Showing posts with label Jennifer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jennifer. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Jennifer Garner: PISSED Ben Affleck Is Dating a Playboy Model!

Earlier this week, the world learned that Ben Affleck and Lindsay Shookus have broken up after just over a year of dating.

Given the fact that the couple went to great pains to keep their relationship as private as possible, perhaps it should come as no surprise that there was no official statement confirming the split.

Ben and Shookus

What is surprising, however, is the fact that Ben moved on within days of the breakup.

Yes, these days, Affleck is dating Playboy model Shauna Sexton.

Aside from drunkenly posting all-caps rage comments on an article suggesting that it’s time for Tom Brady to retire, dumping a successful career woman who’s at least close to his age in favor of a 22-year-old centerfold is the most Ben Affleck thing Ben Affleck has ever done.

Those who know him best probably aren’t shocked by the decision — but that doesn’t mean they like it.

According to Us Weekly, Jennifer Garner has been quite vocal about her distaste for Ben’s new relationship.

A source close to the situation tells the tabloid that it’s not a matter of jealousy — rather it’s the fact that Jen desperately wants her three children to have a relationship with their father, but she feels she can’t trust Affleck when he’s spending his time with hard-partying college-aged women.

“Jen realized a long time ago that she cannot fix Ben and that his problems are not hers to solve,” says the insider.

“She’s not his babysitter. She just wants to protect the kids. But she does wish Ben would keep his life more private.”

The source goes on to claim that while Ben’s reckless rebound behavior was not unexpected, Jen had hoped for a shred of maturity from her ex.

“Of course she’s not pleased he’s dating a 22-year-old Playboy model,” the insider adds.

“But she’s also not surprised. Jen has come to expect this from Ben. She’s not going to get involved. She can’t make decisions for him.”

And this isn’t a case of Jen being skeptical of Shauna simply because of her age or profession.

You see, Affleck is still newly sober, and Shauna is, well … not.

Her Playboy bio she reveals that she loves whiskey, and Ben was recently spotted carrying a case of the hard stuff into his home.

Sources close to the actor swear the booze was for Shauna, but members of his inner circle are still concerned.

Even if Ben is still off the sauce, taking up with a hard-drinking girlfriend half his age doesn’t exactly improve his chances of staying sober.

Here’s hoping Ben will slow things down a bit before he spirals out of control once again.


Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Jennifer Lopez Grinds Up on Alex Rodriguez at MTV VMAs After-Party

Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez continued their PDA-fest after the MTV VMAs … dancing on each other at a NY hotspot and TMZ Sports has the video!  J Lo was honored with the Michael Jackson Video Vanguard Award at the show — one of the…


Tuesday, August 14, 2018

"Runaway Bride" Jennifer Wilbanks "Memba Her?!

Jennifer Wilbanks gained infamy (and the nickname “Runaway Bride”) after she got cold feet and skipped town before her wedding, claiming she was sexually assaulted and kidnapped by a Hispanic man and white woman back in 2005. Guess what she…


Monday, August 13, 2018

Jennifer Aniston: Gleeful Over Angelina Jolie"s Life Falling Apart!

Brad Pitt is still going through his divorce, and apparently Jennifer Aniston feels so bad for him.

That happiness reportedly stems almost entirely from schadenfreude over Angelina Jolie’s misfortune.

In fact, it sounds like Jen is gleefully dancing on the ashes of Angelina’s entire life.

The once epic love story of Brangelina has devolved into a nasty, acrimonious divorce that neither side can keep quiet.

RadarOnline has gained some insight into how Jennifer Aniston is allegedly feeling about all of this.

“Jen’s in a very positive place right now,” an insider reveals.

Apparently, Aniston’s cheerful disposition doesn’t come from spiritual enlightenment or doing yoga or loving herself.

It seems that her joyful mood comes from watching Angelina’s life in shambles.

“She’s privately ecstatic to see Angelina at rock bottom,” the source says.

As we have mentioned, Angelina filed court documents to try to prompt Brad Pitt to pay his fair share of child support.

Brad fired back that he’s given her tons of money and accused her of filing court documents as part of a “media manipulation” campaign.

Angelina replied with a statement that a loan is not child support, my good dude, but apparently Jennifer Aniston enjoyed the drama from afar.

“She never doubted Angie would self-destruct eventually,” the insider says.

Aniston was apparently confident of this “even when she was at her most smug and supposedly loved-up with Brad.”

It might sound wildly out of character for Jennifer Aniston to be cackling like a Disney villain at the very real misfortunes of a real woman with real feelings.

But the insider explains: “This is a woman Jen views as pure evil.”

That’s an odd perspective, since it’s hard to see how Angelina realistically wronged Aniston, but feelings don’t have to be rational.

“So,” the source asks. “Is she happy to see her miserable and getting the payback she deserves?”

The insider makes it clear that this is not a rhetorical question, answering: “You bet she is.”

Apparently, Aniston believes that this is justice on a cosmic, spiritual scale.

“Jen’s a huge believer in karma,” the source shares. “And she despises Angie.”

It’s often a mistake to believe that the spiritual order of the cosmos just happens to align with your personal grudges.

The insider adds: “She’s finding it hard not to smile when the (divorce) comes up.”

Well, we are all entitled to a little schadenfreude. And it’s hard to see how the former Friends star feeling this way hurts anyone.

That is an interesting read.

However, we do have to ask … is this really how Jennifer Aniston feels?

We would like to think that Jen doesn’t spend all day moping around her home, wondering about what life with Brad would be like if they’d never split.

Similarly, we would like to think that this source, though decidedly Team Jen, is wrong about her alleged vindictive feelings.

If anything, Jen and Angelina have a lot in common — they’re both successful actresses who have years of happy memories with Brad even though those memories are tainted by their bitter breakups.

Honestly, it sounds like they’re both amazing, talented women who gave years of their lives to a man who threw away what they had.


Friday, August 10, 2018

Ben Affleck & Jennifer Garner: Calling Off Their Divorce?!

We know what you’re thinking — aren’t Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner already divorced?!

The answer, skeptical reader is no. No, they are not.

And we imagine some folks — like, say, Ben’s longtime girlfriend Lindsay Shookus — are beginning to wonder why these two are so hesitant to pull the trigger.

The official reason is that there have been delays with regard to the couple hammering out a mutually agreeable arrangement for custody of their three children.

But that explanation doesn’t tell the whole story.

Part of the reason the whole process has taken years instead of months is that Affleck and Garner nearly reconciled on several occasions.

Even after Garner filed for divorce in 2016, she and Ben were spotted attending couple’s therapy session.

These days, it seems they’ve fully made up their minds that they’re not right for each other.

In fact, there have been rumors that Affleck would like to marry Shookus as soon as possible.

Unfortunately, Ben and Jen have dragged their feet so long that they might soon be forced to start the whole process over from the beginning.

According to court documents obtained by Radar Online, Affleck and Garner were recently cautioned that if they don’t act soon, their case will be thrown out of the system.

“This is your third notice of case review,” the document states.

“If you fail to take the appropriate steps in your case, the Court may dismiss your case for delay in prosecution.”

Turns out, even if you’re rich and famous, the courts won’t just keep your divorce petition in limbo forever while you figure out how to divide up the alpaca farm.

Whatever happens next is sure to be at least mildly interesting.

Either Ben and Jen get divorced, thus bringing our long national nightmare to an end, or they decide to drag things out even longer.

If they opt for the latter, we can’t imagine Ben’s SNL producer girlfriend will be up for waiting around much longer.

If Pete Davidson and Ariana Grande have taught us anything, it’s that the live from New York set has no trouble attracting A-list significant others these days.


Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez Squeeze In Workout on Fancy Yacht

Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez got steamy on a luxury yacht … with some pull-ups, kettlebell swings and a full-on workout WHILE ON VACATION!! J Lo and A-Rod were sailing off the Amalfi Coast and squeezed in an intense workout ……


Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Jennifer Aniston Just Feels SO Bad for Brad Pitt Right Now: Report

As previously reported, Matthew Perry may be on the verge of death.

But while we all hope and pray this report is erroneous, in the interest of a winning segue, we must also add:

You are just gonna die (in the figurative/cute sense, LOL) when you hear what Jennifer Aniston thinks about Brad Pitt.

As also previously reported on The Hollywood Gossip, Pitt’s divorce proceedings with Angelina Jolie have turned ugly because the actress is alleging that Pitt owes her a lot of money in child support.

Via documents filed in court on Tuesday, an attorney for Jolie says that the handsome star “has paid no meaningful child support since separation.”


“Given the informal arrangements around the payment of the children’s expenses have not been regularly sustained by [Pitt] for over a year and a half, [Jolie] intends to file an [courtorder] for the establishment of a retroactive child support order.”

In other words:

Jolie says Pitt has been a bad father because he has not been helping take care of his six children financially.

Heck, Jolie even claims she can prove this.

We’ll be curious to see if that is true, or if this is just another example of Angelina doing all she can to trash her estranged husband in the press because she wants to eventually win primary custody of their children.

While we watch this sad drama unfold from afar, Aniston is reportedly doing the exact same thing…

… and just feeling terribly sorry for Pitt in the process.

“Jen is feeling horrible for the fight Brad is involved in over custody of the kids with Angelina,” an anonymous source who apparently knows all tells Hollywood Life.

This source adds:

“Jen can’t imagine what it must be like to fight with someone as powerful as Angelina over your own kids.

“Knowing Brad as well as she does, Jen is in agony over the pain Brad must be going through fighting with his ex just to be with his own kids.”

This is possible, we guess.

It also seems possible that Aniston is totally and completely over Pitt and hasn’t given his relationship with Jolie a second thought in years.

“Jen thinks it is shameful that Angelina can not be more mature, put the kids needs first and compromise with Brad on this important decision,” Hollywood Life concludes.

It is true that Pitt and Jolie have been battling in court for awhile now over custody of their children.

But this isn’t unusual in a high profile divorce case. Or in any divorce case, really.

We’re not in a position to say who is right and who is wrong here.

Ever since Pitt and Jolie broke up nearly two years ago, there has been chatter that the former couple will get back together.

This chatter only escalated after Aniston’s marriage to Justin Theroux also fell apart.

And it’s getting out of control at this point, considering some outlets are claiming that Aniston is pregnant with Pitt’s next child.

We strongly doubt this is true.

If it is, however, perhaps it will soften the blow if Angelina will her custody battle against Pitt — because he’ll have a new precious bundle of joy to shower with affection at home with Aniston!

How exciting!


Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez Party On Miami Heat Owner"s Super Yacht

Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez are doing it BIG in Capri — partying on a superyacht with billionaire Miami Heat owner Micky Arison … proving once again, it’s great to be rich!  J Lo and A-Rod took a smaller boat over to…


Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Jennifer Aniston Finally Fights Back Against All the BS

Jennifer Aniston is a childless spinster who is destined for a life of sadness and loneliness.

This is more or less what you"d believe if you read stories about the actress online, many of which focus on her failed relationships and inability to become a mother.

With this in mind, Aniston would like your attention.

She"s featured on the cover of InStyle"s September 2018 issue and she has something to say about your preconceived notions regarding her existence.

Ready to be blown away by the truth?

Take it away, Jen…

1. The Tease

Jennifer aniston for instyle

This is how InStyle captioned an Instagram photo of Aniston on its cover, preparing readers for a revealing interview: “Talk about her all you like, but with great friends, new projects, and still-perfect hair, September cover star Jennifer Aniston is doing just fine. And at 49, she knows who she is. That means no boundaries, no bullshit, and lots of laughing.”

2. What Does the Internet Say About Her?

Jen instyle

Come on. You know the answers: that she has never gotten over Brad Pitt, that she’s desperate to be a mother, that she’s miserable after her divorce from Justin Theroux. Heck, Aniston herself knows the answers, as she says in this cover story: “The misconceptions are ‘Jen can’t keep a man,’ and ‘Jen refuses to have a baby because she’s selfish and committed to her career.’ Or that I’m sad and heartbroken.”

3. Huh? These Rumors are False?

Jennifer aniston on a red carpet

F”irst, with all due respect, I’m not heartbroken,” Aniston says. “And second, those are reckless assumptions. No one knows what’s going on behind closed doors. No one considers how sensitive that might be for my partner and me.”

4. And Another Thing!

Brad pitt and jennifer aniston baby alert

“They don’t know what I’ve been through medically or emotionally,” Aniston says on the topic of pregnancy. “There is a pressure on women to be mothers, and if they’re not, then they’re deemed damaged goods. Maybe my purpose on this planet isn’t to procreate. Maybe I have other things I’m supposed to do.”

5. Remember in July 2016?

Jennifer aniston smiles

Aniston fired back at critics in similarly admirable fashion. “The objectification and scrutiny we put women through is absurd and disturbing,” she said back then, adding with force: “We are complete with or without a mate, with or without a child… We get to determine our own ‘happily ever after’ for ourselves.”

6. Amen, Right?!?

Jennifer aniston at vanity fair party

Maybe Aniston tried to have a baby and was unable to do so medically. Maybe she doesn’t want one. All we know for sure is this: It’s nobody’s business!

View Slideshow

Friday, July 27, 2018

Jennifer Garner to Lindsay Shookus: Stay Away From My Kids!

Long before Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson or Colin Jost and Scarlett Johansson, another SNL staffer entered an unexpected romance with a Hollywood A-lister.

We’re talking, of course, about Lindsay Shookus, who’s been dating Good Will Hunting screenwriter and noted awful tattoo enthusiast Ben Affleck for over a year now.

For the past several months, rumors about Affleck and Shookus getting married have been circulating non-stop.

In fact, some have gone so far as to claim the only thing holding the couple back is the fact that Ben is still married to Jennifer Garner.

While that’s technically true, we’re sure the couple could iron things out and sign the papers in a hurry if need be.

After all, it’s not like they’re getting back together, and they’re both independently wealthy.

Ben was Batman, and Jen’s Capital One commercials now feature cameos from Captain Obvious himself!

Now, sources say what’s really holding up the proceedings are concerns about Affleck and Garner’s kids.

But this isn’t your typical Hollywood custody battle — sources say Ben and Jen both want to divide up time with their children as equitably as possible.

No, what’s holding up the parade is the fact that Jen reportedly doesn’t want Lindsay anywhere near her kids.

“Jen doesn’t want the kids around Lindsay or having her in their lives. She has many reasons,” a source tells Us Weekly.

“Ben understands and has honored her request.”

Needless to say, Jen’s stance complicates the situation just a bit.

We imagine it’s tough to be a good stepmom when you’re not allowed to see your stepkids.

But amazingly, it seems Ben is totally cool with his ex’s request.

“They’re good friends,” the source adds.

“She wants him to be honest and he usually is. She tends to find out about things, and Ben is very open with her. They both want what’s best for the kids and have made a commitment to see that through.”

The insider says that in all likelihood, Jen will eventually relax her anti-Shookus stance.

But one thing she’ll remain vigilant about is Affleck’s drinking.

“The one thing she’s not flexible on is sobriety,” the source tells Us.

“Jen is hesitant to sign off until she’s certain that the kids will be in the best hands at all time.”

The insider adds:

“Finalizing the divorce has been a long process because of it.”

The source was mum on the question of whether or not the fact that Ben and Lindsay have been seen drinking together has contributed to Garner’s skepticism.

But you don’t have to be the world’s greatest detective to piece that one together. 


Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Jennifer Aniston: Who is She Dating Now?!?

According to a new tabloid report, Jennifer Aniston’s love life is no longer DOA.

The gorgeous actress may have been stuck in second gear ever since her split from Justin Theorux in February

… but she’s now intent on making sure she isn’t alone every day, week, month and or even every year.

The general point here is the following:

Aniston is dating once again! 

While filming the new Netflix movie Murder Mystery in Montreal on June 27, a source on set said the star appeared “happy” all the time, with her “very upbeat” mood having a positive effect on co-stars such as Adam Sandler.

And why are things going so well for Aniston at the moment?

Nearly five months after she and Theroux confirmed their separation to the public, Us Weekly alleges that Aniston isn’t just out there looking for a new partner again.

She’s actually being wooed by two men!

“It’s very hush-hush,” a friend tells this tabloid, only saying that neither suitor is in the acting business.

The first contender, says another source, is a tech titan introduced to Aniston by a close pal.

“He recently split from his wife and is trying to win over Jen,” says this source.

As for the second individual hoping to become more than just friends (get it?!? FRIENDS?!?!?) with Aniston, a confidant tells the same magazine that he “is an industry creative she met when they started working on a project together several months ago.”

And Aniston has the full support of those close to her, many of whom are psyched she’s back in the dating game. 

“Jen’s group is excited that she’s dating again,” claims an Aniston insider. “They can hardly keep it a secret when they’re so happy to see Jen moving on.”

Aniston has not really been linked romantically to anyone since she and Theroux pulled the plug on their marriage.

With the exception of Brad Pitt, of course, that is.

Some folks out there really think she and Pitt are back together.

Heck, just consider this magazine cover below.

No way it would be misleading its readers in any way, shape or form, right?

So, just how serious is Aniston about Man #1 and/or Man #2?

Not all that serious, this same report explains.

“As strong as Jen is, she tends to be very wary of new people,” says a friend. “It normally takes a while for her to open up and trust someone.”

That’s fair.

She’s been burned in the past, most notably by Pitt who, at the very least, carried on an emotional affair with Angelina Jolie prior to leaving Aniston for the actress.

And maybe more than that.

We’re therefore glad Aniston is taking it slow, letting these suitors prove themselves to her before making any final decisions.

There’s no rush. And she’s a major catch. They have to earn her.


Monday, June 18, 2018

Jennifer Garner Wishes Ben Affleck a Happy Father"s Day, Is More Mature Than We Are

Jennifer Garner make it very difficult to be a celebrity gossip website.

You see, we specialize in the scandalous; in the bitter break-ups that lead to angry Tweets or unexpected mistresses or, in the ideal scenario, some sort of revenge porn situation.

We’re never sure what to do with a star who possibly gets cheated on, definitely gets snubbed on many occasions…

… and simply responds with kindness and generosity of spirit. 

But this is the situation we’ve often found ourselves in when it comes to Garner and Ben Affleck.

The actress filed for divorce from the actor in April of 2017, well over a year since the celebrities separated amidst talk that Affleck cared more about drinking than about his family.

(Jennifer and Ben are parents to three kids: Samuel, Seraphina and Violet.)

There was even talk at one point that Affleck had been unfaithful to Garner.

Nevertheless, Garner has refused to say anything negative about her ex-husband to the press.

She’s practically gone out of her way in the opposite direction, in fact, praising Affleck as a caring individual and as a dad.

This is what she did again on Sunday.

In honor of an occasion that celebrates men with children, Garner posted a sepia-filtered photo of Affleck on Instagra, along with a very sweet shout-out about his parenting in general.

It reads as follows:

“Our kids are lucky to have a dad who looks at them the way you look at them and loves them the way you love them, @benaffleck. #happyfathersday #threeluckykids #haveagreatday.”

What the heck kind of snarky comment can we make about this nice gesture?

Sheesh, Jennifer!

Last week, Affleck celebrated his 12-year-old daughter’s school graduation at Ivy at the Shore in Santa Monica.

He and Garner are also parents to a 9-year-old daughter and a 6-year-old and have done all they can to shield these kids from the often-dangerous glare of the spotlight.

Because the stars remain so chummy after their split, there’s been endless talk of an eventual Ben and Jen reconciliation.

There have been many tabloid covers and stories such as the one featured below:

But Affleck seems very happy with girlfriend Lindsay Shookus, who he’s actually been with now for over a year.

And his three children seem very happy with him, too.

Affleck marked Father’s Day on social media by sharing an image of the homemade card from his kids that read: “Love you dad! You are my superhero!”

And he wrote as a caption to it:

I can think of three incredible reasons why today is so special.

Happy Father’s Day to all the dads and father figures out there, and to the women that empower them to be the best they can be.

Okay, fine.

Affleck’s back tattoo is a monstrosity.

But perhaps he’s not so bad after all.

We are all so fortunate beyond measure 


Thursday, June 14, 2018

Jennifer Lamb: Will Sugar Bear"s Wife Start Her Own Weight Loss Journey?

Recently on From Not To Hot, it’s looked like June Shannon and Geno Doak might get married. June’s ex has already gotten married — to Jennifer Lamb.

The series started with June’s transformation, but now it looks like Jennifer’s about to embark on her own weight loss journey.

There’s just one potential obstacle: Sugar Bear.

In a recent From Not To Hot preview, Sugar Bear and Jennifer Lamb embarked on a “romantic” fishing trip.

During the downhill walk, Jennifer did not seem to be having a good time.

“Walking to the docks really made my chest hurt,” she later admits to the camera. “It was hard to breathe.”

Those are signs of what may be serious health problems.

(Being winded while walking uphill, which is not uncommon, is very different from experiencing genuine chest pains while traveling downhill)

Jennifer confesses: “I really don’t think I could go on like this.”

While there are perfectly healthy people with large bodies and some very unhealthy people who are slender, Jennifer fears that her size is the culprit.

“At this weight, I’m risking my health and my life.”

And she is thinking about doing something about it.

But she is hesitant to undergo weight loss surgery.

Jennifer explains: “It scares me because … I have a lot to lose.”

She’s not making a joke about how many pounds she needs to shed. She’s talking about her love life.

“Mike likes bigger women,” Jennifer explains. “He might not like me if I lose all this weight.”

For Jennifer, her life right now is about finding a balance.

“I wanna get healthy,” she says. “But I don’t want to lose my husband.”

She even reveals that she is unsure of how to even broach the subject with Sugar Bear.

She tells the cameras: “I wish I could go ahead and tell Mike, but I’m really not ready for his reaction.”

The hints that Jennifer may embark on a weight loss journey have been ongoing.

Remember back when Jennifer went to the doctor?

She complained of “chest pains, being dizzy, and just not feeling right.”

She was shocked to learn, as she stepped onto the scale, that she weighed 431 pounds.

(Obviously, different people carry weight differently, but 431 is a lot of pounds for a human body to bear)

“Oh my God, I know that I’ve gained some weight,” she said, still in shock. “But c’mon — that’s a lot of weight.”

At the time, she was fairly adamant about resisting the idea of a total body makeover.

“I don’t believe in having surgery like June did just to lose weight,” she said. “I’ve always said big is beautiful and I will always stand by that.”

She’s expressing second thoughts, now, perhaps because she has realized that this is less about size and more about her health.

“I don’t want to look like June,” she says adamantly. “I never would want to look like June, but if I keep doing what I’m doing now, I’m not guaranteed the next five years.”

“Living with the weight on me could do more damage than having surgery,” she admits.

Surgery has risks, but the risks of allowing her health to continue to decline may be even more severe.

But Jennifer was then and is in more recent clips afraid of losing Sugar Bear’s affections.

“He loves me the way I am,” she says. “So that’s sort of what scares me too.”

We would hope that he loves her for who she is, and not for her body shape.

“One thing I know,” Jennifer insists. “Mike don’t have nothing to do with no one that looks like June.”

Not all weight loss has the same goal, Jennifer. And that’s okay.

“My joints, my knees, my hip,” Jennifer complained. “There’s days I can’t even function because they hurt so bad. I’m having chest pains, where you get out and you start walking and you can’t breathe. At 44 I shouldn’t be doing that.”

That’s not ideal at any age.

Perhaps, in the coming weeks, we’ll learn that Jennifer has taken this major step for her health and her future.


Monday, June 11, 2018

Jennifer Aniston & Emma Stone: At WAR Over Justin Theroux?!

It’s been four months since the world learned that Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux have ended their marriage.

But it seems that at least one half of the famous couple is having a little trouble letting go.

Jennifer Anston-Emma Stone Split

First, we heard reports that Jen was engraged by Theroux’s relationship with Selena Gomez.

Now, it seems she’s concerned about a different young starlet who may have caught her ex’s eye.

It seems Justin developed a close friendship with Emma Stone while he was still married to Jen.

Radar Online reports that in the months since Jen and Justin made their split public, he’s been spending a lot of time traveling the world with Stone.

And Jen — who reportedly was no great fan of Emma’s to begin with — is reportedly very, very unhappy about the situation.

“It bugs the hell out of Jen that Justin got close to Emma during their marriage and she isn’t taking this lying down,” a source tells Radar.

“She’s dragging Emma every chance she gets and warning pals like Jason Bateman and Jimmy Kimmel to avoid her.”

The insider says Emma has long been disliked by Aniston and her clique:

“Jen and her squad take issue with the fact that Emma never met a role she couldn’t steal from another actress [most famously ‘La La Land’ from Emma Watson],” she claims.

“I don’t think she realizes who she messed with and how far Jen’s reach is.”

That’s … pretty ominous-sounding stuff.

And apparently, Jen has a history of going medieval on women who incur her wrath:

“This is a pattern for Jen, never directing the rage or gossip at the guy who left her but instead at the next woman he hooks up with,” says the source.

“Jen is in revenge mode and Emma needs to recognize that she’s messing with somebody with a lot of loyal Hollywood friends.”

Now, Emma is an Oscar-winnng actress and one of the most in-demand talents in Hollywood, so she’s probably not too concerned about the possibility that Jen will torpedo her career.

But it’s important to bear in mind that Jen’s been one of the highest-paid actresses every year since Emma was in grade school.

That doesn’t mean she’s capable of crushing Emma like some sort of cartoon supervillain — but she probably make her life much more difficult.

Maybe Emma should just find a more drama-free relationship.

We hear Brad Pitt’s available!


Friday, June 8, 2018

Jennifer Williams and Tim Norman Denied Restraining Orders Against Each Other

Jennifer Williams and Tim Norman suffered a double whammy … both were denied restraining orders against one another … TMZ has learned. The reality stars-turned-exes got shut down after the court found no reason to grant the…


Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Jennifer Aniston Cutting Ties With Justin Theroux ... Because of Selena Gomez?!

It’s been four months since Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux ended their marriage, but they’re a modern couple with a lot of mutual friends, so they’ll probably stay on amicable turns, a la Chris and Gwyneth, Ross and Rachel, right?

Wrong! It turns out this situation is closer to when Rachel left that dentist at the altar or … every other non-Hollywood divorce you’ve ever heard about.

According to Life & Style, Jen and Justin are at war, and Aniston is planning to go nuclear on Justin’s career and social life.

But it wasn’t the breakup that left her so angry.

No, those who know them best say Jen and Justin parted on good terms.

Unfortunately, after the fact, the fact Justin went tom-catting about town with various young starlets, a practice that Jen took as his attempt to embarrass her publicly.

Sources say Aniston was particularly upset over rumors that Theroux is dating Selena Gomez, a woman with a well-known affinity for Justins.

Justin, Jen, Selena

“As far as Jen’s concerned, it’s her or Justin and she doesn’t want to be a part of Justin’s social chain,” a source tells L&S.

Selena may have been the final straw, but she’s not the first young starlet Justin’s been spotted with.

“Jen was angry enough to see [Justin] at dinner with Emma Stone, whom she considers a friend,” says the insider.

“But then she has to contend with new photos of him schmoozing all over Selena Gomez and it’s really tipped her over the edge.” 

Unfortunately for Jen, it seems she might be seeing a whole lot more of Jen and Justin canoodling.

“They’ve known each other for years through their manager,” the source claims.

“Initially, they leaned on each other for emotional support after going through messy breakups.”

The insider adds that Jen and Justin have “become closer than ever” in recent months, adding:

“It’s turned into something more than friendship.”

And if the insider is to be believed, Aniston has come up with a sort of sad revenge plan:

“Jen’s telling friends that she wants to date a younger guy,” the insider claims.

Seems to us that getting back together with Brad Pitt would be an even bigger eff-you, but maybe that’s just because we want to see that happen.


Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Jennifer Aniston Is PREGNANT WITH BRAD PITT"S BABY!!! (According to Ridiculous Tabloid Report)

These days, Jennifer Aniston is on the market, having recently ended her marriage to Justin Theroux.

Brad Pitt is not single, and is currently dating Neri Oxman, but will the internet let a few pesky facts interfere with news so fake it still stinks of the beluga and Smirnoff they serve for lunch at the Kremlin?

We think you know the answer to that question.

Yes, word on the social media street today is that Aniston is pregnant with Pitt’s baby.

While it’s fun to joke about every single nonsensical rumor originating in Moscow, it seems this report comes to us from Down Under.

Specifically, we can thank the Aussie tabloid Woman’s Day, which recently claimed that Brad and Jen are married, and has been pushing the “pregnant Jen” fan fiction since the days when Ross and Rachel were on a break.

This time, the report has picked up some added legitimacy thanks to OK! magazine, which made the baffling decision to run with the story.

“Jen: Yes I’m Pregnant — With Brad’s Baby!” exclaims the tabloid’s latest issue.

The piece itself uses the international language of BS to “report” on the story without ever stating a single fact.

“Sources are buzzing,” OK! claims, insisting that Aniston and Pitt are “finally on their way to becoming a family” while offering nothing in the way of evidence.

“During one of their romantic get-togethers that Jen surprised Brad with a proposal — to have a baby with her,” an “insider” contends.

“Of course he agreed.” 

Note that at no point does the source actually claim that Jen is pregnant.

The best OK! could do was find someone willing to claim that Pitt and Aniston talked about having a baby at one point.

The source went on to claim that the actors are “blissfully, if quietly, happy and planning next steps,” which doesn’t mean anything, and is not how people talk.

It might seem like we’re going particularly hard on OK! for doing what tabloids have done since time immemorial, but we’ve really reached the point where this particular rumor needs to be put to bed.

We know the tabloid media has a long history of pairing up celebs who have zero interest in one another romantically, but this magazine is particularly shameless when it comes to playing … OK! Cupid.

We’ll show ourselves out.


Friday, May 18, 2018

Jennifer Aniston to Justin Theroux: You Better Not Be Banging Selena Gomez!

It’s been three months since the world learned Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux have separated, and while both parties claim the split was amicable, their behavior during that time tells a different story.

Despite frequent rumors that Aniston is back together with Brad Pitt, there’s been no definitive indication that either party has moved on – and that might be by design.

Justin, Jen, Selena

Neither Jen nor Justin has come out and confirmed that they’re dating someone new, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re both still single.

In fact, Jen’s not the only one who’s been the subject of persistent rumors regarding an alleged rebound fling with an A-lister.

For several weeks now, rumors that Justin is dating Selena Gomez have been circulating on social media.

The whole thing seems very far-fetched, especially considering the fact that Justin is 21 years Selena’s senior.

But according to Hollywood Life, Jen has been considering the possibility that there’s some truth to these reports.

And she’s very, very unhappy about it:

“Jennifer is upset over the dating rumors swirling around her ex and Selena,” claims a source close to the actress.

“It hurts Jen to think that Justin would move on already,” the insider adds.

“To think of him with anyone else, especially someone so young and that Jen has a personal relationship with like Selena, is painful for her. Jen doesn’t want to think about it and definitely does not believe it.”

And it seems Selena isn’t the only potential rebound partner that Jen is concerned about these days:

“Jennifer is tired of hearing about all the women Justin may be dating since there split,” the source continued.

“From Emma Watson to Selena, Jen is furious over every picture she sees of her ex with another pretty face out in New York. Jen won’t believe any of the rumors until she hears from Justin himself that he is involved in a new relationship.”

Yes, it seems Jen is concerned that Justin is running around Manhattan sleeping with everything with a pulse, a la Joey Tribbiani.

We’re of the opinion that the only way for Jen to exact revenge is for her to engage in a high-profile fling with Brad.

Actually, we have no idea if that would bother Justin or not.

We’d just like to see Jen engage in a high-profile fling with Brad Pitt.

Give the people what they want, you two!
