Showing posts with label Jackie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jackie. Show all posts

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Jackie Warner Arrest Video, "Stay in the F***ing Car!"

Jackie Warner came face-to-face with a cop’s gun during her arrest in West Hollywood, and TMZ obtained some intense video of her brief standoff with law enforcement.  The video shows an L.A. County Sheriff’s deputy aiming the gun while…


Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Jackie Warner Arrested for Felony Assault; See the Former Bravo Star"s Mug Shot

Jackie Warner, a former Bravo star who hosted the program Work Out, is in major trouble with the law.

The gym fiend was arrested last Friday for alleged assault with a deadly weapon on a police officer, according to the West Hollywood Police Department.

Law enforcement insiders tell TMZ that Warner crashed her vehicle into a pole late last week.

When authorities arrived on the scene, she reportedly backed up into a police cruiser, causing a deputy to jump out of harm’s way.

She was arrested and taken to jail ,where her bail was set at $ 60,000.

The incident took place around 5:45 p.m. and Warner was also charged with driving under the influence and a hit and run for property damage.

“She was arrested and the investigation is ongoing, and the case will be presented to the district attorney’s office upon completion of the investigation,” Detective Hom tells Us Weekly, adding yesterday:

“She is not in custody at this time.”

TMZ has published Warner’s mug shot (below), along with further details about what transpired.

Warner allegedly went to lunch on Friday afternoon and drank one martini.

She took an Uber to and from the restaurant.

However, sources claims that Warner took an Ambien to help her fall asleep when she got home… and she then woke up in the the hospital, with no recollection of ever driving that day.

That’s quite the defense for her actions, huh?

This same TMZ insider says Warner was not wearing any pants when she was arrested; she was taken into custody while donning just underwear.

Is this proof that Warner was sleep driving?

Or proof that she was REALLY wasted?

Cops have told TMZ that a breathalyzer test was administered at the scene and that Warner blew right around a .08.

Warner formerly owned the now-closed Sky Sport and Spa in Beverly Hills.

Work Out premiered in Bravo in July of 2006, taking viewers inside the world of elite fitness in New York City.

It was canceled two years later, following a three-season run.

The workout guru wrote on her personal website years ago that she felt a need to turn her life around after turning 40 years old.

“I didn’t like doing the type of TV that I was doing which made me uncomfortable and uneasy,” she wrote oat the time, explaining:

“I had succeeded in many ways but always had very tumultuous relationship, which caused me quite a lot of misery. Shortly thereafter, I sold my clinic and gym and found myself wondering what’s next? …

“I felt a bit lost and started partying a lot. It felt like I was taking a few steps backwards in life and I started making bad decisions.”

Warner revealed that she later renewed her lease on life when she chose to quit drinking and dating for a year, while also eliminating toxic people from her life.

She proceeded to write a book and continue her work as a diet and fitness expert.


Jackie Warner"s Thousand Yard Stare After Assault Arrest (MUG SHOT)

Jackie Warner’s face was flush right after she was arrested for backing her vehicle into a cop car. TMZ obtained the fitness queen’s mug shot — taken after the L.A. County Sheriff’s Dept. took her into custody Friday night in West Hollywood. We…


Monday, February 27, 2017

Jackie Warner Arrested on Assault With Deadly Weapon, Ambien Defense

Jackie Warner, who starred in a Bravo fitness show, has been arrested for felony assault with a deadly weapon, and we’ve learned her defense is a little white pill called Ambien. Law enforcement sources tell us Jackie crashed her car in West…


Friday, January 20, 2017

Jackie Evancho Just Getting Started Singing for Presidents (VIDEO)

Jackie Evancho had plenty of butterflies right before she sang the national anthem at Donald Trump’s inauguration, but walked away so pumped … she’s ready for several encores. We talked to Jackie moments after she NAILED “The Star…


Jackie Evancho Sings National Anthem: How Did She Do?

It happened this afternoon in Washington D.C.

After weeks of hype and speculation, Jackie Evancho performed the national anthem in front of thousands and thousands of spectators and millions of people watching at home.

She did so, of course, prior to Donald Trump being sworn in as President of the United States. (Oh, right, that also happened this afternoon in Washington D.C.)

A former runner-up on America"s Got Talent, Evancho has received some backlash for taking on this gig.

But she saw it as an opportunity to further her career and to honor her country, so it"s difficult to blame the 16-year old for making the decision.

So let"s forget any controversy surrounding Evancho taking to this worldwide stage and let"s focus on how she actually did instead.

The teenage remembered every lyric, which is more than we can say for many A-Listers who have sang this same famous song prior to the Super Bowl.

Click PLAY on the following video and hand out a grade to Evancho now!

Jackie evancho sings national anthem at inauguration how did she

Jackie Evancho Risks Inauguration Voice to Surprise Trump with 3 Songs

Jackie Evancho has the biggest performance of her life tomorrow, but she’s still got the pipes to sing for Donald Trump tonight. Sources close to Jackie tell TMZ … she was asked by the Inaugural Committee to surprise the Prez-elect at…


Thursday, January 19, 2017

Jackie Evancho Not Pulling a Beyonce ... She"ll Sing Live at Inauguration

Jackie Evancho’s keeping it real at Donald Trump’s inauguration … with her voice. Sources close to the singer tell TMZ … Jackie will sing the national anthem LIVE when she steps up to the mic Friday. You’ll recall Beyonce got roasted 4…


Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Jackie Evancho"s Transgender Sister Undergoing Reassignment (VIDEO)

Jackie Evancho’s transgender sister will undergo surgery to begin reassignment the same week Jackie belts out the national anthem at Donald Trump’s inauguration … TMZ has learned. Sources close to the Evancho family tell us Jackie’s sister,…


Thursday, January 5, 2017

Jackie Evancho Album Sales Are Doing the Opposite of What Donald Trump Claims

As previously noted, Donald Trump has failed to attract any big names to perform at his Presidential inauguration on January 20.

He claims A-Listers want to appear at the event, but he’s been turning down their requests because they did “NOTHING” for Hillary Clinton are are not “real PEOPLE.”

Trump has managed to secure Jackie Evancho for the inauguration, however, giving a major platform to the former America’s Got Talent runner-up and significantly increasing the Google search frequency of the following question:

Who the heck is Jackie Evancho?!?

She’s someone who is on the rise, Trump claims.

She’s a singer with a bright future whose decision to make herself front and center for The Donald’s big day this month is paying off, Trump argues.

Bigly, he seems to think.

On Wednesday night, Trump once again focused on something very important via his Twitter account, touting Evancho’s impressive album sales ever since she announced her inauguration participation.

“Jackie Evancho’s album sales have skyrocketed after announcing her Inauguration performance,” the President-Elect wrote, adding:

“Some people just don’t understand the “Movement.”

djt tweet

We guess not.

But other people just don’t understand basic math.

Which could maybe be forgiven or ignored if one of these people was not going to become the 45th President of the United States in just a few weeks.

Because Jackie Evancho’s album sales have not skyrocketed. They’ve done the complete opposite of skyrocket.

They’ve plummeted. In bigly fashion.

To be specific, Evancho has fallen 41 spots on the Billboard 200 in just a week:

jackie sales

Now, we don’t mean to heap criticism on a 16-year old or to highlight her failure. Really, we don’t.

We can understand the bind she was in, unsure how to propel her career to the next level and figuring that a prominent spot at a Presidential inauguration was too tempting to pass up.

That’s fine. We get it.

And it’s far more disturbing to the safety of the United States when Trump is lying about Russian hacking and CIA intelligence briefings than when he’s lying about the success or failure of a particular artist.

But still.

Come on!

Is Trump unaware that Billboard and other outlets actually track album sales? That this was such a ridiculously blatant misleading of the public because it was so easy to fact-check?

We’ve spent far too long trying to get inside Donald Trump’s brain already here, haven’t we?

At this point, it should be clear that anyone trying to make sense out of anything Trump does is wasting is or her time.

As actual successful singer Bruce Springsteen recently said, we should be spending far more time being afraid of what Trump may do and take whatever steps we can to prevent it.

Call your Congressman. Attend a rally. Get out and vote in the mid-term elections next year.

Reporters, slam Trump as a liar every single time he lies.

And Jackie Evancho? Just keep your head down and sing your heart out. 

We feel for you. But this is not going to help your career, no matter what Trump seems to believe.


Sunday, December 25, 2016

Jackie Evancho Says What Backlash?? Donald Trump Made Me #1!

Jackie Evancho is defying what seems to be conventional entertainment wisdom — that singing at Donald Trump’s inauguration is career-threatening — because she just shot to #1 on the charts. We’re told since the America’s Got Talent runner-up…


Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Jackie Evancho: Who is Donald Trump"s Inauguration Singer?

There are very few celebrities out there who support Donald Trump.

And there are even fewer celebrities out there in the music industry who support Donald Trump.

This is why the President-Elect has had trouble finding anyone on the A (or B… or C…) List to perform at his inauguration on January 20, 2017.

In the end, Trump"s team settled on Jackie Evancho to sing the national anthem at this historic event.

The decision has led to at least one widespread question around the Internet: WHO IS JACKIE EVANCHO?

Get to know her below…

1. She Rose to Fame on America’s Got Talent

Jackie evancho on agt

At just 10 years old! Belting out opera songs, Jackie finished second in 2010.

2. She’s a Record-Setter

Shes a record setter

After coming in second on America’s Got Talent in 2010, she became the youngest solo artist to release a platinum-selling album with “O Holy Night.”

3. Since Her Run on AGT…

Jackie evancho in dc

… Evancho has experimented with a number of genres. She has released multiple albums, including several Christmas collections and a record of film and showtune covers. She also released a pop single in April of 2016.

4. She Has Political Experience

Jackie evancho pic

Political SINGING experience, that is. In 2010, she sang at the lighting of the National Christmas Tree and got to meet President Obama. She also sang at the official D.C. Fourth of July celebration in 2016.

5. Her Sister is Transgender

Her sister is transgender

At 18 years old, Juliet came out last year. She’s actually part of a lawsuit against a Pennsylvania school district over restroom access, attempting to overturn legislation that states students can only use the restroom that corresponds with their gender at birth.

6. She Has a Favorite Type of Movie

She has a favorite type of movie

It’s a “love story,” Jackie once said. We’re guessing she’s a fan of The Notebook.

View Slideshow

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Andrea Bocelli Will Duet with Jackie Evancho for Trump Inauguration

Donald Trump didn’t just land Jackie Evancho for the National Anthem at the inauguration — we’ve confirmed he’s also locked down Andrea Bocelli for at least one song, maybe 2. Jackie’s mother, Lisa, tells TMZ … the Donald himself called…


Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Jackie Cole, American Idol Finalist, Diagnosed with Cancer

Jackie Cole is in for a battle far more difficult than anything she faced on the American Ido stage.

The singer has been diagnosed with thyroid cancer.

Known to viewers simply as “Jax,” Cole finished third on Season 14 of this Fox singing competition, losing out in the end to Nick Fradiani and Clark Beckham.

She made a strong impression on viewers with her unique look and attitude, as well as her impressive vocal chops.

Now, the 20-year old has opened up to My Central Jersey about her cancer diagnosis.

“It was very unexpected,” Jax told the local news outlet on Monday.

“When you’re 20 years old, you have this Superman entitlement mentality, like you’re indestructible. And sometimes all it takes is God telling you it’s time to take a break for you to understand that you are most certainly not.”

The New Jersey native says she discovered a “small lump” on her throat while shopping with her mother and father just prior to taking the stage for a performance at New York City’s Webster Hall in April.

As a result, Jax went to a local urgent care center.

Once there, physicians discovered 18 tumors on her thyroid, a dozen of which tested positive for cancer.

They diagnosed her with Hashimoto’s disease, which is a type of hypothyroidism.

It didn’t take long from there for Jax to undergi surgery to have her thyroid and several nearby lymph nodes removed.

“The first thing I did when I found out about the cancer was crack a joke,” Jax continued to My Central Jersey.

“My little bro knows me the best. The second they wheeled me out of surgery, he said, ‘Man! I tried to warn you the music business was cutthroat.’

“Thank God I have people in my life that were there to help me deal with this when my reality finally clicked for me. I’m a tough guy, but I don’t think I have ever experienced anything scarier.”

Aside from watching Game of Thrones and Orange Is the New Black during her recovery time, Jax says she worked on new music.

She hopes to have it ready for public consumption this fall.

Look for her to take part in the New York City Marathon on November 6 as a way to raise money for Tuesday’s Children, an organization formed after the 9/11 attacks to support families affected by terrorism and loss.

Most people are unaware that Jax’s dad was a first responder during the attacks.

Pretty amazing family, huh?

“I have had some time to be with my own mind and reflect lately, and I think it’s time I give this thing a real shot,” the singer said on Monday.

“I am a very theatrical person, so crossing that finish line on November 6 is what I want to do. To officially prove I can kick this thing’s ass.”

We’ll be rooting for her, that’s for certain.

Please join us in wishing a full recovery to Jax.

We were fans of her during her run on American Idol.

We’re even bigger fans now.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Look Back At Jackie Collins" Life And Career With Our 2011 Interview With The Best-Selling Author!

Don’t you miss her already?

After news broke late Saturday night that Jackie Collins died, we couldn’t help and look back at our interview with her several years ago, when she came in to Perez TV to discuss her book Goddess of Vengeance (above)!

She discusses everything from not going to college, to being on the best seller list, to getting banned from the nation of Australia in this wide-ranging interview.

Jackie Collins sure has had an incredible life and career — enjoy her words in the video here as another way to remember her!

Look Back At Jackie Collins" Life And Career With Our 2011 Interview With The Best-Selling Author!

Don’t you miss her already?

After news broke late Saturday night that Jackie Collins died, we couldn’t help and look back at our interview with her several years ago, when she came in to Perez TV to discuss her book Goddess of Vengeance (above)!

She discusses everything from not going to college, to being on the best seller list, to getting banned from the nation of Australia in this wide-ranging interview.

Jackie Collins sure has had an incredible life and career — enjoy her words in the video here as another way to remember her!

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Jackie Collins — Best-Selling Novelist — Has Died At 77

Truly heartbreaking.

Cherished and adored for her work — over 500 million copies of her novels have been sold worldwide — Jackie Collins brought inspiration and entertainment to countless fans.

So it is with complete regret that we must tell you of her death.

After being diagnosed with breast cancer nearly seven years ago, the author of books such as Lucky and Drop Dead Beautiful passed away at the age of 77.

In a statement released Saturday, her family says:

“It is with tremendous sadness that we announce the death of our beautiful, dynamic and one of a kind mother, Jackie Collins, who died of breast cancer today. She lived a wonderfully full life and was adored by her family, friends and the millions of readers who she has been entertaining for over 4 decades. She was a true inspiration, a trail blazer for women in fiction and a creative force. She will live on through her characters but we already miss her beyond words.”

Collins mostly kept her illness private, confiding in her three daughters — Tracy (54), Tiffany (48), and Rory (46).

In her final interview, the beloved Jackie reflected on her life and career, saying:

“Looking back, I’m not sorry about anything I did. I did it my way, as Frank Sinatra would say. I’ve written five books since the diagnosis, I’ve lived my life, I’ve traveled all over the world, I have not turned down book tours and no one has ever known until now when I feel as though I should come out with it. Now I want to save other people’s lives.”

She leaves behind her three daughters, her sister Joan Collins, her brother Bill, and six grandchildren.

Private memorial services will be held in both the United States and the United Kingdom. Her family asks that in lieu of flowers, donations be sent to the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Organization in the States and Penny Brohn Cancer Care in the U.K..

Rest in peace, Jackie. We’ll miss you.

[Image via WENN.]

Legendary Novelist Jackie Collins -- Dead at 77


breaking news

0919-jackie-collins-GETTY-01Best selling novelist Jackie Collins passed away Saturday, she was 77-years-old.

Collins has sold more than 500 million novels globally and all 32 of her books appeared on The New York Times bestsellers list. 

Collins’ family posted a statement on their Facebook saying, “It is with tremendous sadness that we announce the death of our beautiful, dynamic and one of a kind mother, Jackie Collins, who died of breast cancer today.”

Jackie was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer six-and-a-half years ago.  


Jackie Collins Dies; Famed Novelist Was 77

Jackie Collins – the bestselling novelist who more than 500 million copies over the course of her career – has passed away at the age of 77.

Collins had been battling breast cancer for several years. Her family confirmed the news of her death in a statement issued to People magazine.

“It is with tremendous sadness that we announce the death of our beautiful, dynamic and one of a kind mother, Jackie Collins, who died of breast cancer today,” the statement reads.

“She lived a wonderfully full life and was adored by her family, friends and the millions of readers who she has been entertaining for over 4 decades.

“She was a true inspiration, a trail blazer for women in fiction and a creative force. She will live on through her characters but we already miss her beyond words.” 

Collins was the younger sister of actress of Joan Collins, who starred in two films based on Jackie’s work. 

With an estimated net worth of nearly $ 100 million, Collins was one of the world’s wealthiest authors at the time of her death.

Despite being diagnosed with breast cancer in 2009, she kept up her prolific output, publishing five books in the final six years of her life. She was rumored to be working on a play when she died.

Collins is survived by three daughters, whom she regarded as her closest friends.