Showing posts with label Chloe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chloe. Show all posts

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Chloe Grace Moretz and Brooklyn Beckham: It"s Over!

Break out the violins, celebrity gossip fans.

It is all over for Chloe Grace Moretz and Brooklyn Beckham.

In very sad news broken by Page Six of The New York Post, we can confirm that the actress is no longer dating the famous son of Victoria and David Beckham.

Beckham and Moretz were spotted out often together in Los Angeles this summer after having announced their romance in May while guests with Andy Cohen on Watch What Happens Live.

Page Six writes that its “spies” have noticed that the 17-year old hunk and 19-year old beauty have recently been in the same city together.

Yet they have not been actually spending time together.

That’s pretty much all we know about the split.

“We’ve been off and on together for a couple of years now, and we just kind of made it official,” Moretz said on The Talk on May 19, adding:

“We were always running from paparazzi and running from people taking pictures of us. And we were like, ‘You know what? It’s affecting our relationship.”

Right around this same time, Beckham and Moretz made their red carpet debut at the premiere of Neighbors 2: Sorority Rising.

She plays a key role in that comedy.

What does Moretz think of Beckham’s beloved parents?

“[Victoria’s] an amazing person,” she said during the aforementioned Andy Cohen interview.

“I admire her work ethic and honestly love her line. As a family they’re awesome people.

“He’s a great dad, she’s a great mother. They genuinely are very good parents that’s what matters most. They made a pretty son.”

Moretz, meanwhile, has been in the news an awful lot of late.

She went off on Kim Kardashian’s nude selfie this spring, writing via Twitter:

“@KimKardashian I truly hope you realize how important setting goals are for young women, teaching them we have so much more to offer than just our bodies.”

This actually prompted a bitter response from Kim.

“Let’s all welcome @ChloeGMoretz to twitter, since no one knows who she is,” Kardashian shot back. “Your Nylon cover is cute boo.”

A couple months later, Moretz shared her own topless photo on social media.

As you can see above, it was far less risque than the one of Kim that she criticized so harshly.

But still.

Would it really have been so difficult NOT to post that, Chloe?

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Chloe Grace Moretz: Topless, Hypocritical on Instagram

If you can’t beat em, join em.

And take some clothes off in the process.

This seems to be Chloe Grace Moretz’s mindset at the moment.

The actress surprised many followers on Instagram last night when she shared a photo of herself topless, her back to the camera, lying on the beach somewhere.

Moretz gave photo credit in the caption to boyfriend Brooklyn Beckham, implying that he snapped the image.

What’s the big deal here?

What young female star has not posed without a shirt on at this point?


Back in March, the Internet went sort of crazy of the latest Kim Kardashian nude selfie.

At the forefront of this criticism was Moretz, who addressed Kim directly in a Tweet writing:

“@KimKardashian I truly hope you realize how important setting goals are for young women, teaching them we have so much more to offer than just our bodies.”

In response, Kim Tweeted:

“Let’s all welcome @ChloeGMoretz to twitter, since no one knows who she is. Your Nylon cover is cute boo.”

And just like that, an unexpected feud was born.

From there, Khloe Kardashian jumped in to the fray.

She actually shared a photo of Moretz’s butt in a bikini as a sort of revenge porn… although she messed up in doing so and shared a photo of someone else’s butt instead.

It was a pretty big, complicated mess for awhile between the Kardashians and Moretz.

But the point remains that Chloe called out Kim for posing naked…

… and now she’s gone right ahead and post semi-naked herself.

In as revealing a manner as Kardashian has on so many occasions? No.

But there’s still a level of hypocrisy at work here.

Moretz is still using her nude body to get attention, which is exactly what she came down on Kardashian for doing this spring.

The 19-year old actually spoke at this year’s Democratic National Convention, urging young folks out there to register to vote.

By doing so, “we can elect a president who will fight to give every American a chance to graduate from college debt-free. We can elect a president who will fight for equal pay for equal work.”

She was speaking, of course, about Hillary Clinton.

But perhaps Chloe should have asked herself if Clinton would ever pose topless on social media in order to garner attention.

She could have then based her actions on the response of her political role model.

Friday, July 29, 2016

Chloe Grace Moretz Sets Aside Khloe Kardashian Feud to Endorse Hillary Clinton

Last night, Hillary Clinton accepted the Democrat’s nomination and became the first female major-party candidate in United States history.

It was a historic moment, and some of Hollywood’s biggest stars were on hand to celebrate.

Bradley Cooper was at the DNC to support Clinton and prove once and for all that he is not actually an American sniper.

Katy Perry sang at the convention and sadly, she didn’t take advantage of the opportunity to throw shade at Taylor Swift.

Katy was an apt choice, as like Clinton, she has experience butting heads with a privileged blonde who weirdly appeals to Southerners.

Speaking of feuds, Chloe Grace Moretz – who, over the past week, has become wrapped up in an increasingly ugly war with Khloe Kardashian – took time to encourage young people to register to vote.

The 19-year-old actress shared the story of her own registration process and offered some inspiring words on what it meant:

“It took just a minute,” she said, “but it gave me the power of a lifetime, the power to make my voice heard and to shape the future of our country.”

“So just imagine, imagine what can happen if we all make our voices heard this November at the ballot box,” the Kick-Ass star said.

“We can elect a president who will fight to give every American a chance to graduate from college debt-free. We can elect a president who will fight for equal pay for equal work.”

Inspiring stuff that’s reminiscent of Kendall Jenner’s “get out the vote” campaign.

All-in-all, it must have been a confusing night for the Kardashian-Jenner clan.

A candidate that Kim endorsed accepted the nomination; a singer they’re friends with gave the performance, but someone that Khloe’s been harassing on Twitter gave one of the night’s most talked-about speeches.

This election is tearing the family apart, and someone needs to make the Kardashians great again!

Just kidding, they were never great.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Khloe Kardashian Defends Chloe Grace Moretz "Revenge Porn"

Last night the Kardashian family went into full-on attack mode against Kim and Kanye’s rival Taylor Swift.

It all started with last night’s episode of Keeping Up With the Kardashians, in which we finally got some backstory on Kanye’s ill-advised “Famous” video.

In case you missed it, the clip featured naked wax figures of Taylor Swift and other celebrities (most of whom Kanye has beefed with in the past) in a roving, several minute shot that few were amused by and even fewer understood.

For Swift, of course, the song’s lyrics may have been even more assaultive than the video.

She famously called Kanye out as a misogynist when she first heard the song and several of her famous friends threw shade at the rapper. 

Last night, Kim fired back by posting what she claimed was audio evidence that Taylor had approved the lyrics before the song was released. 

Fans on both sides of the debate went nuts, and naturally, Khloe jumped into the fray.

One of the many stars who encouraged this group of grown-ass millionaires to set their petty differences aside and focus on more important matters was 19-year-old actress Chloe Grace Moretz.

Inexplicably, Kardashian posted a semi nude photo of Moretz and called her an “a-hole” in response.

Well actually, she posted a semi-nude photo of someone that she thought was Moretz, but was actually just some other young woman who was appears to have been photographed without her consent. Classy.

Not surprisingly, fans went off on Khloe, with some going so far as to accuse the singer of committing an act of revenge porn (not unlike Kanye’s video).

Naturally, Khloe had a defense along the lines of, “You don’t understand; it’s okay when I do it”:

“I’m the last person to bully but have an animal instinct to protect and defend my family,” Khloe tweeted.

“Refrain from commenting on my family and OUR business (and I will do the same).”

So … it’s not bullying if someone says something you don’t like first? Sure.

Anyway, the really funny thing about Khloe’s explanation is that no one was in her business to begin with.

Moretz didn’t even take sides in the whole thing!

Of course, the other Khloe certainly, and we now know she’s on the side of pervy douchebaggery.

Khloe Kardashian SLAMS Chloe Grace Moretz With Nude Pic on Twitter!

It’s DEFCON 1 over in Calabasas, and the Kardashians are mustering all their forces for what’s turning out be the family’s biggest feud in recent memory.

In case you somehow missed it, the whole thing started with Kanye West’s song “Famous”, in which the rapper made reference to having sex with Taylor Swift and took credit for making her a household name (as a result of the now-infamous VMA interruption incident).

Last night’s episode of Keeping Up With the Kardashians showed the run-up and fallout from the controversial video that accompanied the song.

As you may remember, the clip prominently featured a naked Taylor Swift (or rather, a wax figure that looked an awful lot like a naked Taylor Swift).

Shortly thereafter (We promise we’ll get to the latest developments soon. This thing is like the Game of Thrones of celebrity feuds.), Kim posted video evidence of Kanye talking to Kim about the song before its release, as a means of showing the world the singer approved of the offending lines before they were recorded.

Taylor responded with an online statement claiming that she did not approve of being referred to as “that bitch” in the lyrics.

Suffice it to say, there’s a whole lot of pettiness going on amongst some of the celebrity world’s most famous figures.

Not surprisingly, other stars have called on all involved to just chill, including actress Chloe Grace Moretz, who posted the following tweet:

“‘Everyone in this industry needs to get their heads out of a hole and look around to realize what’s ACTUALLY happening in the REAL world.

“Stop wasting your voice on something so petulant and unimportant.”

Wise words from a 19-year old who seems to have a better grip on the situation than any of the non-teens involved.

But she’s dealing with the Kardashians, so naturally, they responded with revenge porn:

Khloe Kardashian posted the photo above last night, along with a caption reading:

“Is this the a hole you’re referring to @ChloeGMoretz ???”

Yes, Khloe decided the way to handle this situation was with candid photos of naked teens.

Needless to say, she was wrong.

Fortunately, Mrs. Moretz wasted no time in pointing out exactly how wrong:

“Fact check: the first photo is me filming my movie Neighbors 2, the second is some girl who was wrongfully photographed.”

And like that, the War of the K/Chloes came to an end.

Final score: Kardashian 0, Moretz 1,794,987

Monday, July 11, 2016

Chloe Lattanzi Posts Sexy Bikini Pic, Hits Back At Trolls

Olivia Newton-John’s only daughter has battled her fair share of demons over the years.

As a teenager, Chloe Lattanzi developed Anorexia, and had to enter treatment.

Later, she would become addicted to cocaine and alcohol, a habit she’s since kicked.

Now, Lattanzi has to deal with body-shamers who trolled her Instagram over the weekend.

The 30-year-old posted gorgeous photos of herself in a bikini while enjoying the California sun poolside.

Trolls took this opportunity to call out her boobs, of course.

Not cool, Lattanzi said, taking to social media to put anyone with a negative comment back in their place.

“being unashamed of your feminine form makes you strong.It takes strength to accept and love yourself. This is message is for every woman who has ever been called stupid or a bimbo for having confidence and for loving your body,” she wrote.

“Having big breasts does not make you stupid. It’s Calling people stupid for having big breasts that makes you ignorant. I love you all.

“I celebrate the sexy free confident woman.”

In October 2015, Lattanzi gave an interview to Fox411 about recovering from her eating disorder.

“I’m grateful I’m recovered fully, I’m healthy, I have a lot of fat on my body.”

Lattanzi is engaged to martial arts instructor James Driskill, and credits him for helping her lead a healthy life.

Driskill, Lattanzi said, “had a lot to do with helping me get through it.”

A few years ago Lattanzi explained to the Daily Mail that her mother had a very difficult time coming to terms with Lattanzi’s illness.

“She’d never faced anything like that before and she didn’t know how to deal with it,” Lattanzi said of the Grease star.

“Eventually she faced up to it and sent me to a treatment centre for my eating disorder when I was 18.

“It didn’t help at all,” Lattanzi admitted.  Putting people with eating disorders together is the worst thing you can do. It creates competition.

“I left and slowly got better on my own.”

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Chloe Grace Moretz Hits Out At Trolls: Stop Being So Judgemental!

Chloe Grace Moretz has had enough of the haters. 

The 19-year-old actress went on a stunning Twitter rant to let the haters know just what she thought of them. 

“When will people hiding behind computer screens get tired of calling someone ‘fat’ or ‘masculine,’” read Moretz’s first of several tweets.

Fat shaming has become a very common thing on Social Media and it really needs to stop. The abuse that people are subjected to is just deplorable.

“Does it make you feel good typing your hateful comments? Does it fulfill you in some dark way?” she asked, before suggesting, “Sit back before you fire away commenting ignorant things and imagine the real HUMAN BEING you are commenting about.”

It is pretty great that she’s taken this stand because there is just so much hate online these days that it makes it difficult for people to put up new pictures if they are constantly being criticized for their appearance. 

“He or she is a PERSON, with feelings and thoughts and a life that you are affecting so negatively,” continued the actress, who then related her own experience with being evaluated on a superficial level.

More often than not, these haters don’t seem to take their victim’s feelings into consideration and it’s just horrible. 

The star was quick to point out that she’s spent most of her life in the spotlight. She knows what it feels like to be victimized from a young age. 

“I’ve spent my whole life in front of cameras growing up with miscellaneous people judging and critiquing every little thing about myself,” she wrote.

“And it’s time we all stop hiding behind keyboards pretending we know even the smallest thing about the people we judge.”

Moretz concluded by writing, “That’s all. Have a nice taco Tuesday guys.” It’s unclear what sparked the actress’s diatribe, and whether she’s calling out anyone in particular or referring to a specific situation.

It’s unclear what actually triggered her huge rant, but there’s a good chance she just got sick of all of the sick posts on Facebook and Twitter. 

You don’t have to look very hard to find hate on Social Media. It just always seems to be there. 

There have been no follow-up tweets as of yet, but Moretz might open up about what really caused the tweets. 

The tirade is actually a little bit rich considering Moretz slammed Kim Kardashian not that long ago. 

She did try to defend her reasons behind it, but talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

What do you think of her comments?

Is Chloe Grace Moretz guilty of passing hurtful comments?

Hit the comments below!

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Friday, May 6, 2016

Ariel Winter SLAMS Chloe Grace Moretz for SLAMMING Kim Kardashian!

It’s the celebrity feud that just won’t stop.

The one about nude selfies and body positivity and (unsurprisingly) Kim Kardashian.

It all started when Kim posted (unsurprisingly) a nude selfie to Instagram.

Chloe Grace Moretz then warned that Kim should instead teach girls that women “have so much more to offer than just [their] bodies.”

Kim retorted by dissing Chloe, then wrote an essay claiming her selfie was about “body positivity.” 

Enter Ariel Winter, who echoed Kim’s statements.

Fast forward a couple months, and Chloe tells Glamour magazine that she stands by her previous remarks, insisting that Kim’s selfie was not about body confidence, but about sexualizing herself for attention, likes and comments.

Back to Ariel and present time. 

The Modern Family star took to Instagram to denounce Chloe’s comments to Glamour and defend Kim’s and her right to post revealing selfies in the name of, yep, #bodypositivity.

Here’s what she wrote:

“Many have asked about my opinion on a certain interview … all I’m going to say is this:

“If you take a photo in which you feel CONFIDENT about yourself and think it spreads a positive image, then GO FOR IT.

“The ‘background’ doesn’t matter – what matters is the message you are putting out there is true to what YOU believe in – not what anyone else says about YOU.

“I do what I can to create a positive light for my fans and I’m sure other celebrities are doing it in THEIR OWN WAY- no need to put one another down.

“No picture is the exception to someone else’s rule. Even if some people ‘know who they are.’ Live life on your own terms.”

This conversation exasperates me, because, frankly, I think they’re both correct to some degree.

Women have fought for decades to be thought of as more than mere sexual objects.

And let’s face it, Kim was positioning herself as a sexual object in that selfie.

She wasn’t saying, “My body doesn’t meet society’s standards of beauty but I love it anyway,” she was saying, “Look at how hot I am.”

Which is fine, theoretically speaking. It’s her body, and if she feels good about it, post away.

But it irks me that she’s trying to disguise it as some sort of feminist statement when we all know damn well her motivation had nothing to do with feminism or woman empowerment. 

Chloe wasn’t slut-shaming Kim.

She was trying to suggest that it’s important to teach young girls that there is so much more value in being a woman than a sexy body and your ability to generate likes on social media from it.

Sorry, Ariel. I get where you’re coming from, but I’m Team Chloe on this one.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Chloe Grace Moretz Stands By Comments on Kim Kardashian"s Nude Selfie

Back in March, Kim Kardashian got everyone gabbing about a nude selfie she posted on Instagram.

Now, we’ve seen Kim naked on many occasions, but something about this particular selfie generated a larger conversation among celebs and fans alike.

While Bette Midler and Piers Morgan made jokes about the selfie queen’s post, Chloe Grace Moretz brought up a more serious point.

“@KimKardashian I truly hope you realize how important setting goals are for young women, teaching them we have so much more to offer than just our bodies,” the 19-year-old tweeted.

Kardashian didn’t take kindly to the criticism and shot back with some shade.

“Let’s all welcome @ChloeGMoretz to twitter, since no one knows who she is,” wrote Kim. “Your Nylon cover is cute boo.”

Now, Moretz addresses her response in an interview with Glamour magazine.

“I was at dinner with my family [when] I got the notification [on my phone],” she told the publication.

“I look at it and I go, ‘Oh my God. She responded,"” Moretz remembered.

“My mom took the most offense to it because it was girl-on-girl hate and Kim didn’t come back with an educated response on body confidence,” she continued.

“It was aggressive, and also it was incorrect.”

“I don’t have 45 million followers or a TV show that follows my life, but people know who I am,” she added. “I pride myself on having opinions, and I don’t express them in snarky ways toward people.”

After Moretz’s tweet, Kardashian wrote an lengthy essay defending herself and denouncing critics who spoke out against her nude selfie for what she believed was slut-shaming.

“I am empowered by my body. I am empowered by my sexuality,” wrote the reality TV star, adding, “It’s 2016. The body-shaming and slut-shaming—it’s like, enough is enough.”

Moretz, however, didn’t buy Kardashian’s thinly veiled attempt to pass off an attention grab as a statement on female empowerment.

“That picture wasn’t linked to body confidence. It wasn’t a #BodyConfidence or #LoveWhoYouAre,” she said. “It was done in a slightly voyeuristic light, which I felt was a little inappropriate for young women to see.” 

“I would hate for young women to feel they need to post certain photos in order to gain likes, retweets, favorites, and male attention,” added the actress. 

“I wasn’t slut shaming. It’s not about body shaming.”

You know what? We believe her.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Chloe Moretz Throws Shade at Taylor Swift: I Don"t Want to Be in Her Squad!

Chloe Moretz isn’t a full-blown A-lister yet, but the 19-year-old actress has starred in some high-profile films, and with Neighbors 2 and Disney’s highly-anticipated live-action Little Mermaid on the horizon, you’re sure to hear a lot more from in the coming year.

But while Chloe has taken on a wide-array of roles recently, there’s one part that she has no interest in taking on – that of a supporting player in ever-expanding Taylor Swift Girl Squad.

When Chloe was asked about her views on Taylor’s squad during a recent interview with Complex, she stopped just short of saying she thinks the whole thing is damn creepy:

“They appropriate exclusivity. They’re cliques!” Chloe said (“with her exasperation,” the interviewer notes) when asked about squads.

Asked if she was invited to join Taylor’s squad, Chloe replies, “Yes,” and attempts to leave it at that.

The interviewer presses her, and that’s when Chloe speaks volumes while attempting to move on:

“She seems to want to say a lot of things—perhaps about the “Bad Blood” singer—but already knows the repercussions of those things becoming public,” the article says.

“I can practically feel her urge to unleash bubbling and rising to the top of her throat. Just then a smile spreads across her moon-shaped face, the padlock that keeps whatever’s in her mind just right there, and she says, measuredly, ‘She’s a very talented person."”

“’You can talk to me about these things, you know,’ I say back. ‘You know I can’t!’ she laughs.”

Chloe is basically teaching a master class in the art of throwing shade here.

She never directly disses Taylor, but she makes her feelings on the friend-collecting singer perfectly clear.

We doubt this will ever develop into a Taylor-Katy Perry feud situation, but we’re guessing Ms. Swift is less than pleased about this interview.

Chloe Moretz Throws Shade at Taylor Swift: I Don"t Want to Be in Her Squad!

Chloe Moretz isn’t a full-blown A-lister yet, but the 19-year-old actress has starred in some high-profile films, and with Neighbors 2 and Disney’s highly-anticipated live-action Little Mermaid on the horizon, you’re sure to hear a lot more from in the coming year.

But while Chloe has taken on a wide-array of roles recently, there’s one part that she has no interest in taking on – that of a supporting player in ever-expanding Taylor Swift Girl Squad.

When Chloe was asked about her views on Taylor’s squad during a recent interview with Complex, she stopped just short of saying she thinks the whole thing is damn creepy:

“They appropriate exclusivity. They’re cliques!” Chloe said (“with her exasperation,” the interviewer notes) when asked about squads.

Asked if she was invited to join Taylor’s squad, Chloe replies, “Yes,” and attempts to leave it at that.

The interviewer presses her, and that’s when Chloe speaks volumes while attempting to move on:

“She seems to want to say a lot of things—perhaps about the “Bad Blood” singer—but already knows the repercussions of those things becoming public,” the article says.

“I can practically feel her urge to unleash bubbling and rising to the top of her throat. Just then a smile spreads across her moon-shaped face, the padlock that keeps whatever’s in her mind just right there, and she says, measuredly, ‘She’s a very talented person."”

“’You can talk to me about these things, you know,’ I say back. ‘You know I can’t!’ she laughs.”

Chloe is basically teaching a master class in the art of throwing shade here.

She never directly disses Taylor, but she makes her feelings on the friend-collecting singer perfectly clear.

We doubt this will ever develop into a Taylor-Katy Perry feud situation, but we’re guessing Ms. Swift is less than pleased about this interview.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Brooklyn Beckham Dumped Chloe Moretz...For Selena Gomez?!

Back in August, we reported that Brooklyn Beckham and Chloe Moretz were dating.

Insiders claimed that despite their youth, the couple was moving fast and seemed intent on staying together for the foreseeable future.

Just a few weeks later, however, they quietly called it quits.

That sort of abrupt breakup is usually an indication that something  – or someone – unexpectedly tore the couple apart.

Now, the folks at OK! magazine are claiming that there was no infidelity involved, but a third party was indirectly responsible for the breakup:

Yes, sources are claiming that Brooklyn has a thing for Selena Gomez, and he dumped Chloe under the mistaken belief that Selena might have feelings for him as well.

“He was smitten with Selena even while he was dating Chloe, which was one of the reasons they broke up,” says one insider.

“[Selena] says Brooklyn’s sweet and all, but he’s just too young for her. In a few years time that could change, but for now she only sees him as a friend – and it’s breaking his heart.”

So it seems Brooklyn made a rookie mistake and went all-in for a girl who just doesn’t like him in that way. 

Clearly, the kid has big-time playa aspirations, but he’s got a lot to learn.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Chloe Goins: Bill Cosby is a Serial RAPIST!

Chloe Goins has just filed a lawsuit against Bill Cosby, having already triggered an active criminal investigation against the embattled celebrity.

It’s easy to forget names, considering there are more than 50 Bill Cosby accusers at this point, but Goins is one of his most recent (alleged) victims.

That could spell trouble for him too, as the statute of limitations is not in play; Cosby could face rape charges after the DA reviews Goins’ claims.

It was a night at the Playboy Mansion in 2008 where Chloe Goins was allegedly was given a date rape drug by the comedian, his supposed M.O.

She says she woke up naked in a room, unaware of how she got there, with Cosby … who was at the end of the bed biting one of her toes.

Goins claims Cosby quickly left when he noticed she was awake.

Her lawsuit against Bill claims 40 other women have been forced to live with similar, awful incidents of abuse “for over the last 40 years.”

“The nature of these activities establishes a history of a serial rapist that has been conducting these horrendous activities against women.”

The criminal rape case is under review by the L.A District Attorney; Chloe is asking for more than $ 75,000 in damages in her lawsuit.

Did she leave off a couple of zeroes?