!

Back in November, Catelynn Lowell checked into rehab to be treated for emotional issues and recurrent suicidal thoughts.

It was Catelynn’s second stint in a treatment facility, and just like the first time, she’s being admirably candid about her struggles.

“Well today I thought of every way to kill myself.. so I’m going to treatment,” she tweeted just hours before she checked in.

According to Radar Online, Catelynn recently returned home after a six-week stay, and she’s resolved to change several habits that she’s learned are detrimental to her mental health.

The last time that she sought treatment, Catelynn decided that she had an unhealthy dependence on marijuana and decided to swear it off.

This time, she’s also decided to forgo alcohol and commit herself to a healthier lifestyle.

Fortunately, it seems Lowell has the full support of her husband, Tyler Baltierra.

“He said he’s going to be with her every step of the way in terms of her working the steps, staying on top of her therapy session and not missing any days of her outpatient treatment,” a source close to the couple tells Radar Online.

“He said he’s going to be with her every step of the way in terms of her working the steps, staying on top of her therapy sessions and not missing any days of her outpatient treatment.”

Apparently, Baltierra has decided to make some changes of his own.

“Tyler will be joining her when it comes to losing weight! He’s admittedly gained a bit of weight over the past year and he’s unhappy with his appearance. He’s been wanting to lose weight for a while now, so they’re making major changes as a family.”

In the past, Tyler has been accused of fat-shaming Catelynn and being unsupportive of her efforts to lose weight.

Tyler visited Catelynn in rehab several times, so her decision to get sober likely didn’t come as a surprise to him.

Fans were concerned when Lowell ended her treatment ahead of schedule, but those who know her best say the reality star is fully committed to maintaining her physical and mental health.

Most importantly, she’s reportedly self-aware enough to know when she needs treatment.

And she’s aware that there’s no shame in seeking further help.

Watch Teen Mom OG online for more on Catelynn’s courageous struggle.


Saturday, January 6, 2018

Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra Talk Addiction: Are They OK?!

If you"re familiar with Catelynn and Tyler from Teen Mom OG, then you probably know that they"ve had plenty of experience with addiction.

They"ve never gone through it themselves — though Catelynn has hinted at being dependent on marijuana in the past, and they were arrested in their teen years for possessing weed.

But unfortunately, they spent much of their childhoods watching their parents go down that dark, scary road.

Catelynn"s mother, April, has struggled with alcoholism, and Tyler"s father, Butch, once admitted on camera that he loved cocaine more than he loved his own son.

Thankfully, April is sober these days, and she"s been able to play a much more positive role in Catelynn"s life.

But Butch just hasn"t been able to maintain his own sobriety for any real length of time.

As we saw in earlier seasons of the show, he was released from prison just before Catelynn and Tyler got married, and he was out for just over a year.

Then, in late 2016, he relapsed, violated his probation, and was sent back.

He was released after a few months, but, as always, it"s hard for him to stay out of trouble.

Tyler really delves deep into that struggle in this heart-wrenching sneak peek for next week"s episode of Teen Mom OG.

As the clip begins, the couple explains to a producer that they"re still working on fixing up their new house, and that Butch is building a fence for them.

"Apparently he destroyed my childhood," Tyler jokes. "I need a fence. That"s all I ask of you now."

He"s joking, at least a little bit, but there"s some sad truth behind it — we"ll never forget his story of how he was so overwhelmed with everything that he attempted to hang himself when he was just 12 years old.

"Speaking of which," he adds now, "I need to talk to him about going to rehab."

Catelynn points out that he"d said before that he wanted to wait to have the rehab talk with Butch until he was less angry with him, and he says that he"s realized that he"s actually always going to be angry with him.

She agrees with him — she says that with her own mother, she feels angry a lot too, and she feels that it"s that way with many children of addicts.

She even says that children of addicts have a right to feel angry with their parents, which is fair.

They they have this whole sweet talk about how they created a safe space together, so on and so forth, and that"s adorable and precious, it really is.

But does Butch ever go to rehab?!

Watch the video below to hear Cate and Tyler"s real talk on addiction:

Catelynn lowell and tyler baltierrra talk addiction are they ok

Saturday, December 30, 2017

Catelynn Lowell: I"m Headed Home!!!

Catelynn Baltierra will be home for at least one holiday.

The troubled Teen Mom star, who missed sharing Christmas with her family because she was seeking professional help in rehab, has confirmed some positive news via Twitter:

She’s outta there!

“I’m going home tomorrow!” wrote Catelynn on Friday, adding:

“So excited for the future and seeing my family!! Six weeks of treatment and I feel good! Gotta work it when I get home thanks for all your support.”

The mother of two precious kids (one girl, Carly, was given up  for adoption) concluded her Tweet with the hashtag “KeepTalkingMH.”

We’re pretty sure that stands for Keep Talking Mental Health because Lowell did not enter rehab for any substance abuse problem.

She instead acknowledged the need for assistance due to a disturbing abundance of suicidal thoughts.

Back in mid-November, the MTV star surprised fans and concerned them greatly when she Tweeted the following:

Well today I thought of every way to kill myself.. so I’m going to treatment #makeChesterProud @TalindaB #KeepTalkingMH #thiswontlast.

She tagged the wife of late Linkin Park singer Chester Bennington in her Tweet because the Linkin Park singer, who lived with Depression most of his adult life, had recently committed suicide at the time.

Thankfully, fans responded to the 25-year old at the time with messages of support.

And the same held true of her husband, Tyler.

“It’s going to be a rough holiday without being able to kiss her & tells her how thankful I am for her,” Tyler said on social media the day after Catelynn checked in to rehab, adding:

“But we have a strong resilience crafter by our past, we got this!”

A couple weeks ago, rumors circulated that Catelynn was thinking of leaving her treatment facility against doctor’s orders.

She did then exit on December 14, just prior to the 30-day mark, only to return several days later.

No one is quite sure what happened there and why, although one report has claimed Lowell simply missed her daughter.

Fortunately, though, Catelynn has at least admitted she can’t overcome her mental health problems on her own.

Back in 2016, shortly after giving birth to Nova, Catelynn also sought rehabilitation help for post-partum depression and anxiety.

She’s struggled with Depression for at least a few years.

Why are fans hopeful that this time the assistance will take?

We sadly can’t say for sure. No one is ever fully cured of a mental illness.

But Lowell has sounded more open than ever before about relying on others and focusing on a bright future.

“I’m seeking treatment and I WILL get better,” she wrote back when entering rehab last month.

Continued the star:

“Anyone feeling alone you ARE NOT ALONE! This world needs all of us! We are all here for a reason… Thank you for your support during this tough time.”

We’re rooting for you, Catelynn.

We can only imagine how challenging this struggle has been, but please take your own advice and know you are not alone.

Tyler referred to his wife as “incredibly strong & courageous” just a few days ago, while Teen Mom viewers are only wishing the very best for Lowell.

She has two children to care for and many years ahead of her still to live.

Let’s all hope she makes the most of them and overcomes the scary thoughts that have been plaguing her mind for years now.

Teen Mom OG airs Mondays at 9/8c on MTV.


Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Catelynn Lowell Checks into Rehab AGAIN: What Happened?!

Catelynn Lowell"s story just keeps getting sadder and sadder — which is saying a lot, if you know how her story began.

From placing her daughter up for adoption to dealing with emotionally abusive addict parents, she and her longtime love, Tyler Baltierra, have been through a lot together.

And it looks like she"s finally getting started on working through all those hard times — she"s already back in rehab for a third time.

If you"re a little confused, don"t worry. It"s a confusing story.

So let"s get to it …

1. Hard Times

Hard times

Catelynn has always struggled with depression and anxiety, but she also suffered from postpartum depression after giving birth to her daughter Nova. Things got so bad that in March of 2016, she checked into a treatment center for the first time.

2. Realizations

Catelynn lowell purple hair

As we saw on Teen Mom OG, her issues became too much for her after purchasing a pet pig on a whim. After bringing it home, she realized how much care he needed, and it proved to be a little too much for her in her current state. The next day, she told an MTV producer that “I just feel like I need help. ‘Cause I wasn’t really feeling good this morning, and I was having a little bit of anxiety last night …I just broke down and I was like, ‘You know what, I’m not OK … I do need mental help, something’s just not right."”

3. Off to Rehab

Catelynn lowell on the reunion

So she went off to a facility in Arizona to get that help — as she explained in an interview after her treatment was finished, “I went for just mental illness, panic attacks and depression and I was there for 30 days. It went well, they taught me lots of different things, I learned lots of good things.”

4. More Hard Times

Catelynn lowell with tyler baltierra photo

Unfortunately, even after coming home from rehab she still struggled a lot with her depression. As we saw on the show, she went back to barely being able to get out of bed some days, and it really put a strain on her marriage.

5. Looking Up!

Catelynn lowell tyler baltierra selfie

At some point this year though, things seemed like they were going better for Catelynn. She and Tyler appeared to be more in love than ever, and they even started talking about having another child!

6. Not So Fast …

Tyler baltierra and catelynn lowell photo

That brief upswing was why it was so surprising last month when she announced that she’d be heading off to rehab for a second time.

View Slideshow

Friday, December 22, 2017

Tyler Baltierra to Catelynn Lowell: Please Come Home Soon!

Last month, Catelynn Lowell checked into rehab after publicly revealing that she’d been battling suicidal thoughts and severe depression.

Lowell has remained at the faciity ever since, and while she’s been unable to update her many social media followers, her husband, Tyler Baltierra, assures fans that she’s making steady progress and hopes to be home soon.

“My wife is incredibly strong & courageous,” Tyler tweeted earlier this week.

“She inspires me to just be a better human being all around & I’m so honored to share my life with such a selfless soul. I love her so much & can’t wait for her to be home.”

He added the hashtag” #CatelynnStrong,” which Teen Mom: OG fans have been using to discuss their own battles with mental illness and the strength that they’ve gained from seeing Lowell be so candid about her struggles.

The weeks since Catelynn checked into treatment have not been without their fair share of drama, but thankfully, Lowell has been shielded from it for the sake of her mental health.

Just this week, Catelynn’s cast mate Farrah Abraham attacked her on Twitter, claiming that she still smokes pot regularly (despite her claims to the contrary) and that Baltierra is secretly gay.

Tyler dealt with the situation himself on Twitter.

“Well today I thought of every way to kill myself.. so I’m going to treatment #makeChesterProud @TalindaB #KeepTalkingMH #thiswontlast,” Catelynn tweeted just prior to entering treatment back in November.

She referenced the late Linkin Park Chester Bennington, who took his own life in July, and tagged the Linkin Park singer’s wife, Talinda.

“I’m taking the time I need right now to take care of myself for good,” Lowell told Us Weekly in a statement issued later that day.

“On November 17th I thought of every possible way to commit suicide … From wrapping a belt around my neck to just running my car into an electric pole.

“THANK GOD I have a support system and a HUSBAND and a DAUGHTER … thank god I am self-aware,” she added.

“I’m seeking treatment and I WILL get better … anyone feeling alone you ARE NOT ALONE! This world needs all of us! We are all here for a reason … Thank you for your support during this tough time.”

There’s no word yet on when Catelynn will receive treatment, but Baltierra says her treatment has been going smoothly, and 

“We’ve been in Arizona for the past 2 weeks visiting her every Sunday,” Tyler recently wrote on Instagram.

“I have taken a break from everything & chose to really take this time for me and Nova … Without her mom around, she needs me & my devoted attention. Family always comes first!”

Here’s hoping Catelynn continues to receive the love and support she needs.

Watch Teen Mom: OG online for more on Lowell’s valiant struggle.


Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Catelynn Lowell Remains in Rehab: What"s Going On?!

Just when you thought things with Catelynn Lowell couldn"t get any sadder …

After weeks in rehab, and after reports that she"d be returning home last week, we"re now learning that she"s still in treatment.

Is she all right? Is she going to be leaving anytime soon? How is Tyler handling things?

Let"s go over what we know …

1. Crisis

Catelynn lowell at mtv vmas

Catelynn shocked us all last month when she tweeted “Well today I thought of every way to kill myself.. so I’m going to treatment.”

2. So Sad

Catelynn lowell purple hair

Teen Mom fans know that she’s struggled with her mental health for years now, and that her depression got much worse after giving birth to her daughter Nova in 2015. Things got so bad that, in March of 2016, she went to a rehab facility for the first time.

3. Take Two

Catelynn lowell on the reunion

In a heartbreaking statement she released after her tweet, she further explained that “On November 17th I thought of every way possible to commit suicide… from wrapping a belt around my neck to just running my car into an electric pole… THANK GOD I have a support system and a HUSBAND and a DAUGHTER… thank god I am self aware… I’m seeking treatment and I WILL get better… anyone feeling alone you ARE NOT ALONE! This world needs all of us! We are all here for a reason… Thank you for your support during this tough time….”

4. Updates from Tyler

Catelynn lowell and tyler baltierra snuggles

She checked into a treatment center in Arizona on November 18th, and since then, Tyler has kept us posted on how she’s doing — or at least he did in the beginning.

5. What Changed?

Cate lowell and tyler baltierra

As the weeks have gone on, Tyler has slowly stopped giving as many updates on Catelynn’s progress — whether it’s because he had a change of heart on how much to share or because perhaps she’s not doing as well as she was, we don’t know.

6. Lockdown

Tyler baltierra and catelynn lowell photo

A source did reveal that “She was on a 48-hour lockdown” when she first checked in, and that lockdown “included no phone usage, but now she gets to use her phone for a while every day. She’ll get more privileges as time goes on.” And she was on Twitter for a while, but there hasn’t been any activity on her account since December 7th, which could possibly be a sign that she’s back on lockdown

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Sunday, December 17, 2017

Tyler Baltierra Shares Cryptic Message About Catelynn Lowell: Is She OK?!

Just when we thought we couldn’t possibly be more worried about Catelynn Lowell …

Buckle up, because the sadness is coming all over again.

As you likely know, Catelynn has been staying in a treatment center for the past few weeks, getting help for her issues with depression and anxiety.

She’s been open for years now about her mental illnesses, and how after she gave birth to her second daughter, Nova, postpartum depression nearly wrecked her.

She had Nova in January of 2015, and it wasn’t until March of 2016 that she finally made the step to get treatment the first time. Unfortunately, we’re seeing now that she still struggles with depression.

On November 17th, she tweeted “Well today I thought of every way to kill myself.. so I’m going to treatment.”

She elaborated on this in a statement she released to a few media outlets, explaining that “I’m taking the time I need right now to take good care of myself.”

She said that that day she had “thought of every way possible to commit suicide… from wrapping a belt around my neck to just running my car into an electric pole.”

“Thank GOD I have a support system and a HUSBAND and a DAUGHTER… thank god I am self aware… I’m seeking treatment and I WILL get better.”

Catelynn traveled down to Arizona, accompanied by Tyler, and they got her checked into rehab.

She stayed there through Thanksgiving and into the beginning of this month, but as a source revealed earlier this week, she planned on checking out early on Friday, against doctor’s orders.

“It wasn’t planned for Catelynn to get out,” the source revealed. “They had a group/family session during their visit and Catelynn pretty much said she wanted to go home.”

The insider also claimed that though she was “no longer on suicide watch,” her counselors still believed that “more time in treatment would be beneficial.”

Tyler was reportedly concerned about her decision to leave treatment early, but the issue was that Cate felt guilty about being away from her family, especially little Nova, during the holidays.

So did she end up coming home?

She hasn’t posted anything on social media announcing her return, but Tyler did share this photo on Snapchat:

“Cuddles with my family is just the best!” he gushed about the photo of Catelynn and Nova lying on him — and it looks like they’re in their own house.

But another post he made on Snapchat has us pretty concerned.

Last night, he posted a series of videos while driving down a highway. He captioned the video “My song to Cate,” and he filmed the road while the entirety of Chord Overstreet’s “Hold On” played.

If you’re not familiar with the song, let’s take a look at some of lyrics, all right?

The first verse contains phrases like “I can’t imagine a world with you gone” and “I’d be so lost if you left me alone,” so it’s not really a great start.

“You locked yourself in the bathroom,” the verse continues, “Lying on the floor when I break through. I pull you in to feel your heartbeat. Can you hear me screaming ‘please don’t leave me’?”

It sounds like it’s a song about a guy whose girlfriend made a suicide attempt, which is pretty alarming, considering what Catelynn’s been going through.

The chorus says “Hold on, I still want you. Come back, I still need you. Let me take your hand, I’ll make it right. I swear to love you all my life. Hold on, I still need you.”

We’re not exactly sure what’s going on with this precious little family, but we still wish them all the best right now.


Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Catelynn Lowell: Leaving Rehab Against Doctor"s Orders?!

If you’re a Teen Mom fan, then chances are than you’ve been keeping a close eye on Catelynn Lowell lately.

And that’s because … well, she just hasn’t been doing that great.

Last month, she announced on her social media accounts that she’d be leaving to seek treatment for her issues with anxiety and depression.

“Well today I thought of every way to kill myself.. so I’m going to treatment,” she wrote on Twitter.

Then, in a more lengthy statement she released to a few media outlets, she explained “I’m taking the time I need right now to take good care of myself.”

“On November 17th I thought of every way possible to commit suicide… from wrapping a belt around my neck to just running my car into an electric pole.”

“THANK GOD I have a support system and a HUSBAND and a DAUGHTER.. thank god I am self aware,” she continued. “I’m seeking treatment and I WILL get better.”

“Anyone feeling alone you ARE NOT ALONE! This world needs all of us! We are all here for a reason… Thank you for your support during this tough time.”

After making that statement, she and husband Tyler Baltierra traveled down to Arizona so she could check into the same rehab facility she visited last year — she was also seeking help for her depression then.

Since then, we haven’t gotten a ton of updates on Catelynn.

Tyler has told us that she’s doing well, and she’s been able to get on her phone for a little while each day, too.

She was even able to make a special Thanksgiving tweet, telling her followers “Today I am thankful for LIFE and thankful for my daughters!!”

It sounds like she’s doing well, right?

Well enough, it seems, to come home!

In a post he made on Instagram last night, Tyler wrote “Cate gets out of treatment this Friday & we can’t wait! We have been in Arizona for the past 2 weeks visiting her every Sunday.”

“I have taken a break from everything & chose to really take this time for me & Nova,” he continue. “Without her mom around, she needs me & my devoted attention. Family always comes first!”

That’s nice, and it’s so great that Catelynn will get to go home to her family.

But according to a source who spoke about the situation with Radar Online, it’s actually not such a great development.

“It wasn’t planned for Catelynn to get out,” the source claims. “They had a group/family session during their visit and Catelynn pretty much said she wanted to go home.”

This insider explains that she’s no longer on suicide watch, but “her counselors think more time in treatment would be beneficial.”

However, “it’s ultimately her choice.”

As for Tyler, he’s reportedly “a little worried” about her decision to come home early, but he’s still “supportive overall.”

“She looks and sounds great,” the source says. “Cate just misses Nova and wants to be home for the holidays. She’d ultimately feel really guilty [if she missed Christmas] and that might set her back.”

“She feels she needs to be home for these milestones.”

It’s definitely understandable that she’d prefer to be home for the holidays, but it’s also understandable that Tyler might feel concerned.

After all, she didn’t complete her treatment the last time, and that obviously did not turn out so well.

It really just seems to be a tough situation all around, but thankfully, the source says Catelynn will continue outpatient treatment when she gets back to Michigan.

Here’s hoping for the best for her and that darling little family of hers!
