Showing posts with label Jail'. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jail'. Show all posts

Monday, August 6, 2018

NFL"s Sean Smith to Be Released From Jail Early In Street Fight Case

Ex-Oakland Raiders star CB Sean Smith is slated to be released from jail next month — after serving less than half of his year-long sentence in his street fight case … TMZ Sports has learned. As we previously reported … Sean got 1…


Thursday, August 2, 2018

Rapper Webbie Avoids Jail Time in Girlfriend Attack Case

Webbie will not spend a day behind bars for allegedly beating and choking his girlfriend, because he’s worked a pretty sweet plea deal.  According to the East Baton Rouge court clerk … Webbie agreed to plead guilty Thursday to a…


Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Ryan Edwards: SENTENCED on Heroin Charges! Released From Jail!

Just about every time we bring you new news about Teen Mom OG star Ryan Edwards, it has to do with a new round of misfortunes for Maci Bookout"s troubled ex.

So in a sense, this is a refreshing change of pace.

Today, we can update you on some good news for Ryan … well, sort of.

You see, Edwards was released from jail today after spending the past week behind bars.

Unfortunately, that short-term victory precedes what"s likely to be a series of crushing defeats for Edwards.

Here"s what we know about the situation so far:

1. Another Brush With the Law

Ryan edwards mug shot new

Edwards was arrested for the third time in just over a year last week after allegedly violating the terms of his probation.

2. The Downward Spiral

Ryan edwards on teen mom photo

Ryan’s legal troubles began back in March of 2017 when he arrested on heroin possession charges.

3. Strike Two

Ryan edwards mug shot

Less than a year later, Edwards was arrested again, this time for failing a court-ordered drug test.

4. No More Second Chances

Ryan edwards a photo

As a result of his continued probation violations, Edwards was held in police custody after he arrested for a third time on July 23.

5. A Stroke of Luck

Ryan edwards is mad

It was originally reported that Ryan would remain behind bars until his August 6 court date, but today things went Edwards’ way for a change.

6. Free at Last

Mackenzie and ryan edwards picture

According to Radar Online, Edwards was released from Hamilton County Jail in Tennessee at around 2 am this morning.

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Saturday, July 28, 2018

Maci Bookout: I"m SO HAPPY Ryan Edwards is in Jail!

Ryan Edwards was arrested on Monday evening, and as far as we know, he’s still in jail.

And thank goodness for that, right?

After all, if he’s in jail, he can’t get arrested again, and we’d hope that heroin is a little more difficult to come by in jail than it is outside jail.

Because as if it wasn’t clear enough already, Ryan seems to have a very, very big issue with heroin.

This whole mess started last year, when he was arrested for possession of heroin and sentenced to a year of probation.

Then, back in March, just before the probation was over, he was arrested again after failing a drug test.

Surprise, surprise, he had heroin in his system.

After that six more months was added to his probation, and on Monday, of course, he was arrested yet again.

Some media outlets are reporting that he got another charge of possession and some are reporting that he violated his probation for missing a court date.

But either way, it’s not great.

A Nashville attorney has explained that if he has been charged with possession again, then he could be facing nearly three years in prison.

Even if that’s not what happened, he’s facing at least a year and a half from his last two arrests.

Considering that this time around, Ryan is being held without bond, it wouldn’t be too big a surprise if he did spend a bit of that time in jail.

And according to a new report from Hollywood Life, Maci Bookout would be thrilled by that!

“Maci’s heartbroken to see what drugs have done to Ryan,” a source explains.

“She lives in fear that he’s going to overdose and die so getting the news that he was in jail was actually a huge relief because at least he’s still alive and still has a chance to beat this illness.”

The source adds that “Now that he’s back in jail there is hope that he might finally get the longterm help he needs, that’s what Maci is praying for.”

Just so we’re clear, she’s not wanting him to stay in jail out of spite or anything like that.

“While jail seems bad on the outside, Maci is praying that it will save Ryan’s life and help get him sober,” the insider continues.

Demi Lovato’s overdose apparently really shook her up, and “she’s terrified Ryan will overdose too if he doesn’t get sober once and for all.”

And believe it or not, another source claims that Ryan has those same fears.

According to this person, “Ryan can’t help feeling like he’ll never be able to get himself back on track.”

“The past couple of years have been nothing but non-stop drama, and Ryan is just burned out and exhausted.”

As sad as it sounds, “He truly regrets the day he first took heroin” because “it’s really wrecked his life and everything has been downhill ever since.”

“Ryan just hopes and prays that when he gets out of jail he can stay clean, and work hard to regain the trust of all those he loves and has hurt over the years because of his addiction.”

If any of this is true, and we really hope it is, then maybe things will be different this time around.

And with Ryan expecting his first child with Mackenzie Standifer in just a couple months, they really, really need to be.

But on a more tragic, more realistic note, he’s proven time and again that he has a serious problem, and it may take more than a little bit of time in jail to fix that.

Here’s hoping he’s able to pull through anyway!


Friday, July 27, 2018

Dustin Poirier Says Conor McGregor Avoiding Jail Is Good For Weight Class

Conor McGregor ain’t goin’ to prison — and UFC star Dustin Poirier couldn’t be happier about it — telling TMZ Sports they can finally figure out who’s the baddest lightweight fighter in the world. Poirier — the #4 ranked lightweight…


Ryan Edwards Facing HOW MUCH Time in Jail?!

Things aren’t looking too good right now for Ryan Edwards.

But then again, have they ever?

Still, things are looking especially bleak for him right now, considering he’s been in jail for the past few days.

There have been a few conflicting reports about what happened, but we do know that Ryan’s legal troubles started last year, when he was arrested for possession of heroin.

He was sentenced to a year of probation, which he broke back in March by failing a drug test — for that, he was sentenced to six more months of probation.

On Monday, he was arrested for a third time.

There have been conflicting reports about what happened, with some outlets claiming he was arrested for possession again and others claiming the arrest was for failing to appear in court back in May.

Either way, it’s bad news for Ryan — bad enough that he’s being held without bond.

That means that he’ll be hanging out in jail until his next court date, which is on August 6th.

And after that?

Well, it’s not looking great.

Nashville attorney Ben Raybin is speaking out about Ryan’s case, and although he’s not working for Ryan or connected to him at all, he does have a good idea about how the law works, and especially how it works in Tennessee, Ryan’s home state.

About the possibility of Ryan spending any real time in jail, he says “It really depends on the case, as far as whether somebody would be going to jail or rehab after getting busted for heroin possession.”

“Usually in this state we do try to send people to treatment for when they’re found with drugs,” he explains.

But in cases like Ryan’s, when a person has violated probation multiple times, “then at that point the judge says enough is enough and says they are going to jail and at that point they can put all the offender’s sentences into effect.”

For Ryan specifically, he says “I can tell you he is facing up to 11 months and 29 days in jail just on this most recent charge of simple heroin possession.”

“But that’s not all because he has a prior suspended sentence as well as probation that the judge could choose to add to his sentence.”

“To break it down,” he continues, “Ryan has the six months of probation he was sentenced to (in March 2018) as well as a suspended sentence of 11 months and 29 days stemming back to his very first arrest.”

“He was able to get that sentence suspended but that does not mean it’s gone.”

“It’s hanging over his head,” he says, “and since he has violated probation, if the judge chooses to he can do what I call un-suspend it.”

Essentially, a judge could take all that time, add it up, and Ryan could spend two and a half years in jail.

Ben does add that he thinks “it’s probably unlikely that he would get totally maxed out on all of that but he is potentially facing two and a half years total in jail at this point.”

We’re not lawyers, of course, but it does seem unlikely that a judge would just throw a few more months of probation to Ryan at this point.

Which is especially unfortunate, considering his wife, Mackenzie Standifer, is pregnant with his child and is due in just over two months.

It’s also a little embarrassing, considering Ryan and Mackenzie were going on and on last week about how sober he is and how hard he’s been working on his recovery.

Remember, Mackenzie said that MTV told them that they were letting them go because “they don’t want to show Ryan as a recovering addict.”

But reports claimed that what actually happened was that Maci Bookout told the network that she refused to film if Ryan was filming — Bristol Palin was hired while MTV tried to figure out what to do.

Maci’s reasoning behind her demand was allegedly that she believed Ryan was still on drugs and she didn’t want Bentley to be able to watch his father spiral even further out of control.

Knowing what we know now, it seems like there’s quite a bit of truth to that.

Whatever happens, whether it turns out to be years in jail, we hope Ryan is able to get clean, for real this time.

Goodness knows we love Teen Mom drama, but this is just too much.


Monday, July 23, 2018

Luann de Lesseps Strikes Plea Deal to Avoid Jail in Drunk Arrest Case

Luann de Lesseps is now pleading guilty to 3 charges in her drunken arrest case, but she’s dodging the felony charge — as part of a plea deal — which would keep her out of jail.  The troubled ‘RHONY’ star agreed to plead guilty to…


Saturday, July 21, 2018

Conor McGregor to Dodge Jail and Deportation in Plea Deal

Conor McGregor is one lucky scofflaw … because TMZ Sports has learned he’s on the verge of striking a deal in his New York City criminal case that will keep him in the U.S. and out of jail. We’ve learned Conor’s lawyer is in the final stages of…


Thursday, July 19, 2018

Farrah Abraham: I"m Not Going to Jail! That"s Fake News!

Last month, Farrah Abraham was arrested after allegedly attacking a male staff member at the Beverly Hills Hotel.

Earlier this week, Farrah was formally charged with assault, and prosecutors decided to tack on resisting arrest for good measure.

(That’ll happen when video of you telling the police to go f-ck themselves makes its way across social media.)

Naturally, Farrah handled the situation by admitting blame, asking forgiveness of the victim, and entering therapy in order to ensure that nothing like this ever happens.

Just kidding, she’s actually been blaming everyone else for her arrest and lying about the altercation every chance she gets.

Yes, despite considerable evidence to the contrary (Did we mention that video with the cops and the F-bombs?), Farrah says she was not arrested.

Most recently, she made that delusional claim on the Instagram page of Paparazzi Magazine after the outlet tagged her in a post about the arrest.

“Don’t tag me on lies all this is false,” Farrah commented.

 “False info,” she added.

Yes, apparently, “false info” is Farrah’s version of “fake news.”

Sadly, she won’t be old enough to run for president in 2020, but the way her career is going, you can expect her to be elected to the White House in 2028.

Anyway, to the surprise of absolutely no one, Farrah is completely full of it.

She was arrested; she has been charged with multiple misdemeanors; and she is facing 18 months in prison.

The folks over at Hollywood Life even went so far as to obtain court documents pertaining to Farrah’s arrest.

Armed with that evidence, HL reached out to Farrah for comment.

The surprising part is, she actually responded.

The not-so-surprising part is, she’s still trying to BS everyone.

“This case is all false. It’s all lies. It’s all false information,” Farrah responded.

“The court date has been set for August 13th, but there has been no judge assigned. I’ve told everybody this is all false.”

Man, she really loves that “false info” catchphrase.

You’ve gotta love how Farrah thinks she can just make people’s heads spin with legal mumbo-jumbo, and everyone will be like, “Well, she must be telling the truth!”

A word of legal advice, Farrah — don’t try that on the judge.


Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Farrah Abraham Faces Jail Time on Assault Charges, Still Denies Everything

Farrah Abraham … she"s just such a special soul, isn"t she?

Rarely do we ever see a person so delusional, so misguided, so completely incapable of saying words.

Over the years, she"s been getting worse, too, to the point where she"s starting to get herself in trouble.

Remember when she was arrested for assaulting an employee at a hotel last month?

As if the incident itself wasn"t bad enough for her, she"s now facing some consequences for what she (allegedly!) did.

And those consequences are actually pretty intense.

1. Sigh …

Farrah abraham in a bowtie

This is Farrah. You know Farrah! She is an absolute mess.

2. You Can’t Do That, Farrah

Sad face farrah

She’s such a mess that last month, she was arrested at a hotel in Beverly Hills after hitting a security guard.

3. Girl, No

Farrah abraham red hair

According to police and several witnesses, Farrah seemed to be intoxicated and she’d been arguing with other guests at the hotel. Things were bad enough that the security guard came to kick her out, and that’s when she started getting violent.

4. Just Stop

Farrah abraham sass

She also said things like “you should know who I am,” and she even told the responding police officers “go f-ck yourselves,” which is just too embarrassing to handle.

5. Great Parenting, As Usual

Farrah and sophia at the mtv movie awards

While she was being arrested, her daughter, Sophia, was fast asleep in their hotel room. So that’s cute.

6. Jail Time!

Farrah abraham weight loss lollipop

She spent that night and the next morning in jail before getting bailed out that afternoon, and when she was released, she was quick to tell everyone that she was “targeted” and that she didn’t do anything wrong. Because of course she didn’t.

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Monday, July 16, 2018

Farrah Abraham: Headed to Jail For Assault, Resisting Arrest?!

When Farrah Abraham got arrested at the Beverly Hills Hotel last month, it initially looked as though she might walk away from the situation scot-free.

Though she remained in jail for more than 24 hours awaiting bail, prosecutors took their sweet time deciding whether or not she should be charged for allegedly assaulting a staff member at the hotel.

Well, good news for all you Farrah-haters out there:

Not only have the powers that be determined Ms. Abraham should go before a judge for the attack, they’ve also decided to charge her with resisting arrest!

This, according to TMZ, who reports that if she’s convicted on both charges, Farrah could face up to 18 months in prison.

There was a time when we’d say there’s no way someone with Farrah’s wealth, connections, and whiteness would ever go to jail over a pair of misdemeanors, but there are several factors that lead us to believe she might actually wind up doing time.

For starters, there’s the egregious nature of her offense.

Farrah didn’t justice resist arrest, she told the cops to “f-ck off,” repeatedly and in front of a video camera.

To make matters worse, Farrah’s 9-year-old daughter, Sophia, was in the hotel at the time of the incident.

Granted, she was upstairs asleep, but still.

Getting completely hammered and assaulting someone who was probably just trying to do his job while your young daughter is asleep under the same roof is … not a good look.

And while there was a time when pretty much every celebrity carried a wallet full of “get out of jail free” cards, those days are long gone.

In fact, Farrah’s years as a reality star might actually work to her disadvantage.

A decade of abusive and often violent behavior has been documented by camera crews and can now be viewed by a sentencing judge as a sort of impartial character witness.

And since Farrah was recently fired by MTV, she no longer enjoys the sort of personal wealth that might allow her to assemble an OJ-esque legal dream team.

That doesn’t mean Farrah is poor, of course — or remotely worried about her situation.

In fact, this week saw the launch of Farrah’s first app, which promises subscribers such perks as (non-porn) “exclusive” videos and the opportunity to follow Farrah on her own in-app social media network.

The venture probably won’t make her much money, but it serves as a reminder that Farrah is so delusional she would never consider the possibility that she’s not actually above the law.


Saturday, July 14, 2018

Tekashi69"s Out of Jail and Handing Out Cash to Kids

Tekashi69’s feeling so good about being out of the slammer, he says he’s starting up a soccer league for the community … and it looks like he’s paying the players! STARTED A SOCCER LEAGUE STRAIGHT OUT OF JAIL 😤 69 FOR THE COMMUNITY…


Tekashi69"s Out of Jail and Handing Out Cash to Kids

Tekashi69’s feeling so good about being out of the slammer, he says he’s starting up a soccer league for the community … and it looks like he’s paying the players! STARTED A SOCCER LEAGUE STRAIGHT OUT OF JAIL 😤 69 FOR THE COMMUNITY…


Friday, July 13, 2018

Kellen Winslow Jr. Released from Jail Despite 3rd Rape Allegation

Kellen Winslow Jr. has been released from jail and will begin house arrest — after posting bail in his rape case … TMZ Sports has learned.  The ex-NFL star was released from Vista Detention Facility in San Diego on Friday — one day after…


Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Tekashi69 Will Be in NYC Jail Until At Least Next Week

Tekashi69 could potentially spend at least the next week locked up in NYC before he’s shipped off to face a judge in Houston. A rep for the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office tells us Tekashi was just arraigned and is now in custody until a…


Tekashi69 Will Be in NYC Jail Until At Least Next Week

Tekashi69 could potentially spend at least the next week locked up in NYC before he’s shipped off to face a judge in Houston. A rep for the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office tells us Tekashi was just arraigned and is now in custody until a…


Thursday, July 5, 2018

Mike Sorrentino to Lauren Pesce: Let"s Hurry and Get Married Before I Go to Jail!

Well, he’s living up to his nickname more than ever these days, because Mike Sorrentino is stuck in a seriously complex situation.

If you watched Jersey Shore Family Vacation this season, you know that Mike proposed to Lauren Pesce, she said yes, and plans are already in place to populate the tri-state area with dozens of mini-Sitches.

Unfortunately, there’s a minor roadblock standing in the way of Mike and Lauren’s domestic bliss.

When the focus briefly shifted from Ronnie’s never-ending emotional meltdown, JSFV also reminded us that Sorrentino is facing prison time for tax evasion.

While Mike has gone to great lengths to clean up his act in the years since his legal entanglement began, it’s unlikely that he’ll be able to avoid prison time.

Which means, of course, that he and Lauren don’t have the luxury of a long engagement.

“They are working out the exact date now, as well as the location for the wedding and venue for the reception,” a source close to the couple tells Radar Online.

Mike is scheduled to be sentenced on September 7, and his lawyers have reportedly informed him that he should be prepared to serve at least two years behind bars.

Fortunately, Lauren says she’s willing to wait for Mike for as long as she needs to.

“They are both hoping for leniency. But it does not matter to Lauren how long he has to go to prison,” the insider says.

“She will stand by him no matter what. She will be visiting him in prison as often as she is allowed.

Even though Mike might not begin serving his sentence until several months after he’s sentenced, he and Lauren are planning to tie the knot this summer, just to be safe.

The original plan was for Sorrentino and Pesce to tie the knot on the second season of JSFW, but a rushed production. schedule put the kibosh on that plan.

But don’t worry, unlike past Shore weddings, the entire guido crew will be in attendance, and most of Mike’s castmates will be a part of the wedding party.

(We’re guessing Ronnie was the only one left out.)

Insiders say Mike and Lauren hope to spend at least four months living as man and wife before his sentence begins.

And of course, they’ll be hard at work making those little mini-Situations.

As difficult as Mike’s current situation is, those who know him best say he’s never been happier — and they credit Lauren with saving his life.

“Everyone is just so proud of Mike for getting sober Opens a New Window. , and are just as close with Lauren as they are with him,” says thee source.


Monday, July 2, 2018

XXXTentacion"s Murder Suspect Was Not Raped or Sexually Assaulted in Jail

XXXTentacion’s murder suspect who is sitting in jail was reported to have been sexually assaulted in a Florida jail – but, that’s just not true … according to Broward County Sheriff’s Office. Law enforcement officials at BSO tell us…


Monday, June 18, 2018

Suge Knight Not Allowed to Leave Jail to Attend Mom"s Funeral

Suge Knight’s chances of getting out of jail to attend his mother’s funeral have dwindled down to about zero … because rules are rules. We spoke to the L.A. County Sheriff’s Department who tells us Suge can’t get his hands on a “get out of jail…


Friday, June 15, 2018

Paul Manafort Goes to Jail After Judge Revokes Bail

President Trump’s former campaign manager will be behind bars after being indicted — again — which violated his bail for previous money laundering and tax law violations. Paul Manafort was sent to jail by a judge Friday after being hit with new…
