Showing posts with label City. Show all posts
Showing posts with label City. Show all posts

Monday, November 28, 2016

Blac Chyna -- Mayor of MILF City (PHOTO)

Blac Chyna’s 39 pounds away from her post-baby weight goal but trust us — no one would complain if she stopped now. BC was out with King Cairo strutting her goods Sunday … and judging from those curves you’d never know she popped Dream out…


Blac Chyna -- Mayor of MILF City (PHOTO)

Blac Chyna’s 39 pounds away from her post-baby weight goal but trust us — no one would complain if she stopped now. BC was out with King Cairo strutting her goods Sunday … and judging from those curves you’d never know she popped Dream out…


Tuesday, November 22, 2016

The Real Housewives of New York City: Tinsley Mortimer Joining Cast?

Tinsley Mortimer may well be about to stage a return to television in the hopes of changing public perception of her. 

There’s word that the 41-year-old socialite could be about to join the likes of Bethenny Frankel and LuAnn De Lesseps on The Real Housewives of New York City

According to a source close to the star, Tinsley has definitely filmed some scenes for the show, but it’s yet to be announced whether she will take the place of Jules Wainstein, who departed the Bravo reality hit after just one season.

“Tinsley is now staying with Sonja Morgan [at her Upper East Side townhouse],” the insider revealed.

Sonja has been part of the main cast of the series since Season 3, so if she’s playing roommates with Sonja, it would make sense for her to be in front of the camera. 

She is filming as Sonja’s friend.

“Sonja is responsible for introducing Tinsley to the rest of the cast,” the insider continued. 

It would be pretty great if she somehow managed to become a part of the show, but her fate on the show has yet to be determined. 

“Producers will determine if she will officially join the cast in the coming weeks.”

Mortimer is not stranger to reality TV.

She previously had her own show on The CW in 2010.

It was called High Society, but it failed to make an impact in the ratings and was canceled after just one season. 

There was rumblings that the show was to be retooled for Season 2 with Tinsley moving to the Hamptons without any of the other cast members, but the network ultimately vetoed the idea of the new format. 

The sole season followed Tinsley as she went through her divorce from her husband, while navigating various charity events throughout New York City. 

It wasn’t entirely a bad show, but The CW always struggled to make their reality series work.

The only one that got the network much traction was UPN holdover. America’s Next Top Model

There have been a lot of changes in Tinsley’s life since the show was canceled.

She previously revealed that she felt exhausted when the show was canceled and subsequently moved to Palm Beach, Florida. 

Additionally, Mortimer was arrested earlier this year for for banging on her ex-boyfriend’s front door.

Apparently, she couldn’t get over the fact that they had split up and decided to try gain entry, but she was arrested instead. 

If you watch The Real Housewives of New York City online, you’ll know the other ladies are no stranger to drama, so we could see Tinsley fitting in pretty well with the other ladies. 

What do you think about all of this?

Sound off below!


Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Charlie Sheen -- The City of Cleveland Needs Me ... And Here"s My Bold Prediction!!! (VIDEO)

Charlie Sheen’s got your lock for Wednesday’s epic Game 7 of the World Series in Cleveland … and he’s hoping reviving Mr. ‘Wild Thing’ himself is enough juju to tip the scales. We got video of Ricky Vaughn on his private jet en route to C-Town…


Friday, October 21, 2016

T.I. -- Atlanta"s Not the Worst Sports City ... BLASPHEMY!!! (VIDEO)

It’s been called the “Worst Sports Town in America” and one of the most miserable sports cities of 2016 … but T.I. has a message for the ATL haters — SHUT YOUR DAMN MOUTHS!!! Look, it ain’t us … everyone from ESPN to the NY Times have weighed…


Thursday, September 8, 2016

The Real Housewives of New York City Reunion Recap: Bethenny Puts Jules On Blast

Now it makes sense why Jules Wainstein is leaving The Real Housewives of New York City:

She wants to get as far away from Bethenny Frankel as humanly possible.

And we can’t blame her, not after Wednesday night’s display.

On part two of the show’s annual reunion special, Frankel took aim at Wainstein, insulting her marriage, her integrity and even her religion.

The barrage of endless insults was rather impressive, really.

It started after viewers watched a highlight reel of Jules and her soon-to-be ex-husband, Michael, which prompted Jules to get teary-eyed and claim that her marriage over the past decade was nothing like the mess the series depicted it to be this season. 

What happened between the two?

“I can’t really talk about it,” Wainstein said.

But Frankel was happy to do so!

She claimed that anonymous “mutual friends” had told her that Jules had signed a prenup and was “going on the show to get divorced.”

Wait… huh? Can you expound, Bethenny?

Actually, please do not, Dorinda Medley said.

“You’re hurting her!” Dorinda told Bethenny “She doesn’t want to talk about it, Bethenny. Respect that.”

So that topic was dropped… but then a new one emerged.

Once the topic of Jules’ eating issues came up, Bethenny mentioned how she saw her mother struggled with a disorder as a child and, well, this means Jules is a terrible Jewish person.

“I don’t think that you represented a positive side of being Jewish at all,” Bethenny hilariously said, prior to listing things Jules had done.

Such as: bragging about hiring a woman to potty train her child for a $ 2,000 fee and asking her nanny if she would wait in line at a sample sale.

Frankel even came and said Jules was making a mockery of Judaism.

“You can’t say that!” Sonja snapped.

“I can do whatever I want, Sonja,” Bethenny replied.

HA! We loved it.

We also loved the discussion of Luann and Tom, especially how the former insists on standing by the latter.

No matter what.

Luann said she “knew in the first week” that she would marry Tom, even though the impending marriage will strip her of her countess title.

What about the romantic gestures Tom made toward Ramona, which she was all too happy to recount? Such as the specific restaurants they went to and how they played pool?

Sonja then said that while this romance had been going on, she had also been seeing Tom.

Heck, “I’m single now,” Jules quipped. “Maybe I’m going to get to date Tom!”

But Luann didn’t care about Tom’s past or his lying. She didn’t even care when Ramona showed her an old picture of her hand with a heart drawn on the palm, along with her and Tom’s initials.

Clearly, a lot more had gone on there than Tom had claimed.

“She doesn’t know what a lie is because she lies so much!” Carole screamed, while Bethenny called Luann “Lie-ann.”

“Back off!” Luann snapped before calling Sonja “delusional.”

After Sonja made it pretty clear she had slept with Tom many times, Luann had had enough.

“We are soul mates, and we are getting married,” she said very simply.

Anyone care to wager on how quickly they get divorced?

To see just how ugly the situation became, use the following link to watch The Real Housewives of New York City online via our friends at TV Fanatic.

And to weigh in on whether or not Luann will marry Tom as planned on New Year’s Eve, leave a Comment below!

Thursday, September 1, 2016

The Real Housewives of New York City Reunion Recap: We All Know You Do Drugs

The much-anticipated reunion of possibly the best season of The Real Housewives of New York City ever began Wednesday on Bravo.

What did we learn when NYC’s finest reassembled?

When the first part of the reunion, a.k.a. The Real Housewives of New York City Season 8 Episode 21, began, tension was at its peak.

Or was it? Did things only escalate from there?

Obviously, Dorinda Medley and her boyfriend John Mahdessian were the focal point of one segment, given all the drama they caused.

Dorinda claimed that she was leaving the show after taking a long, hard look at her actions; Dorinda, obviously, is not leaving the show.

“I came out a stronger person,” she said.

Sure thing. As for Bethenny’s allusion to John snorting coke, Frankel admitted that was what she was referring to, but wants to move on.

Really? B wants to quash this beef? Or any beef?

“I’m not here to ruin people’s lives, I’m not here to f–k people,” Bethenny said, and man alive did Luann seize the chance to refute that:

“What do you mean you’re not here to ruin lives?”

“You get into it with Jules [Wainstein], you get into with Dorinda, you get into Sonja [Morgan] and make her cry … You’re always into it.”

Bethenny Frankel: Professional life ruiner?

Dorinda’s take on it was simpler: “Why are you insinuating that I do drugs?” Medley asked Frankel, at which point Sonja Morgan said:

“Everybody knows you do drugs.”

Oooooh. Shots. Fired.

As for Rey, Luann’s ex-boyfriend, the Countess said he’s “a good guy, he was just really in distress” … whatever the ish that means.

Then it was time to discuss the Christmas trip to Dorinda’s Berkshires house and epic screaming match between Bethenny and Luann.

Was Bethenny slut-shaming Luann? “If it is,” Bethenny said, “call me guilty,” though she went on to list all the things that make Lu hypocritical.

Luann countered with Bethenny dating a married man, while married herself for that matter; Bethenny called her man’s daughter in response.

The daughter shut down Luann so fast, it was like Frankel saw this coming a mile away and planned that rebuttal … okay, it’s not “like” that.

That’s clearly what happened.

There you go. Follow the links above to watch The Real Housewives of New York City online to see all the drama play out for yourself now. 

It’s worth it … as long as you’re sitting down.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

The Real Housewives of New York City Season 8 Episode 20 Recap: You"re a Horrible Person!

The Real Housewives of New York City Season 8 Episode 20 saw Bethenny spill news about Tom that absolutely devastated Luann.

Absolutely devastated her.

Picking up where last week left off, The Real Housewives of New York City Season 8 Episode 20 closed out the season with a bang.

Luann de Lesseps learned, via Bethenny Frankel, that her fiancé was making out with another woman, and man alive did s–t hit the fan.

First she was all like “I think I’m gonna vomit… I feel like somebody stabbed me in the chest. This is my worst nightmare.”

Then she was like “I’m not going to let a kiss ruin my life.”

In the span of like a week. Standard turnaround.

In Miami, Bethenny came clean and told Luann that she informed Ramona Singer and Carole Radziwill about those pictures of Tom.

Dorinda Medley and Jules Wainstein remained in the dark, however, at the start of The Real Housewives of New York City Season 8 Episode 20.

The weirdest part, or maybe not given who we’re talking about, was that Luann seemed more concerned with how this made her look.

Rather than, you know, the actual betrayal.

Bethenny revealed she called the Regency, pretended to be the girl Tom was making out with, and did all she could to confirm the story.

Because that’s not weird at all.

At first, Luann appreciated this, but later, decided it was not Bethenny’s place to do the detective work, while Ramona made it all about her.

Totally shocking, we know.

Later, Tom and Luann returned to the Regency, the scene of the makeout crime, where he asked Dorinda to “take a bullet” for Luann.

We’ll have to watch The Real Housewives of New York City online during the three-part reunion to get a full explanation of that comment.

Eventually, they hashed everything out.

“We talked about a stupid kiss…I could clearly see he was devastated. Tom told me that this kiss meant nothing,” Luann said.

He said he ran into a woman he had not seen in a while and she was ready “willing and able to be there for him and Tom fell into her clutches.”

So that’s it then? Apparently yes.

“We truly love each other,” Luann said. “Of course I’m devastated and shocked by the situation; I’m not going to let a silly kiss ruin my life.”

“Who doesn’t make mistakes?”

The ladies assembled at a Skinnygirl party thrown by Bethenny, who sought to put the matter to bed (sort of) with an impassioned speech:

“We have had men die on us, cheat on us, steal from us and we’re still standing. Here’s to the empowerment of women. I love you all.”

And that’s all there is to it.

“These women force you to grow. There’s no doubt about it,” Dorinda said about the women who comprise the craziest cast on Bravo.

Amen to that.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

The Real Housewives of New York City Season 8 Episode 18 Recap: Body of Evidence

On The Real Housewives of New York City Season 8 Episode 18, tensions between LuAnn and Bethenny once again threatened to get ugly.

If you watch The Real Housewives of New York City online or read any celeb gossip at all, you know that they’ve got bad blood … hey!

Well, Hurricane Bethenny (if you will) officially made landfall in Miami on The Real Housewives of New York City Season 8 Episode 18.

Batten down the hatches.

In typical Real Housewives fashion, this will take weeks to play out, and the extent of her FEMA-level destruction remains to be seen.

We’re talking at least Category 3 levels so far, though, with potential for escalation under the right atmospheric conditions. So to speak.

At issue were the late-night texts Bethenny Frankel received – ones that could LEVEL Luann de Lesseps’ relationship with fiance Tom D’Agostino.

What did they say?!

Well … allegedly:

The night before he flew to Palm Beach to celebrate his engagement with Luann which no one is happy about, he was seen at the Regency Hotel.

There, he was spotted making out for over an hour with “a girl that happened to also have been either a Playmate or a Playboy bunny.”

Ramona Singer – like Sonja Morgan, a former flame of this loser – summed things up succinctly and hilariously: “What is he, a moron?” 

“I don’t want to think it’s true because now it’s gonna come out of my f–king mouth,” Singer said, basically guaranteeing that she’ll dish.

Oh, and there’s a pic too, supposedly.

“I have a picture of him and the girl making out,” the loose cannon said before the dreaded “To Be Continued” appeared on the screen.

Carole Radziwill stared at her in disbelief, and she wasn’t the only one. Something tells us this is going to get worse before it gets better.

This all took place after Ramona showed up with receipts and sparred with Luann over gossip in the media, which is kind of hilarious.

Do they really think they can flaunt their love lives and attempt to cash in on the publicity 24/7, yet be left alone whenever it’s convenient?

You just can’t have it both ways, ladies.

Elsewhere, Jules Wainstein’s marriage continued to fall apart and Dorinda Medley gave a drunk toast and stirred the pot as she often does.

Follow the link above to watch online!

Thursday, July 28, 2016

The Real Housewives of New York City Recap: Who"s a Sex Addict?!?

Some horrible news had to be broken at the outset of The Real Housewives of New York City this week:

Due to health issues, Bethenny Frankel could not travel to Hawaii.

Therefore, the women would be heading to Miami on vacation instead.

We know, we know: How did they possibly recover from this tragic bombshell? What other #FirstWorldProblems would the group have to grapple with along the way?

“I go to Miami like I go to the bathroom to brush my teeth,” Ramona complained to the camera, while we strained to hear violins playing in the background.

Prior to taking off, Jules Wainstein joined Sonja and Ramona for a pre-trip shopping trip.

Very quickly, Singer mentioned how peeved she was over Luanna mentioning to the media that Ramona formerly dated Tom, especially because she had been wrongly referenced as Tom’s ex-lover.

“Now my current boyfriends are reading it and going, ‘What the heck?"” Ramona whined, adding that “everyone” was aware Luann typically called to report stories about herself.

That’s just pathetic, Ramona said.

As for Bethenny?

She had Dorinda, Carole Radziwill and Ramona (who was everywhere this episode!) over to her residence for a few tea sandwiches and a great deal of gossip.

After detailing how bloody she became during a recent adventure with her daughter, Frankel announced that she’d finally agreed to undergo surgery to clear up her fibroids.

Yes, she would still go to Miami. But, no, she could not manage a side trip to Luann’s West Palm Beach engagement party.

Bethenny did predict major drama between Sonja, Ramona, Luann and Tom aboard the yacht, something Carole seemed all too excited to witness for herself.

Once in Florida, Sonja, Ramona and Dorinda headed to Luann’s friend’s yacht for the big shindig.

This is where Ramona dropped the Line of the Episode in response to anyone thinking Luann and Tom went on a real first date.

“No, they didn’t go on a date!” she snapped. “She picked him up, took him home and did him that night, and has been doing him ever since.”

Then she added: “I think she’s a sex addict.”

We love it. We may have that quote framed and hung in our bedroom.

It was then time to complain about yachts and compare yachts. We really wish we were kidding.

Luann grabbed Sonja and laughed about how amazing the yacht was, which prompted the latter to later say:

“No offense to Luann, but don’t even mention this yacht in the same sentence as my ex-husband’s yacht. It’s in a totally different league, but it’s just wonderful to be included, and kudos to Luann that we are even on a yacht.”

More #FirstWorldProblems for these poor people.

Tension then built after Luann joked about Sonja sleeping with her and Tom, while Dorinda made her co-star angry when telling Luann how Ramona was unhappy about those statements to the press about her past with Tom.

“Nobody’s going to ruin my evening, and nobody’s going to ruin my life with Tom,” Luann responded. “He wasn’t dating Ramona. She’s an idiot.”

But no one was more upset about the awkward situation than Morgan, who said of Tom:

“I lost a companion, a lover and a dinner date.”

Yes, though, she would “suck it up” for Luann and be a good friend.

Bethenny, meanwhile, wasn’t even there. But she still had plenty to say about Tom to a friend in Miami:

“Someone sent me a series of texts that are so incriminating that I can’t imagine how it wouldn’t blow up this whole engagement. This could possibly mean the wedding will be cancelled.”

What did the texts say?

Alas, you’ll need to watch The Real Housewives of New York City online or on Bravo next week to find out. What a tease!

The Real Housewives of New York City Recap: Who"s a Sex Addict?!?

Some horrible news had to be broken at the outset of The Real Housewives of New York City this week:

Due to health issues, Bethenny Frankel could not travel to Hawaii.

Therefore, the women would be heading to Miami on vacation instead.

We know, we know: How did they possibly recover from this tragic bombshell? What other #FirstWorldProblems would the group have to grapple with along the way?

“I go to Miami like I go to the bathroom to brush my teeth,” Ramona complained to the camera, while we strained to hear violins playing in the background.

Prior to taking off, Jules Wainstein joined Sonja and Ramona for a pre-trip shopping trip.

Very quickly, Singer mentioned how peeved she was over Luanna mentioning to the media that Ramona formerly dated Tom, especially because she had been wrongly referenced as Tom’s ex-lover.

“Now my current boyfriends are reading it and going, ‘What the heck?"” Ramona whined, adding that “everyone” was aware Luann typically called to report stories about herself.

That’s just pathetic, Ramona said.

As for Bethenny?

She had Dorinda, Carole Radziwill and Ramona (who was everywhere this episode!) over to her residence for a few tea sandwiches and a great deal of gossip.

After detailing how bloody she became during a recent adventure with her daughter, Frankel announced that she’d finally agreed to undergo surgery to clear up her fibroids.

Yes, she would still go to Miami. But, no, she could not manage a side trip to Luann’s West Palm Beach engagement party.

Bethenny did predict major drama between Sonja, Ramona, Luann and Tom aboard the yacht, something Carole seemed all too excited to witness for herself.

Once in Florida, Sonja, Ramona and Dorinda headed to Luann’s friend’s yacht for the big shindig.

This is where Ramona dropped the Line of the Episode in response to anyone thinking Luann and Tom went on a real first date.

“No, they didn’t go on a date!” she snapped. “She picked him up, took him home and did him that night, and has been doing him ever since.”

Then she added: “I think she’s a sex addict.”

We love it. We may have that quote framed and hung in our bedroom.

It was then time to complain about yachts and compare yachts. We really wish we were kidding.

Luann grabbed Sonja and laughed about how amazing the yacht was, which prompted the latter to later say:

“No offense to Luann, but don’t even mention this yacht in the same sentence as my ex-husband’s yacht. It’s in a totally different league, but it’s just wonderful to be included, and kudos to Luann that we are even on a yacht.”

More #FirstWorldProblems for these poor people.

Tension then built after Luann joked about Sonja sleeping with her and Tom, while Dorinda made her co-star angry when telling Luann how Ramona was unhappy about those statements to the press about her past with Tom.

“Nobody’s going to ruin my evening, and nobody’s going to ruin my life with Tom,” Luann responded. “He wasn’t dating Ramona. She’s an idiot.”

But no one was more upset about the awkward situation than Morgan, who said of Tom:

“I lost a companion, a lover and a dinner date.”

Yes, though, she would “suck it up” for Luann and be a good friend.

Bethenny, meanwhile, wasn’t even there. But she still had plenty to say about Tom to a friend in Miami:

“Someone sent me a series of texts that are so incriminating that I can’t imagine how it wouldn’t blow up this whole engagement. This could possibly mean the wedding will be cancelled.”

What did the texts say?

Alas, you’ll need to watch The Real Housewives of New York City online or on Bravo next week to find out. What a tease!

Thursday, July 14, 2016

The Real Housewives of New York City Season 8 Episode 15 Recap: All Bets Are Off

Last night on The Real Housewives of New York City Season 8 Episode 15, things picked up right where they left off, and that meant:

Luann de Lesseps rambling on and on about how in love she was and wondering why the other women refused to be happy for her.

Eventually, she stormed out, but the drama on The Real Housewives of New York City Season 8 Episode 15 was just getting underway.

Specifically, with Jules Wainstein grilling Bethenny Frankel about whether Bethenny had or had not texted her after Jules’ vagina injury.

That’s a sentence for all time. Her co-star’s response?

“I have my own vagina problems,” Bethenny joked to the cameras, while to Jules, Frankel insisted she had responded more than sufficiently.

“This is really stupid,” Jules said, clearly disagreeing.

“Stupid is as stupid does,” Bethenny snapped back.

That hit a nerve and Jules promptly lost her s–t.

“I’m not stupid, and I’m really sick of you portraying me as stupid!” Wainstein shouted. “Your sense of humor is on other people’s expense.”

Jules also accused Bethenny of talking smack about her marriage behind her back, which Frankel denied, and Dorinda Medley interjected.

“I think there’s speculation that their marriage isn’t doing well,” she said of Jules Wainstein and her husband, and apparently it was true.

They are now getting divorced, as we reported.

Dorinda noted that she had nothing to do with rumors spread about Jules’ marriage, and was concerned about Jules’ eating disorder.

“Don’t talk about me behind my back!” Jules responded. “I may be very skinny, and you may not like how skinny I am, but I love my body!”

Yikes. Bethenny then admitted her own struggles with eating issues and how she worried that being around Jules would act as a trigger.

It was then that Jules’ tone shifted dramatically.

“Three days ago, I thew up my food,” Jules admitted, perhaps disarmed by Bethenny’s honesty and brutal truth. “I’m not going to lie.”

“Respect that I’m saying this. It’s humiliating.”

As that sunk in, Ramona Singer suggested they all go to Mohegan Sun. Which is a totally logical place for her mind to go after that.

Ramona also had it out with Luann, who again bristled at the notion that the other cast members weren’t over the moon with joy for her.

“You’re just in lust right now,” Ramona replied.

“A smart woman said,” she added, “that it takes a full year, four different seasons, to get to know someone … it doesn’t take four weeks.”

Luann was unmoved, and equally quick to deny, again, the concept that she stole this knight in shining armor from anyone else.

“You don’t steal a man away from a woman,” Lu told the cameras. “A man leaves willingly. Tom and I met. There was magic. End of story.”

Meanwhile, Sonja Morgan hosted a dinner party, where they discussed the events we had all just seen … and then it was casino time.

Oh yes. Party bus style.

Jules, Dorinda, Sonja, Ramona and Carole all hopped on board and en route to Connecticut, began discussing Luann (who else).

She’d gotten engaged, which they learned from the media like the rest of us, rather than from Lu herself, which they all felt was odd.

Bethenny then talked behind Jules’ back, yet within earshot of Jules, which may or may not have been intentional. It’s hard to say.

She also made up with Sonja, who was pleased as punch that her longtime frenemy decided to extend an olive branch right then.

And that about sums it up for this week. Follow the link to watch The Real Housewives of New York City online to get up to speed now.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Friday, June 24, 2016

Bethenny Frankel: Who Wants Her Out of The Real Housewives of New York City?

Bethenny Frankel is probably the most famous name on The Real Housewives of New York City.

But this doesn’t mean she’s the most popular person on The Real Housewives of New York City.

It’s quite the opposite, in fact, according to Life & Style.

With the latest season of this Bravo reality show getting close to completing its ongoing run, an insider tells the tabloid that producers are already under pressure regarding next season.

The pressure is coming from Bethenny’s colleagues because they don’t want to see Frankel return as part of main cast in 2017.

“They say she’s become aggressive and combative, and her ego is out of control,” a source tells the magazine.

So… she’s becoming the perfect member of a Real Housewives franchise?

We somehow doubt those qualities are enough to give Frankel the heave-ho.

Luann de Lesseps reportedly “feels Bethenny slut-shamed her this season and is really upset,” the source explains, while those who watch The Real Housewives of New York City online are aware of Bethenny’s recent clash with Sonja Morgan.

Morgan has been battling her fellow reality star over her new Tipsy Girl line, which Bethenny claims ripped off her Skinnygirl products.

Check out an exchange between the rivals here:

The only Real Housewives that seem to be in Bethenny’s “corner,” according to this story, “are Carole Radziwill and Ramona Singer.”

Still, Frankel isn’t concerned.

But Bethenny isn’t worried. How come?

“She thinks viewers love her. She’s not going anywhere,” the source concludes.

Not as long as ratings remain solid, that’s for sure.

The more trash her co-stars talk about her, the better chance Bethenny has of coming back.

Nothing fuels viewership as much as antagonism.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

The Real Housewives of New York City Season 8 Episode 9 Recap: Berkshire Blowout!

On The Real Housewives of New York City Season 8 Episode 9, Dorinda Medley’s joyful Berkshires holiday bash took a turn for the worse.

You won’t believe this, but Bethenny Frankel and Luann de Lesseps were screaming at each other last night about Skinnygirl’s roots.

“Let’s go back on the delusional Skinnygirl tour, hosted by Luann!” Bethenny said to the cameras as a prelude to the insanity to come.

The fact Dorinda Medley’s home was the location did nothing to slow the escalation of their feud, as Frankel laid into The Countess.

“You pretend you’re something you’re not,” Bethenny said, adding with brutal honestly and bluntness, “You’re not a girl’s girl.”

“No, you’re not a girl’s girl!” Luann snapped back, at which point Frankel recoiled: “What man have I ever rolled up on?”

“What married man have I ever slept with? What young 25-year-old did I ever f–k and then give my friend s–t about it?”

“You are a hypocrite! You f–k everyone! And you pretend you don’t! You are a slut and a liar and a hypocrite and a snake.”

Wow. Luann responded by calling Bethenny a “piece of s–t” and peacing out, at which Bethenny reconsidered her actions.

“I’m in someone else’s house, and I called someone a whore,” she said, with some regrets. “Maybe it’s past my bedtime.”

Luann, meanwhile, also clashed with Ramona Singer over the fact that Lu is now dating Tom, a man who had gone out with Ramona.

According to Singer, they went out seven times, and that was enough to warrant Luann asking permission before she started dating him.

Lu disagreed, saying “I don’t care because it’s before I met him,” and denied that she ever met him while he and Ramona were a thing.

Meanwhile, Carole Radziwill called Luann a pedophile and said she wouldn’t have joined if she knew Luann were gonna be there.

Luann complained that Dorinda hadn’t backed her up in her fight with Bethenny, and the host eventually cracked under the pressure:

“I think everyone is acting very poorly. I put in a big effort here. I made a conscious choice not to invite Sonja, so we could all have a good time.”

“I think it’s a disgrace of you people! You hold your things to yourself! I cooked all day! I decorated! I did it nice! I am ashamed!”

“If no one can behave themselves, then you all go home! Because I decorated, and I cooked, and I made it nice! So go home!”

Did they? Or did it get worse? Follow the link to watch The Real Housewives of New York City online and see for yourself.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

The Real Housewives of New York City Season 8 Episode 8 Recap: So Much Pot-Stirring!

On The Real Housewives of New York City Season 8 Episode 8, Sonja Morgan learned what happens if one crosses Bethenny Frankel.

Oh yes, Bethenny railed against Sonja and her new Tipsy Girl product and basically uninvited her from the Berkshires. A terrible fate.

Dorinda Medley ultimately sided with Frankel, telling LuAnn de Lesseps, “The girls love me at parties, I’m the one making out with everyone.”

Truer words have never been spoken.

Meanwhile, when everyone wasn’t talking about the Berkshires trip and Morgan’s absence, they were talking about de Lesseps’ new man.

Obviously, Tom used to date Ramona Singer, though the true extent of the pair’s relationship differs if you ask De Lesseps or Singer.

A few dates? More than a few dates?

In any case, de Lesseps and Singer found themselves stuck at a dining room table in the Berkshires awkwardly discussing the topic.

Is anything they do not awkward?

There was also a rehashing of the previous screaming match that took place between Singer, Medley and Medley’s BF John Mahdessian.

That was something to behold, too.

But this week, instead of Medley battling Singer or Frankel slamming Morgan, Bethenny decided she would come at LuAnn, and HARD.

To make a long story short, Bethenny outed LuAnn’s relationship with Tom, in front of Ramona no less, and she didn’t stop there either.

She brought up LuAnn’s earlier claim to have helped think up Frankel’s Skinnygirl empire, and needless to say that was not flattering.

Later, LuAnn made a joke about Ramona despising John only because she wants to bone him. Yes, the pot was stirred so many times.

Not that Dorinda seemed to care.

“[Singer] spent the last month treating me like s–t, and now her dog’s going to treat my house like s–t. It’s full circle,” Medley mused.

Anyway, that’s about it for now. You can follow the link above to watch The Real Housewives of New York City online and see it all in full.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

The Real Housewives of New York City Season 8 Episode 7 Recap: Bethenny DESTROYS Sonja!

After all they have been through o’er the years, for Bethenny Frankel and Sonja Morgan, is there still hope to have a long-lasting friendship?

Or even not-so-close-friends who mostly kind of get along? We found out on The Real Housewives of New York City Season 8 Episode 7 …

When you watch The Real Housewives of New York City online, trouble started brewing from the first minute over Sonja’s Tipsy Girl brand.

Countess Luann said she thought the moniker might hit Bethenny Frankel, founder of Skinnygirl, “a little close to home,” but Sonja disagreed.

Suffice it to say, Sonja is clueless and not self-aware.

“It’s a little too close for comfort,” Bethenny told Ramona. “If I had walked into that party and seen that, I think I would have just walked out.”

She compared it to watching your husband have sex with somebody else and told Carole Radziwill that she is now “done” with Sonja.

Well, in a manner of speaking. Naturally, Sonja was set to come into the Skinnygirl office for a chat later that week. Well done, producers.

When that meeting arrived, Bethenny cut right to the chase: “So you are saying that you are coming out with a brand called Tipsy Girl.”

Frankel told Morgan that her partners were “shady” and began grilling Sonja about who her distributors are, and talking way over her head.

“They call it a cheater brand,” Bethenny said, laying into her. “You’ve asked me for business advice. I’m actually just personally hurt.”

“I put my neck out for you, brought you into my world,” she went on. “I’m completely insulted, and I don’t want anything to do with you.”

“Well, I never would have thought that,” Sonja said.

Bethenny retorted, “Well, you thought wrong.”

“I think you’re a fraud. You’ve come up with six fake businesses, and no one buys any of it,” Frankel added. “Nobody believes any of it.”

Then Sonja played the bankruptcy card:

“Right now, the aftermath of that chapter 11 is really hitting me. I’m just trying to get back to where I was. I thought alcohol was a great idea.”

“I just thought I would have a couple of things, the rosé and the prosecco … certainly not what you did, not sell it for 10 million or 100 million.”

“Just sell what I can in their restaurants.”

Bethenny called for someone to get Sonja a tissue and wished her well, but still noted, “I don’t believe that you didn’t do this intentionally.”

Follow the links above to watch this play out in full, and to see whether the beef between Ramona Singer and Dorinda Medley escalates.

Spoiler alert: Of course it does. C’mon.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

The Real Housewives of New York City Season 8 Episode 6 Recap: Tipsy-ing Point

“Skinny Girl and Tipsy Girl? A little too close to home.” – Ramona Singer 

Can these ladies ever have a get together without drama? One of these days that scenario will totally happen right? OMG! LOL!

In any case, last night was not that night with the airing of Bravo’s The Real Housewives of New York City Season 8 Episode 6.

While talking about her birthday party, doubling as the Tipsy Girl launch guest list, Sonja Morgan said Dorinda Medley would be there.

“What would I be doing there without Dorinda?” Sonja asked.

“I know, I know,” replied reality-show loving facialist Satoko.

In any case, the s–t was gonna hit the fan between Sonja and Bethenny Frankel over SkinnygirlGate and everyone seemed to know it.

Meanwhile, there was Carole Radziwill’s psychic reading party.

“I always think your sole mission is … to articulate your suffering in a way that emancipates you and empowers other women.”

That was Carole to Jules. The psychic was far more vague.

Naturally, the psychic said Jules Wainstein was going to be a role model to women, and that Bethenny’s dad wants her to marry again.

The psychic reading all boiled down to Dorinda, however.

Richard came through and talked about John, who he said he won’t protect her … and that Dorinda would marry again, but not to John.

Ramona’s response? “Thank god.” Ya burnt, Dorinda. Crisp.

To make a long story short, every season of every Real Housewives show should require at least one mandatory appearance by a psychic.

It’s bulls–t drama at its best – but blissfully unpredictable.

And there you have it folks. Follow the link to watch The Real Housewives of New York City online and get caught up to date ASAP.

The Real Housewives of New York City Season 8 Episode 6 Recap: Tipsy-ing Point

“Skinny Girl and Tipsy Girl? A little too close to home.” – Ramona Singer 

Can these ladies ever have a get together without drama? One of these days that scenario will totally happen right? OMG! LOL!

In any case, last night was not that night with the airing of Bravo’s The Real Housewives of New York City Season 8 Episode 6.

While talking about her birthday party, doubling as the Tipsy Girl launch guest list, Sonja Morgan said Dorinda Medley would be there.

“What would I be doing there without Dorinda?” Sonja asked.

“I know, I know,” replied reality-show loving facialist Satoko.

In any case, the s–t was gonna hit the fan between Sonja and Bethenny Frankel over SkinnygirlGate and everyone seemed to know it.

Meanwhile, there was Carole Radziwill’s psychic reading party.

“I always think your sole mission is … to articulate your suffering in a way that emancipates you and empowers other women.”

That was Carole to Jules. The psychic was far more vague.

Naturally, the psychic said Jules Wainstein was going to be a role model to women, and that Bethenny’s dad wants her to marry again.

The psychic reading all boiled down to Dorinda, however.

Richard came through and talked about John, who he said he won’t protect her … and that Dorinda would marry again, but not to John.

Ramona’s response? “Thank god.” Ya burnt, Dorinda. Crisp.

To make a long story short, every season of every Real Housewives show should require at least one mandatory appearance by a psychic.

It’s bulls–t drama at its best – but blissfully unpredictable.

And there you have it folks. Follow the link to watch The Real Housewives of New York City online and get caught up to date ASAP.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

The Real Housewives of New York City Season 8 Episode 2 Recap: An Intimates Affair

On The Real Housewives of New York City Season 8 Episode 2, Bethenny Frankel held a birthday barbecue at her Hamptons home.

The ladies, as expected, brought the drama. And their bras. That’s right, it was a bra party. One might even call it the bra party from hell.

You don’t have to watch The Real Housewives of New York City online to know that this crazy crew never fails to ruin a relaxing trip.

Not that it’s ever really relaxing, but you get the idea. There is no get-together that isn’t marred by some insane argument or situation.

To make a long story short, the ladies are all terrible at guessing their bra sizes, which was part of the game they were playing here.

Before they could even try any on, however, the back-talk began.

Dorinda told Ramona and Carole that it was weird that they got lunch together. Ramona said that Carole wasn’t there for her. Et cetera.

Bethenny called Dorinda out on always selling John to the women, and how he tried to pitch her business ideas behind Dorinda’s back.

“I’m not selling John to you about s–t. That’s bulls–t,” Dorinda said. “Guess what Bethenny Frankel, you’re not the word according to god.”

“You’re not the gospel. I get to do what I want to do.”

That’s the quote of Season 8 thus far right there.

They mixed it up some more, with Carole agreeing re: John’s behavior, and then Ramona got into the act by regurgitating a John story.

One she heard from a friend in which John said he gets wasted, then takes a bunch of Viagra and puts it to Dorinda for like six hours.

All while a bra saleswoman was there. Classic.

Next week, John shows up as the bra party continues unabated, so if you thought that this trip to hell was a one-off, you thought wrong.

In other news, Jules Wainstein may not be able to make good coffee but really is a hands on, cool mom. Or so she really wants us to think.

Sonja Morgan and Luann de Lesseps are still broing out at Sonja’s place, which could possibly be a potential reality show in itself.

Luann thinks Carole Radziwill is obsessed with Bethenny Frankel’s anus, while Carole says her dream interaction with Luann is this:

“In my fantasy I’d go up to her and be like, ‘You bitch [throws drink],’ but in reality I would just politely ignore her.” 

Sounds about right.

Carole also said she’s not sure of her future with Adam, since he wants kids, but she feels she has only a few good summers left.

For her part, Dorinda Medley says that she Nairs John’s back, while Ramona took off all her curtains after Mario moved out last year.

Literally, we think.

Finally, Luann texts her new catchphrase, according to Bethenny: “She kept sending these texts, ‘uncool. Don’t be all uncool."” 

SO cool.