Showing posts with label Charlotte. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Charlotte. Show all posts

Monday, April 4, 2016

Charlotte McKinney & David Spade: Dating?!

He may have played second fiddle to Chris Farley for much of his career, but when it comes to scoring with the hottest women in Hollywood, David Spade takes a backseat to none.

The diminutive comic has hooked up with scores of models, including Heather Locklear and Lala Kent, and now he’s gettin’ it in with the heir to Kate Upton’s boob throne:

Just about everyone with a wi-fi connection has seen Charlotte McKinney nude, but these days it’s only Spade who gets the live and direct experience. 

According to TMZ, Spade and McKinney were spotted leaving Craig’s in West Hollywood over the weekend, and their reps didn’t deny they were on a date.

The fact that the two chose one of the best-known paparazzi hotspots on a Saturday night seems to be their way of going public with their relationship.

Spade may have dated Kaley Cuoco for brief period following her divorce last year, but the unlikely ladies man keeps most of his relationships casual.

So it’s a bit surprising to see him essentially confirm that he and McKinney are an item.

But not nearly as surprising as the fact that the hottest model of the moment has been locked down by David freakin’ Spade.

Take note, young dudes of the world: being funny will get you far. Learn to tell a joke.

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Princess Charlotte: Photoshopped on Royal Family Christmas Card?!

Kate Middleton, Prince William and their children pretty much make the perfect family … but was their perfect Christmas portrait doctored?

Yes, this is a serious debate happening on social media.

Many Royal Family fans feel that Princess Charlotte, or at least her head, was photoshopped into the official photo released last week.

Charlotte’s “recycled” ensemble in William and Kate’s Christmas portrait was quickly noted, but whatever, all babies re-wear clothes.

However, people started “observing” that Charlotte’s head is clearly defined in the picture, yet the area around her head is a bit fuzzy.

Supposedly. The rumors began to swirl, in any event, and Elliot Wagland, Photo Editor of Huffington Post UK and AOL, weighed in.

“Something is wrong with this (photoshopped) picture of the royal family,” he wrote on Twitter, taking the “scandal” to a new level.

Then BuzzFeed did a whole story on this in BuzzFeed fashion. “We’re not the only ones to notice something is afoot,” the site declared.

“Why is her head so clear and the area around it so blurry?”

The Christmas photo has been dissected, enlarged and analyzed countless times, and frankly, the “evidence” is flimsy at best.

For one, the supposed blurriness around the cutie’s neck is only visible whilst zooming in so far that the whole image is blurry.

Secondly, there are other imperfections, if you will, such as Charlotte adorably losing a shoe and William not looking at the camera.

Any family of four – particularly ones who own humans under the age of three – know it’s next to impossible to get everyone to look.

Finally, even if there were airbrushing, filtering or photoshop involved … this distinguishes the royals from exactly no one in this era.

You don’t even need photoshop these days. Technology on every hand-held device lets you enhance and edit photos in about 10 seconds.

Seriously, the drama over Kate Middleton’s bangs and her oft-debated holiday plans are more interesting as royal non-scandals go.

A Palace spokesperson told BuzzFeed that the royal family had no comment … but reportedly laughed out loud when asked. LOL indeed.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Charlotte McKinney"s Boobs Celebrate Christmas! WATCH!

The last time we checked in on her, Charlotte McKinney was naked on Instagram.

The captions said she was drunk, but it later turned out the pics may have been the result of a hacking.

Fortunately, we"ll always have the many jiggly Charlotte McKinney GIFs that were posted legally and ethically.

Speaking of consent issues, today"s installment of the Love magazine advent calendar features Charlotte in a swimsuit writhing around to the tune of the creepy holiday classic "Baby, It"s Cold Outside," which we assume is subtitled "So Why Not Enjoy a Cappuccino and a Jello-O Pudding Pop? Zibbidy-Bop!"

Pervy nature of the song aside, this video represents everything that"s good and true about the holiday season, and we can"t think of a better early Christmas present for Charlotte to give the world.

Considering some of the weirdness presented in some of the other Love advent clips (Kendall Jenner as a seductive shark, anyone?), the straightforward sexiness of Charlotte"s video is a welcome change of pace.

So think of us passing it along to you as a form of regifting.

It"s Charlotte McKinney"s cleavage bouncing around in slow motion. So it"s probably best if you just don"t question it and enjoy.


Charlotte mckinneys boobs celebrate christmas watch

Friday, December 18, 2015

Will and Kate Release Family Pic, Charlotte Loses a Shoe

I once said that Kris Jenner won Christmas.  I was wrong.

THIS wins Christmas.

For the first time, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge made their Christmas card public.  

The shot, taken by Christopher Jelf, features the family of four at Anmer Hall, their ten-bedroom home in Norfolk, England.

The photo was most likely taken the same day as Princess Charlotte’s adorable pics.

“A new family photo – Merry Christmas from The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, Prince George and Princess Charlotte,” a caption read on The British Monarchy’s Facebook page.

“The Duke and Duchess are hugely appreciative of all the warm messages they have received about their family this year and are very much looking forward to their first Christmas as a family of four.”

William and Catherine also announced that George will start school in the new year.

“Prince George will begin to attend the Westacre Montessori School Nursery in Norfolk before the end of January,” Kensington Palace announced today.

The school released their own statement about educating the future king:

“We are looking forward to welcoming George to our nursery where he will get the same special experience as all of our children.”

This move signals that William and Catherine view Anmer as their “family home,” according to The Duchess Diary, though Kensington Palace in London remains their official residence.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Princess Charlotte: New Pics!!!

Today, Kensington Palace released two new photos of Princess Charlotte, who is now 6 1/2 months old.

The photos were taken by Catherine in mid-November, according to the palace’s social media account, at the family home in Norfolk, England.

“The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are delighted to be able to share two new photographs of Princess Charlotte,” the palace said in a statement. 

“The Duke and Duchess continue to receive warm messages about Princess Charlotte from all around the world and they hope that everyone enjoys these lovely photos as much as they do.”

William and Catherine did the same thing with Prince George last year, as a thank you to the British media for allowing their children to grow up out of the public eye.

Those photos were taken at Kensington Palace by photographer Jason Bell, who also shot the young prince’s christening.

“The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are very grateful for the support they have received when it comes to their children and wanted to share these very charming pictures taken by the Duchess,” a royal aide told the Daily Mail.  “It is something they intend to continue to do.”

Catherine is an amateur photographer, having taken photos of George and Charlotte about a month after the princess’s birth.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Charlotte McKinney Flaunts Naked Butt in British GQ, Remains a National Treasure

There were so many memorable celebrity Halloween costumes this year that you may have missed Charlotte McKinney’s.

Or perhaps you saw it and just didn’t realize it was a Halloween costume, because she’s literally just wearing lingerie and a bow tie, but we’re gonna let this one slide, because…ya know, giant boobs and all.

Of course, lots of people put their half-naked bodies on display on Halloween. What sets Charlotte apart is that she makes the world a better place by flashing off different portions of her skin on a regular basis.

Generally, Charlotte’s boobs get all the attention, but we’d like you to take a moment to appreciate dat ass:

That’s Ms. McKinney posing in British GQ, and apparently the UK men’s mag has decided to take up the skin mag mantle now that Playboy won’t be publishing nudes anymore.

Whatever their reason, we applaud them. We’ve seen Charlotte breasts on Instagram and we’ve watched her attempt to make ground beef sexy in Carl’s Jr. ads, but now she gets to show a little range by…taking her pants off near a Doberman Pinscher.

Okay, so other than the fact that she’s dating Scott Eastwood and probably has some lower back problems in her future, we don’t know much about Charlotte, but hopefully that’ll change.

Clearly, the girl has ambition, and we’re sure she’ll eventually branch out and work on a project that doesn’t involve devouring an artery-clogging grease bomb in sexy slow-motion. 

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Tom Hardy & Charlotte Riley Welcome First Child Together!

For an actor with a string of blockbusters under his belt and an army of obsessive female fans watching his every move, Tom Hardy has demonstrated a remarkable knack for keeping his private life private.

Hardy married Charlotte Riley last year, but we only found out about it a few months after the fact.

Now, it seems Tom and Charlotte have welcomed a baby – and not surprisingly, they’re keeping all the details to themselves.

Forget about a name and photograph; we don’t even know if the kid is a boy or a girl!

We do know that it’s the first child for Riley and the second for Hardy, who has a 7-year-old son from his previous marriage.

We’re sure Tom will be forced to answer questions about his new offspring in the near future, as he’s gearing up to do press for The Revenant, his heavily-hyped awards season contender co-starring Leonardo DiCaprio and directed by Birdman auteur Alejandro Inarittu.

Yes, it seems that Tom has a good deal on his plate these days.

We just hope his new marriage, new baby and first real shot at an oscar nomination won’t distract the dude from doing what he does best: lip-syncing to pop hits on Instagram.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Charlotte McKinney & Scott Eastwood: Dating!

Regardless of your gender or sexual orientation, the newest Hollywood couple is sure to make you jealous.

TMZ is reporting that Charlotte McKinney and Scott Eastwood are dating, and if it’s true, they might be the most absurdly good-looking couple since Brad and Angie.

You might know Scott from his work in The Last Ride and Taylor Swift’s “Wildest Dreams” video. Obviously, he’s also the son of Squinty Clint.

If you’re not familiar with Charlotte, we recommend – nay, demand – that you check out the many nude photos of Charlotte McKinney right this instance.

There. Now you understand why Scott is such a lucky dude. 

Neither party has confirmed the relationship, but sources say Scott and Charlotte have been spending a lot of time together lately. They were spotted on what appeared to be a beach date in Malibu on Thursday.

Sure, it’s possible they’re just friends, but if these two are hanging out and not banging, it’s basically a crime against nature.

There’s a chance that Scott is the victim of the most tragic friend-zoning in history, but that’s a fate too terrible to even contemplate.

If you don’t believe us, check out some of the hottest Charlotte McKinney photos the web has to offer in the gallery below.

Godspeed, you two. Make some ridiculously attractive offspring for the benefit of future generations.