Showing posts with label Gosselin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gosselin. Show all posts

Monday, June 5, 2017

Jon Gosselin Saves Woman From House Fire in Daring Rescue!

Jon Gosselin’s life hasn’t gone exactly as planned. The guy’s a household name, but his latest job is working as a stripper.

That job can bring a good income, but it can’t be what he’d imagined for himself.

But now he’s saved a woman’s life — and both of her dogs!

Despite what his reputation in recent years might suggest, Jon Gosselin isn’t completely worthless.

As reported by RadarOnline, “Jon saw a house on fire in his neighborhood and called 911.”

Just making the call is pretty standard fare, but still more than what some people would do.

The story doesn’t end there, though.

“But that’s not all — he banged on the door and got the woman out and then went back in to get her two dogs, too!”

If there’s one thing that America loves more than a total underdog hero, it’s actual literal dogs.

America also loves modesty, and apparently Jon’s being all kinds of bashful when asked about his heroics.

“Thanks but I’m not a hero. I’m sure it was just circumstance and any one of us would have done the same thing.”

That might be true — knocking on the door to alert someone isn’t quite a superhuman feat.

But plenty of folks would consider it above-and-beyond.

You have to wonder why he couldn’t get his life together enough to rescue his own kids from the human equivalent of a housefire that reigns over them.

We’ve known for a long time that Kate Gosselin is an absolute monster, so this can’t have been news to him at any point.

Maybe, in the beginning, he thought that their show would mellow her out, if simply because cameras were watching.

The couple’s been divorced now for ages, but it’s clear that things haven’t really changed.

Kate’s controlling grip over her children is alarming and continues to this day.

We guess, though, that — like the rest of us — Jon isn’t really in a position to change that.

And while we can only imagine how powerless he must feel, maybe being able to help this woman and her dogs gave him a little boost for his own emotional well-being.

It’s too bad that he can’t do anything for his own family.

But maybe some day, circumstances will change.


Thursday, May 11, 2017

Kate and Jon Gosselin Celebrate Sextuplets" 13th Birthday, Manage to Be Sweet

On this day, 13 years ago, Kate Gosselin was recovering from giving birth to six babies.

And you know what that means: it means that we as a people have somehow survived being aware of the Gosselins for nearly a decade and a half.

Oh, it also means that yesterday was the sextuplets’ 13th birthday.

What a special day, huh?

Kate is now the mother of eight teenagers, which sounds like a special kind of hell, and she now has eight teenagers to withhold from Jon Gosselin.

And the woman is pretty happy about the whole thing.

In an uncharacteristically touching post she shared on Instagram yesterday, Kate wrote “HAPPY 13th BIRTHDAY, my precious Alexis, Hannah, Aaden, Collin, Leah and Joel!!”

“At this moment (7:51-7:53 am) 13 years ago, my life and heart were completed with your births!”

“I love you all and NO MATTER WHAT it requires of me, I will ALWAYS be there for you,” she promised.

“I’ll always be your biggest cheerleader, your role model by example, your shoulder to cry on, the hug and laugh you need, and your mommy and friend!”

“I love you guys! I got six times what I planned on, but I’d NEVER EVER go back! You’re the final six pieced of my heart that I never knew I was looking for,” she finished.

In another post just before their birthday, she shared a photo of a tiny diaper — the same kind they wore when they were born.

“Sitting in my room with the kids… thinking back to almost 13 years ago,” she wrote in the caption.

“I pulled out this extra small preemie diaper from the NICU.. I’ve kept in my bedside table drawer, wherever we moved….to always remind me of how far we’ve come!”

She added that “the kids were awed,” which makes sense — it’s hard to believe that diaper would fit an actual human baby.

In the hashtags, she reminded us that when they were born, the sextuplets weighed between two and three pounds. Oh, how far they’ve come!

But Kate wasn’t the only one to share the celebratory spirit with us. Jon shared a photo of the birthday cake he got for the kids:

“I can’t believe my little kids will be 13 tomorrow!!!” he wrote in the caption.

He even took things a step further, giving a quick interview to E! News about the special occasion.

Jon explained that he was able to celebrate the kids’ birthday on Monday, and that “I had four of them: Hannah, Lean, Joel and Aaden.”

“I cooked burgers and hot dogs on the grill and we did presents and played football in the backyard,” he said. “After that, we did cake and ice cream. It was good.”

When asked how it feels to be the parent of eight teenagers now, he said “It’s only been a couple of hours, so we’ll see. It’s going to be interesting!”

Yeah, Jon. We bet it will be.


Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Kate Gosselin: INSANE Rules For Kids" Visits With Jon Revealed!

We’re used to finding out that Kate Gosselin subjects her kids to ridiculous rules and borderline abusive disciplinary actions.

And we’re used to finding out that she despises her ex-husband, Jon Gosselin, with the sort of passionate intensity usually found only in comic book villains.

But it’s nice to know that despite all her years of cruelty and severe emotional instability Kate hasn’t lost her ability to surprise us with just how bonkers she truly is.

The latest news of Kate’s troubling behavior comes from a new report published by In Touch Weekly.

A source close to Kate tells the magazine that the Gosselin children are “are prisoners in their own home.”

The anonymous tipster goes on to detail some of the bizarre rules that Kate uses to keep her children under her thumb:

“Kate says no clothing or belongings can be brought from her house to Jon’s house, so the kids arrive for visitation [at Jon’s] in their school uniforms and change into clothes Jon has for them when they get to his house,” the insider explains. 

“Then they put their uniforms back on before head­ing to their mom’s house.”

Not surprisingly, Kate doesn’t want her kids carrying devices that can transmit and receive messages (or take incriminating photos and video), so she takes a Kim Jong-Un-like stance on communication devices:

“So after they visit with their dad, she lines the kids up and pats them down for cell phones,” the source says, adding:

“She has these insane practices and rules to ensure she has total control of everything her kids do.”

As In Touch points out, Kate has a long history of resorting to drastic measures to prevent Jon from having any sort of relationship with his eight children:

In the past, she’s accused Jon of being a drug dealer, and even suggested that he carried on an inappropriate relationship with daughter Hannah.

“Jon had no idea at the time that she accused him of having an inappropriate relationship with Hannah,” says one insider.

“He was upset when he found out.”

Jon’s been fighting for joint custody of the kids for years, but insiders say he’s really ramped up his efforts in recent months.

Like any good despot Kate hes been running a non-stop propaganda campaign, tearing Jon apart in interviews and trying unsuccessfully to create the impression that he’s the unstable one in the relationship.

Don’t get us wrong: Jon won’t be winning any father of the year awards any time soon.

But when it comes to horrendous parenting, no one can top Kate.


Sunday, April 2, 2017

Jon Gosselin: Did He Really Strip Last Night?!

Last weekend, we heard some slightly alarming, slightly amusing, altogether strange news:

Jon Gosselin was scheduled to perform at a strip club.

He shared an ad for the event, a big ol’ poster with his picture on it for the Untamed Male Revue in Atlantic City.

We heard that he’d been working out before the event, trying to lose some weight and tone up for the big day — though he was never planning on stripping totally naked.

The whole thing was a little confusing. Seeing as how the event took place on April Fool’s Day, a lot of people thought it could be a big joke.

Jon may have just been promoting the venue since he’s friends with the people running the show, or maybe he was just DJing.

Or, since April 1st is his birthday, maybe he just wanted to have an extra special party.

But last night was the big night … so what happened?!

Jon did dance with the boys in the show, but he didn’t take any clothes off.

Well, he did take off his shirt, but he was wearing a tank top underneath.

It had muscular abs painted on it, because what is Jon Gosselin if not the pinnacle of class and elegance?

He danced to three classics: “I’m Too Sexy” by Right Said Fred, “Sexy Back” by Justin Timberlake, and, of course, “Pony” by Ginuwine.

At one point, he apologized to his family, which seems like a nice touch.

Surprisingly enough, one woman in the audience appreciated his performance so much that she tucked a $ 100 bill in his pants.

If you’re still finding yourself a little confused about exactly why all this went down, don’t worry: Jon was kind enough to explain himself in a nice little Facebook video.

“So guys,” he began, “everyone wants to know why I did this. Well, let me tell you a little bit about myself.”

“I’ve been under media scrutiny for a good part of my life — ten years. And doing all those things, it’s an editor’s decision on how I’m portrayed.”

He believes that the media has been unfair to him at times, and so he wanted to give himself “the best 40th birthday present ever.”

According to Jon, he never said he was stripping — the media twisted the story.

We see what you’re doing, buddy.

He also said that he wanted to perform at the venue for his birthday so that not only could he have a big, fun party with family and friends, but he could also donate some of the proceeds to St. Jude’s.

“I’m glad planet earth still cares about me,” he concludes.

Aww, Jon. You’re OK. Sometimes.


Jon Gosselin Bares ZERO Skin in Stripping Debut (VIDEO + PHOTO GALLERY)

Jon Gosselin got more dressed up than down for his big debut as a male stripper, and about the only skin he showed was his legs … in a grass skirt. The former reality star took the stage Saturday night in Atlantic City, and slipped into all kinds…


Jon Gosselin Bares ZERO Skin in Stripping Debut (VIDEO + PHOTO GALLERY)

Jon Gosselin got more dressed up than down for his big debut as a male stripper, and about the only skin he showed was his legs … in a grass skirt. The former reality star took the stage Saturday night in Atlantic City, and slipped into all kinds…


Saturday, March 25, 2017

Jon Gosselin: I"m Going to Be a Stripper!

This is not a joke. Somehow, someway, this is really happening.

Jon Gosselin is going to be a stripper.

If you need to take a moment to clutch your pearls or take some calming breaths or to just laugh and laugh about how Kate Gosselin could possibly be reacting to this news, that’s fine.

Take your time.

OK, now let’s get into the details.

On April 1st, in Dusk Nightclub in Atlantic City, Jon will get on stage and strip down in a show called Untamed Male Revue. And we know all that because of this handy little poster he’s been sharing on Twitter:

And we know, we know, all this is supposed to go down on April Fool’s Day. But, fittingly enough, April Fool’s Day is also Jon’s birthday — his 40th birthday, to be exact.

So maybe he’s just choosing to celebrate his special day in a special way. It’s possible.

Sources tell TMZ that Jon is actually friends with the people running the show, which is how he got involved.

And, fortunately (or unfortunately? Depends on what you’re into, we guess), Jon won’t be getting totally nude on stage. He’ll be leaving his underwear on.

Sources also said that Jon’s show will be more of a Magic Mike type of show, which apparently means more dancing and less “hump your face” action.

Small miracles.

In the weeks leading up to the show, he’s been doing a lot of rehearsing, and he’s even been working out, trying to get that old bod of his into decent shape for his big day.

But while there’s all this information circulating about, and while people are insisting it’s not a joke, it seems important to note that in his Twitter post promoting the event, he wrote “Check it out, my big debut … ?”

Not the most confident announcement ever, right?

So there’s a chance that it still could be a joke, or maybe Jon is just doing another DJ gig for the real strippers to get down to.

Or maybe all of our dreams/nightmares are coming true, and Jon Gosselin really is becoming a stripper.

What a world. What. A. World.


Thursday, January 19, 2017

Kate Gosselin: Are Her Kids Prisoners in Their Own Home?!

No one would ever accuse Kate Gosselin of being a level-headed, reasonable person.

Because hey, why would they? She’s Kate Gosselin.

Her nastiness is a sad but constantly confirmed fact of life.

She’s rude and controlling and cold to … well, we’re assuming to every poor, unfortunate soul who ever crossed her path. But none of those souls suffer more than those belonging to her eight children.

It seems like every single story we hear about Kate is about how she uses her kids to hurt Jon Gosselin, how she physically abused one child, how she locked another in a dog crate.

(All real stories, by the way — seriously, this woman is horrific.)

So since we hear so many bad things about Kate all the time, new stories of the nightmare that is her parenting method really shouldn’t be all that surprising.

They shouldn’t be. But they really, really are.

According to a new report from In Touch, Kate’s children “are prisoners in their own home.”

It’s easy to imagine, sure, but the details are where the true horror lies.

As a source tells it, “Kate says no clothing or belongings can be brought from her house to Jon’s house, so the kids arrive for visitation in their school uniforms and change into clothes Jon has for them when they get to his house.”

“Then they put their uniforms back on before heading to their moms house.”

Sure, sounds totally normal and not at all alarming.

Plenty of parents probably do that, right? We’re nearly certain that so many mothers insist that … no, you know what?

This is so insane that we can’t even joke about it.

It’s senseless and petty and such a very, very Kate Gosselin thing to do.

The source also says that, since the kids aren’t allowed to have cell phones, “After they visit with their dad, she lines the kids up and pats them down for cell phones.”

It shouldn’t be too hard, because of course Kate only lets a select few kids visit Jon at a time. Eight pat-downs could really wear a person out, but two or three? No problem.

Oh, and let’s just take a moment to add that of course Kate doesn’t let her kids have cell phones. Can you imagine how much time she’d have to spend checking all those texts?

And no real way to monitor the different phone calls … no, one house phone is definitely the way to go when you feel the need to control every move your entire family makes.

Indeed, the source concludes this little tale by stating that “She has these insane practices and rules to ensure she has total control of everything her kids do.”

Yep, that sounds like Kate.

For approximately the billionth time … those poor kids.


Thursday, January 12, 2017

Collin Gosselin: Kate Plus 8 Return Explained ... and Not What You Think

Jon and Kate Gosselin’s troubled son Collin made a sudden, and surprising, appearance on the season finale of her reality show this week.

Now, in the wake of the Kate Plus 8 finale, we know why.

As fans who watch Kate Plus 8 online or read celebrity gossip on the reg know by now, the boy’s absence has been a frequent topic.

Collin, 12, has been in a program away from home.

In order to treat his unspecified “special needs” and “help him reach his full potential,” he’s been largely MIA from the current season.

The show, which chronicles Kate’s life with 16-year-old twins Mady and Cara and 12-year-old sextuplets, was essentially Kate Plus 7.

However, Collin appeared on Tuesday’s episode.

Somewhat of the blue, he showed up in a family game night scene, as well as a joint interview with his two brothers Joel and Aaden.

Collin remained mostly quiet, allowing his siblings to do most of the talking, though he seemed happy and engaged in the team trivia.

But fans who have been speculating about Collin’s appearance, and reappearance, may be disappointed to learn the following fact:

It was filmed before he was enrolled in the program.

“The reason he was on the show is that it was shot before he went away,” says the insider, “and sometimes footage airs out of order.”

Simple as that. A byproduct of reality TV editing.

In August, Kate opened up, albeit vaguely and carefully, about her decision to enroll Collin in the program for his “special needs.”

“[There’s] a fairly fluid diagnosis of what those needs are, but he needs to learn certain strategies to help him deal with things,” Kate said.

“This has been a struggle we’ve had for a very long time, and it’s one I’ve dealt with on my own. I’ve felt very alone in this.”

“By the same token, it’s not something that has only impacted me or him … our entire family has been impacted.”

“We miss him so much, so it’s been hard because there is a huge hole in our family without him here,” she added.

“But it comforts us to know he’s where he needs to be right now,” Kate concluded, “and I can feel good about that.”

Well, that’s a huge relief.

Kate went on to say:

“I don’t know what the road ahead entails, but I’m very happy with the care that he’s getting, and [that he is] exactly where he needs to be.”

“It comforts me as a mother … when you, as a mom, can’t give your kids what they need, it is a huge comfort to find people who can.”

Somehow we doubt this will quiet the controversy, or put an end to debate over whether Kate is lying about Collin and his whereabouts.

Moreover, Jon Gosselin (remember him?) has alleged that she’s hiding their son from him, and threatened to take her to court over it.

We wish the boy the best, wherever he may be. We just wish he had parents who had their acts together and truly put his interests first.

We’re not sure that’s the case.


Monday, January 2, 2017

Jon Gosselin Parties With Kids, Pisses Off Kate on New Year"s Eve

Jon Gosselin won’t be winning any father of the year awards in the near future, but for all his many, many faults, the does get credit for making a concerted effort to be a part of his kids’ lives, despite constant interference from his notorious ex-wife, Kate Gosselin.

Jon turns 40 this year and he’s trying to start a career as a DJ, but he’s still a better parent than Kate, which should tell you everything you need to know.

Kate would have us believe that Jon basically ran out on the family, but his social media page tells a different story:

That’s Jon with four of his eight kids on New Year’s Eve, and there are a few noteworthy things that we’d like to call your attention to here:

1. New Year’s is the biggest night of the year for young, in-demand DJs like ya boy Jonny G. Couldn’t have been easy for him to pass up all those star studded parties to spend the night at home with his kids. 

2. Despite the fact that Kate has consistently depicted him as some unholy hybrid of Alec Baldwin and Joan Crawford, Jon doesn’t appear to be abusing or in any way mistreating the kids here.

3. It looks like he only rang in 2017 with half of his kids, but we’ll give him a pass, but we’re guessing that was the best he could do.

Like some kind of sh-tty King Solomon, Kate would probably rather split the family in half rather than let Jon have all 8 kids on the same day.

Of course, it’s possible that the situation is not entirely Kate’s fault.

It’s been rumored that Jon is only on speaking terms with half his kids, and this pic might be evidence of that.

Making matters worse, in recent weeks, Jon and Kate’s con Collin has been in a treatment center for children with “special needs.”

It’s a move that’s generated no small amount of controversy, and it certainly hasn’t earned Kate any new fans.

The woman just keeps making Jon look like a caring, competent parent, which is really no easy feat.

You’ve made us defend Jon freakin’ Gosselin, Kate.

And for that, we’ll never forgive you.


Thursday, December 15, 2016

Kate Gosselin Tears Jon Gosselin APART in New Interview

Kate Gosselin just might be the worst person in the history of reality television.

She might be the worst person in the history of the world, not counting murderers and stuff.

We know it, you know it, literally everybody knows it.

She’s rude and controlling and hateful, she’s got all the warmth of some old rock that you put in the back of your freezer and forgot about for 41 years.

Why would you put a rock in your freezer? It’s hard to say. Why can’t Kate Gosselin manage to be a decent person for even the tiniest little bit of time?

Life is full of unanswerable questions.

Listen, we don’t have time to break down all the many, many ways in which Kate Gosselin is awful, but what we do have time for is to break down this new interview she did with Dr. Oz.

First up, let’s discuss this clip in which she wastes no time in throwing Jon Gosselin under the bus:

“They want a dad who’s there for them,” she explains of the eight children she and Jon share. Well, they share them biologically, at least.

“I’m I’m gonna be really honest,” she went on, “there was kind of the old Jon and the new Jon and none of us can quite understand, like, what happened there.”

“So we struggled together. I mean, they coined it years ago, old daddy and new daddy. That’s understandable, but, like, hard to kind of digest for all of us.”

This isn’t exactly new information — Kate’s said before that she and her kids think of Jon in terms of “old daddy” and “new daddy” — but still, how terrible, right?

There’s also this bit, where Kate just can’t seem to understand why people don’t care for her:

When asked why she gets so much media attention, she cries out “I don’t know why! I’m just a mom, like all the moms everywhere.”

“We’re just doing our best,” she insists, “and I’m really passionate about what I do and really loud about it, but, I mean, moms don’t get enough credit. It’s a stinking hard job.”

“I mean, everything that we do we’re putting the next generation out there. I don’t take that lightly. I mess up a lot.”

You don’t say, Kate!

“But, I mean, I’m doing my best,” she adds, “and I think that’s the important thing to stop beating ourselves up and just to keep getting up and doing your best.”

Poor Kate, huh? Poor, misunderstood Kate, who is just an absolute delight with no issues whatsoever. It hardly seems fair.

Oh, and speaking of fair, check out this last clip, the one where Kate whines about being a single mother:

“I’m down a parent so I’m really outnumbered now,” she says. “I have to be kind of the mom and the dad and that’s hard.”

“It’s been double duty and there’s nobody to back me up so that’s been — it’s really challenging, but it’s not something — I mean, I have more than the average number of kids, but it’s not something that I’m doing alone.”

Is she actually about to say something that’s not horrifically negative about Jon? Nope!

She explains that “there’s so many single parents out there, single moms, single dads, and we’re all just kind of like trying to pick up the pieces together. It’s hard.”

Unfortunately, we don’t have a clip of this part, but she continues on that “single parent” riff, saying that “the good is the fact that we’ve kind of really pulled tighter.”

She says that her kids are “a lot more empathetic, whether you see it really or not. Like I only have so much energy. I only have so much time … They are empathetic to there’s just one of you.”

While that’s the good part of being on her own, “the bad is, unfortunately, they feel torn a lot between parents and that really sucks.”

Wait, she finally acknowledged the fact that she’s not all on her own in the world, that her eight children have a father that has wanted to spend much more time with them for years?

Well, kind of. It’s a start. Maybe.

Just be better, Kate Gosselin. Read a book, do some Googles, figure out how to be halfway decent on occasion and then work on doing that. Please.


Monday, November 21, 2016

Kate Gosselin Shades Jon: I Don"t Pay Attention to His S--t!

Kate Gosselin says, in a new interview with Good Morning America today, that she"s lost track of how many times she"s been investigated.

For child abuse, that is. It"s that frequent an occurrence.

Ditto how often Jon has threatened to take her to court.

In a candid interview with Amy Robach, Kate was asked if her troubled son Collin really told staff at his treatment center that she was abusive.

“I’m in the public eye. I’ve been investigated many times,” Kate responded, calling the claims “unfounded” and implying media sensationalism.

Uncovered diary entries from her early days as a mom of eight show that Kate abused Collin and on more than one occasion, however.

Collin is now being treated for “special needs.”

“He’s plodding along,” she said, adding that in spite of what her ex says, “I’ll go to the ends of the earth for the best for each one of them.”

Or, if you believe her ex, hiding them away.

Jon claims Kate is holding Collin hostage, for all intents and purposes, and won"t tell him where their kid is, so he"s taking her to court.

Kate says she’s not worried by his legal threats, sighing that she"s heard it all before, to the point where it barely even registers now:

“I’ve lost track of how many times he’s said that."

“I don’t really pay attention, to be honest.”

Collin had been living in the “pre-adolescent unit” at a facility outside Philadelphia, two hours from her suburban Pennsylvania home.

She won"t say whether he"s still there or somewhere else now, though, citing a court order and slyly grinning as she will "leave it at that."

Check out the GMA interview below …

Kate gosselin shades jon i dont pay attention to his s t

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Kate Gosselin: My Missing Son is Just Fine! Screw You, Jon!

Kate Gosselin is moving right along … without Jon Gosselin, or anybody who has negative things to say about her man, Donald Trump.  

What a lady. 

In a new interview with Extra, Kate makes it clear she is over Jon – who recently accused her of deliberately hiding their son – and his nancy-ass drama.  


About Kate’s institutionalized son, Colin, she said, “It’s a family experience that we are dealing the best we can with.”

“Everyone’s got their stuff. Another bump in the road and we’re all doing the best that we can with it.”

“I am confident he is in the best hands and receiving the best of what’s being offered for his situation.”

She continued and claimed that the hardest part was admitting that she was a jackass, and that her life wasn’t perfect.

“It’s kind of humbling when as a mom you have to admit that, ‘I am not enough for what you need.’ That’s kind of what I struggle with, but we’re moving on.”

Um, okay.  

Naturally, she had something to say about ex-husband and rumored drug dealer Jon Gosselin, and said:

“I don’t have a relationship with him – I’ve moved on. I support the kids and their relationship [with him] – some visit, some choose not to, some visit sometimes.”

“Sometimes” is pretty hard to come by when you’re actively keeping your children away from their paternal father, but we digress.

“I support them and what they want so they can be happy and whole,” she told Extra.


She also claimed that even if she hadn’t hit “the big time” with her TLC-crapshoot of a show, she would have ended up divorcing.

Are you LOLing? It’s okay; we are, too.

“All I can say is that a lot of people try to pigeonhole you and say reality TV led to [the demise of my marriage],” she revealed.

“The writing was already written on the wall.”

She adds that “I always say it [would have] ended the same way, except the world wouldn’t have known about it.

“I think that along the way, the signs were there and it’s unfortunate regardless,” Kate reasoned.

Kate also weighed in on her former Celebrity Apprentice mentor, Donald Trump, and praised him for his win.

“That’s kind of a weird thing to think about because I knew him outside of and prior to Apprentice.”

“I fully expect him to take his success in business and make our country successful,” she stated.  

“I hope that and hope that others can get behind him [because] I do know that at the heart of Donald Trump is a true and utter love of our country, and if he allows that to guide him, we will all be really happy.”

Well, you can’t win ‘em all … especially if you’re Kate Gosselin, but if you’re Donald Trump, all bets are off. 

Stay ridiculous, Kate. 

Keep at it. 


Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Jon Gosselin: Kate is Holding Collin HOSTAGE From Me!

Jon Gosselin says he’s so out of the loop when it comes to his son’s whereabouts that he doesn’t even know where the 12-year-old is now.

Collin Gosselin is in treatment for unspecified “special needs” following years of behavior struggles, Kate vaguely revealed this summer.

As far as additional details, we’re in the dark. So is Jon.

“I have an idea where he is but I don’t really know where he is,” he tells ET’s Jennifer Peros, alleging that Kate is keeping secrets from him.

While Kate “says Collin is in a special school for special needs kids with behavioral problems,” Jon claims he has been told otherwise.

By law enforcement officials, no less.

Collin is conspicuously missing from the new Kate Plus 8 trailer that debuted late last month, and won’t be appearing in the new season.

He’s also been MIA from interviews, magazines and other promotional materials in which Kate has been accused of exploiting Collin.

So where does Jon fit in to all this?

Kate currently has full legal custody of their kids, twins Cara and Mady, 16, and sextuplets Aaden, Collin, Joel, Leah, Alexis and Hannah, 12.

Jon has partial physical custody, but says he hasn’t seen his kids all together in years, and Collin specifically in over a year and a half.

That’s when he claims Kate took him out of the private school he was attending without consulting him, keeping his whereabouts secret.

“I mean, I ask but she doesn’t tell me,” he told the TV program about Collin’s current location. “She doesn’t answer any of my texts.” 

Jon claims that Collin’s brothers and sisters are also not in touch with him, and either have “no idea” where he is or aren’t telling him.

As a result, he says he’s going to court.

“They know their mom told them that he has behavioral issues,” he says, adding that the boy “seemed fine” to him the last time he saw him.

Then again … that was awhile ago now.

He describes Collin as “really smart” and “incredibly intuitive … I could see my kids getting annoyed with that because he’s the smartest.”

“He does this, and he does that, and he always wants it his way,” Gosselin also observes. “He’s very particular, which could be bothersome.”

“But, he’s very loving too.”

Regardless, if you read between the lines, Kate admits abusing Collin in the past and isn’t exactly coming across well in any of this.

In August, Jon said he was extremely upset at Kate’s new People cover story and the comments she made pertaining to their son.

“[There’s] a fairly fluid diagnosis,” she said of Collin’s issue, “but he needs to learn certain strategies to help him deal with things.”

“This has been a struggle we’ve had for a very long time, and it’s one I’ve dealt with on my own,” she added passive-aggressively.

“I love my children very much,” Jon fired back, bristling at that quote. “I’ve always been there for them and I always will be.”

To imply otherwise, he says, “it’s shocking.”

On many levels, this whole saga is.


Jon Gosselin and Hailey Glassman: Back Together Again?!

It looks like Jon Gosselin may be off the market again! 

Sorry Kate … or maybe not sorry? It’s hard to say with those two train wrecks … but we would lean in the direction of her not being sorry.

Anyway, he and Hailey Glassman may be back on!

The beleaguered Jon & Kate Plus 8 star was seen on a lunch date with his ex-girlfriend, with whom he may be back together once more.

NOTE: Jon was longer rocking his vintage Ed Hardy Douche T-Shirt, as seen above in the 2009 photo from when they first were a thing.

These days, he’s keeping it casual in a track suit.

For her part, Glassman rocked a leather jacket as she met up with the man she dated immediately after his split from Kate years ago.

So what’s their status nowadays?!

Maybe not exactly what it looks like.

“I think Jon and Hailey are both filming a show right now,” a source close to the couple exclusively told celebrity gossip website Radar.

That would surprise exactly no one. 

As for the nature of said relationship, however, it’s a little less clear; Hailey may not be going back to the sad sack after all, the source says.

“I don’t think it’s a romantic relationship,” the insider cautioned, and that’s “because I’m pretty sure that Hailey is already in a relationship.”

The more we see, the less we know.

Since dating Glassman at the peak of his notoriety, the father of eight’s life has fallen apart, and has done so with and without cameras rolling.

It’s been a long, hard fall from grace, or something.

Not only is he waiting tables to make ends meet, Jon hasn’t seen all of his kids together in years, he claimed in an interview this summer.

Relations are so strained that he watches Kate Plus 8 clips on his computer because he “doesn’t know what they look like” these days. 

That pretty much sounds like a fate worse than death.

Imagine being in a position where you’re essentially forced to watch Kate Plus 8 online using Internet you can barely afford thanks to her.

However, we suppose he didn’t specifically say he’s NOT using his neighbors’ wifi, so perhaps there’s a silver lining in there somewhere.

Honestly, we have no freakin’ idea.

What we can tell you is that his divorce is STILL making headlines all these years later, and for the most unpleasant of reasons primarily.

Yes, even in 2016, this is a thing.

It was recently revealed that ex-wife was scared of him after their nasty divorce, as she called police in 2015 over his “suspicious behavior.”

Of course, for every article about how Kate is scared Jon might kill her, there are other allegations of Gosselin abusing her kids, so …

Call it a sad, disturbing wash?


Sunday, November 6, 2016

Kate Gosselin: Horrific New Details in Child Abuse Investigation?!

Kate Gosselin is about a million different kinds of terrible.

It’s not new information, sure, but that doesn’t make it any less true.

And if you really feel the need for new information about Kate’s wickedness, well, be careful what you wish for.

You know that story about how Kate’s allegedly being investigated for child abuse?

It all started with her son, Collin — the one she sent off to a treatment center to deal with his “special needs.”

According to an insider, “Collin said something to the facility’s staff and it was reported to the Children and Youth Services, which started an official probe.”

“The police later notified Collin’s dad, Jon, that a child abuse investigation was opened.”

When we first heard about the investigation, we thought it was a little odd that Jon’s been so quiet about it all.

After all, it seems like Jon’s favorite activity is publicly slamming his ex-wife, and good for him.

But now we’re learning that the reason Jon hasn’t commented on the alleged child abuse investigation might be that he’s just too damn sad.

“He worries every single day for his son,” a source reveals.

“Jon used to have to grab Kate by her wrist to stop her from beating Collin and some of the other kids with a wooden spoon.”

“He often had to stand between Kate and the kids to stop her from hitting them.”

And that’s not the only new bit of information about the case.

If all these allegations are true and Kate is convicted, she could be looking at up to seven years in prison.

And oh, what we wouldn’t give for that TLC special …

Of course, the idea that Kate could be the subject of a child abuse investigation isn’t exactly surprising.

Who could forget those journal entries of hers that were so alarmingly made public?

When Collin was just two years old, Kate wrote that she got “too rough” with him after he refused to sit in a corner.

“I feel so guilty that I treated him like that,” she confessed.

“I will set out tomorrow to be a better mommy.”

Kate’s remorse apparently didn’t last too long, because a few months later, she lost her damn mind when Collin — still two years old, mind you — had the audacity to spill a bag of beans.

“I was instantly so SO angry,” she wrote, “that I grabbed him and spanked him as hard as I could and thought I may seriously injure him so I sent him to his crib til Jon came home!”

“I have never felt that I may seriously injure a child but today was that day!”

Gee, wonder why Collin has some emotional issues?

Couldn’t have anything to do with his miserable mother, could it?
