Showing posts with label Golden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Golden. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Kendall Jenner Speaks Out About Golden Globes Acne!

The Golden Globes were a huge deal. Oprah delivered an epic speechso epic that it got tragically sidelined by debate about whether or not she should become President, which was entirely not the point.

But not even that series of epic moments on the red carpet and at the ceremony itself could distract viewers from a certain member of the Kardashian clan who came dressed in black. And … sporting some acne.

Some fans decided to give Kendall Jenner a hard time about her breakout, but she’s speaking out about it on Twitter.

Kendall Jenner is drop-dead gorgeous.

Beauty is subjective, so they say, but many feel that she’s the most beautiful member of the Kardashian-Jenner clan.

Many of the Kardashians have done modeling — often for their own products.

But Kendall’s really the only one to make an entire career out of professional modeling. She’s a supermodel.

But even so, that wasn’t enough to keep fans — and people who are decidedly not fans — from pointing out that she was sporting some facial acne at the Golden Globes.

Do you notice the acne? The little bumps on her face.

Not to be confused with the possible baby bump that some fans thought that they spotted, leading them to believe that Kendall Jenner is also pregnant.

(Honestly, we don’t need that level of madness in our lives … which is also probably how Kendall feels as she’s soon to become Kris Jenner’s only childless child)

It’s not a big deal. Lots of people — almost everyone — gets acne.

Remember your health teacher telling the class of 11-year-olds that everybody gets acne during puberty but it goes away when you’re an adult?

You grew up to learn that this was a lie, and that even if you wash your face with overpriced products every single day, you still get acne sometimes. Well, celebs go through the same thing. Kendall included.

What most of us have never faced is being in the spotlight on the level of, say, attending the Golden Globes or being Kendall Jenner.

And certainly not both.

Kendall Jenner got some negative mentions on social media. Because, sadly, of course she did.

If you want to criticize her business choices or whatever, go to town, but making fun of somebody’s acne on social media or in real life is a super garbage thing to do, folks.

Anyway, Kendall didn’t directly respond to the hate. She instead responded to a very different message.

One Twitter user tweeted:

“Ok but @Kend​allJenner showing up and strutting her acne while looking like a gorgeous star is what every girl needs to understand.”

That’s a great message, though most people who are intent on loathing their appearances might say “well yeah but she’s Kendall Jenner.” Which is missing the point.

Kendall saw the tweet and quoted it, writing:

“Never let that s–t stop you!” [smiling face with sunglasses emoji] [sparkles emoji]

Honestly, that’s good advice.

Good advice for anyone … and maybe good advice, specifically, for her sister Kylie.

Kylie Jenner is due on February 4th. That’s less than a month from now, folks. And, well, she’s been reportedly concerned for months that her pregnancy is making her ugly.

Maybe it’s her baby bump. Maybe it’s weight gain — that’s normal for pregnancies, folks. Maybe it’s stretch marks. Maybe gestational acne. Maybe it’s something else. We don’t know.

Whatever it is, it’s so bad that she’s reportedly just planning on hiding out until the baby is born. That’s her choice but it’s also nuts.

We can’t help but wonder if Kendall is sending a not-so-subtle message to her sister, or at least thinking of her.

If Kendall can go to the Golden Globes with an acne breakout covering the side of one of her cheeks, then Kylie can show her face while pregnant.


Frances McDormand"s Golden Globes Speech Mistakenly Bleeped in Fear of FCC

Frances McDormand’s Golden Globes speech was mistakenly bleeped because staff working the show thought for sure she was about to curse … TMZ has learned.  Sources close to the Globes tell TMZ … McDormand was bleeped three times during the…


Monday, January 8, 2018

Drake and Zoe Kravitz Get Cozy at Golden Globes Party

Drake and Zoë Kravitz partied like it’s 2013, getting all handsy and rekindling an old flame … or so it seems. OVO and Zoë were together at Netflix’s Golden Globes party Sunday night, and it wasn’t hard to tell they have…


Oprah Winfrey 2020: Golden Globes Speech Prompts Presidential Run Demands!

Sunday night’s Golden Globes award ceremony had a number of big moments, but the biggest by far was Oprah Winfrey’s incredible speech. People are still talking about it.

But some people — particularly on Twitter — are talking about more than just Oprah’s speech.

They’re talking about Oprah’s potential political career. They’re talking about Oprah 2020.

Oprah Winfrey, clad in a gorgeous black dress, accepted the prestigious Cecile B. DeMille award.

The speech that she delivered touched hearts and minds. Talking about the changes and milestones that she’s seen in her lifetime, and all of the positive change that still needs to happen, 

In that speech, she speaks up for so many marginalized people who have endured similar abuses to what so many women in Hollywood have undergone, but who aren’t in any position to speak up. 

Even with the #MeToo movement and now the #TimesUp movement, some people’s jobs or lives make it impossible for them to speak up without potentially condemning their children to lose everything.

You know what some would call everyday folks in those circumstances? Voters.

Twitter’s reaction to Oprah’s evocative speech was pretty intense, with one tweet reading:

“As I sit here in tears…I have never ever seen such a speech. @Oprah, my friend. Please run for President. This world needs more of THAT. WOW.”

That was a very popular sentiment. And it still is.

The idea of Oprah running for President isn’t new. After Trump’s alarming electoral victory in 2016, a number of Democrats started to wonder if the Left needed a billionaire celebrity of their own.

Oprah is a self-made billionaire who has touched the lives of millions. She’s intelligent, well-spoken, thoughtful, compassionate, and her positive contributions to society are well-known.

On the other hand, some wonder if Oprah’s lack of any governing experience should disqualify her from the position.

Prior to 2016, Presidential candidates were usually either former members of Congress or former Governors. People need to feel confident that their candidate knows what they’re doing.

Some question whether Trump’s disastrous Presidency is simply making people desperate for any alternative whom they believe could win, rather than for the best and most qualified person for the job.

Is Oprah the answer to our nation’s problems? Or just an inspirational name that some hope will bring in the right votes and bring an end to our long national nightmare in 2020?

Some criticisms of the idea are less about Oprah and more about … other political beliefs of there.

It’s been pointed out that Oprah becoming President would mean that Oprah would be the one ordering drone strikes.

For some people, the US’ ongoing drone warfare as a counterterrorism strategy is controversial.

For some, very validly, there’s concern about collateral damage. (Though still, fewer innocents die in drone strikes than would die if the US sent in soldiers to perform the same duties)

For others, however, there’s a general objection to some of the roles that a modern Presidency fulfills. Some of these people are anarchists, others merely pacifists.

And there are plenty of folks who would hate to see Oprah committing what they believe to be “atrocities.”

Some say that you can’t fix the problems of an evil billionaire celebrity with a good billionaire celebrity.

Under no circumstances would Oprah’s candidacy mean that the Democratic Party would be “sinking to the level” of the GOP.

Oprah worked herself from nothing and became a billionaire. Trump inherited his father’s riches and, with repeated failures, is worth less today than he would have made if he’d simply invested his inheritance.

But while Oprah is an incredible human being, is she the best choice?

Would an Oprah Presidency see cabinet positions filled by unqualified charlatans? Would Doctor Oz be Surgeon General? Would Doctor Phil be … whatever cabinet position is usually filled by walruses?

Let’s wait and see what sort of campaign Oprah would run before we rush to judgment in either direction, okay?


Tonya Harding and Tommy Wiseau Score at the Golden Globes

Tonya Harding and director Tommy Wiseau walk into a Golden Globes party … nope, not the start of a one-liner, but something that actually happened. The duo took this pic at a party Sunday, after the award show where both were thanked by…


Blanca Blanco: Slammed for Revealing RED Dress at the Golden Globes

There were many winners at the Golden Globe Awards on Sunday night:

Nicole Kidman. Oprah Winfrey. Anyone associated with the movie Lady Bird.

In the aftermath of an event that celebrated female empowerment, however, one clear loser has emerged. Her name is Blanca Blanco.

Yes, Blanca Blanco.

We’re guessing you haven’t heard of this actress, considering her IMDB page for projects in 2017 includes movies titled Spreading Darkness, Fake News and American Romance.

She isn’t exactly an A-Lister.

But Blanco still managed to make many headlines at the Golden Globes because she walked the red carpet in the ensemble pictured above and below.

Pretty much everyone on the Internet has noted both the dress color and the abundance of skin Blanco flaunted in the outfit, both of which went against the evening’s theme.

As detailed in the photo gallery down below, nearly every other celebrity at the ceremony was dressed in black as a protest against the sexual harassment endemic that has plagued Hollywood for decades.

But not Blanco.

She thumbed her nose (and exposed her cleavage) at this convention, rocking a seriously red and revealing ensemble.

And social media definitely noticed.

Some folks replied with humor:

blanco note

And others with a critique of Blanco, both for defying the all-black fashion statement and also for the actual dress she chose.

To wit:

Blanco image

Still others, meanwhile, thought it was hypocritical to call out a woman for what she was wearing, considering the entire point of the “protest” at the Golden Globes was to show that females are strong and powerful and independent.

Doesn’t it run counter to that point to drag a woman for choosing to wear whatever she wants?

As for what she was thinking, Blanco spoke to Refinery 29 about the controversy and said:

“I love red. Wearing red does not means I am against #timesup movement.

“I applaud and stand by the courageous actresses that continue to break the circle of abuse through their actions and their style choice.

“It is one of many factors leading women to a safer place because of their status in the acting world. I am excited about the Time’s UP movement because true change is long overdue.”

After giving props to designer Atria Couture for the gown in an interview with Fox, Blanco also jumped on Twitter and wrote:

“The issue is bigger than my dress color. Red is passionate. #TIMESUP.”

That’s true and fair.

But should people passionate about the issue of sexual misconduct across Hollywood and other fields fault Blanco for her decision?

Sound off below, while you check out these snapshots:


Aziz Ansari Celebrates Golden Globes Victory with In-N-Out

Aziz Ansari didn’t settle for winning a Golden Globe, he immediately followed that up with another trophy — a fresh bag of In-N-Out! The “Master of None” star was double-fisting Sunday night — his statuette in one hand, and his bag of…


Aziz Ansari Celebrates Golden Globes Victory with In-N-Out

Aziz Ansari didn’t settle for winning a Golden Globe, he immediately followed that up with another trophy — a fresh bag of In-N-Out! The “Master of None” star was double-fisting Sunday night — his statuette in one hand, and his bag of…


James Franco: Ally Sheedy Hints at Sexual Misconduct, Slams Golden Globes Win

One of the most buzzed-about moments from last night’s Golden Globes ceremony did not involve Oprah or Natalie Portman. 

When James Franco was awarded the prize for for best actor in a musical or comedy, he received some unexpected backlash.

Franco called to the stage Tommy Wiseau, the director and real life director behind his role in The Disaster Artist.

but shut the enigmatic filmmaker down when he attempted to make a speech.

Wiseau was reportedly not happy about being publicly rebuked, and sources say he made his displeasure clear after the ceremony.

And it seems he wasn’t the only one who was outraged by Franco’s victory on Sunday night.

Tweeting from an unverified account, Ally Sheedy, the actress perhaps best known for her role in the 1985 film The Breakfast Club, weighed in.

Ally and James

She hinted that sexual misconduct on Franco’s part played a part in her decision to leave the film industry.

“James Franco just won,” Sheedy wrote.

“Please never ask me why I left the film/tv business.”

The tweet was one of several in which Sheedy was critical of Franco and the awards themselves.

“Why is a man hosting?” Sheedy tweeted at the start of the evening.

“Why is James Franco allowed in? Said too much. Nite love ya.”

Shortly thereafter, she added:

“Ok wait. Bye. James Franco and Christian Bale at a table on @goldenglobes #MeToo”

Sheedy deleted the tweets after Vanity Fair and several other outlets reported that she has implicitly accused Franco of sexual misconduct.

She worked with Franco in the 2014 play The Long Shrift, but she has never before publicly suggested that he behaved inappropriately.

This, of course, is not the first time that Franco has found himself enmeshed in a sex scandal.

Also in 2014, the actor was accused of attempting to seduce a 17-year-old girl he met online and attempting to arrange an illicit rendezvous.

He later joked about the incident while hosting Saturday Night Live.

Contacted by several media outlets, Sheedy declined to comment further on her tweets.

To some observers, this silence suggests that either there’s more to that story, or that she too was victimized by Franco.

We’ll have further details on this developing story as more information becomes available.


Natalie Portman Heroically Announces "All-Male" Nominees at the Golden Globes

Not all heroes wear capes. Some wear elegant black dresses.

Last night at the Golden Globes, Oprah delivered the incredible speech that everyone’s talking about. But she wasn’t the only one to catch everyone’s attention.

Natalie Portman, with just a few words, called out hypocrisy and showed that she was not even remotely f–king around. See the epic moment below!

The big chatter leading up to Sunday night’s Golden Globes award show, everyone was talking about the black dresses.

Would every woman be wearing a black dress? Was it a visual sign of solidarity or an empty gesture?

(Hint: since these women are doing a lot more than have a matching color scheme, it’s really not an empty gesture)

People also talked about men wearing black in support … but since men are generally dressed in mostly black for these events anyway, would that be significant in any way?

But once people started showing up on the red carpet, talk swiftly turned away from the omnipresent (and gorgeous) black dresses.

Debra Messing (who remains beloved, even though the Will & Grace revival is kind of a mess) called out E! for allegedly not paying Catt Sadler fairly.

The gender pay gap is serious business, folks, and it exists in so many businesses. Sadler quit E! after more than a decade, upon learning that her male costar was allegedly earning twice her salary.

Messing said this on E!‘s red carpet, while being interviewed by Giuliana Rancic.

Eva Longoria, looking pregnant and gorgeous, also called out E! for their alleged pay gap.

The highlight of this Golden Globes night of zero chill was definitely Oprah’s inspiring, powerful speech.

But Oprah wasn’t the only star speaking out or making headlines and waves from that stage.

Natalie Portman and Ron Howard came up on stage for what seemed like it would be a regular, run-of-the-mill presentation of the Best Director category and the announcement of the winner.

But, as you can see here, Natalie Portman announced the nominees by highlighting the fact that every single nominee was male:

“And here are the all-male nominees.”

Honestly? What a great reminder that Natalie Portman was the best possible choice to play Padme Amidala. Sometimes the character and actor match up.

Anyway, this moment did not go unnoticed.

Shonda Rhimes tweeted: “‘And here are the all male nominees.’ Natalie Portman calls it for what it is.”

Sarah Silverman tweeted: “Oh s–t Portman for the win! ‘And here are the all male nominees’ wheeeeWhoooo!!”

We don’t want to give the impression that the Golden Globes were business as usual. They were not.

Oprah was the first black woman in her category.

Sterling K. Brown made history with his award.

Aziz Ansari made history with his award.

But these are long overdue milestones. These are entire demographics of supremely talented actors who have been shut out for years and are only now receiving the recognition that they deserve.

Kind of like plenty of female directors who, many believe, deserved more recognition for their groundbreaking work in 2017.


Rose McGowan Tears Into Golden Globes, "Fake" Hollywood Activism

The 2018 Golden Globe Awards aired live from Los Angeles on Sunday night.

But talk afterward was less about big wins for Big Little Lies and more about the theme of nearly every speech, not to mention nearly every outfit:

Female empowerment in Hollywood.

As you can see in the photo gallery above, celebrities from all industries walked the red carpet in all-black, coming together to make a statement in support of the #MeToo Movement.

Speech after speech centered on this topic, which has been at the forefront of the entertainment world for months now, ever since producer Harvey Weinstein was exposed as a sexual predator.

There were multiple standing ovations.

There were many tears shed.

There was applause all around for the brave women (and men) who have spoken out against accusers and helped drive terrible people such as Kevin Spacey and Matt Lauer out of a job.

In other words:

This was the sort of night Rose McGowan has been waiting for her entire professional life, right?

The actress came out long ago with accusations of rape against Weinstein and has finally seen these allegations proven right.

So, why didn’t she do a figurative victory dance on Sunday?

Because McGowan doesn’t care about symbolism.

She cares about action.

The star took to Twitter to slam her acting peers in response to the following Tweet from Asia Argento, an actress and singer who also says Weinstein raped her.

“No one should forget that you were the first one who broke the silence,” she wrote to McGown, adding:

“Anyone who tries to diminish your work is a troll and an enemy of the movement. You gave me the courage to speak out. I am on your side until I die.”

Replied McGowan:

“And not one of those fancy people wearing black to honor our rapes would have lifted a finger had it not been so. I have no time for Hollywood fakery, but you I love, .@AsiaArgento #RoseArmy.”

Argento went on to note that neither she nor McGowan were invited to attend the Golden Globes.

This isn’t the first time McGowan has been critical of her fellow celebrities. She is nothing if not passionate and outspoken.

Late last year, for example, McGowan Tweeted about the idea for stars to wear black as a fashion/anti-harassment statement in a series of since-deleted posts.

“Actresses, like Meryl Streep, who happily worked for The Pig Monster, are wearing black @GoldenGlobes in silent protest. YOUR SILENCE is THE problem,” she wrote at the time, adding:

“You’ll accept a fake award breathlessly & affect no real change. I despise your hypocrisy.”

Shortly after McGowan’s comments, Streep told Entertainment Tonight that she was “hurt to be attacked by” McGowan and insisted she knew nothing at all about Weinstein’s bad reputation when it came to women.

“I did not know about Weinstein’s crimes, not in the ‘90s when he attacked her, or through subsequent decades when he proceeded to attack others,” Streep said in response.

“I wasn’t deliberately silent. I didn’t know. I don’t tacitly approve of rape. I didn’t know. I don’t like young women being assaulted. I didn’t know this was happening.”

For the record, and for what it’s worth, Streep attended Sunday night’s ceremony.

She wore a black gown and she took activist/the Director of the National Domestic Workers Alliance, Ai-jen Poo, as her date.


Golden Globes: 13 Most Memorable (and Powerful) Moments

Two moving movies and one HBO television show won big at the 2018 Golden Globes.

But what were the moments everyone is talking about in the aftermath of a unique ceremony that dedicated over three hours of speeches and presentations to victims of sexual harassment?

From a winning monologue to a bold two words uttered by a former Oscar winner, scroll down to find out…

1. The Host with the Most…

The host with the most

… great jokes. Seth Meyers receives strong marks for a monologue that was both funny, relevant and unafraid to call out the major names who have been busted for sexual misconduct.

2. Nicole Kidman Won the First Award of the Night…

Nicole kidman won the first award of the night

… and then said this: “Keith Urban, when my cheek is against yours, everything melts away — and that is love. It’s true. I love you so much.” Total and complete swoon.

3. Natalie Portman Wore Black…

Natalie portman wore black

… but she also used words to speak out against the power imbalance in Hollywood. While introducing the nominated Best Directors with Ron Howard, Portman, the actress tossed in two words a pair of important and pointed words: “And here are the ALL MALE nominees…”

4. Friends Forever?

Friends forever

More like icon forever. Jennifer Aniston was all of us in presenting on stage with her idol, Carol Burnett. Their bit included the veteran comedian mistaking the actress for Will & Grace star Debra Messing… and Aniston finally getting the chance to tug her idol’s ear.

5. Sterling K. Brown Makes History

Sterling k brown makes history

Brown earned the trophy for best actor in a television series in a drama, becoming the first black man to do so. He then said on stage: “[Series creator] Dan Fogelman throughout the majority of my career I’ve benefited from color blind casting. Like, ‘Hey let’s throw a brother in this role.’ It’s really cool, but then Dan, you wrote a role for a black man that could only be played by a black man. So what I really appreciate about this thing is I’m being seen for who I am and being appreciated for who I am, and it makes it that much more difficult to dismiss me and anyone who looks like me. So thank you, Dan.”

6. Tonya Harding for None of the Wins

Tonya harding for none of the wins

Allison Janney won for her role in I, Tonya, a movie that paints the former figure skater as a victim. The winner then gave Harding, who was in attendance, a shout-out. Isn’t this still the same person who has admitted she knew ahead of time of a planned attack against Nancy Kerrigan?!? Perhaps she doesn’t deserve such honor and recognition.

View Slideshow

Golden Globes 2018: ALL the Winners!

… and we’re off!

With the 75th annual Golden Globes being handed out on Sunday night, awards season in Hollywood is officially underway.

Look for many famous men in tuxedoes and many famous women in expensive dresses to be walking many red carpets in the weeks ahead.

globe logo

But the Golden Globe Awards remain unique because they honor the very best in the world of movies AND television.

They were hosted by Seth Meyers this year and they recognized a wide swath of actors, actresses, comedies and drama.

Enough with this drama, though, right? Let’s get to the rundown of winners….


Best Television Series — Drama

The Crown, Netflix

Game of Thrones, HBO

The Handmaid’s Tale, Hulu – Winner

Stranger Things, Netflix

This Is Us, NBC


Best Television Series — Comedy

Black-ish, ABC

The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, Amazon – Winner

Master of None, Netflix

SMILF, Showtime

Will & Grace, NBC

Best Television Limited Series or Motion Picture Made for Television

Big Little Lies, HBO – Winner

Fargo, FX

Feud: Bette and Joan, FX

The Sinner, USA

Top of the Lake: China Girl, Sundance TV

Best Performance by an Actor in a Television Series — Drama

Jason Bateman, Ozark

Sterling K. Brown, This Is Us – Winner

Freddie Highmore, The Good Doctor

Bob Odenkirk, Better Call Saul

Liev Schreiber, Ray Donovan

Best Performance by an Actress in a Television Series — Drama

Caitriona Balfe, Outlander

Claire Foy, The Crown

Maggie Gyllenhaal, The Deuce

Katherine Langford, 13 Reasons Why

Elisabeth Moss, The Handmaid’s Tale – Winner

Best Performance by an Actor in a Television Series — Comedy

Anthony Anderson, Black-ish

Aziz Ansari, Master of None – Winner

Kevin Bacon, I Love Dick

William H. Macy, Shameless

Eric McCormack, Will & Grace

Best Performance by an Actress in a Television Series — Comedy

Pamela Adlon, Better Things

Alison Brie, GLOW

Rachel Brosnahan, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel – Winner

Issa Rae, Insecure Frankie Shaw, SMILF

Best Performance by an Actress in a Limited Series or Motion Picture Made for Television

Jessica Biel, The Sinner

Nicole Kidman, Big Little Lies – Winner

Jessica Lange, Feud: Bette and Joan

Susan Sarandon, Feud: Bette and Joan

Reese Witherspoon, Big Little Lies

Best Performance By an Actor in a Television Limited Series or Motion Picture Made for Television

Robert De Niro, The Wizard of Lies

Jude Law, The Young Pope

Kyle MacLachlan, Twin Peaks

Ewan McGregor, Fargo – Winner

Geoffrey Rush, Genius

Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role in a Series, Limited Series, or Motion Picture Made for Television

David Harbour, Stranger Things

Alfred Molina, Feud: Bette and Joan

Christian Slater, Mr. Robot

Alexander Skarsgaard, Big Little Lies – Winner

David Thewlis, Fargo

Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role in a Series, Limited Series, or Motion Picture Made for Television

Laura Dern, Big Little Lies – Winner

Ann Dowd, The Handmaid’s Tale

Chrissy Metz, This Is Us

Michelle Pfeiffer, The Wizard of Lies

Shailene Woodley, Big Little Lies


Best Picture — Drama

Call Me by Your Name


The Post

The Shape of Water

Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri – Winner

Best Picture — Comedy or Musical

The Disaster Artist

Get Out

The Greatest Showman

I, Tonya

Lady Bird – Winner

Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture — Drama

Timothée Chalamet, Call Me by Your Name

Daniel Day Lewis, Phantom Thread

Tom Hanks, The Post

Gary Oldman, The Darkest Hour – Winner

Denzel Washington, Roman J. Israel, Esq.

Best Performance by an Actress in a Motion Picture — Drama

Jessica Chastain, Molly’s Game

Sally Hawkins, The Shape of Water

Frances McDormand, Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri – Winner

Meryl Streep, The Post

Michelle Williams, All the Money in the World

Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture — Musical or Comedy

Steve Carrell, Battle of the Sexes

Ansel Elgort, Baby Driver

James Franco, The Disaster Artist – Winner

Hugh Jackman, The Greatest Showman

Daniel Kaluuya, Get Out

Best Performance by an Actress in a Motion Picture — Musical or Comedy

Judi Dench, Victoria & Abdul

Margot Robbie, I, Tonya

Saoirse Ronan, Lady Bird – Winner

Emma Stone, Battle of the Sexes

Helen Mirren, The Leisure Seeker

Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role in Any Motion Picture

Willem DaFoe, The Florida Project

Armie Hammer, Call Me by Your Name

Richard Jenkins, The Shape of Water

Christopher Plummer, All The Money in the World

Sam Rockwell, Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri – Winner

Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role in Any Motion Picture

Mary J. Blige, Mudbound

Hong Chau, Downsizing

Alison Janney, I, Tonya – Winner

Laurie Metcalf, Lady Bird

Octavia Spencer, The Shape of Water

Best Director — Motion Picture

Guillermo Del Toro, The Shape of Water – Winner

Martin McDonagh, Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri

Christopher Nolan, Dunkirk

Ridley Scott, All the Money in the World

Steven Spielberg, The Post

Best Screenplay — Motion Picture

Guillermo Del Toro and Vanessa Taylor, The Shape of Water

Greta Gerwig, Lady Bird

Liz Hannah and Josh Singer, The Post

Martin McDonagh, Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri – Winner

Aaron Sorkin, Molly’s Game

Best Motion Picture — Animated

The Boss Baby

The Breadwinner

Coco – Winner


Loving Vincent

Best Picture — Foreign Language

A Fantastic Woman (Chile)

First They Killed My Father (Cambodia)

In the Fade (Germany/France) – Winner

Loveless (Russia)

The Square (Sweden, Germany, France)

Best Original Score — Motion Picture

Carter Burwell, Three Billboards outside Ebbing, Missouri

Alexandre Desplat, The Shape of Water – Winner

Jonny Greenwood, Phantom Thread

John Williams, The Post Hans

Zimmer, Dunkirk

Best Original Song — Motion Picture

“Home,” Ferdinand

“Mighty River,” Mudbound

“Remember Me,” Coco

“The Star,” The Star

“This Is Me,” The Greatest Showman – Winner


Oprah Delivers Powerful Golden Globes #MeToo Speech for Cecil B. DeMille Award

You know it’s a movement when Oprah rocks the house with an historically powerful speech about #MeToo at the Golden Globe Awards … which it is, ‘cause she did. Oprah delivered one hell of an acceptance speech after receiving the Cecil B. DeMille…


Golden Globes 2018 Wasn"t a Total Bummer Behind the Scenes

This year’s Golden Globes had a ton of heaviness around it — from the Time’s Up blackout, to the #MeToo movement … but, surprisingly, there were also flashes of joy. Despite Hollywood dealing with a reckoning on sexual misconduct, lots of folks…


Seth Meyers Slams Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey to Open Golden Globes 2018

Seth Meyers came out swinging against Harvey Weinstein and Kevin Spacey in a blistering opening monologue at the Golden Globes … and he didn’t pull any punches. Meyers — who’s this year’s host — threw out two jokes aimed at the disgraced movie…


Everybody Wore Black to Golden Globes 2018, Except These Two Ladies

The Golden Globes was a sea of black Sunday — except for a couple speckles of red and white … from two ladies who apparently didn’t get the memo.  The only two women who appeared not to wear black in solidarity with the Time’s Up and #MeToo…


Golden Globes Awards: All the (Black) Fashion!

The carpet may have been red at the 2018 2018 Golden Globes Awards, but nearly every celebrity who walked on it was dressed in black.

This was their way of making a statement in support of the #MeToo Movement and, especially, in support of all victims of sexual harassment of misconduct.

Who looked best in his or her outfit?

Who actually smiled for once while making a public appearance?

Scroll down to find out!

1. Heidi Klum at the Globes

Heidi klum at the globes

Heidi Klum rocked this black dress at the Golden Globes. What do you think of it?

2. Dakota Johnson at the Globes

Dakota johnson at the globes

Fior Dakota Johnson, it was Fifty Shades of Sexiness at the Golden Globes.

3. Chrissy Metz at the Globes

Chrissy metz at the globes

Chrissy Metz donned this black dress to show support for sexual assault victims at the Golden Globes.

4. Catherine Zeta-Jones at the Globes

Catherine zeta jones at the globes

Catherine Zeta-Jones also went all black in honor of the #MeToo movement at the Golden Globes.

5. Kelly Clarkson at the Globes

Kelly clarkson at the globes

Kelly Clarkson is one of our favorite celebrities around. Full stop.

6. Tracee Ellis Ross at the Golden Globes

Tracee ellis ross at the golden globes

Tracee Ellis Ross stands behind victims of sexual assault victims. Hence, her outfit at the Golden Globes.

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Sunday, January 7, 2018

Golden Globes 2018 Draped in Black for "Time"s Up" Movement

Lots of women in Hollywood are showing up in solidarity for the 75th Golden Globe Awards — dressed in all black. Scores of actresses and others left their hotels for the Beverly Hilton hotel draped in a variety of black dresses and outfits. Some…


Debra Messing Calls Out E! at Golden Globes for Catt Sadler "Pay Disparity"

Debra Messing was the first actress in the Time’s Up movement to take a swipe at E! on the red carpet for the Golden Globes … calling them out for their pay disparity. Debra was being interviewed Sunday by E! host Giuliana Rancic, at which point…
