Showing posts with label Happening. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Happening. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Ice Cube Shades McGregor vs. Mayweather, "That Fight Still Happening?"

Here’s some nice, cool SHAAADE … courtesy of Ice Cube.  As we previously reported, Cube’s BIG3 basketball league is in a standoff with Mayweather, McGregor over the T-Mobile Arena for August 26. BIG3 says it booked the venue first and won’t…


Thursday, June 15, 2017

Floyd Mayweather-Conor McGregor Fight: It"s Actually Happening!

For several years now, boxer Floyd Mayweather and mixed martial artist Conor McGregor have been the resident smack talkers of their respective sports.

Both pugilists have managed to spend more time boasting about their talents in a single press conference than Muhammad Ali did in his entire career, so it was only a matter of time before they began challenging one another.

But Mayweather and McGregor have been jawing at each other for so long that the prospect of the two of them stepping into the ring together has become something of a running joke in the sports world.

Many fight fans reached the point of believing it would never actually happen.

In fact, the ongoing negotiations were frequently dismissed as a stunt, and many “serious” boxing aficionados were quite vocal about their belief that the fight never should happen.

But believe it or not, The Money Man and The Notorious have finally reached a deal and will be squaring off August 26, in what’s sure to be one of the most-watched boxing matches of all time.

Mayweather, 40, took to twitter Wednesday night to announce that the deal has been finalized.

Not to be outdone, McGregor, 28, made his own announcement and snuck in a little smack talk via a photo of Floyd’s father:

Mayweather retired from boxing in 2015, but stated in March that he was “officially out of retirement for Conor McGregor.”

McGregor, who boxed in his youth, owes 11 of his 21 UFC victories to his punching skills.

He’s previously stated that he wants $ 100 million to fight Mayweather, and while it’s not yet clear how much he’ll earn for the bout, McGregor’s payday is certain to dwarf his previous earnings from MMA matches.

Mayweather, the heavy favorite at this point, stands to earn more, but when all is said and done, both fighters are looking at potentially record-shattering earnings.

Of course, the title of most lucrative fight already belongs to Mayweather, who earned nine-figures for his 2015 fight against Manny Pacquiao.

The don’t call him The Money Man for nothing.

Fight fans are hoping that Mayweather vs. McGregor will yield more interesting results than Floyd’s somewhat disappointing fight against Pacquiao, but skeptics remain convinced bout will prove to be nothing more than a highly-publicized farce.

We’ll find out when the new Fight of the Century takes place in Las Vegas (and on Showtime PPV) August 26.


Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Amber Portwood Sex Tape: Is It Still Happening?

If you’re a Teen Mom fan, then by now, you’ve probably heard the news that Amber Portwood and Matt Baier have broken up.

The real reason that Portwood dumped Baier was revealed on last night’s episode, in which we learned that Baier – who claimed to have been drug-free for several years – offered Xanax to Amber’s co-star Catelynn Lowell.

Amber did an Instagram livestream after last night’s episode in order to address fans’ questions about her relationship status.

Most expressed concern for her emotional state and inquired about how she’s coping with the spilt.

But some got directly to the heart of the matter and asked the question that’s on everyone’s mind:

Is the rumored Amber Portwood sex tape still happening?

Yes, just prior to her breakup with Baier, Portwood confirmed that she had met with Vivid Entertainment CEO Steve Hirsch, and was considering joining Farrah Abraham on the roster of Teen Mom stars who ventured into the world of adult entertainment.

As she was supposed to make her movie debut alongside Baier, there were concerns among the perviest sector of Teen Mom fans that the split may have jeopardized Amber’s future in porn.

Last night, Amber delivered what’s sure to be a crushing blow to that intersection of social media weirdos who are overly obsessed with both reality TV and sex workers:

“There’s no p0rn tape, guys,” Amber told fans.

“I’m not doing p0rn, it was just a meeting.”

Obviously, that was the revelation that received the most attention from fans, because we live in an age in which a surprising number of people feel that it’s their Constitutionally-enshrined right to see nude celebrities on command.

But Amber had some other interesting things to say about her life post-breakup, and The Ashley’s Reality Roundup provided a helpful breakdown of some of the livestream’s most memorable moments:

On her separation from Baier: “We are not together. Matt has some issues he needs to work on and then we can see what happens. I’m not with him, but don’t say mean things [about him].”

(She also confirmed that Baier is neither hiding out in her basement nor in rehab.)

On rumors she’s back on drugs: “Why would people even say that? I’m not on drugs. If I were on drugs my pupils would not look like this.”

When asked if she’s really worth $ 280,000: “Hahaha no, that’s just one of my cars … Money doesn’t buy you happiness, obviously.”

(Yes, Amber is worth so much more than 280 grand that the notion is laughable to her.

On her ongoing feud with Farrah Abraham: “I really don’t have a vendetta against this chick. I’ve never not been cool with her.”

Amber concluded by revealing that she’ll soon be leaving Indiana to spend 18 days in California, but she didn’t give a reason for her extended visit.

No doubt many fans are holding out hope that she’s still planning a foray into the world of porn.


Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Carmelo and La La Anthony Divorce Isn"t Happening Anytime Soon

Carmelo and La La Anthony are in a limbo stage of their relationship … but they’re perfectly fine with that. Sources close to the ex-couple tell TMZ … neither one is in any hurry to file divorce papers because they’re happy with the way things…


Carmelo and La La Anthony Divorce Isn"t Happening Anytime Soon

Carmelo and La La Anthony are in a limbo stage of their relationship … but they’re perfectly fine with that. Sources close to the ex-couple tell TMZ … neither one is in any hurry to file divorce papers because they’re happy with the way things…


Thursday, May 25, 2017

Amber Portwood Talks Sex Tape: Is it Really Happening?!

Yesterday, we reported that Amber Portwood is in talks with a porn company about the possibility of gettin’ down on camera for a what would no doubt be a lucrative payday.

Many dismissed the rumor for the simple reason, that all of the Teen Mom ladies (including Amber) have talked a lot of trash about Farrah Abraham’s sex tape over the years, and Portwood would look like quite the hypocrite if she also signed with Vivid.

Amber issued a statement on the matter last, however, and to our utter shock, she says her porn career might really be happening.

“It’s in consideration. I still have not made up my mind,” Amber told E! News, noting that the deal will bring her “millions.” 

“I am not strapped for cash. I have a nice house, a nice life. I have everything I need. But I’m a business person.”

Hmm … Well, business people generally don’t take their clothes off for money, but who knows? Maybe this is the start of a new trend.

Maybe we’ll see Warren Buffett stripping down for The O-Face of Omaha.

Perhaps Mark Cuban and friends will soon be sporting nothing but cowboy hats and sheriffs badges in The Mavericks Do Dallas.

We could soon see Sheryl Sandberg dropping her uber-professional facade to star in Lean In … Now Lean Out, Then Lean Back In Again and Repeat.

You get the idea.

As for the “millions” that Amber is talking about, well, that’s a bit of a stretch.

According to E!, the deal that’s currently in place would have her making $ 85,000 plus 35% of the film’s net profits.

Don’t get us wrong, she stands to make a pretty penny from the skin flick, but it would have to do extremely well for her to see millions, plural.

Doubling down on the talk that sounds like she’s desperately struggling to convince herself this is a good idea, Amber says her family is totally on board with it, and the money is totes going to charity, anyway:

“Right now I’m weighing the pros and cons. I’ve called most of my family and they told me they love me no matter what,” Amber says, adding that the profits would go toward “opening rehab centers all over the world.”

Amber goes on to assure fans that she’ll keep the whole thing a secret from her daughter:

“Leah would not know about it until she’s old enough,” Amber says.

“She’s in elementary school right now. I would hope no one would even think to tell her. It would be something I’d do when she’s the right age.”

Someone should really inform Amber that kids these days tend to know their way around the Internet.

The reaction online has been mixed between variations on “get it, gurl!” and reminders that Amber’s daughter is old enough to understand what’s going on here.

Of course, there’s one person, who we’re guessing is very much on board with the deal:

The Farrah Abraham-Amber Portwood feud is still ongoing, and shaming Farrah for starring in a porn has been one of Portwood’s favorite trash-talking points.

The semi-coherent shade that Farrah will throw if Amber follows in her footsteps is sure to be stuff of legend.

As for what exactly will be happening on camera, Amber’s co-star in the film will of course be her on-again, off-again fiance, Matt Baier.

We’re thinking the presence of bare Baier might put a damper on those “millions” in profits.

Just sayin’.


Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Jenelle Evans Spinoff Series: Actually Happening?!

If you watch Teen Mom 2 online, you might think you’ve pretty much had your fill of Jenelle Evans.

Jenelle consistently dominates the series in terms of drama (and often in terms of screen time, as well), and she’s been testing fans’ patience from day one.

But it seems MTV execs are betting that the same frustration that leads fans to fire off angry tweets at Jenelle will also prompt them to tune into a series that focuses primarily on the Carolina Hurricane and her antics.

Yes, it’s looking like a Jenelle Evans spinoff series may already be in the works.

Evans was asked point blank if she has such a project in her future, and while she technically played it coy, she basically confirmed that The Jenelle Show is coming soon.

“Maybeeeeeee,” Jenelle tweeted, along with a winking smiley face emoji.

“Organizing takes a while.”

No one uses that many “E’s” in the word “maybe” unless they actually mean yes.

Of course, this is far from the first time that there have been rumors of a Teen Mom spinoff series.

Farrah Abraham, Kailyn Lowry, and Amber Portwood have all teased the possibility of a spinoff series in the past, but insiders believe Jenelle has the best chance of making it happen.

While it’s possible that Farrah is the franchise’s most outlandish personality, no one has consistently brought the drama quite like Jenelle.

Jenelle’s custody battles with her mother and Nathan Griffith are the stuff of soap operas.

Her ongoing feud with David Eason’s sister has taken place entirely on social media, but it still has us riveted.

Normally, we’re skeptical about reality spinoffs, as few TV personalities have enough drama in their lives to sustain one show for very long, much less two.

But with Jenelle, we’re pretty sure you could keep her on camera around the clock, a la The Truman Show, and it would never get old.

Maybe we’re wrong, and a Jenelle spinoff will make us realize that even the most bonkers of reality stars have their boring moments.

But we’re certainly looking forward to finding out.


Monday, May 22, 2017

Javi Marroquin: Kailyn Lowry & I Are on Good Terms Now ... But My Book"s Still Happening!

Kailyn Lowry and Javi Marroquin are on better terms lately, but that’s not stopping her ex from pushing forward with his tell-all book.

Which, in turn, could threaten to derail the tenuous non-aggression pact between the former Teen Mom 2 spouses. The irony.

The father of Kailyn’s second son Lincoln says they’re playing nice these days, but his side of the story when it comes to their breakup?

Well, it’s not always nice, and he’s telling it like it is.

“I’ve been working on this book for a while,” Marroquin said of Heartlessly Hustled, an obvious play on Lowry’s own Hustle & Heart.

“My story won’t change,” the 24-year-old reality star said, but he insists, “regardless of what’s in my book Kail knows it’s behind us.”

That’s a fine line to walk.

In Marroquin’s mind, it may be easy enough to compartmentalize past and present like that, but if Lowry reads something she dislikes?

The smart thing to do if he’s really committed to co-parenting first would be to put this idea on the shelf (no pun intended) for awhile.

By now, the sad and scandalous story is familiar to those who watch Teen Mom 2 online or read any sort of celebrity gossip at all:

Lowry announced her divorce while he was on deployment in May 2016, after a six-month period that saw their marriage crumble.

Because he was overseas with the U.S. Air Force, their passive-aggressive social media communication became a spectator sport.

Then, only days after he returned home, he caught her with Chris Lopez, later revealed to be the father of Lowry’s third child.

Their split quickly became more and more tumultuous.

An already-strained relationship nearly reached a boiling point upon the reveal of Lowry’s third pregnancy, given their recent divorce.

She and Marroquin divorced in part because she didn’t want any more kids; Javi obvious didn’t take the third-baby-daddy thing well.

It reached a level in which Lowry filed a protection from abuse order after he showed up aggressively and sent her harassing texts. 

Javi denied ever laying a hand on Kailyn, who never accused him of that either, but admitted she sought – and he agreed to – the order.

Basically, he’s not allowed to contact her unless it’s regarding their son for a year. (Again, writing a tell-all book about her won’t help.)

Since then, the two have mended fences somewhat.

Kailyn has included Javi in family activities, both with their son and with Lowry’s older son Isaac, 7, from her relationship with Jo Rivera.

Marroquin, who has accused Lowry of cheating on him, and who says he will not be raising Lowry’s third child, remains close to Isaac.

As for what we can expect in Heartlessly Hustled?

“Expect a story about a man who thought he figured out life. Lies and cheating were swept beneath his nose for a long time!” Javi says.

Javi promises his memoir will “be the truth” of what Lowry – who he has implied wasn’t faithful – did to end their nearly four-year marriage.

“The only reason I was coming out with that book was to make sure my story was out,” he said, following the release of Lowry’s memoir.

In her book, she hit on his jealousy and control issues.

“When he did things like demanding that I unlock my phone to prove I had nothing to hide,” she said, Javi made their marriage unbearable.

She said he began “calling me constantly when I was enjoying time with friends to make sure I wasn’t doing anything ‘sneaky’ behind his back.”

“It became clearer and clearer how little my husband trusted me,” the reality star penned. “I had done nothing to make him doubt me.”

“I never lied, never went behind his back and I was never unfaithful,” Lowry laments, strongly denying that she ever cheated on him.

“For some reason, he was convinced otherwise.”

No word yet on the release date for Javi’s book, but you can expect it will reopen some old wounds that haven’t entirely healed.

You know, exactly the opposite of what he should probably be focusing on, and what he says his outlook on life is these days. 


Saturday, May 6, 2017

Dana White Says Anderson Silva Should Retire ... Title Shot Ain"t Happening (VIDEO)

Dana White says if Anderson Silva is even thinking about retiring he should DO IT … ‘cause the UFC simply ain’t gonna give Silva the title shot he’s asking for … at least right now. Earlier in the week Silva went public threatening to retire if…


Dana White Says Anderson Silva Should Retire ... Title Shot Ain"t Happening (VIDEO)

Dana White says if Anderson Silva is even thinking about retiring he should DO IT … ‘cause the UFC simply ain’t gonna give Silva the title shot he’s asking for … at least right now. Earlier in the week Silva went public threatening to retire if…


Friday, March 31, 2017

Chris Weidman Says Conor vs. Floyd is "100% Happening" ... And Conor Can Win (AUDIO)

Maybe Chris Weidman knows something we don’t … but the UFC star says the highly anticipated Floyd Mayweather vs. Conor McGregor fight is “100%” going down.  Weidman appeared on “MMA Report with Mike ‘Gunz’ Gunzelman” and said his information…


Monday, March 27, 2017

Danielle Bregoli Reality Show: It"s Happening!

In the most predictable development since Kim Kardashian and her family chose to publicize every conceivable angle of the star’s Paris robbery for the sake of ratings, Danielle Bregoli has signed to anchor a reality show.

We’ll give you a minute to pick your jaw up off the floor…


All good now?

Over the utter shock of this announcement?

Okay, allow us to pass along a few details.

According to TMZ, Bregoli has officially signed with what the website refers to as a “major TV production company.”

Not many other details are available at the moment, but it’s worth noting that the show (which will be centered on Danielle’s ridiculous life, of course) does not actually have a home yet.

No network has agreed to air the series; nor is there an official pitch or summary of what the program will actually be about it.

The 14-year old has simply agreed to work with a company that will help get a series on television.

Tragically, it’s not difficult to see this happening.

The Internet is very interest in the world of Danielle Bregoli, who rose to viral fame in September after she appeared alongside her mother on an episode of Dr. Phil.

The segment was titled “I Want to Give Up My Car-Stealing, Knife-Wielding, Twerking 13-Year-Old Daughter Who Tried to Frame Me for a Crime.”

After displaying some boorish behavior and trying to sound all tough on stage, Bregoli turned to the audience and taunted them with what has become has catchphrase.

Cash Me Outside,” she oddly yelled to members of the crowd.

And, with just that, a Web superstar was sadly born.

Since her initial Dr. Phil interview, Bregoli has done all she can to remain relevant.

She is very clearly trying to extend her 15 Minutes of Fame into at least a full hour.

For example, Bregoli once trash-talked Kardashian over her sex tape with Ray J, obviously hoping to get into a public spat with the Queen of Being Famous for No Real Reason.

But Kim, to her credit, did not take the bait.

Elsewhere, a disturbing video (like, a VERY disturbing video) of Bregoli getting pummeled over and over and over by her mother also recently made the Internet rounds.

Here it is:

Sort of makes you think twice over whether or not we ought to give this young woman a platform, doesn’t it?

She needs professional help, not a reality show.

In response to this crazy footage going viral, Danielle told TMZ it’s been blown way out of proportion.

“Me and my mother are not fighting on the floor. We are play fighting,” she actually claimed to the site late last week, adding:

“People need to take their head out of shit they shouldn’t have their head in. She doesn’t abuse me. I love my mother.”


So now the question is this:

Will you watch a Danielle Bregoli reality show? VOTE:


Monday, March 20, 2017

Kylie Jenner Spinoff Show: Actually Happening?!

Kylie Jenner has spent the past three years of her life slowly transforming into Kim Kardashian, and she may have just taken her biggest step yet toward becoming a full-blown Mini-Kim.

No, she didn’t cut a basketball in half and stuff down the back of her pants.

But she is taking a page from Kim’s playbook in terms of her next career move.

No, we’re not talking about the long-rumored Kylie sex tape, either.

Get your mind out of the gutter, hypothetical reader!

What we mean to say is that Kylie is reportedly getting her own reality show.

Yes, after years of playing second fiddle to her older sisters on Keeping Up With the Kardashians, Kylie is reportedly gearing up for a spinoff series that will focus primarily on her expanding business empire.

“Kylie is so excited,” a source close to the family tells Radar Online.

“It’s going to be all about building her business, and hiring people for her team.”

Kylie’s business ventures include lucrative Instagram endorsements, a subscription-based website, and her wildly popular lip kits.

She recently announced plans to expand to a full cosmetics line.

It makes sense Kylie would get into the spinoff game.

After all, she’s arguably the most popular member of the Kardashian clan, and aside from Kendall (who’s busy with modeling), she’s the only one who hasn’t had a spinoff.

Even reclusive Rob who previously refused to participate in the family’s existing reality series was given a show focusing on his relationship with Blac Chyna.

Of course, all of this talk about a new show for Kylie has prompted further rumors that Keeping Up the Kardashians will soon be canceled.

After all, Kylie is one of the series’ biggest draws, and with all of her many side gigs, it’s hard to imagine she’d have time to fully participate in two reality shows.

Add to that the fact that the season 13 premiere last Sunday brought in the show’s lowest ratings to date, and it’s not hard to see why so many are convinced there won’t be a KUWTK Season 14.

But no matter what happens with the show that made her family famous, one thing is for certain:

Kylie will be just fine.

Watch Keeping Up With the Kardashians online at TV Fanatic to relive Kylie’s simpler years.


Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Migos Says Childish Gambino Collab Is Definitely Happening (TMZ LIVE)

Donald Glover’s Migos shout-out at the Golden Globes will definitely lead to a collaboration between the trio and Glover’s hip-hop alter ego, Childish Gambino … according to the rappers. Migos’ Quavo and Offset were on “TMZ Live” Monday…


Thursday, June 16, 2016

Real Housewives: All Stars: Actually Happening!

How would you feel about feel about your favorite shows in the Real Housewives franchise joining up?

It would no doubt feature a lot of crazy drama that only the housewives could pull off. 

Andy Cohen spoke to Entertainment Tonight about the whole thing. 

“You know what? We will do Real Housewives: All Stars when the show is just about out of gas,” Cohen told Entertainment Tonight.

“So right now we had our second highest season of Beverly Hills, New York’s highest ratings since 2012, and Orange County, last season had it’s highest rated season in 10 seasons.”

In other words, the franchise is continuing to defy the odds and bringing all the drama our way. 

The only weak link right now appears to be The Real Housewives of Dallas.

It’s been plagued with low ratings since it premiered, but Bravo will probably give it another go around in the event that the ratings pick up. 

The show may be throwing the drama our way, but the ratings just aren’t cutting it. 

With all the talk of an All Stars edition of the franchise, we can’t help but wonder who might appear. 

There are so many possibilities. 

Could you imagine Danielle Staub returning?!?

That would be a ratings bonanza for the network, but who would they put on it with her?

Yolanda Foster may be out of the franchise for now, but with the right price, she could pop back up. 

Then there’s NeNe Leakes. With recent reports suggesting that she’d return to Real Housewives of Atlanta for the right price, she would no doubt be looking for a lucrative offer to even consider participating. 

Who would you like to see join in the fun? 

Hit the comments below and let us know!

Monday, April 18, 2016

Chelsea Houska: Wedding Happening Sooner Than Fans Think?

Teen Mom 2‘s Chelsea Houska is ready for her happily ever after.  In fact, she’s so ready that she may have bumped up her wedding to Cole DeBoer.

Fans theorize that Houska’s wedding is happening sooner rather than later because of her Instagrams.

“Nothing like seeing a wedding countdown to get you in the fricken ZONE for the gym. HOW IS TIME GOING SO FAST?! #WeddingBodPanicMode,” one of Houska’s Instagram captions read.

Naturally this is a weak theory, since all brides get a bit dramatic ahead of their big day, proclaiming that time is running out to get in shape/send out invitations/stop eating/deal with seating arrangements for a spring 2017 wedding (for example)

Houska also confirmed that her wedding will not be televised on MTV.

“Our wedding is just something so personal and we’re having a small intimate wedding and it just didn’t feel right just for us to have it aired to millions of people,” Houska told Wetpaint.

“Even though I appreciate the support and I’m so grateful for everyone who is so happy for us, people will be able to see the planning and pictures and stuff like that so I’m not leaving them with nothing.”

Houska may have ticked off the network by not having them present for the engagement.

“I don’t think they were super happy that they missed it,” she said of MTV’s reaction.

“They would’ve liked to be there. They’re like, ‘We’re supposed to have access,’ I’m like, ‘I didn’t know he was gonna do it!’’


Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Gwen Stefani-Blake Shelton Engagement: Actually Happening?!

Pretty much from the day the world first learned they were dating, rumors about Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton getting engaged have been circulating non-stop.

It’s been less than six months since the singers went public with their relationship, but in that time at least a dozen false reports of Blake putting a ring on it have made the rounds online.

This time, however, insiders are telling Us Weekly that they’re absolutely convinced the proposal is gonna to go down any day now.

What makes these claims different than all the the others?

Not a whole lot, especially considering these are probably the same low-ranking entourage members who sold their stories to the tabloids the last ten times, but let’s entertain them anyway, shall we?

“Blake could propose to Gwen very soon,” says one source. “Gwen is everything he wants.”

Gwen may have joked about being pregnant on April Fools’ Day, but it seems a big part of why the couple is rushing right into getting hitched is that the 46-year-old mother of 3 is eager to have Blake’s baby.

“Blake wants kids of his own and Gwen is willing to try!” says the source.

Only time will tell if this will turn out any differently than the many, many other times that Blake was supposedly planning to propose to Gwen.

We’re not exactly holding out breath, but ya never know!

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Josh Duggar Speaking Tour: Actually Happening?!

On Tuesday night, the second season premiere of Jill & Jessa Counting On  aired on TLC, and it delivered the mix of drama, sentimentality and wholesome family bonding moments that Duggar fans have been clamoring for.

More importantly, it came through on a promise the network made to viewers several weeks ago: Josh Duggar was nowhere to be found.

Yes, Josh is out of rehab, and he’s reportedly taken up residence at the Duggar compound in Tontitown, Arkansas, but he won’t be re-entering the public eye – at least not yet.

Sources tell Life & Style that the plan is for Josh to lie low for the time being – and then address the Duggar faithful at a series of speaking engagements.

“He’s considering going on a public speaking circuit,” an insider told Life & Style. “He has to make money and this could be very lucrative for him. It’s likely Josh will travel the world to talk at Christian fundamentalist events this year.”

Obviously, the Josh speaking tour (if it ever materializes) will be easy to avoid, but if you’re a fan of the Duggar family and you enjoy tour reality TV Josh-free, you may soon be out of luck.

“Everyone is certain Josh will be making an appearance on Counting On,” says the insider. “He’ll bring the show even more viewers.”

We hate to say it, but we could definitely see producers bringing Josh in as a season finale stunt.

Watch Jill & Jessa: Counting On online at TV Fanatic to enjoy the Josh-less series while you can.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Blac Chyna & Rob Kardashian: Reality Show Is Happening!!!

Does anyone else think this will be a snooze fest?

Earlier this month it was reported that Rob Kardashian and Blac Chyna were jonesing for their own reality show.

One roadblock standing in their way is the fact that Kardashian hasn’t appeared on his family’s reality show since becoming a recluse in 2013.

Because of this, a source explained to Us Weekly, “E! would be hesitant about a spinoff.

“They’d need to see him film on ‘Keeping Up’ first.”

At the time, Kardashian’s mother, Kris Jenner was thought to be supportive of his return (with Chyna by his side).

Jenner, the production insider said, “would totally get behind this.”

Today, People reported that the idea may soon come to fruition.

Kardashian and his lady love “are hoping for a spin-off” of Keeping Up With The Kardashians.

“Chyna doesn’t want to film with Rob’s family. They both think a spin-off is the best business decision. They have had meetings and things look promising.”

Kardashian, however, might be mending fences with certain family members, specifically Kylie Jenner, who is dating Chyna’s ex-boyfriend and baby daddy, Tyga.

Yesterday, the two shared a snap chat from a meeting with LA-based clothing brand Diamond Supply Co.

So…friends again?

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Scott Disick Reality Show: Actually Happening?!

When Kourtney Kardashian dumped Scott Disick we assumed that we in time, the Douche Lord would disappear from the reality TV landscape, and eventually all memory of his raging alcoholism and impeccably coiffed hair would fade.

Sure, Scott figured prominently in the most recent episode of Keeping Up With the Kardashians, but we didn’t have to see his face, which was a wonderful change of pace. 

But like vampires and cockroaches, Douche Lords are hard to kill, and Radar Online is reporting that a Scott Disick reality show might soon be, well…a reality. 

A source tells the website that Scott has already pitched a KUWTK spinoff that would focus on “his life as a single dad, raising Kourtney’s kids part-time.”

Scott’s not exactly a fan favorite at the moment, but keeping him board at the network might be E!’s best option.

“Since he is already under contract with the show, if they are going to phase him out it has to be done in a way that fits into the existing contracts,” the insider explains.

Best of all, Scott might be willing to work very cheap. 

With virtually no real world job experience, he’d likely find it tough to find employment that would allow him to maintain his current lifestyle (even with spousal support from Kourtney), and sources say Disick has done nothing to curb his spending in recent months.

“Scott is frantic right now to save his contract because he is blowing through money and is terrified of being poor,” says the insider.

So get ready! It sounds like the second coming of the Lord may soon be upon us!