Showing posts with label Colton. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Colton. Show all posts

Monday, August 13, 2018

Colton Underwood: What Does He Really Think of Garrett Yrigoyen?

Colton Underwood does not know what it’s like to feel the warm, naked embrace of a woman.

As proudly admitted during his run this past season on The Bachelorette, Underwood is a virgin.

But while Underwood has never thrusted his unit into the precious depths of a companion, he has spent a lot of time with Garrett Yrigoyen.

So… what does Underwood think of the man who beat him out for Becca’s affection?

Who is now engaged to Kufrin?

Who many viewers have been disgusted by since it was discovered that Garrett Liked a bunch of intolerant and offensive memes that were anti-immigrant and anti-the LGBT community?

Colton, who seems almost too nice to be real, told The New York Post last week that he actually has no beef with Garrett whatsoever.

“In regards to who Garrett is, and I’m not defending his likes whatsoever, a lot of them were wrong, but that’s not who Garrett is, that does not define Garrett, and it should not overshadow their relationship,” Underwood said, adding of The Bachelorette and her fiance:

“This is a time when they should be celebrating their engagement and being happy.”

Nearly everyone is in agreement that what Yrigoyen supported on social media was pretty messed up.

To the Season 14 champion’s credit, however, Garrett never made any excuses for his actions.

He issued a mea culpa and, along with Kufrin, simply urged folks to keep an open mind.

“He’s owned it, he’s apologized for it, he’s made his statement. I think people need to realize that,” Underwood continued to Page Six, adding:

“It’s a mistake, you live and you learn, and Garrett has definitely learned from this.”

Like we said: Underwood is almost too nice to be a real person.

Or, conversely, if one wanted to be cynical, one could say that Underwood is simply positioning himself to be the next Bachelor.

Being kind is sort of his brand at this point and he may be thinking that the longer he rides it, the better chance he has of being selected by ABC.

Producers have admitted that Underwood is one of six men in contention for this coveted gig.

However, before it can even be a possibility, Colton must complete his ongoing run on Bachelor in Paradise.

“Coming off [The Bachelorette], I realized how cool and fun of an experience that was,” Colton says to Page Six of agreeing to be on this new program

“It was such a good time of my life to self-discover and grow as a person, and I wanted to continue that and to continue to find love.”

Bachelor in Paradise airs Mondays and Tuesday at 8/7c on ABC.

We really do hope that Colton finds what, or who, he is looking for.


Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Bachelor in Paradise Recap: Colton and Tia Are Awkwardly Reunited!

We were promised hookups, tears, and feuds in the Season 5 trailer for Bachelor in Paradise. And it looks like they’ve already begun to deliver.

Colton’s long-awaited reunion with Tia Booth was a lot more complicated than either of them had imagined.

And even though there’s now a gang of stars determined to take down Colton, this couple is only part of the drama. …

First we have to talk about Tia Booth and Colton Underwood.

Or, rather, about just Tia — because Colton wasn’t there yet.

That’s right. Producers are messy b–ches who live for drama (literally, it’s their livelihood), so they brought Tia in before Colton arrived … and they gave her a date card.

Don’t get us wrong, Tia totally had Colton on her mind. It had been months — she revealed that they hadn’t gotten to chat since The Bachelorette.

But Tia’s no fool — she had the date card and, hey, Chris was right there.

To be fair to Chris, he went on this date with Tia with the impression that Colton was a thing of the past for her.

At the risk of sounding like a gossiping 11-year-old, we report that the two of them totally made out.

She even said “Colton who?” while they were kissing, which is … a great way to tell the person you’re kissing that you are, in fact, thinking about someone else.

Of course, as soon as this thing was Chris was underway, Colton arrived. Because of course that’s how they timed it.

Producing a reality series is a genuine art form, folks.

Colton was also given a date card right off the bat.

After what we imagine was some gentle prodding from producers, he did speak to some of the other fine young women in Paradise.

But he did, of course, hit things off with Tia again — for the first time in nearly half a year.

They kissed, and Tia was clearly over the moon.

Colton wants to figure out what this situation really means for him.

Ah, Grocery Store Joe.

We know from previews that he gets into conflict with Leo, but right now, he’s living his best life and enjoying flirtations with just about every woman in Paradise.

Joe likes Tia, but Tia likes Colton (and liked Chris, however briefly).

Krystal likes Joe, but Joe likes Kendall. This, as we know, will lead to Leo calling him a “Grocery Store B–ch” which sounds like a turn-of-the-century insult that a farmer would hurl at a city-slicker.

Krystal also likes Kevin, so we’ll keep our eyes on that as it develops.

Speaking of Kevin, he still has some sore feelings about his breakup with Ashley Iaconetti and her abrupt engagement to Jared.

Let’s see, what else?

Chris is teaming up with Nick and Jordan to take down Colton, which sounds totally plausible if they’re sitcom characters or supervillains but is otherwise super weird to hear from adult ment.

Not as weird as Chris calling himself “Goose,” but still weird. Especially since they’re (sort of) the “Goose Gang.”

No part of that is not awkward.

This is only the beginning of the drama, of course. There’s so much more to follow — including a lot of tears.


"Bachelorette" Star Colton Underwood Weighs in on Who Should Be Next "Bachelor"

Colton Underwood thinks Becca Kufrin’s ‘Bachelorette’ runner-up has what it takes to slip into “The Bachelor” tux next — but he also thinks he ain’t that special. We got the ex-NFL stud, and famed virgin, Tuesday in Venice and he said Blake has a…


Saturday, August 4, 2018

Jean Blanc Accuses Colton Underwood of Having a Micropenis

Things have turned rather personal between Jean Blanc and Colton Underwood.

Like, very, very, very, very, VERY personal.

At this point, we should likely state that the rest of this post may not be safe for work or for young children…

Both Blanc and Underwood competed on Season 14 of The Bachelorette, vying for the heart of star Becca Kufrin.

Both advanced far enough and made enough of an impression with their personalities to have been featured last Monday night on the Men Tell All special.

At one point on this special episode, Blanc was called to the sofa alongside Kufrin and placed on the hot seat by handsome host Chris Harrison.

It didn’t take long for things to escalate from here, as ABC was forced to censor most of the back-and-forth between Blanc on the couch and Underwood from a spot in the crowd.

Did Underwood really tell Blanc to “shut the f-ck up,” as it sounded like to those of us watching at home?

Dod Blanc really respond by slamming Colton as a “pussy” and making a remark about his well-publicized virginity in the process?

No, actually.

Not according to Jean Blanc at least.

“Colton called me [a pussy.] His negative energy was directed towards me, and it made me feel very uncomfortable,” the scorned suitor told Life & Style this week, adding:

“On the show, I was shocked and disappointed by the vulgarity and level of aggression by Colton. He is desperate to become the next Bachelor and is doing everything he can to maintain relevancy. It’s sad.”

The possibility of Underwood as The Bachelor isn’t far-fetched, that’s for sure.

The series has never featured a virgin before and there’s no doubt such a unique trait would be marketable to the network.

Added Jean Blanc in this interview:

“The real version of what occurred was Colton attacking me, and me repeating what was uttered.”

Underwood has spoken at length about his decision to not yet have slipped his penis inside of a woman’s vagina.

But that’s exactly what it has been, he’s emphasized, a decision… until the right person comes along.

Blanc, however, says something else.

“Nothing I am saying is inaccurate,” Jean told the aforementioned tabloid, adding in juicy detail he swears to be true:

“What was the reason he was a virgin? Because he is waiting for the right one? Colton told me he has a micropenis, I think that’s the reason why Colton is a virgin.

“Him attacking me is a reflection of his ‘insecurities’ like he said on the show and it’s disappointing to hear that.”

Having a micropenis is a legitimate medical condition.

It refers to a man possessing an unusually small penis, with the common criterion being a dorsal (measured on top) erect penile length of at least 2.5 standard deviations smaller than the mean human penis size and…

… wait, WHAT?!?

Blanc wants us to believe that Underwood willingly offered up this information to him?

We may need to call BS on this claim.

(Which we say with no judgment to any virgin or anyone with a micropenis. Respect all around. We simply do not believe what Jean Blanc is saying here.)

In terms of his virginity, Colton has said the following on this Men Tell All Special:

“I hope that at least I started a dialogue and I started a conversation in which they can understand what makes me, me…

“I’m not here to prove a point. I’m not here to defend myself, I’m not here to say I’m better than anybody else…

“What I am here to do is be true to who I am, and The Bachelorette has helped me do that… This has been so good for me and so therapeutic for me.”

As for who WINS The Bachelorette? Visit our section of The Bachelorette spoilers to find out!


Tuesday, July 31, 2018

"Bachelorette" Star Jean Blanc Demands Colton Apologize After "Tell All" Feud

The guy who said Colton Underwood was “acting like a pussy” despite never being in one on ‘The Bachelorette: Men Tell All’ says an apology is warranted … FROM Colton! We spoke to Jean Blanc — one of Becca Kufrin’s suitors this season…


Colton Underwood: All That Virginity Talk Triggered Something in Me!

If you’re following The Bachelorette Spoilers, you already know how this season ends. But even so, the Men Tell All special was a real treat for the Bachelor Nation.

But it was also awkward, and not just for Becca. Colton Underwood’s famous virginity came up.

Now, he’s revealing how he really felt about about the discussion, and how the conversation surrounding his v-card “triggered something.”

Entertainment Tonight spoke to Colton Underwood about his virginity and the discourse surrounding it.

“Some comments caught me off guard and really triggered something in me and I felt like I spoke my truth tonight,” Colton said.

“It took a lot of self-restraint to stay seated,” he admits, referring to Jean Blanc’s comment.

“I can’t even understand where that comment comes from,” Colton says. “And in the manner that it came off was so disrespectful.”

Some people are uncomfortable with the sexual choices of others and lash out. Some people … just can’t resist trolling, unfortunately.

Colton says that he understands that not everyone can wrap their head around why a handsome, famous adult man might not have had sex yet.

“I can respect that they have their opinion,” Colton says.

“I hope that at least I started a dialogue and I started a conversation in which they can understand what makes me, me,” he states.

“And I’m not here to prove a point,” Colton notes, adding: “I’m not here to defend myself, I’m not here to say I’m better than anybody else.”

Having sex or not having it is a personal choice, and should never be grounds to attack someone else. Not for having a thousand partners and not for having zero.

“What I am here to do is be true to who I am, and The Bachelorette has helped me do that,” Colton says. “So I can’t thank them enough.”

“This has been so good for me and so therapeutic for me,” he adds.

Even Chris Harrison observed that there’s a huge and gendered double-standard when it comes to virginity.

“There’s a double standard, isn’t there?” Chris noted.

He’s right.

“Why is it different that when a woman talks about it,” Chris notes, referring to a decision to remain a virgin. “It’s respected.

“And then,” Chris continues. “When a guy talks about it, he should be shamed?”

The answer is that patriarchal cultural values encourage men to make sexual “conquests” while women are seen as property. That is changing, but underlying prejudices and double-standards still linger.

Conversely, men who have had a lot of sex are likely to be praised. Women who have had a lot of sex are more likely to be insulted.

“We will probably be talking about this now because of Colton,” Chris says, crediting Colton for starting a nationwide conversation.

Colton says that, behind the scenes, the response has been overwhelming and positive.

“I can’t tell you how many athletes and players and former teammates have reached out to me,” Colton says.

They made contact, Colton explains, “and said, ‘Man, I wish I knew you were going through this."”

“‘I was going through something similar.’ And for me to hear that means the world,” Colton explains. “Because that is where I felt the deepest and the darkest is at those times.”

There is something very toxic going on in the world if adult men feel pressured to lie about their sex lives in order to appease their peers.

Colton isn’t planning on avoiding sex forever — or even until marriage.

Colton says that he is “waiting for the right heart.”

That is such a good way of putting it. 

“It sounds a little cheesy,” Colton admits. “I’m waiting for someone to match my intensity, someone that’s going to be into me as much as I am into them.”

He’s saving his v-card for “somebody that I am so madly in love with and that I can share that special moment with.”

Virginity is a social construct with varying definitions, but that doesn’t mean that people aren’t allowed to find it significant. This is very sweet.

“That’s what I’m waiting for,” Colton explains. “And that’s what I’m looking forward to.”

Colton Underwood also took to Instagram to reflect upon the conversation about what he has or has not done sexually.

“Behind my smile are layers of insecurities, scars from my past, & feelings that have been buried for years,” Colton begins.

“It’s easy to show only the good/happy times on social media,” he writes. “I do that.”

“I love shedding light on positive/impactful events in my life, but the truth is I have had struggles,” Colton confesses. “For years I hid my feelings, including depression & anxiety.”

“You see a portion of my life and a select few scenes that help portray a picture of who I am,” he cautions his followers.

“I’m here to tell you that I am not perfect,” Colton says. “And that it’s okay to not be okay sometimes.”

Colton says: “If I have to continue to take cheap shots about my virginity — which is only a small part of who I am — so that others like me can feel comfortable & relate — Bring it on!”

“While I didn’t plan on breaking down or speaking about my virginity on tonight’s episode,” Colton writes. “it is clearly something that I struggle talking about.”

“When I heard the comments made by some of the other guys,” Colton admits. “it triggered a response from me that was unexpected.”

Colton says: “While I respect their opinions, I’m not here to prove a point, say I’m better than anyone else, or gain sympathy.”

“It is what it is,” he writes. “my virginity shouldn’t have to be defended or used to describe me as a person.”

He’s right. Please be nice.


Tuesday, July 17, 2018

"Bachelorette" Star Colton Underwood Says He"s Not Faking His Virginity

Recently dumped ‘Bachelorette’ star Colton Underwood is shooting down Corinne Olympios’ claim that he lied about his virginity, because he says he’d never admit it on national television if it weren’t true. Colton was a guest Tuesday on San Diego…


"Bachelor" Alum Corinne Olympios Doesn"t Buy Colton Underwood"s a Virgin

Corinne Olympios isn’t buying what Colton Underwood is selling on “The Bachelorette” — insisting the ex-football player’s already swiped his V card.  The villain from Nick Viall’s ‘Bachelor’ season was in Venice on Monday when she…


"Bachelor" Alum Corinne Olympios Doesn"t Buy Colton Underwood"s a Virgin

Corinne Olympios isn’t buying what Colton Underwood is selling on “The Bachelorette” — insisting the ex-football player’s already swiped his V card.  The villain from Nick Viall’s ‘Bachelor’ season was in Venice on Monday when she…


Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Colton Underwood: Yes, I"m a Virgin... and Proud of It!

Becca Kufrin narrowed down her list of potential husbands to four people this past Monday night on The Bachelorette.

But most viewers turned off the episode and didn’t focus on her selection of Garrett Yrigoyen, despite his history of racist and intolerant social media messages.

Instead, they focused on her selection of Colton Underwood, due to his history of… not having sex?!?

Indeed, Colton, 26, admitted during this otherwise-boring installment that he had never slipped his penis inside the vagina of a woman.

He’s not overly religious. He isn’t waiting for marriage. Colton simply told Becca that he’s waiting for “the right heart.”

Naturally, Becca listened closely to this confession and then gave Underwood a rose because, come on now. You can’t hear some guy is a virgin and then send him home.

Just think of how that would make yoy look.

Fans, meanwhile, were rather taken aback by this bit of personal news.

Didn’t Underwood date gymnast Aly Raisman? Is he claiming he really never porked her?!? That he was never curious to learn how her flexibility might pay off in bed?

Correct, Colton has written in a follow-up Instagram post.

“On tonight’s episode I talk about something I typically avoid talking about at all costs, but it was appropriate for me to bring up,” Underwood wrote on Instagram upon reflection, adding a couple days ago:

“It’s something that I don’t talk about very often and something that only a handful of people know.”

Now, of course, quite more than a mere handful know about Underwood’s virginity.

But he’s not ashamed of it (nor should he be).

“I considered it a gift and a curse for many years, but finally have come to terms about standing up for who I am and the details that make me, me,” Colton continued.

He then said that he hopes to serve as a role model to others in his situation, adding:

“Anyone who feels like they are hiding their truth out of embarrassment or fear of being judged… I HAVE BEEN THERE.”

Concluded Underwood in this heartfelt post:

You are not alone, I have covered up my truth with lies and tried to “fit in” – while I thought fitting in was what I wanted, I’ve recently learned that being different is what I need.

We all have something that we hold close to us and something that makes us unique in our own ways.

I ask for respect from everyone I meet moving forward and I’m here to call on everyone that needs that extra motivation to be “different” – HERE IT IS.

Be who you are. I love you all.

That’s a pretty great message, isn’t it?

“When the time comes, it’ll happen,” Underwood said on his date with Kufrin.

“I’m not trying to prove anything. It’s just a part of me, you know? I’m not going to have a mistake one night. I want it to be a special moment. I want it to be a gift that I give to somebody.”

So, will Becca be Colton’s first?

You can visit our section of The Bachelorette spoilers to learn whether she chooses him to be her husband and you can join us right now in commending Colton for his admission.

Way to be brave and just put yourself out there, man.


Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Colton Underwood: Is He Really a Virgin? Fans Beg Aly Raisman for the Truth!

If you follow The Bachelorette Spoilers, you know where all of this is heading — but that doesn’t make the drama any less fun to watch.

Right now, fans are still buzzing over one of Becca’s men being a virgin. Last night, Colton Underwood told Becca.

Fans are entertained, but not everyone is convinced. Some are urging Colton’s famous ex, Aly Raisman, to expose him as a liar.

After Colton “came out” to Becca as a virgin, viewers on social media were quick to point out that … he totally dated Olympic gymnast Aly Raisman for a couple of years.

“I just want a tell-all interview with Aly Raisman on Colton,” one members of the Bachelor Nation tweeted.

They know that not every couple has sex while dating, but, to them, the idea of two beautiful adult athletes like Colton and Aly dating for two years defies belief.

“Weekly reminder tweet,” another wrote on Twitter. “That I want Queen Aly Raisman to drag Colton and expose him.”

This person clearly believes that Colton is lying, perhaps for a reality career storyline or perhaps to stand out among Becca’s suitors.

Some took their disbelief to Aly Raisman’s Instagram, where they commented under her latest photo (this photo).

“Speak the truth,” a commenter demanded of her. “Is Colton a virgin. Like how did he restrain from all that?”

By all that, this person means Aly’s incredible athletic figure.

Other fans were less confrontational and, appropriately, kept the conversation to themselves as they reflected upon this week’s episode.

One tweeted: “I love how Becca basically just asked Colton, ‘so is Aly Raisman a virgin too?"”

Becca did not, of course, literally ask that — she did not mention Aly’s name. It is unclear if she knows Colton’s dating history.

At one point during the episode, Becca got up and left — and fans were quick to point out that it seemed like she was disappointed.

“Becca now realizes she will not be having sex with Colton in the fantasy suite,” one tweeted. “And that was def her plan.”

While no one could blame Becca for wanting to get under Mr. Underwood’s underwear, she clarified that reality television can be misleading.

“For the record,” Becca tweeted. “I think I got up just to go to the bathroom sooooo…”

In other words, no, she did not just get up and storm off in a huff after realizing that Colton was not some sort of tantric sex god.

“Colton telling me he’s a virgin was unexpected because he hasn’t experienced a ton of life like most people at this part of their lives have,” Becca shared honestly.

“But it means so much that he was able to open up about something that was so difficult for him,” Becca says.

“I loved when he said, ‘It’s not a marriage thing for me, it’s a heart thing.’” Becca explains. “I appreciate someone who takes that so seriously.”

Colton also reflected on the importance of being honest about his sexual history — in this case, the lack thereof.

He recalls how, after ignoring romantic pursuits because of his enthusiasm for his football career, he would bluff while speaking to teammates as they shared their sexual experiences.

“It really threw me for a loop because it was like, ‘Who am I? Why did I make up lies? Why wasn’t I proud of who I was?"” Colton says.

“‘Why didn’t I stand up for the man I am?’” he still asks himself. “And that’s why now it’s important for me to share that with you.”

Becca certainly appreciated his honestly.

Of course, you can’t talk about virgins in the Bachelor fam without talking about Ashley Iaconetti.

(Colton Underwood cries less than she does, though … so far)

Ashley was not super thrilled with this week’s episode

“I’m not happy about the way Colton’s virginity was portrayed on this episode,” Ashley tweeted.

Ashley explained that she did not like seeing virginity portrayed “like it’s a reason not to further pursue a romantic relationship with someone…”

For some people, it might be a dealbreaker. Ashley has probably encountered people who fetishize her virginity — which is also creepy.

Of course, Ashley has found love with Jared Haibon. In fact, the two are engaged. After searching for so long, she deserves to be happy.

It’s important to note that it is entirely possible, even if its is very uncommon, for two adults to date each other for two years without having sex.

Some people are asexual, and do not experience sexual attraction. Asexuality actually has an entire spectrum.

Others may choose to remain chaste for religious reasons, because of trauma, or simply — as Colton says — as a matter of the heart.

There’s also plenty to be said for definitions of virginity, which vary widely — virginity is a social construct.

Some people who have had a great deal of sexual experiences consider themselves “virgins” because they or their communities have decided to define virginity in a certain way.

Regardless, Colton’s sexual history — or, again, lack thereof — does not disqualify him from being a viable candidate for Becca, or any woman’s, heart.


"Bachelorette" Colton Underwood Admits, "I"m a Virgin," Chose Football Over Sex

Bombshell revelation on “The Bachelorette” … where the guy who had a cup of coffee with a couple NFL teams says he’s still a virgin — and blames football.   Colton Underwood — a former tight end who spent some time on practice squads…


Tuesday, June 5, 2018

The Bachelorette Recap: Colton Confesses! Becca Responds! Some Dude Cries!

Becca learned the truth about one of her suitors on The Bachelorette this week.

No, not the one who apparently wants to make America great again via some really controversial viewpoints.

But the one who actually used to date one of Becca’s close friends.

Whoa there, right? Talk about awkward!

We’ll start with the first group date of Season 14, however, which went to Clay, Nick, Chris R., David, Jean-Blanc, Jordan, Connor and Lincoln.

Kufrin actually fooled the fellas them into thinking they were in for a day of pampering when she surprised them with custom suits and champagne.

Everyone looked rather spiffy, as you can see above.

However, the actual activity ended up being a marriage-themed obstacle course hosted by last season’s Bachelorette Rachel Lindsay and her fiancé (yes, they’re still together!), Bryan Abasolo.

Lincoln came out on top in this event, earning a framed photo of himself and Becca for his efforts.

Things got a little weird from there, though.

Already irritating all the guys in his path, Lincolm insisted on propping the picture up on the table in front of the rest of the suitors during the date.

He also talked to it, interacted with it and, yes, kissed it multiple times.

In response, Connor hurled the photo into the pool, which prompted Lincoln to run off and whine to Becca.

“I feel threatened, physically,” he told The Bachelorette, who somehow managed to mediate the dispute without getting her rolled eyes stuck in the back of her head.

Becca eventually gives the group date rose to Jean-Blanc.

The next morning, Lincoln ended up crying – yes, real tears – over what transpired with the picture.

This guy seems like a real keeper… NOT!

For her first one-on-one date since Arie Luyendyk Jr. broke up with her on national television, Blake joined Becca at a warehouse full of Arie-themed memorabilia.

Really. This was the date, you guys.

The two then proceeded to violently destroy everything, all while Lil Jon‘s “Turn Down for What” played in the background.

Later that evening, Blake and Becca sat down for dinner and the former opened up about his previous romance, saying he found out his girlfriend at the time was about to dump him when he saw a few texts from her friend pop up on her phone.

He was trying to relate to Becca’s Bachelor-based heartbreak.

We guess it worked, too, since he received a rose after this meal concluded.

“Since night one, I have felt such comfort and a sense of ease with you,” she told him. “I feel like we’re on the same page with what we’re looking for in life and it just restores so much hope.”

The next day, it was group date number-two time with Garrett, Rickey, John, Ryan, Alex, Christon, Trent, Leo, Wills and Colton.

The men competed in an intense game of dodgeball, but it only served as precusor for the intense conversation Colton would have with Becca a few hours later.

Much to our Bachelorette’s shock, Colton came clean about a short-lived relationship with Tia Booth, who competed on The Bachelor alongside Becca and who is close pals with Kufrin.

(Another fun, romantic fact: Colton also dated Olympic gymnast Aly Raisman!)

“We had a weekend together and we had a good time, but for me the timing wasn’t right to grow what was a spark into a flame,” he explained Becca, adding:

“If my feelings were strong enough, I wouldn’t have came on [the show]. I think that from what I know of you, we could build something awesome.

“We could have the time. Whereas it wasn’t there, moving forward, with her.”

Becca, who gave her group date on this case to Willis, didn’t react positively to Colton’s confession.

“I’m not going to lie – I don’t know how I feel about it,” she replied.

“It makes me feel a little bit sick. I’m very attracted to you, I really like where our conversation was on night one and I feel like we had a lot in common, but it’s a very tricky situation.

“It puts me in a very strange position. It’s just a lot to take in right now.”

At the cocktail party prior to the Rose Ceremony, Jordan stripped down to his underwear…

… but Becca barely even noticed.

All she could think about was what Colton told her.

“I feel like I see something in you that I’m very attracted to, and there’s that interest there,” she said, basically trying to come to grips with a physical attraction to a guy who likely porked one of her friends.

Added Becca:

“Until I have more clarity, I don’t even want to really invest in this relationship. So if you sense that I am holding back with you, I am.”

(How much will Colton’s reveal impact his future on the show? Visit our section of The Bachelorette spoilers to find out!)

When all was said, done, revealed, thrown, screamed over and smooched, Becca kept Colton around.

She sent Alex, Rickey and Trent packing.

But did she make the right decision?

Click on the video below to watch The Bachelorette online and decide for yourself:


Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Colton Haynes Files For Divorce From Jeff Leatham

Colton Haynes and Jeff Leatham are officially headed to splitsville, and it’s clear who pulled the plug on the relationship — because Colton’s filed for divorce. The “Teen Wolf” star filed docs Tuesday in Los Angeles just 6 months after…


Friday, May 4, 2018

Colton Haynes and Jeff Leatham Split After 6 Months of Marriage

“Teen Wolf” star Colton Haynes and his new hubby, Jeff Leatham, have broken up just 6 months into their marriage … TMZ has learned. The couple got married last October, but multiple sources tell us the marriage’s gone…


Saturday, April 14, 2018

Colton Haynes

Colton Haynes
