Showing posts with label Duggar's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Duggar's. Show all posts

Friday, December 4, 2015

Anna Duggar: Tested For STDs After Learning of Josh Duggar"s Infidelity

Back in August, the world learned that Josh Duggar had cheated on his wife with an adult film star named Danica Dillon, whom he allegedly paid several thousand dollars in exchange for sex.

Obviously, no one was more shocked than Josh’s beleaguered wife, Anna Duggar. 

Fortunately, a new report from In Touch claims that Anna handled the situation in the most level-headed fashion possible  – and immediately went to her doctor to get tested.

“She got tested for STDs,” an insider told Life & Style. “She was relieved to get a clean bill of health.”

Yes, Anna may be stuck with a sinfully tainted Duggar, but she’s free of sexually transmitted diseases.

Unfortunately, friends say that despite the close call, Anna has no plans to divorce Josh.

In fact, according to sources close to the couple, Anna and Josh are planning to renew their vows – right after Josh finishes rehab for his sex and porn addictions.

“It’s been really stressful for Anna,” says one insider. “She’s contemplating divorce, but now Josh wants them to renew their wedding vows in front of both of their families.”

Anna has reportedly considered the possibility of ending her marriage, but friends say her feeling of obligation to her children and her devoutly religious parents has prevented her from filing papers.

Josh, of course, is also pressuring Anna to keep her family together.

Sources say the eldest Duggar has convinced Anna to have another child with him, even going so far as to claim that it’s “God’s will” for them to continue to reproduce.

Astonishingly, those closest to Anna say that she’s open to the idea of having a fifth child with her philandering husband.

She reportedly believes that the combination of rehab and the responsibility of raising another child will help Josh to keep it in his pants.

Sadly, Anna seems to have forgotten that Josh cheated on her while she was pregnant in the past. 

Call us cynical, but we have a hard time believing that the fifth time will be the charm.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Spurgeon Seewald: Fans React to Jessa Duggar"s Baby Name

By now, you’ve probably heard that Jessa Duggar has named her firstborn son Spurgeon Seewald.

Needless to say, the name is a bit odd, even by the standards of the Duggar family, which previously gave us such gems as Joy-Anna (not to be confused with her sister Johannah), Jinger, and Josh.

(Okay, “Josh” isn’t a weird name, but Josh Duggar is a total freakshow.)

Anyway, Jessa and husband Ben Seewald have explained why they chose the name Spurgeon, but some fans are still feeling mighty confused – and some of them are oddly pissed off.

So here are some of the most memorable comments from around the web. Feel free to offer your own thoughts on the name, just remember that while his parents are fair game, it’s not cool to poke fun at an infant.

Sadly, he’ll probably experience enough of that years from now.

(Once his high school classmates realize he comes from a famously chaste family, you know “Spurgeon the Virgin” will haunt him until his wedding day.)

Anyway, take it away, Internet jerks:

  • “Good thing they homeschool cause that poor child. His nickname would be sperm germ or some psycho sh-t the kids these days come up with.”

  • “Sounds like the name of a sea vegetable. Poor kid, he’s gonna be bullied.”

  • “Good God. I’m starting to think these people pick ugly names for their kids to get attention. First Israel and now this. That poor child!!”

  • “So sad, poor kid. Spurgeon Seewald, sounds like the name of Spongebob’s cousin!”

  • Congratulations to the Seewald family! That being said, please do not use the nickname “Spurge”. Spurge is dirty slang for the male ejaculation (akin to splooge). Not trying to leave filth on this very clean page, but it does seem this particular audience would be in ignorance of that fact.

That last comment resulted in an interesting conversation about which terms for male ejaculate are considered socially appropriate.

Sigh. Good luck, kid. We’re just gonna call you Elliot, okay?

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Carrie Underwood-Brad Paisley Monologue Rips Blake, Duggars & More

Carrie Underwood and Brad Paisley opened up the 2015 CMA Awards with another humorous monologue at their fellow stars" expense.

They began by musicially riffing on everything that"s "Cray Cray" in Hollywood, including Caitlyn Jenner and Josh Duggar (seriously).

"Things are cray crazy, this world has gone bat poop cray cray," Paisley sang. "McDonald"s breakfasts all day now, Bruce Jenner"s a babe now."

And, bat poop cray cray-est of all, "Trump"s leading in the polls."

"You know what else is cray cray," Paisley then continued.

"How many famous couples have broken up this year! From Ben Affleck to Jennifer Garner, to Halle Berry and what"s his name."

"Of course, we can"t ignore the breakup that really rocked our world, the one that"s on everybody"s mind, two people in this very room."

The camera panned to Kermit and Miss Piggy in the crowd.

"We love you both and just want you to be happy," Carrie Underwood interjected. "On a completely unrelated topic: Howdy Blake!"

Blake Shelton then waved, laughed and grinned.

"Have you heard that duet that Blake did with Ashley Madison," he then joked, confusing the cheating site with singer Ashley Monroe.

Monroe is a longtime friend of Miranda Lambert, Blake"s ex-wife, and a singer-songwriter in her own right who has worked with both.

Carrie and Brad then sang a song about Ashley Madison, ending the tune with the lyrics, "Your cheatin" site will tell on you, Josh Duggar!"

LOL. Any Duggar family-related humor making its way into a national television awards show is an instant winner in our book.

Notably, during the monologue, cameras never panned to Lambert, who went on to win Female Vocalist of the Year as usual.

Carrie underwood and brad paisley cma awards monologue 2015

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Lawson Bates: All the Info on Jinger Duggar"s New Man!

Word on the street is that Jinger Duggar and Lawson Bates are courting.

If you"re not familiar with Duggar family terminology, that means they"re not quite engaged, but they"re doing something more serious than dating.

(But not physically, mind you. The young adults are limited to hand-holding and side-hugs, per the Duggar rules of courtship.)

If you"re not familiar with Lawson – he"s a 22-year-old aspiring country singer who has an awful lot in common with Jinger.

They both have 18 siblings; they"ve both starred on reality shows (Lawson currently appears on Bringing Up Bates on the Up network), and they both come from deeply religious backgrounds.

You might say it"s a match made in heaven. Of course, if the rumors turn out to be bogus, something tells us Lawson won"t have much trouble finding a different duet partner:


1. Lawson Bates Selfie

Lawson bates selfie

Lawson’s family is much more laid back than the Duggars when it comes to social media. The 22-year-old was allowed to have his own Instagram account even before he began courting.

2. Lawson Bates: Another Selfie

Lawson bates another selfie

Lawson enjoys taking selfies. We’re sure Jinger Duggar and his other female admirers enjoy them, too.

3. Lawson’s Niece

Lawsons niece

As with Jinger, family comes first for Lawson. Here he is posing with his niece.

4. Lawson Bates: Pirate Day

Lawson bates pirate day

Lawson exercises his right to bare arms. Like the Duggar clan, the Bates family recently dressed up for “Pirate Day.”

5. Lawson Bates: "The End Down Here"

Lawson bates the end down here

Bates is an aspiring country singer. Naturally, all of his songs are spiritual in nature.

6. Tennis, Everyone?

Tennis everyone

Lawson enjoys playing tennis with his 18 siblings. Fortunately, the Bates compound is equipped with multiple courts.

View Slideshow

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Marjorie Jackson: Josiah Duggar"s Ex-Girlfriend Planning to Tell All?!

Back in April, the Duggar family announced that Marjorie Jackson and Josiah Duggar are courting.

It was a big deal, as in the Duggars’ world, courting is much more serious than dating.

It’s described as a sort of “pre-engagement” period that virtually always ends in marriage, as Marjorie and Josiah explain in this odd video from the early days of their relationship:

Of course, that was a much happier time in Josiah’s life, and just weeks later, it would all come tumbling down as a result of the Josh Duggar sex scandal

Marjorie and Josiah broke up not long after news that Josh molested five young women went public.

Both parties have laid low in the time since, and Josiah even went so far as to delete all evidence of their relationship from his social media pages.

We think it’s safe to say that things ended badly, and now, Radar Online is reporting that the Duggars are deeply concerned about the announcement that Marjorie will be returning to public life.

Marjorie is the author of a popular blog for Christian teens, and after several months off the grid, she recently posted a message promising fans that she’ll return to posting full-time in the very near future.

“Forgive my disappearance from the blogging world for the past (one, two…) THREE months! And without warning too,” Marjorie wrote. “Sorry it’s been a while since I’ve posted. I haven’t forgotten about the blog!”

Obviously, a lot has happened in Marjorie’s life during her time off, and the Duggars are reportedly terrified of what she’ll reveal to her fans.

Here’s hoping we’ll finally get an honest insider’s take on life inside the Duggar compound.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

The Duggars Shares Some Sweet Messages On Michelle Duggar"s Birthday — What 19 Kids & Counting Stars Didn"t Participate?

When you have 19 kids, expect to get A LOT of birthday wishes!

On Sunday, the Duggar kids shared a bunch of personal videos wishing their mom, Michelle Duggar, a happy 48th birthday. In the vids, the kids gush over their momma which is probably much appreciated since the matriarch has gone through a lot of scandal as of late!

[ Related: Amy Duggar Claims Her Famous Cousins Left Her Wedding Reception Because It Went From ‘Classy To Trashy Real Quick’! ]

Noticeably absent from the project, however, are Jill and Josh Duggar. While we’re not surprised by Josh’s absence, we wonder why Jill chose not to participate especially since she’s currently on a trip home to Arkansas.

Very curious!

Check out the Duggar clan’s b-day messages (below)!

Cute! We just wonder why the fam had to make these videos public…it seems like the 19 Kids & Counting clan can’t stay out of the spotlight!

Regardless, we hope Michelle has a lovely day!

[Image via TLC.]