Thursday, August 11, 2016

Chloe Grace Moretz: Topless, Hypocritical on Instagram

If you can’t beat em, join em.

And take some clothes off in the process.

This seems to be Chloe Grace Moretz’s mindset at the moment.

The actress surprised many followers on Instagram last night when she shared a photo of herself topless, her back to the camera, lying on the beach somewhere.

Moretz gave photo credit in the caption to boyfriend Brooklyn Beckham, implying that he snapped the image.

What’s the big deal here?

What young female star has not posed without a shirt on at this point?


Back in March, the Internet went sort of crazy of the latest Kim Kardashian nude selfie.

At the forefront of this criticism was Moretz, who addressed Kim directly in a Tweet writing:

“@KimKardashian I truly hope you realize how important setting goals are for young women, teaching them we have so much more to offer than just our bodies.”

In response, Kim Tweeted:

“Let’s all welcome @ChloeGMoretz to twitter, since no one knows who she is. Your Nylon cover is cute boo.”

And just like that, an unexpected feud was born.

From there, Khloe Kardashian jumped in to the fray.

She actually shared a photo of Moretz’s butt in a bikini as a sort of revenge porn… although she messed up in doing so and shared a photo of someone else’s butt instead.

It was a pretty big, complicated mess for awhile between the Kardashians and Moretz.

But the point remains that Chloe called out Kim for posing naked…

… and now she’s gone right ahead and post semi-naked herself.

In as revealing a manner as Kardashian has on so many occasions? No.

But there’s still a level of hypocrisy at work here.

Moretz is still using her nude body to get attention, which is exactly what she came down on Kardashian for doing this spring.

The 19-year old actually spoke at this year’s Democratic National Convention, urging young folks out there to register to vote.

By doing so, “we can elect a president who will fight to give every American a chance to graduate from college debt-free. We can elect a president who will fight for equal pay for equal work.”

She was speaking, of course, about Hillary Clinton.

But perhaps Chloe should have asked herself if Clinton would ever pose topless on social media in order to garner attention.

She could have then based her actions on the response of her political role model.