Saturday, October 3, 2015

Charlotte McKinney & Scott Eastwood: Dating!

Regardless of your gender or sexual orientation, the newest Hollywood couple is sure to make you jealous.

TMZ is reporting that Charlotte McKinney and Scott Eastwood are dating, and if it’s true, they might be the most absurdly good-looking couple since Brad and Angie.

You might know Scott from his work in The Last Ride and Taylor Swift’s “Wildest Dreams” video. Obviously, he’s also the son of Squinty Clint.

If you’re not familiar with Charlotte, we recommend – nay, demand – that you check out the many nude photos of Charlotte McKinney right this instance.

There. Now you understand why Scott is such a lucky dude. 

Neither party has confirmed the relationship, but sources say Scott and Charlotte have been spending a lot of time together lately. They were spotted on what appeared to be a beach date in Malibu on Thursday.

Sure, it’s possible they’re just friends, but if these two are hanging out and not banging, it’s basically a crime against nature.

There’s a chance that Scott is the victim of the most tragic friend-zoning in history, but that’s a fate too terrible to even contemplate.

If you don’t believe us, check out some of the hottest Charlotte McKinney photos the web has to offer in the gallery below.

Godspeed, you two. Make some ridiculously attractive offspring for the benefit of future generations.