Showing posts with label Derick. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Derick. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Jill Duggar Speaks Out After Derick Dillard"s Homophobic Rant

After Derick Dillard’s latest controversy, fans are encouraging former Counting On star Jill Duggar to dump Derick.

It looks like she’s still standing by her man. This time, she’s backing up his homophobic Twitter rant. At least, that’s what it looks like she’s saying.

Take a look at her cryptic post below and decide for yourself.

Taking to Instagram, Jill wrote — without any context:

“To disagree doesn’t = hate, or judgement.”

That is true enough … on certain subjects.

“Love doesn’t always = approval.”

That is absolutely true. You can love and support someone without personally liking, say, their new haircut.

“Just because I disagree with my child on something doesn’t mean I hate him.”

We should certainly hope not.

“And just because I love and forgive him doesn’t mean I approve of everything he does.”

That makes sense, too. Up to a point.

“You can be friends with, love, and care for people you don’t agree with 100%.”

It’s not difficult to see that Jill is indirectly referring to Derick Dillard’s homophobic tweets, in which he attacked husbands Nate Burkus and Jeremiah Brent and their show, Nate & Jeremiah by Design.

It’s a home improvement show but, as with other series like Fixer Upper, it includes a personal touch about the designers’ lives.

Nate and Jeremiah are parents to two young children, which is apparently what had Derick so incensed that he had to tweet out his disdain for their show 

“What a travesty of family,” he wrote in the widely condemned tweet.

He continued, saying:

“It’s sad how blatant the liberal agenda is, such that it both highlights and celebrates a lifestyle so degrading to children on public television as if it should be normal.”

First of all, that tweet is of course appalling.

Though it is no surprise coming from Derick Dillard, who was fired from Counting On last year over his transphobic tweets about trans teen Jazz Jennings.

(Pro-tip: networks prefer for you to support their other shows, not condemn them, and when you’re a grown man repeatedly tweeting vile things about a teenage girl, you’re not going to come across as the good guy)

Second of all … it’s always funny (well, as funny as bigotry can get) when people refer to something like “the gay lifestyle.”

We know that they phrase it that way to make it seem like a peculiar choice than part of who someone is.

But, clearly, Nate and Jeremiah’s lifestyle is that they’re parents and designers and, now, reality stars. Those are all lifestyles.

Well, following the backlash that Derick incited with his homophobic rant, Derick continued.

He tried to defend himself without walking back his tweets, insisting that he has gay friends but he simply “doesn’t agree” … with their existence, we suppose.

(It’s powerfully reminiscent of the how can I be racist if I have black friends? argument that people still try to make sometimes)

Derick even suggested that The View was bullying him for being a Christian, even though a number of the hosts are Christians themselves and they mostly addressed gay parents whom they know and admire.

It seems clear that Jill Duggar is, once again, standing by her man.

Her post seems designed to defend herself from fans who share Derick’s homophobia — by stating that she does not endorse their “lifestyle” — and against Derick’s detractors, by saying that at least she and Derick don’t hate gay people.

Jill has shared some cringeworthy posts of her own in the past, including a transphobic prayer that disappointed many fans.

Fans didn’t have a difficult time connecting her new post to Derick’s most recent controversy, and some of the comments were excellent.

“Not a problem to disagree. The problem is to post on a public place that gives you access to many people, and you disparage other people! I do Not Believe the God I worship would want me to publicly disparage people.”

“Instead of encouraging someone you have now turned them away from you and probably have them not too interested in Your God. Yes you do have a right to your opinion, but remember for every action there is a reaction.”

“The reaction to your judgement is people don’t want to be around you any longer.”

“I’ll pray for God to soften your heart! They are a loving family trying to provide a loving home like any other family.”


Monday, May 7, 2018

Derick Dillard: The View is BULLYING Me For Being Christian!

Recently, Derick Dillard went on a homophobic rant about one of TLC"s home improvement shows that features a gay couple and their family.

His controversial remarks were discussed so much that they were addressed on The View, which you can see in the video below.

Now, Derick is responding … and accusing the talk show hosts of bullying him.

The view on derick dillard 3

Derick Dillard is known for his trolling tweets and sometimes comes across as desperate for attention now that he and Jill are no longer on Counting On.

This time, instead of bashing trans reality star Jazz Jennings, he is taking aim at Nate & Jeremiah By Design, a home improvement show on TLC.

"What a travesty of family. It’s sad how blatant the liberal agenda is, such that it both highlights and celebrates a lifestyle so degrading to children on public television as if it should be normal."

Hard to see how a child being in a loving home is degrading.

"They affect this poor child, as well as what perversions are celebrated. If it were adultery, I doubt a network would be so quick to focus on the reality of it as if it were ok."

Equating same-sex marriage to adultery is, of course, quite a reach.

But he says that he"s not being hateful.

"I’m not bashing the people, I’m just calling out the public agenda at play and how a network chooses what they highlight. Christians should love all as Christ loved all. Take advantage of capitalism: boycott what you don’t believe in, but don’t boycott relationships."

So he"s not being hateful … but he doesn"t think that these people should be on television because they"re gay parents.

The view on derick dillard 2

Whoopi speaks up first, saying:

"You don"t have to agree with anybody"s lifestyle. But you don"t live in their house. Just like we don"t live in a house where there are 900 kids."

Basically, she"s saying that Derick doesn"t have much room to talk about unusual lifestyles, giving the family into which he married.

Sara Haines chimes in, saying:

"Some of my idols as parents are gay." She provides an example of a gay couple and their child (and adorable bulldog).

Sunny Hostin then says that she thinks that stances like Derick"s come from "people that lack empathy."

She also says that "people that haven"t been around gay couples."

One by one, each of the hosts on The View talks about same-sex parents, from personal anecdotes and from statistics, being healthy and loving.

The view on derick dillard 1

Derick responded to this, decrying the segment as bullying:

"Really?! Are my friends on The View really going to be our standard & champion for open-mindedness?"

One, they"re not your friends, dude. Two, they"re not the standard, but they are meeting the minimum requirements for human decency.

"Conviction doesn’t equal lack of open mindedness."

That is technically true.

"We need to love all people & promote what’s best for everyone."

See, Derick isn"t a kill-all-gay-people sort of bigot, he"s a all-gay-people-should-just-not-be-gay bigot. He believes that his views are compassionate.

"Most Americans believe this, but are fearful of bullying like this."

If he"s saying that most Americans oppose marriage equality, that is false. Just under two-thirds of Americans support same-sex marriage.

And then, of course, there"s his accusation that what these hosts have to say is bullying.

The view on derick dillard 4

First of all, they don"t really seem to talk about Derick enough for this to qualify as bullying.

As you"ll see in the clip below, they mostly talk about same-sex couples who are parents whom they know and love.

Meghan McCain shares that her mother came around on marriage equality when she realized that so many children could be adopted into loving homes.

They also talk about how, for both adults and for children, knowing families with same-sex parents makes it clear that the sort of gay bogeyman that anti-gay activists describe doesn"t at all match up with the real thing.

Derick does say that he has been exposed to people who aren"t like him, tweeting:

"I have friends who are homosexual and was in public school for 17 years, including university band, fraternity life, and spirit squad. I think I’ve more than opened my mind and eyes to experience all kinds of people very different than myself."

That"s … sad.

The view on derick dillard 5

But we have to remember that Derick Dillard comes from the far-right fringes of American Christianity.

We don"t doubt that, among the people with whom he associates, the majority do oppose marriage equality and same-sex parents adopting and a host of other things.

There is a narrative among extreme conservatives that Christianity is being oppressed in the United States, even though Christians are of course the majority.

The narrative has been very popular recently among conservative politicians, who believe that Trump and politicians like him are "hitting back" at their oppressors.

It is also a popular narrative with Derick and those who support his less-than-kind tweets.

Watch this video for yourself and decide if this is bullying … or some heartfelt discussion of a topic near and dear to the hearts of the hosts.

Derick dillard the view is bullying me for being christian

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Jill Duggar Throws Shade at Josh Duggar & Derick Dillard: They"re Not Okay!

Jill Duggar is generally not one to make waves.

The second-eldest daughter of Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar, Jill has spent the majority of her life meeting the demands of her ludicrously strict upbringing.

On the reality shows that made her family famous, Jill quickly emerged as a fan favorite, modest enough to appeal to the fundamentalist segment of the Duggars’ fan base, but independent enough to give hope to those who watch in … that she and her sisters will one day break away.

When Jill married Derick Dillard in 2014, however, her public image took a turn for the worse.

Brash and abrasive where Jill was meek and kind, Derick quickly became a divisive figure amongst Duggar fans.

Last year, Derick was fired from Counting On after making comments about fellow TLC star Jazz Jennings that many considered transphobic.

Jill quit the show in a gesture of solidarity, thus leaving her young family with no source of income.

These days, Jill has a lot of time on her hands, and she often uses it to post on social media, despite frequently disturbing fans with her content.

This week Jill posted a list of prayers for her children that many took as evidence of bigotry.

The items on the list were mostly innocuous concerns, such as “Their salvation,” “That they would be kept morally pure,” “That they would love each other.”

But the last prayer struck a nerve with fans, many of whom considered it further evidence of Jill’s transphobia.

The response from Instagram users was swift and harsh, with some accusing Jill of rank hypocrisy:

“But it’s ok to be a homophobic, cheating molester who is literally making money from having their family on a reality show,” wrote one fan.

The comments seem to refer to both Josh Duggar – who molested five young girls while living under his parents’ roof – and 

Now, Jill is criticized on social media quite regularly, with followers taking issue with everything from her parenting to her wardrobe.

But this time is different in that Jill actually replied:

“I have never said those actions were ok.”

Now, that may seem like a very mild response, but as many have pointed out, it constitutes the first time that Jill has expressed any misgivings about the behavior or beliefs of her brother and husband.

Perhaps this is the beginning of a new day for Jill.

Maybe she’ll finally join the rest of the world in calling the male members of her family out for their more problematic actions.

What seems more likely, however, is that Jill has simply grown tired of being lumped in with men like Derick and Josh.

Some feel that she’s complicit with their behavior, while others see Jill as a victim.

Whatever the case, she’s clearly fed up with being associated with the more shameful aspects of her family history.

Watch Counting On online for more on the ever-controversial Duggar clan of Arkansas.


Monday, April 30, 2018

Jinger Duggar to Jill Duggar: It"s Time to DUMP Derick Dillard!

As much as they’d like us to think otherwise, the Duggars are human beings who are vulnerable to all of the same temptations and negative emotions as the rest of us.

Of course, while you might deal with familial conflicts by getting drunk at Thanksgiving and finally telling Aunt Carol what you really think of her candied yams, the Duggars take a much, much more passive-aggressive approach to hashing out their differences.

Jim Bob and Michelle’s children aren’t allowed to use social media – or do much of anything, really – until they get engaged, but now that several of them have left the nest to start families of their own, they’ve arrived at two important conclusions that every other person on the planet was already fully aware of:

For starters, they know that wearing pants is pretty cool and probably won’t condemn you to an eternity of hellfire and pitchfork-orifice contact.

Even more importantly, however, they’ve grown to appreciate social media for the most valuable service it has to offer.

We’re talking, of course, about the ability to throw shade without experiencing any face-to-face consequences.

It’s unusual for Duggars to read any sort of secular literature, but apparently rebellious Jinger is once again showing her defiant streak by reading a book of relationship advice.

Yesterday, Jinge posted the above photo, along with the following caption:

“You may be interested in reading a book I am going through with some of the other women from my church—She’s Got the Wrong Guy: Why Smart Women Settle by @deepakreju.

“Jeremy and I read it together and really enjoyed it. Search for it on Amazon!”

There are two big takeaways here:

1. The Duggars are apparently allowed to shop on Amazon.

(We guess no one told Jim Bob about the connection between CEO Jeff Bezos and the president’s second-most-hated newspaper.)

2. Happily married Jinger is going all “know your worth” on her followers.

We would take it as an indicator of trouble in paradise, but she seems happier than ever, and she claims her husband loves the book, too.

No, what seems more likely is that Jinger is sending a very, very subtle message to her older sister Jill:

Yes, it may seem like quite a leap, but as In Touch Weekly points out, many fans are convinced that Jinger feels Jill has “settled” for Derick Dillard, and she’d like to see her big sis break free before it’s too late.

As you may recall, Derick was fired from Counting On after launching a transphobic tirade against fellow TLC star Jazz Jennings.

Jill quit the show in a gesture of solidarity, leaving the Dillard clan with no source of income.

Derick was reportedly already on thin ice with his in-laws, so it’s not hard to see how this latest development might have been the last straw.

So is Jinger sending a coded message to her sister that it’s time to be single?

Probably not, but it’s always nice to dream.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Saturday, April 28, 2018

Derick Dillard Goes on Homophobic Rant, Is Still Just the Worst

Derick Dillard is just a truly awful, no-good person.

You know it, we know it, everyone who has had the terrible misfortune to check out his Twitter account knows it.

He just says so many awful things all the time about so many people — who could forget his favorite hobby of mocking Jazz Jennings, the transgender teenage girl who has her own show on TLC?

Or the way he constantly tries to defend his backwards, ignorant beliefs in the most obnoxious, arrogant way possible?

Or the way he constantly asks Duggar fans for money, even when he and his family worked on a reality show and even now that he insists he has a job now that they’re no longer on Counting On?

It’s just bad. It’s all bad.

And, wouldn’t you know it, Derick’s gone and made our opinion of him even worse by taking a sizable chunk of time yesterday to criticize Nate Berkus and Jeremiah Brent, the stars of Nate and Jeremy by Design.

If you’re not familiar, Nate and Jeremy by Design is a show on TLC, one of those home renovation and design shows that everyone loves so much.

The show has another layer though, because Nate and Jeremiah are also married.

They have a three-year-old daughter who’s been featured on the show, and they welcomed a son just last month.

They have a really, really adorable family, but it’s not a traditional family, so you know Derick just had to run his mouth about it.

Over on Twitter, he shared a promo for the show that TLC tweeted, and along with it he wrote “What a travesty of family. It’s sad how blatant the liberal agenda is, such that it both highlights and celebrates a lifestyle so degrading to children on public television as if it should be normal.”

So in one single tweet, he called Nate and Jeremiah’s beautiful family a “travesty,” said they were “degrading” their children on TV, insisted that they’re not “normal,” and suggested that the only reason they’d have their own show is because of “the liberal agenda.”

Not a great start, Derick.

When someone pointed out that what they do doesn’t affect him at all, he replied “They affect this poor child, as well as what perversions are celebrated.”

“If it were adultery, I doubt a network would be so quick to focus on the reality of it as if it were ok.”

Adultery and homosexuality aren’t on the same level at all, obviously, and it’s really disgusting to talk about their daughter this way — she looks like a super happy, well-loved kid.

Look, there are too many dumb tweets from Derick to dissect them all like this, so let’s just check out the highlights of his incredible ignorance, all right?

After getting called out for being so judgemental, he said “I’m not bashing the people, I’m just calling out the public agenda at play and how a network chooses what they highlight.”

“Christians should love all as Christ loved all. Take advantage of capitalism: boycott what you don’t believe in, but don’t boycott relationships.”

With all this talk about agendas, someone asked him about his, and he explained that “My agenda is love and truth. I try to follow Jesus Christ as best I can. I’m not perfect, but I do my best.”

Do better, buddy.

He said that his big issue with the show is the way their daughter is involved — a bit hypocritical, considering how many Duggar kids have been featured on the network.

But, as he explained it, “they absolutely have the right to share it, but I’m just calling Christians not to support its promotion in such a public sphere.”

Some sweet soul tried to make the argument that if God created everything, he created gay people, and therefore they are also “fearfully and wonderfully made.”

Derick argued that “Yes, everything was created perfectly. Unfortunately, it didn’t stay that way very long because a curse was brought through sin which affected the whole world.”

“That’s why Jesus came — to redeem it and be the needed savior for our sin. Praise God!”

It’s very clear, and it’s been clear for a long time, that Derick is not interested in ever considering the possibility that he could be wrong — and by “wrong,” of course we mean “ridiculous and hateful and so, so bigoted.”

So on a sweeter, lighter note, let’s check out Nate and Jeremiah’s responses to this mess.

Without replying directly to Derick, Nate tweeted “My hope with having a show like #NandJByDesign on @TLC, where we go into people’s homes and welcome viewers into ours, is that we can start to break down barriers & normalize the way our family looks & the way our family loves.”

Jeremiah added that the show “is about showing the many different faces of love and our universal connection through it.”

Isn’t that infinitely nicer than all that nonsense from Derick? 

Shame it’s just a part of that “liberal agenda,” huh?


Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Derick Dillard Slammed By Fans: Jill Duggar Is Not Your Sex Object!

As you’re likely aware, the Duggars receive a fair amount of criticism for just about everything they do.

And these days, Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard seem to have the largest targets on their backs.

Often, this criticism is warranted, such as when Jill seemed to endorse abusive disciplinary techniques in a message to other moms.

Just as frequently, however, the attacks are the result of misdirected outrage, and the Dillards end up bearing the brunt of the lingering anger over her family’s legitimate scandals.

(For an example of this phenomenon, see the seething rage that resulted from a photo in which Jill put a tortilla on her son’s head as a makeshift sun-blocking device.)

Perhaps the Dillards are subjected to greater scrutiny as a result of the fact that Derick has been fired by TLC.

Not only has there been a considerable amount of thoroughly justified outrage over the comments and actions that led to Derick’s termination, but social media is now fans’ only insight into the Dillard family’s world.

As a result, followers seem more likely to comb through every post in search of a reason to get upset.

Whatever the case, the latest Dillard-based outrage is without question one of the more absurd Duggar-based controversies to date.

Earlier this week, Derick posted the above photo along with the following caption:

“My wifey @jillmdillard makes the best pre-marathon race meals! Thanks babe!”

He also added the hashtags, “#carbs, #familytime, #matchingshirts, #hogeyemarathon, and #firstmarathoninnorthamerica.”

Any guesses as to what might have stoked the flames of internet outrage? It’s a tough one!

We’ll give you a hint: the keto crowd has not come out en masse to gripe about Derick’s apparent love of carbs.

No, it seems the issue here is that the word “wifey” has joined the list of everything else on the planet as something that’s now deemed offensive.

“Never say the word wifey like ever again,” wrote one commenter.

“Wifey is a derogatory term to some. May want to look that up,” 

When one fan quite reasonably suggested that Derick probably meant it as a simple term of endearment, another shot back that he’s basically a fundamentalist pimp, subtly instructing his followers in the ways of female subjugation.

“It means a sex object, not quite good enough to be a wife,” the fan argued.

Look, we suppose it’s possible that Derick intended to degrade his wife for the benefit of his followers, but if they’re being honest with themselves, even his most ardent detractors would have to admit that’s not the most likely explanation.

No, obviously, the real outrage here is that overly-sensitive Instagram commenters are forcing us to defend Derick Dillard.

We’ll never forgive you for this, people!

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Friday, April 6, 2018

Derick Dillard: I"m So High ... On Love For My Wife!

It’s been a difficult year for Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard.

There were several big scandals, such as Derick getting fired by TLC after launching a transphobic tirade against fellow network star Jazz Jennings, but there were also a number of less-noteworthy mini-scandals.

For example, just yesterday, Jill made her sons walk for over an hour to get Chick-Fil-A.

The reason for the bizarrely-long trek for waffle fries is that the Dillards are currently away from their home turf, and were thus forced to put more effort than usual into attainment of sufficiently godly chicken sandwiches.

You see, Jill, Derick and their two boys are in Colorado Springs at the moment, where Derick is continuing efforts to cash in as a preacher/formerly famous guy.

He’s involved in some sort of Christian retreat in the area – though we can’t help but wonder what he’s retreating from, as Derick is currently going on six months of unemployment.

But it’s not all praising the Lord and begging for money from strangers at the retreat in the mountainous part of the country.

No, as you can see in the photo above, Jill and Derick also took some time out for themselves.

“Gettin’ high on love at the summit of Pikes Peak,” Derick captioned the above photo.

“Officially our highest kiss at 14,115 ft,” he added.

Yes, that’s what passes for comedy in the Duggar’s world.

Believe it or not, Derick actually considers himself the family’s resident wit.

But what’s more interesting than the attempt at humor is the fact that Derick is doing that obnoxious social media thing where your most troubled friend goes the extra mile to convince the world that he’s totally overwhelmed with happiness.

It never really works, of course, but millions still try it every day.

These days, the Dillards are so hard up for cash that Jill has been stealing recipes and passing them off as her own on her personal website.

Their notoriety is dwindling rapidly, and since it’s been years since either of them has worked a real job, the Dillards may soon be in real trouble.

Clearly, times like this call for corny mountain puns.

Watch Counting On online for more from on the Dillards troubled times.


Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Derick Dillard: What?!? I Was Not Fired by TLC!

Derick Dillard lives in a world where transgender people literally do not exist.

Based on this view, the former reality star has earned significant backlash online.

But it actually may not be the best example of how Dillard lives in his own, manufactured universe.

Not after the ex-Counting On regular responded a few days ago to statement about his status on this popular TLC program.

“Missing you and Jill on Counting On. Do not know why you are gone from the show,” wrote a fan of Derick’s this month, adding:

“Loved watching your journey. God Bless you, Jill and the kids.”

Dillard appreciated the message and wrote back:

“We were going in a different direction as a family and decided to stop doing filming.

“Thank you; we hope you are encouraged in some way by our journey, especially our reliance upon our savior, Jesus Christ.”

To anyone who has actually followed Dillard’s journey, this response is rich…

Derick Dillard view

… and flat out inaccurate.

Last November, TLC issued a statement that said it had “no plans” to work with Dillard in the future after he made controversial statements about the LGBT community.

Specifically, Dillard insulted and mocked fellow reality star Jazz Jennings on multiple occasions, lashing out at her transgender lifestyle.

For example, just three weeks ago, Dillard labeled Jennings as a male, despite the teenager insisting in many occasions that she identities as female.

Long before this latest jab, Dillard took it upon himself to slam the entire concept of anyone identifying as a gender that he or she was not born as, Tweeting:

“What an oxymoron… a ‘reality’ show which follows a non-reality. ‘Transgender’ is a myth. Gender is not fluid; it’s ordained by God.”

At the time, Derick tried to state that he had nothing against Jennings herself; that he “only [has an] issue with the words and definitions being propagated here.”

So, you know, Dillard only has an issue with everything Jennings stands for. That’s all.

Several weeks after Derick first attacked Jennings and people like her, TLC confirmed it would never work with the bigot again.

We want to let our viewers know that Derick Dillard has not participated in Counting On for months, wrote the network late last year, adding:

The network has no plans to feature him in the future.

We want to reiterate that Derick’s personal statements do not reflect the views of the network.

TLC is proud to share the story of Jazz Jennings and her family and will continue to do so.

bye, dd

Could one interpret this as saying that Dillard CHOSE not participate in filming, as he claims above, and the network then simply let viewers know that it didn’t plan on including him going forward?


But does anyone really doubt that Dillard would embrace the opportunity to enter the spotlight again via a role on the show if asked by producers?

After TLC Tweeted its quasi firing of the D-Lister, Dillard Tweeted the following:

“Thank you to all those who have supported us and given us so many words of encouragement recently. God bless you all!”

He also added a bible verse:

“A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. (Proverbs 17:22).”

Thankfully (or the exact opposite of thankfully), those who still want to hear from Dillard do not need to watch him each week on TLC in order to do so.

He’s happy to troll the universe with bizarre Tweets on a regular basis.

Follow him at your own risk.


Monday, March 19, 2018

Derick Dillard Trolls Universe with Bizarre Pro-Life Tweets

As Counting On fans know, Jill Duggar’s husband Derick Dillard loves to use social media as a platform to troll pretty much everyone.

His latest missive was certainly no exception.

Yes, the man who calls out transgender teens and regularly comes up with new ways to scam fans for money still doesn’t know when to quit.

Derick, who was fired by TLC in late 2017, isn’t letting that slow him down – if anything, he seems more emboldened than ever.

Never one to back down from his views or defending them, the father of two has become downright antagonistic on Twitter of late.

On Friday, the staunchly pro-life Arkansan shared an article about a pro-life bill in Iowa that would ban abortion very early in pregnancy.

This state law would prohibit the procedure as soon as an embryo has a detectable heartbeat, and Derick couldn’t be happier about it.

Derick wrote in celebration of this news:

“This is great! Laws country-wide are getting closer to making ALL murder illegal. Progress IS being made. Equality for all!”

Now that is some serious trolling.

Twitter users immediately seized on the controversial star’s word choice of “equality,” given his, um, history of intolerance.

Specifically, Derick’s hateful and repeated transphobic comments about Jazz Jennings, which led to his firing from TLC.

“Hypocrisy at its finest,” one fan wrote.

The fan continued with this question:

“I’m wondering … does ‘equality for all!’ include transgender people, Derick? Just curious where your ‘for ALL’ line is drawn.”

Another Twitter responded that abortions should not be illegal because this could claim lives, not save them as Derick posits.

Terminating a pregnancy could save the life of the mother in certain situations, and banning the practice could be fatal to the mother.

His confusing response to that?

“What about all the people in this world who rely on somebody else to live??” Derick shot back. “Should we just kill all those people??!”

Other irate fans noted that Derick is a man, and thus is in no position to talk about abortions and female reproductive rights.

Not only that, but someone told him:

“You were literally a virgin up until about [two years] ago. Pretty sure your opinion about my uterus and my body is a moot point!!!!!”

Derick, of course, subscribes the well-documented Duggar family doctrine of chaperoned dates and side-hugging before marriage. 

Der Tweet

Dillard married Jill in June 2014, so he’s been boning for almost four years if you want to get technical, but the fan’s point was made.

In response, Derick … tried to invoke religion to try to establish some correlation between one’s virginity and ability to form an opinion.

Yeah, we’re as confused as you are. He wrote:

“Pretty sure Jesus Christ was a virgin his whole life, and the western world bases its calendar system on the man’s life.”

“And while we’re talking about moot points.”

Derick’s endgame is a mystery. It’s hard to understand what he’s going for with his scorched earth social media campaign. 

If Dillard’s goal is to make headlines and remain relevant by burning every remaining bridge he can find, then well done sir.

Well done.


Saturday, March 17, 2018

Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard Find New Way to Scam Fans, Get So Much Hate for It

One of the big things people don’t like about Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard is that despite being on a big TV show for years, they still beg their fans for money.

That and all the bigotry, those are the two big things.

It’s just always been so bizarre, because you’d think that the money they made from the show would be more than enough to support them and all their endeavors, at least for a little while longer.

If nothing else, Jim Bob owns a fleet of private planes, it seems like he could give them a hand if they were struggling that much.

But regardless of what you’d think or how things seem, the fact remains that there have been several occasions when the Dillards reached out to their supporters for some cash assistance.

And that’s weird.

After getting lots and lots of criticism for all their GoFundMe stunts over the years, and after failing to convince people that they’re just regular missionaries and that’s how things are done, they’ve given up with the fundraisers, for now, anyway.

However, Derick did get the family fired from reality television, so you have to make ends somehow, you know?

Well, it looks like they’ve come up with a new plan!

There’s this foundation called The Tuttle Twins, and they release books for children about things like politics and history — books that the Duggars would enjoy.

As the foundation explains on its website, “Each year, hundreds of millions of children are spoon-fed false history, bad economics, and logical fallacies. Your child is not immune.”

They say their books are a way for parents to “inoculate their children against this trend to help them really grasp the importance of freedom and free markets.”

So we’re sure the books are fine and correct and not at all terrifying.

Anyway, The Tuttle Twins is holding this contest on their Facebook page where you share a picture of your kid with one of their books, and if your picture gets the most likes and shares, you win a cash prize of $ 350.

You can see where this is going, right?

Jill, who had to know that she has a massively unfair advantage with this kind of thing, entered the contest with this picture of Israel, and just to make sure she gets all those likes, she made sure she was in the photo, too.

So far, Jill has far more likes than anyone else in the contest, and there’s really no way that she won’t win.

It’s really a shame.

There are plenty of families who could legitimately use $ 350, and for Jill to take that opportunity away from those people is just sad.

And lots of people seem to agree.

“Completely unfair that this picture was allowed,” one person commented on the photo. “Until recently Jill Duggar Dillard has appeared on TLC for many years. Shame on her for using her celebrity to win a contest with money as a prize.”

Another person wrote that she shouldn’t be eligible for the contest because “no one stands a chance against her and that’s really not OK.”

“Jill Duggar is using her fame as a public figure to garner more votes for her son, which is NOT fair to all the other entrants who don’t have their names and faces plastered all over the place,” yet another Duggar critic wrote.

“Jill should withdraw her entry, and she should be disqualified.”

She should, but she won’t — instead, she’s been posting the link to the photo on her Twitter and Instagram accounts and asking everyone to “help Israel win!”

The foundation won’t intervene either, because as they explained to their many outraged followers, “We are not going to disqualify somebody merely because they have a larger social network.”

Subtext: “we are not going to disqualify somebody merely because they have a larger social network because this mess is getting us a whole lot attention and we are living for it.”

Hope Jill does something neat with that cash prize!


Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Derick Dillard: Jim Bob Duggar Kept All Our TV Money!

Folks, it looks like the inevitable unraveling of the Duggar clan might finally be underway.

And like so many major events of the modern age, it started not with a bang … but with a deleted tweet.

As you may already know, Derick Dillard was fired by TLC back in November after launching a bigoted twitter tirade against fellow network star Jazz Jennings.

You would think that after all that, Derick would have learned a valuable lesson about running his mouth on social media, but that doesn’t appear to be the case.

Last week, Derick went on yet another tirade, and this time it appeared he was hell-bent on biting the hand that used to feed him.

In a series of tweets (some of which were quickly deleted), Derick attacked TLC for refusing to pay his son’s medical bills after baby Samuel spent two weeks in the NICU.

Derick’s reasoning was that since the birth was featured on Counting On, the network should have helped cover expenses.

“We even requested that they help with some of the medical expenses from the birth that they made a pretty penny on, but they refused to help cover any of those costs,” Derick tweeted.

“We could pay for it fine; I had a great job,” he continued.

“The point is, I thought that at least since they were making money off the birth special episode, they could help soften the burden a little.”

When fans pointed out that Derick and wife Jill Duggar were paid for their appearances on the show and thus were entitled to no further compensation, the former reality star dropped a bombshell that left fans stunned:

“As far as we could tell we were volunteers and hadn’t been paid anything for the show,” he wrote.

“Like I said, for the year we were paying off our son’s birth expenses, both Jill and I thought we had been volunteering our time to help out [the show].”

Volunteering?! Is Derick seriously suggesting that he and Jill weren’t compensated by producers?

And if that’s the case, was anyone in th family paid a salary?

The answers, according to Derick, are yes and yes:

“TLC should approach all adults if they expect any obligation from them, so they can evaluate their own situation,” Dillard tweeted.

“Like I said, until recently, I assumed we were just volunteering to help out in filming where it would help out.

“I knew they didn’t owe anything but I didn’t think it was unreasonable to request some expense reimbursement under the impression we volunteered all the time.”

There’s that “volunteer” word again.

Derick chose not to answer direct questions about who did receive money from the network, but he made no effort to correct fans who speculated that Jim Bob was the only one getting rich.

“[The producers] were always asking for our time, so it seemed like a lucrative trade on their part, to make all the money they did and only be requested to help cover some expense,” he reiterated at one point.

“We paid it, but it seemed like a reasonable trade to request, considering what they asked of us.”

Asked why in the hell he would agree to put his life on television for free, Derick replied:

“There is too little space and time on Twitter to explain my whole thought process over the course of the past 4+ years, but the point is, TLC should have handled all of it much differently,” he tweeted.

“Doing the right thing should be more important than taking the path of least resistance.”

In other words, “Jim Bob made me do it.”

Watch Counting On online to relive Derick’s many years of unpaid labor.
