Showing posts with label Flaunts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Flaunts. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Kim Zolciak Flaunts Major Cleavage for TSA

Kim Zolciak unveiled a new way to avoid pat downs at TSA — just leave very little to the imagination. She also unveiled her boobs … almost.  The ‘RHOA’ star looked like she’d just rolled out of bed — rocking nothing but jeans and a…


Kim Zolciak Flaunts Major Cleavage for TSA

Kim Zolciak unveiled a new way to avoid pat downs at TSA — just leave very little to the imagination. She also unveiled her boobs … almost.  The ‘RHOA’ star looked like she’d just rolled out of bed — rocking nothing but jeans and a…


Kylie Jenner Flaunts Pregnant Curves in New Video!

We all know that Kylie Jenner is pregnant, because nothing makes sense anymore in 2017.

The Snapchat queen and makeup mogul has been uncharacteristically shy on social media for the past few weeks, refusing to officially confirm her pregnancy or to show off her baby bump.

However, Kylie Jenner shared the video below, and it looks like that shyness is ebbing, because she is showing off her pregnancy curves for all to see!

Kylie jenner baby bump hidden

We don"t really know what"s motivated Kylie to avoid confirming her pregnancy.

A lot of stars are eager to show off their baby bumps, and Kylie"s pregnancy is perhaps the most talked about pregnancy on the planet right now.

(We"d say that Kate Middleton"s pregnancy could give her a run for her money, but it"s Kate"s third baby and, honestly, there are just way more people in the US)

Despite that — or perhaps because of that attention — Kylie has been keeping her baby bump in seclusion, wearing comically oversized shirts on her small body for photos.

Even when Kylie double-dates with Kendall, she takes steps to hide the baby bump that the entire world knows is there.

Kylie jenner bare face

Maybe it"s part of a long-term ploy to promote something or another.

Maybe it"s out of revenge or something towards the media and fans who always want to know about her life.

Or maybe this is all just a game to her. We just don"t know.

What we do know is that, despite Kylie"s refusal to confirm this, no one in the family is denying the reports of her pregnancy.

Honestly, it"s widely believed for a lot of reasons that Kris Jenner may have personally arranged for the news to leak … right in time for that Keeping Up With The Kardashians 10 Year Anniversary Special.

She"s the ultimate momager, folks.

It"s also been reported that Kylie Jenner"s due date is in February. Of 2018.

Kylie jenner hides her baby bump

Due dates are always approximate — sometimes they"re exactly right, but that"s hardly standard.

But medical science and math can give us a pretty good idea of a pregnancy"s timeline.

For example, it tells us that Kylie got pregnant when she was 19 and that it was probably after just one month of dating Travis Scott.

That"s jarring enough on its own, but then you have to consider that he"s her rebound after she ended a long-term relationship with Tyga (at last!).

Kylie"s not stupid, but that doesn"t mean that she"s wise.

Another thing that due dates tell us is that if Kylie"s due in February, she"s more than halfway through her pregnancy.

With the very rare exceptions of certain hardcore fitness moms and a few other scenarios, a pregnancy this far along is going to have a visible bump that can only be hidden in bulky clothing.

The video below … well, Kylie"s not wearing anything bulky.

Take a look at this photo, of Kylie"s body from months ago (at least!), and keep that trim-yet-curvy figure in mind as you watch the video.

Kylie jenner pre pregnancy figure

We imagine that Kylie took this video mostly to tease fans and show off her pregnancy-induced boobage.

If we didn"t know that she"s pregnant, we"d think that she"d gotten another boob job with the bust that she"s sporting.

But anyone watching the video below can tell that there"s a pregnancy involved, because you can see the way that her midsection curves.

Perhaps one day, soon, Kylie will show off the full baby bump.

In the mean time, this is the closest that we"ve gotten to a glimpse.

Kylie jenner flaunts pregnant curves in new video

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Kourtney Kardashian Flaunts Her Butt on the Beach!

Suns out, buns out!

Kourtney Kardashian"s such a peach. At least, she has one. And she let that spectacular butt out to play at the beach.

In the video below, you"ll see her sport an itty bitty bikini while she shows Scott Disick what he can never have again!

In this video, which Kourtney elected to share because she loves her followers almost as much as she loves strutting her stuff on the beach for the world to see, Kourtney makes a delighted dash for the water.

Her bikini is so miniscule that it does effectively nothing to obscure her legendary Kardashian booty.

If anything, her bikini bottoms lovingly frame her cheeks for added emphasis.

The fact that she"s running, well … it adds to the effect.

The camera moves a little as Kourtney runs, but keep in mind that recording a video on your phone is different from recording on a camcorder back in the day was — people tend to hold out their phones further.

And everybody moves a little when they walk or run, so the person recording Kourtney was unintentionally wiggling back and forth. It happens.

it doesn"t diminish how great this magnificent MILF looks as she charges into the ocean water.

The question is — is this just for the benefit of Kourtney"s fans?

It"s almost impossible to see this and not think of Kourtney Kardashian"s infamous ex, Scott Disick.

All summer, Scott"s epic bender has been impossible to ignore.

Scott Disick might have freaked out about Kourtney dating earlier this year, but he pretty much spent the entire summer buried in a bottle or a 19-year-old model.

And no, we don"t just mean Bella Thorne — though she seemed the most willing to increase her visibility by being associated with him. She kept coming back for second helpings of Scott"s … publicity.

(We wonder how Bella Thorne"s possible new girlfriend thinks of how Bella spent the summer — but she probably understands how the PR game works)

Kris Jenner said to Kourtney that Kourtney always wants what she can"t have. Kourtney shot that down at the time, but now? 

And now, of course, Scott Disick is dating Sofia Richie. Very publicly.

Like, they might even be a serious, committed relationship — unlike the other 19-year-old hotties whom Scott has left in his wake.

(We"ll see)

Kourtney is apparently fine with Scott dating Sofia, because it"s a sign that Scott is moving on.

(Or maybe because Sofia is a stabilizing influence, though that shouldn"t be a girlfriend"s job — least of all the job of a teenager)

But even though Kourtney might say that she"s fine with it, we"re reminded of what Kris Jenner says.

Especially when we watch this video.

Kourtney has to know that Scott isn"t over her, and that he"ll see that video.

If Kourtney always wants what she can"t have, will Scott — with his new girlfriend and his newfound stability — suddenly become irresistible to her again?

Is that why she"s flaunting what she"s got?

But there"s a simpler explanation.

Kourtney loves the beach.

She even went to the beach when she visited Egypt, which is not what most people think of doing when they"re visiting the site that contains the remains of one of the greatest civilizations that the world has ever seen.

Kourtney is also not shy about showing off her savory peach. Maybe she"s doing it just for herself and, for a brief moment, Scott Disick was the furthest thing from her mind.

It"s a short video, after all:

Kourtney kardashian flaunts her butt on the beach

Monday, October 9, 2017

Farrah Abraham Flaunts Surgically Enhanced Butt on the Runway

We think it’s safe to say Farrah Abraham isn’t much of a trendsetter or “influencer,” as the kids say.

(Unless selling plastic molds of your butthole is, like, the new cool hobby for Millennials, or something).

Farrah may have millions of social media followers, but we’re guessing very few of them are looking to follow in the footsteps of a woman who’s famous for getting pregnant really young, being terrible for to her mother, and having sex on camera.

But it’s important to point out that in many ways, Farrah is the Teen Mom franchise’s biggest trailblazer.

She was the first to try and make the leap from reality star to mainstream celebrity.

She was the first to make a professional “sex tape” (that’s usually called a porn, but don’t tell Farrah that), and now Amber Portwood and others have publicly entertained the idea of entering the adult industry.

But the biggest way in which Farrah set an example for her TM colleagues is by being the first to undergo “cosmetic enhancement” procedures in the name of beauty.

Yes, at this point, “Farrah Abraham plastic surgery” is practically a punchline, but when she first came on the scene, Farrah was rocking the all-natural look (as far as we know, at least).

Since gaining fame on MTV, however, Farrah has gone under the knife more times than a cutting board.

Most recently, Farrah underwent a “vaginal rejuvenation” that was later revealed to be a complete overhaul of her, um … undercarriage.

Thus, Farrah is sporting a new butt these days, and she can’t wait to share it with the world.

No, she hasn’t started peddling a new edition of her famous b-hole mold (at least not yet).

But she did flaunt her new assets at LA Fashion Week on Saturday night.

Yes, in a crowd that included her daughter, Farrah took to the runway to show off her new backside in various form-fitting outfits.

Obviously, fans are bemoaning the example that she’s setting for her daughter, but we’d like to take time to acknowledge the real victim here.

We’re talking, of course, about Kendall Jenner.

Kendall put in the due diligence to work her way up the ladder as a real model, and then Farrah comes along and reminds the world that if you’re famous enough, some designer will put you on the runway in order to bring attention to his brand.

It’s almost like the fashion industry is less deep than those molds Farrah wants you to have your way with. 


Friday, October 6, 2017

Ireland Baldwin Flaunts the Nipple During Malibu Photo Shoot

Ireland Baldwin has no support — no bra, no bikini top, no nothing — but the good news is she’s the new poster child for the “Free the Nipple” movement. Ireland hit up the beach in Malibu Thursday for a ridiculously hot photo shoot. The…


Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Chontel Duncan: Fit Mom Flaunts Abs 1 Week After C-Section!

We’ve spoken before about fitness model Chontel Duncan’s first pregnancy. As with other ultra-fit moms, her pregnancy turned out to be somewhat controversial.

Why? Well, because she was rocking a six pack throughout it. You know, like Sarah Stage.

Chontel is no stranger to backlash, so when she shares this pic of her post-baby body just a week after the birth of her second child, she went ahead and posted a rebuttal to any and all criticism that body-shamers were likely to throw her way.

Chontel shared this photo of herself.

She shared this only one week after giving birth, and she’s already giving people serious ab envy.

(And shower envy, if we’re being honest)

Chontel’s had to put up with every type of body-shaming, and even had ridiculous clickbait articles point the finger at her and mothers like her, accusing these fit moms of being responsible for “pregorexia,” which is not a real thing.

But it hurts just the same.

Talking about how she plans to get back into her workout routine as she recovers from her C-section was only going to be the target for more haters. She knew this.

So she was more than prepared for all of the comments that people were going to have about her post-baby bod, and decided to head htem off at the pass.

Writing in her Instagram captions, Chontel wrote:

“Now before anyone jumps down my throat saying anything negative think before you type; everyone is unique and different in their own special way. There is no ‘one’ journey or one way, this is my ‘normal’.”

Sad that she has to start it that way.

But, like we said, she’s more than accustomed to haters.

“No one is forced to follow my account/s, I openly share my life for all who appreciate it, that includes the highs and the lows. I am only one person, so therefore I cannot possible relate to everyone’s experience.”

Those are some really great points.

The ol’ “don’t like don’t follow” line definitely applies to Instagram, folks.

“If your instant response isn’t positive I challenge you to see beyond your negativity and find the kindness within.”

Immediate negativity says more about the commenter than what the commenter is seeing.

Chontel talks about how lucky she is.

“I was blessed to conceive, blessed to experience no sickness, I did experience discomfort & tiredness, but overall I had a very enjoyable pregnancy. Could not be more grateful I grew a full term 8 pound baby, delivering through c-section on the 20th Sept.”

That’s great for her and for the baby.

“A week later I took my first ‘post pregnancy’ progression photo. (As shown above) In a week’s time I start my very own 8 week transformation program @hiit_australia for the first few weeks it will be all about the nutrition plan.”

Again, she hada  C-section. She has a lot of recovery ahead of her.

“When I am given the all clear I will incorporate light walking and eventually be able to go back to training. I plan to keep you all up to date as I find my new routine as a mummy of 2 beautiful blessings. “

That sounds like a good plan.

Speaking of her blessings, Chontel postes a photo during her first pregnancy that really illustrated how differently one pregnant body can look from another.

In cases you needed to see the contrast, here she is towards the end of 2015:

At the time, Chontel captioned this photo for full context:

“I was surprised with a cute visit today from a friend Nat who is also expecting.”

Both of these children were born in 2016, of course.

“Just being able to see someone in the flesh, rub her tummy, hear how incredible her journey has been so far, how healthy baby is & all the fun talk about kicks, food, names etc was beautiful.”


“This is Nat’s 3rd pregnancy so she had a lot of great advice to share. It’s very clear in this photo just how tall I am, I mean my chin sits above Nat’s head lol.”

This was Chontel’s first pregnancy. She’s now had two babies.

“We worked out that we are 4 weeks apart, so our little ones will be the same age, same grade at school and potential best buds hehehehe….. Nat’s due start of March & I’m due end of March.”


“Each women carries different and this most certainly doesn’t mean one is doing something wrong or not healthy etc. We both have healthy growing babies & we both have had incredible pregnancies so far, feeling amazing & full of energy.”

That’s a great lesson. One that we hope that people can remember before they write hateful things.

If you’re in the market for some photos of another woman who carries her pregnancies as tightly — or more so — than Chontel, look no further than Sarah Stage:


Monday, October 2, 2017

Tiger Woods Flaunts New Chick at President"s Cup

Is Tiger Woods banging the general manager of his Florida restaurant?  Sure looks like it … especially after the way they cozied up together this weekend at the President’s Cup.  Tiger was arm-in-arm with Erica Herman, who was ID’d on…


Monday, August 28, 2017

Ariel Winter Flaunts Tan Cleavage, Weekend Fun!

Just a couple of weeks ago, Ariel Winter celebrated going back to work on the set of Modern Family by flashing some major underboob.

But she’s clearly still taking her weekends to herself, because Ariel and her boyfriend Levi Meaden were enjoying themselves on and by a lake this weekend.

And there are pictures. Ariel clearly got a tan . . . and so did her cleavage.

Over the weekend, Ariel Winter enjoyed herself on Lake Tahoe.

(Yes, please, go ahead and get all of the “Tahoe” jokes out of your system, please … we’ll wait)

(Done yet?)


So, Lake Tahoe is in California and while we’re sure that Ariel enjoyed her time there, it doesn’t look like she actually got into the water.

But in addition to having a good time and chilling out on the shore, Ariel spent some time on a boat.

As you can see in this photo:

She’s pretty clearly on a boat in this pic.

Though perhaps you were more focused on, um, the foreground.

Ariel Winter spends plenty of time poolside at home, but she usually looks a little fairer than this.

When you’re at home, of course, you’re more likely to apply sunscreen pretty constantly and less likely to stay out for as long.

(There are so many appealing things about being indoors, after all)

When you’re out on a lake, though, it’s pretty common to put on suncreen once or twice but maybe let a little too much time pass and get some sun.

Thus why Ariel’s cleavage is showing so much than, there.

She and Levi both spent some time lounging in the sun.

In most relationships with an age gap like these two have …

(Remember that Levi is, like, 30, and Ariel Winter is still 19)

… it’s the older partner who has to stand up for the younger one.

In this case, though, it’s Ariel — more famous, though they’re both actors — who stands up for Levi.

Just recently, she clapped back at a tabloid story about Levi.

She’s also hit back whenever Levi’s accused of deliberately living in her shadow, clarifying that he’s her boyfriend and not her kept man when people accused her of giving him an allowance.

(People love to trade rumors, folks)

Honestly, and at the risk of courting controversy, we think that it’s kind of precious how aggressively she defends him.

The couple’s only been together for 9 months, but they’ve faced more than their share of detractors.

It’s good that they get to relax together.

Ariel Winter also loves pool floats, which we already knew.

Remember when Ariel posed in a bikini on a giant pizza slice pool float?

Good times, right?

We have no idea if this huge swan float actually made it into those crystal blue waters of Lake Tahoe, but we can’t imagine that Ariel was content to just try it out on the beach.

Also … exactly how many changes of clothes did Ariel Winter bring with her on this trip?

She posted these pics in her Instagram story and she’s wearing a different outfit in every single snap.


Wednesday, August 23, 2017

McKayla Maroney Flaunts Gold Medal Cleavage on Instagram

McKayla Maroney won America’s admiration with her spectacular gymnastic skills at the 2012 Olympics, winning an team Gold and an individual Silver medal.

Her adorable reaction to being awarded a Silver medal went viral, and won hearts all over the world.

These days, she’s older and she’s not shy about showing off her amazing body, as these new photos make very clear.

We cannot emphasize enough how much McKayla’s famous and very distinctive reaction of disappointment has overshadowed everything else about her in terms of how the public views her.

It’s hard to imagine someone taking a selfie with her without them both doing the “not impressed” face.

Hell, when President Obama met McKayla Maroney, the two took a photo together where they were both making that facial expression.


The second place belt at the trivia night that I attend is just called the “Maroney.” It also has a large photo of McKayla Maroney, front and center.

She’s a household name in a way that very few Olympic athletes ever are.

She’s also just … all kinds of hot these days, as you can see here:


McKayla shared a series of three photos via her Instagram story.

(Instagram stories, if you’ll recall, are said to be basically just Mark Zuckerberg’s plan to destroy Snapchat since they refused to let him buy them)

You can see her knee emerging from the rips in her jeans (she has those rips on both sides).

In case you’re wondering what that red stuff is around her hair, that’s a filter that’s giving her a crown of hearts.

Understandably, that might not be what people first notice about this image.

Clearly McKayla isn’t feeling shy about baring her cleavage.

And there’s no reason for her to be, because she’s a shockingly gorgeous young woman.

There have been some McKayla Maroney boob job rumors over the years, but … those just look like natural breasts to us, folks.

Some people might be wondering why they didn’t notice how hot McKayla Maroney was back in 2012, when every camera was on her.

The answer is because she was sixteen, you guys.


She turns twenty-two later this year (December 9th, almost one month after Taylor Swift’s new album comes out).

Her youth has come up before, if you’ll recall.

It’s not that 16 is an unusual age to be an Olympic gymnast — it’s basically standard, right?

But some awful person hacked McKayla Maroney’s nudes.

That’s terrible enough on its own.

(No one deserves to have their intimate photos stolen, and no one is “asking for it” by having those photos in their possession or by having taken them in the first place)

It wasn’t until later that we learned that McKayla Maroney was underage in those pics, which makes a bad situation worse.

But we’re glad that McKayla hasn’t been so scarred by the experience of having her nude photos leak that she wants to retreat from being a public figure.

Or even just shy away from taking alluring photos.

Not for our sake (though the world enjoys her pictures), but for hers.

She deserves to get to live her life, unobstructed by unwelcome opinions or fear at being hacked again.

And if she wants to post thirst traps, she’s welcome to do so.


Thursday, August 3, 2017

Emily Ratajkowski Flaunts MAJOR Underboob - Too Hot for Instagram!

Emily Ratajkowski’s boobs may keep her from getting hired for serious roles — which is a real shame — but Emily Ratajkowski’s turning her ample lemons into lemonade by serving up eye-popping looks on social media.

Of course, some of her outfits … or, rather, lack of outfits … aren’t what you’d call Instagram appropriate.

But that’s what Snapchat is still hanging around for, right?

Emily Ratajkowski is a stunning model and endearing actress who’s as admired for her political activism and unapologetic feminism as she is for her jaw-dropping looks.

She started her day by wishing followers “good morning” while wearing, well, not much.

That appears to be a thong and  some sort of hybrid between a thin white tee-shirt and a scarf.

Because it conceals nothing past her nipples … if that much.

You can see that Emily had to position her hand pretty carefully for some makeshift censorship.

Emily Ratajkowski is popular and hot on Instagram, but that app has rules, folks.

Snapchat, however, is much more permissive, which is why her followers were treated to this:

Her shirt, while her arms are down and while she’s standing still, just barely comes down far enough to “hide” her nipples.

But in addition to revealing a very generous amount of underboob, you can see her right nipple as clear as anything.

It’s poking through her shirt, folks.

As always, Emily Ratajkowski looks stunning.

We don’t know if she’s wearing different underwear than in the previous photo.

(Where her thong was black)

Or if it’s just colored differently in the front.

Emily Ratajkowski has never been shy about nudity during her career.

Well, she didn’t exactly traipse around while topless when she had a recurring guest spot on iCarly as Gibby’s inexplicably hot girlfriend.

(Gibby himself, if you’ll recall from the glory days of iCarly being a ratings juggernaut for Nickelodeon, had a habit of removing his shirt in comical situations. Emily Ratajkowski’s character herself did not, for numerous reasons that we hope that we don’t need to explain)

But whether it was appearing in the video for that awful song, Blurred Lines, or her breakout movie role in Gone Girl, Emily Ratajkowski hasn’t shied away from busting out her not-so-secret weapons.

She’s also spoken out about how it’s tragic that nudity is seen as vulgar instead of artistic by too many people within our culture and society.

And she’s absolutely right.

It’s sad, though, that Emily Ratajkowski doesn’t seem to be considered for more roles.

Nudity shouldn’t back her into a corner, role-wise.

If anything, it should broaden the field of roles for which she’s considered.

She should be playing a scifi heroine who adventures on a starship.

Or she should model for and voice a video game protagonist who hunts demons or ghouls or whatever.

That’s what we want her to be able to do, career-wise.

Emily Ratajkowski can do so much more than play girlfriends and have boobs.

No matter how great those boobs may be.


Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Justin Bieber Flaunts Cross Tattoo Near His Eye

Justin Bieber seems to be reaffirming his dedication to Christ by showing off one of his more recent tattoos — one that proves his eye is on the prize. Justin posted an extreme close-up of this tiny tattoo of a cross next to his left eye,…


Kim Kardashian Flaunts the Nipple in NYC, No Imagination Needed

Kim Kardashian’s a soldier … for the nipple revolution, and something tells us she won’t have a problem getting people to fall in line. Kim was leaving a clothing shop Tuesday in NYC wearing a see-through black blouse … putting everything on…


Thursday, July 27, 2017

Hot Mugshut Guy: Wife Shares Anger on Social Media While Jeremy Meeks Flaunts Affair

Who would have thought that the guy who got famous thanks to a mug shot might be a little dishonest? If only we’d had some clue that he wasn’t a stand-up guy!

So, as much as the world loves a good rags-to-riches story in the form of a guy going directly from prison to walk the runway, the world was disappointed when Jeremy Meeks, a guy suddenly famous for being attractive and suddenly making more money than ever before, was caught cheating on his wife.

But no one was so disappointed as Melissa Meeks herself. And as his affair goes on, her scathing messages on social media aren’t going away.

To be clear, Melissa Meeks shared a post that someone made in anger, saying that it really resonated with her, so not every part of it necessarily directly refers to Jeremy Meeks or their marriage.

“Saw this and felt how REAL it was, so I wanted to share it… #haveablessedday #remember #keepitsolid”

First of all, when you share something that angry, your “have a blessed day” message seems … insincere.

Yes, even if your anger and the wish of wellness are directed at different people.

The tones just don’t match.

Are you ready to read the emoji-laden message that Mrs. Meeks connected with so deeply that she decided to share it?

Here you go:

“I fed mouths that talked s— about me. I wiped tears from the same people that caused mines [sic]. Picked up people that tried to knock me down.”

That’s a fine way for it to start, right?

But then the problems start:

“Did favors for those who couldn’t do s— for me.”

Is that not just part of being a good person?

“Been there for the ones that left me. Crazy? Maybe.”

Not crazy — most of these are just parts of being a person.

“But I don’t lose myself in the hatred of others.”

Venting this much anger doesn’t make it seem that way.

“I continue to be me because I can’t change who I am.”

That’s … true.

“Life ain’t easy, but through all the bulls— I still remain solid.”

That’s a little colorful but much better than some of the earlier griping.

And then she (or, rather, the original poster) throws in the religious angle.

“Because I know God got big plans for me.”

When it’s not causing pop stars like Justin Bieber to abruptly cancel their tours, leaving hundreds of people without work, faith can be a very comforting thing.

Jeremy Meeks was caught kissing Topshop heiress Chloe Green on a boat, which is what started all of this.

What could have been a simple kiss — sometimes people just make out — is clearly much more, as Jeremy and Chloe are still together.

Seriously, they’ve been getting spotted hanging out together, running errands together, getting interviewed together. …

Oh, and making out.

They’ve been doing a lot of kissing in public.

Though Melissa Meeks announced that the couple was through after the first photos surfaced, Jeremy managed to undercut her by filing separation papers himself.

This could be significant, because details like “date of separation” can matter a lot in a less-than-amicable divorce.

Particularly when the whole cause for divorce is allegations of cheating.

If the two “separated” before the cheating took place, well … that’s not cheating, is it?

You may be thinking that, as much as you feel for Melissa, you understand where Jeremy Meeks is coming from.

His life has just changed and maybe he can’t relate to his wife anymore now that he’s globe-trotting for work and making modeling money.

And Chloe Green is new and exciting — and stands to inherit an almost comical amount of money (it’s in the low billions, folks).

You should remember that Melissa Meeks stood by and waited for Jeremy while he was in prison.

And this is how he rewards her.

Maybe if he’d been up front with her, we’d feel differently.

We don’t know everything about how his new relationship blossomed, so maybe it was spontaneous.

But … Melissa shouldn’t have had to find out the way that she did.


Friday, July 21, 2017

Blac Chyna Flaunts New BF After He Gets Her Initials Tattooed On Him

Blac Chyna’s new man is all-in on her brand … and they’re both making sure Rob Kardashian’s aware. Chyna and singer Mechie – who she’s been hooking up with for a couple weeks — shot a video showing off a very fresh looking ‘BC’ tattoo…


Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Eva Longoria Flaunts Cleavage in Husband"s Face at Beach in Spain

Eva Longoria and her husband’s honeymoon phase still seems to be in full swing after more than a year of marriage — boobs in the face will do that! Eva and her media mogul hubby, Jose Baston, hit the beach in Marbella, Spain Tuesday … and he had…


Monday, July 10, 2017

Kenya Moore Flaunts Her New Husband Despite Real Housewives Drama!

When we heard that Kenya Moore has to choose between her new husband and her job, we figured that it was a no-brainer. Being on The Real Housewives of Atlanta brings money and fame, while marrying brings statistically shorter life expectancies for women.

But Kenya is clearly experiencing that “love” emotion when it comes to Marc Daly. That’s been clear from the get-go.

In fact, Kenya’s clearly so enamored that she’s showing him off on Instagram.

Ever since Kenya Moore’s secret wedding, we’ve been itching to learn more about Marc Daly.

But, famously, he’s reluctant to appear on The Real Housewives of Atlanta.

(And by “reluctant,” we mean adamant, because it doesn’t sound like he’s budging even though it could cost Kenya Moore her job)

Reportedly, Marc has an issue with the negative way that he says that black men are portrayed on the series.

He didn’t get specific, but we think that he joins others who have pointed out that RHOA portrays black men as lacking while showing white men as providers and desirable partners.

(There are a lot of thoughtful critiques of how reality television portrays black people, and the trends are not pretty)

We’d point out that, even as much control as producers and editors have, he might change that perceived portrayal by appearing on the show.

Also, from day one we were concerned that Kenya Moore could get kicked off of the show over having a secret wedding.

After all, it kind of spoils the image of “reality television” when something as big as a wedding happens off-screen.

But Marc seems unwilling to step in front of the Real Housewives of Atlanta cameras.

He’s clearly not universally camera-shy, though.

Because look what popped up on Kenya Moore’s Instagram page on Sunday:

Now, we might not know as much as we’d like about Marc Daly.

But that is a man who can really fill out a shirt.

And we totally get why Kenya is so besotted.

(Seriously, Kenya Moore praises Marc Daly a lot)

And we’re so happy for her that she’s found love.


After 46 years.

But we do question if Marc, or love itself, could be worth sacrificing her reality TV career.

But maybe it’s unfair to put all of that pressure (or blame) on Marc.

After all, The Real Housewives of Atlanta hired Kenya.

If she’s too boring to put on television, that’s probably on her.

If the show’s producers and editors can’t find a way to include her on the series, that sounds like it’s their problem.

In neither case does Marc, who never signed up for the show to begin with, sound like the bad guy.

And while Kenya’s been slow to open up about him, it sounds like Marc is a real good guy.

The whole thing is almost enough to make you believe in romantic love, right?


We really do hope that all of the parties involved can reach some sort of resolution soon.

Whatever that might mean.

(And there are some rumors floating around that she’s still negotiating, so maybe this story will have an all-around happy ending)

It looks like, if push comes to shove, Kenya will choose love, and that’s all well and good.

But we’d hate for her to go on this journey with Marc Daly and one day look back on this crossroads with regrets or second thoughts, you know?


Thursday, July 6, 2017

Christina El Moussa Flaunts Bikini Body, New Controversial Boyfriend

Forget the bangs made by fireworks on July Fourth.

Christina El Moussa rang in the summer holiday this week by showing off her banging bikini body … while chilling with her shady new boyfriend a luxury boat in Newport, California.

Celebrity gossip outlets such as Entertainment Tonight have shared the sexy photos of El Moussa, who has said very little about her romance with Doug Spedding.

But a few sordid details have leaked out of late about the businessman.

For one thing, he actually dated Christina many years ago, long before she met, fell for and married Tarek El Moussa.

For another thing, the car dealer has been sued on a number of occasions for alleged bad business practices.

According to Orange County court documents, Spedding has not always been so customer friendly, having been accused in 2008, for example, of deceiving customers into purchasing a more expensive vehicle than they had intended to buy.

For a third thing, he may be equally untrustworthy in his personal life.

Some woman named Tracy Johnson-Diaz has come forward and shared text messages that she claims prove she’s been sleeping with Spedding throughout his relationship with El Moussa.

In one text obtained by Radar Online, Spedding comes directly out and asked Tracy if she wants to “f-ck right now.”

bad text

To be fair, as you can see above, there’s no way to validate whether these texts were sent by Tracy or Doug or on what date or really anything at all.

This isn’t exactly evidence that would hold up in a court of law.

In the court of public opinion, however, Christina isn’t known for having the best taste in men.

She and Tarek came across like a regular, very happy couple during the early years of Flip or Flop on HGTV.

But they separated in the spring of 2016 and Tarek filed for divorce earlier this year.

Both reality stars have been busy ever since trying to win the PR game, sharing photos of their new and improved bodies on social media, while also gushing over their two little kids.

Christina, meanwhile, dated the family contractor (Gary Anderson) last year, prior to moving on here to Spedding.

In June, an insider told Entertainment Tonight that the relationship was “new,” but exciting and full of potential to be serious.

“Christina and him recently reconnected,” the source said at the time, explaining that the two have known one another for over a decade and adding:

“She dated him before her and Tarek were together.”

As a result, previous reports claimed Tarek was very jealous of the courtship, but he swears this isn’t the case.

“She’ll call me and ask how’s my cancer remission, how are the doctors,” Tarek told E! of Christina recently, insisting that he and his ex-wife are on solid terms.

“I’ll call and ask the same about her, how she’s doing, how she’s feeling. We still deep down care about each other.”

This is a good thing because they’re sort of stuck with each other for awhile.

HGTV has ordered more episodes of Flip or Flop, meaning Tarek and Christina will continue filming for another few months, side by side.

Even more urgently, they are parents to a six-year old daughter and a one-year old son.

Both have emphasized again and again how these kids will always be their priority.

So even if Tarek is fuming that another dude gets to touch the body underneath Christina’s bikini, he’ll have to remain as chill about it as possible.

It’s all about the well-being of his children from here on out.


Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Rick Ross Flaunts Slimmer Figure in Track Suit

Rick Ross is almost unrecognizable … save for his trademark beard and tats. Da Boss was looking like a man in charge Monday at LAX as he flaunted a seriously slimmer physique. He was flanked by his entourage as he headed to security. The…


Rick Ross Flaunts Slimmer Figure in Track Suit

Rick Ross is almost unrecognizable … save for his trademark beard and tats. Da Boss was looking like a man in charge Monday at LAX as he flaunted a seriously slimmer physique. He was flanked by his entourage as he headed to security. The…
