Showing posts with label Kendra. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kendra. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Kendra Wilkinson Hits the Slopes to Escape Breakup Speculation

In recent days, rumors have been flying that Kendra Wilkinson’s marriage to Hank Baskett is hanging over a precipice … if it isn’t already over.

Then, Kendra seemed to confirm the split rumors with some tearful, heartfelt confessions on social media.

It looks like she’s trying to cheer herself up with some fun in the snow with her son.

Kendra Wilksinson says that she will always love Hank, but if this split between them is the real deal, they both might change their tune. Sometimes, exes become enemies.

But one thing is for certain: they will both always love their children.

Kendra is seeking comfort with some family time, as she and her eight-year-old son, Hank Baskett IV, hit the slopes in snowboarding gear.

And the Playboy Bunny turned reality star decided to share her blissful experience on social media.

Instagram stories are fleeting by their nature, but gifs are forever.

Take a look.

Hank Baskett IV is one hell of a snowboarder for an eight-year-old, don’t you think?

(At least, he’s certainly better and more confident at it than I would have been at his age. Or at any age)

Kendra also tweeted her happiness about their chilly adventures while hitting the slopes, writing:

“And now it’s a happy day. My boy went off a jump for the first time.”

That’s so cool!

We’re glad that she’s letting him go at his own pace, but you can feel the pride in that tweet.

Vacations are designed to help people get away from it all, and Kendra has a lot of sadness to escape.

Recently, she shared her heartbreak on social media:

“10 years. I did everything I could, it wasn’t good enough.”

There’s no one secret to make a marriage last forever.

“I will always love him and my heart will always remain open for him.”

That does sound like a farewell, doesn’t it?

“I believed in forever. I really did.”

Kendra says that she’s focusing on what’s important:

“Guess it’s just not meant to be. I’m so scared but I have to get strong for my kids. I will.”

Kendra also gave her thanks to people who care about her.

“Thank you to all my friends and family for supporting me at the moment. Every little ounce of love helps. Thank you.”

But she says that she never anticipated that things with Hank would be over.

“I never thought I’d see the day, really.”

She didn’t limit her emotional, revealing posts to Instagram.

“Today will be the saddest, scariest day of my life. Today I will have to be the strongest I’ve ever been. Today, my rebirth begins.”

So it sounds like a snow day with her son was exactly what she needed.

And it might be what he needed, too.

Kendra and Hank’s kids may be blaming themselves or fearing for their future as they see their parents part ways, but Kendra and Hank will always put their children first.

And this vacation demonstrates pretty clearly that life after heartbreak can still be full of fun and of family time.


Monday, April 2, 2018

Kendra Wilkinson Confirms Split From Husband Hank Baskett in Emotional Video

Kendra Wilkinson says she and NFL star husband Hank Baskett are officially no more in an emotional video. Wilkinson posted several videos Monday after rumors swirled in recent months of ongoing issues in their relationship that signaled a…


Kendra Wilkinson Tearfully Confirms Divorce... We Think

You’ve heard of the saying that it’s “all over but the shouting,” right?

For Kendra Wilkinson and Hank Baskett, it appears to all be over by the filing.

Over the past several days, Wilkinson has gone out of her way tell social media followers that her marriage was in trouble.

She even took the very unusual step of shooting down chatter that her relationship was healthy, insisting to anyone who would listen that she and Hank were in a bad place.

Now, following a series of Instagram photos and messages (below) in which Kendra seemingly had a break down, removed her wedding ring and made it clear the union was very nearly over…

… well, the ex-Playboy centerfold has sort of done the same thing again.

“I’m scared,” Kendra said via Instagram Stories on Monday morning, hinting once more that things really are terrible between her and Baskett.

“10 years. I did everything I could,” she goes on to say in her video, adding:

“It wasn’t good enough. I will always love him. My heart will always remain open for him. I believed in forever I really did. Guess it’s just not meant to be.

“I’m so scared but I have to get strong for my kids. I will.”

The couple are the parents to a pair of children: an eight-year old son named Hank IV and a three-year old daughter named Alijah.

“Thank you to all my friends and family for supporting me at the moment. Every little ounce of love helps. Thank you,” Kendra added, while also including a photo from her wedding day.

The model and the former wide receiver got married in 2009.

Five years later, however, their lives were changed forever when Baskett admitted to receiving manual pleasure from a transgender model named Ava London.

Despite an appearance on Marriage Boot Camp: Reality Stars, along with many seasons of Kendra on Top, the stars were apparently unable to work through the issues this hand job caused.

For some time, the assumption was that Kendra only played up her marital strife to boost ratings for this series.

But it has not aired a new episode since last summer and WEtv has not announced a renewal.

It is therefore safe to maybe assume that Kendra is serious this time around.

She’s simply being as real and as raw and as honest as possible when it comes to the dissolution of her marriage.

That said, as far as we know, she has not filed any divorce papers…yet.

“Today will be the saddest, scariest day of my life,” Kendra later Tweeted, implying a legal decision was imminent and concluding:

“Today I will have to be the strongest I’ve ever been. Today, my rebirth begins.”

k dubs tweet

We wish her the best of luck with this.

Considering there are two young kids involved, we really do Hank and Kendra settle things in a mature and amicable manner.

Think about the little ones, guys. Always.


Friday, March 30, 2018

Kendra Wilkinson: I Will Always Love Hank, But...

With her marriage teetering on the verge of non-existence, Kendra Wilkinson has once again taken to social media in order to vent, rant and sort of rave.

Except the subject of said raving is…

… estranged husband Hank Baskett?!?

Kendra, Hank, Kids

As previously reported, Kendra and Hank are in a dark place.

Multiple outlets have alleged their relationship is basically over and that the ex-centerfold is ready to file for divorce.

What, specifically, has driven the stars apart?

Sources go back to 2014 and the hand job Baskett has admitted to receiving from a transgender model named Ava London.

These sources say the couple has never really recovered from Hank’s infidelity and that Wilkinson has “lost trust in her marriage,” according to People Magazine.

But that doesn’t mean Kendra no longer loves Hank, as she told a follower on Twitter last night.

In response to a question about whether she’s happy with her husband, Wilkinson replied as follows:

“I will always love Hank. Always.”

loving hank

It’s worth noting that this is likely very true, but it’s also an example of Kendra clearly not being content in her relationship.

Notice that she did NOT say she is “happy” with Hank, just that she will always have love for him.

Kendra went on to say an awful lot via her Twitter account on Thursday evening, some of it abstract and vague, some of it clearly addressing the problems in her marriage.

“The universe doesn’t stop for you,” she wrote at one point, waxing philosophical and adding:

“Whatever is supposed to happen will happen. At the end if all u have is faith ,love and positive outlook then it’s a good day.”

universe tweet

At another point, she Kendra was far less vague and far more direct.

“I can’t stand marital advice. Lol,” she Tweeted, acknowledging that she’s been receiving plenty in the wake of recent reports and then joking:

“The @DalaiLama is the only one who can give me any type to real shit advice. Lmaoooooo.”

dali l

There was also this:

“If you’re choosing to be happy every second then you’re masking some pretty heavy shit. Happiness does live in pain and tears but u can’t live there. Gotta be patient n giving n loving through ups n downs.”

So maybe there is hope after all for the marriage?

It’s really hard to say right now, but Wilkinson previously went on a long diatribe about her state of mind, one that we interpreted as a sign that a divorce was imminent.

See what we mean below:

As for where Hank stands in all of this drama?

He has not spoken out directly, but an insider tells Radar Online that “the kids are the only reason that Hank stuck around for this long” in the first place.

His son and his daughter are the only reason he has even been putting up with Kendra’s “bullshit,” this source states.

Both Baskett and Wilkinson are determined to co-parent in a healthy and stable manner, no matter what happens.

Just probably not as husband and wife.

“Now that his kids are a bit older, Hank realizes that he does not need to be with Kendra in order to be a good father and a good role model to them,” Radar writes, concluding:

“Neither one of them are happy right now, and the kids know this.”


Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Kendra Wilkinson and Hank Baskett: It Really is Almost Over!

Perhaps we should have believed Kendra Wilkinson all along.

Perhaps we shouldn’t have assumed that she only played up trouble in her relationship because she wanted another season of her reality show.

This is what we wrote a few weeks ago when Wilkinson took the unusual step of blasting reports that claimed her marriage to Hank Baskett was doing just fine.

Taking the opposite approach of most celebrities, Kendra jumped on Instagram to tell the world that she and her husband were having lots of problems, despite rumors to the contrary.

“We are having issues,” she insisted late last month, adding:

“I hope to get back to the fun Kendra you all know. That’s all i want n aim for. I hate drama!!”

If that really is the case, then we appear to have some bad news for the former Girl Next Door:

You’re in for a lot of drama.

Earlier this week, Kendra shared a number of disturbing photos and messages on social media, all of which hinted that a divorce may truly be on tap.

Click around below to see what we mean:

In the wake of these comments and images, multiple celebrity gossip outlets have confirmed that Baskett and Wilkinson are as good as over.

“They’ve been having a really tough time especially over the last three to six months,” a source close to Kendra tells People Magazine, noting that neither Kendra nor Hank is wearing a wedding right now and adding:

“She’s always been someone who wanted to be fully committed, married forever, and was definitely a ‘I’ll never get a divorce’ kind of girl.

“But she really lost trust in her marriage and she’s realized there’s no turning back.”

The couple got married in June of 2009 and have welcomed two kids: an eight-year old son named Hank IV and a three-year old daughter named Alijah.

In 2014, Baskett allegedly had an affair with a transgender model … while Kendra was eight months pregnant.

The stars have been dealing with the fallout ever since, often on national television.

They’ve appeared on Marriage Boot Camp: Reality Stars and have anchored their very own series, Kendra on Top.

It last aired an episode in August of 2017.

Another source tells Us Weekly that the possibility of a split is real.

“She’s been really unhappy and felt uncomfortable in the marriage and they have been fighting a lot,” this tabloid writes.

One look at Kendra’s Instagram would tell a different story, however.

The family photos shared above and below were both posted by the former Playboy centerfold at some point in the last few months.

This could mean one of two things:

Either Hank and Kendra are still faking it, spreading word that they are nearing a divorce in order to remain relevant…

… or they are putting on a brave face for their kids and trying to remain on very amicable terms, despite their ongoing issues.

If a divorce filing is actually made in the next few days, we’ll have our answer.


Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Kendra Wilkinson Falls Apart on Instagram, Confirms Divorce?

It may finally be all over for Kendra Wilkinson and Hank Baskett.

The long-time couple has two kids together, but also one transgender hand job scandal that it appears they"ve never fully moved past.

For years, Kendra has hinted that there"s trouble with her marriage, ever since Baskett confessed to receiving manual pleasure from a model named Ava London.

In late February 2018, Kendra insisted to everyone that her relationship really was in trouble…

… and a month later, well, she did THIS.

She shared several photos and messages on Instagram, all of which depicted an ex-centerfold in major trouble and which seemingly culminated in a major announcement.

Scroll around below to see what we mean and then see if you agree with this really does appear to be the end of the marital line for Kendra and Hank:

1. How Did We Get Here?

Kendra and hank photograph

Kendra, a former Playmate, and Baskett, former NFL wide receiver, were married on June 27, 2009.

2. They Share Two Kids

Fun family day

The couple are parents to a son (also named Hank) and a daughter (named Alijah). They kids are very cute.

3. But Trouble Has Been Brewing for Years

Sad hank baskett

In 2014, Baskett says he went to a hotel room to buy some marijuana and ended up getting a hand job from a transgender model named Ava London. (Really, this was his story and he’s stuck with it.)

4. Seriously, You Can Watch the Confession

Hank baskett confesses to kendra part 2

Click above to see Hank break down as he tells his wife what transpired.

5. Kendra on Top…

Kendra on top hank on bottom

… but Hank on the bottom. The couple starred in six seasons of a reality show on WEtv that chronciled their relationship and wondered whether they’d ever move on from this cheating scandal.

6. The Last New Episode Aired in August of 2017

Kendra on top promo photo

In the months since, Kendra has continually told social media followers that her marriage is on the rocks. Is she serious? Or just trying to garner attention for Season 7?

View Slideshow

Counting On Recap: Joseph Duggar Marries Kendra Caldwell!

Last night on an emotional Counting On Season 6 Episode 5, Joseph Duggar and Kendra Caldwell geared up to marry each other.

Spoiler alert: They got the job done.

Even if you don’t watch Counting On online, you’re likely aware that Joe and Kendra wed last fall, and are now expecting a baby.

Things move quickly in this family.

Monday’s season finale marked a fun behind-the-scenes look at how it all unfolded, though, and there were even a few surprises.

“I am feeling really excited and kind of looking forward to seeing how everything’s going to play out in the rehearsal,” Kendra said.

At the rehearsal dinner, plenty of crying took place; Kendra’s little sister made the 19-year-old bride-to-be tear up hard during her speech.

Unmentioned during this episode was the little-known-fact that Joseph bumped out Jedidiah, who had his eye on Ms. Caldwell first.

Check out the link, it’s good. Just saying. Anyway …

Joe’s sister, Joy-Anna Duggar, then took the mic for her speech, saying, “First of all, I want to say, Joe, I’m so thankful for you.”

“You really did change my life. Just through my teen years, I was having a hard time taking my parents faith as my own.”

“You really befriended me as an older brother.”

Joy-Anna admitting the Duggars’ religion is too strict? Talk about burying the lead, TLC! Joy then told Kendra she loves her, too. Aww.

“The night before my wedding, I was excited,” Joe later said. “I was hoping I could just go to sleep. That makes the night go much faster.”

Hashtag facts.

The day of the wedding, Caldwell said she felt “amazing” but was “nervous” for her first kiss. Those urges were getting so strong.

“I didn’t have the urge to kiss him for a long time, but once the wedding got closer, I kept thinking, ‘I can’t wait to kiss you,’” Kendra said.

Joe said the feeling was mutual: “I love everything about Kendra,” he gushed. “I don’t know if there’s anything I don’t love.” Aww.

Kendra’s minister dad, Paul, was moved by the wedding day as well. “We raise our kids for this moment but it’s still surreal,” he said.

“It happens sooner than you think.”

Of course, the most emotional moment was when the bride walked down the aisle. Joe cried, even though he said he doesn’t.

“I lost it. I’m not a crier,” Joe said.

“No one sees me cry ever.”

Kendra added, “As I was making my way down the aisle, I realized he was bawling. I was totally shocked. It was such a sweet moment.”

“It started making me emotional.”

Then it was time for the kiss.

Not just any kiss. The first kiss of their LIVES, the one that signifies the end of side hugs and courtship rules and everything else.

And it was worth it.

“When I kissed Kendra, it was everything I ever hoped for and more,” Joe explained. “It was the most amazing thing ever,” she added.

Win-win then.

Of course, this is just the beginning. When Counting On returns this summer, we’ll see their honeymoon – and her pregnancy!


Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Joseph Duggar & Kendra Caldwell: Did They Break the Rules of Courtship?

It’s been six months since Joseph Duggar and Kendra Caldwell got married, but today, many Duggar fans are thinking about the last days of the couple’s courtship.

That’s because Monday night’s episode of Counting On featured the couple engaging in behavior that doesn’t quite align with the Duggar rules of courtship.

A joint bachelor/bachelorette party allowed the young couple to – gasp! – engage in premarital physical contact, and being human adults with genitals, they took advantage.

“We were on John’s boat and whenever we were back on the tube he was definitely working pretty hard to get us off the tube,” Joe said in a voiceover.

“It was pretty tough not to break the rules of engagement just for the fact that when you’re tubing your closer than you normally would be,” he added.

“When they put you in a turn, you’re trying to counter for the turn so I had to move from side to side so therefore I was crawling over top of her and definitely in close quarters.”

It was a nice attempt at explaining away behavior that would have gotten a female Duggar locked in the basement until her wedding day, but fans weren’t buying it.

On social media, viewers expressed shock that Joe and Kendra allowed themselves to be shown “climbing on top of one another.”

Many pointed out that Jim Bob and Michelle appear to be getting more lax with age, as physical contact of the variety that Joe and Kendra engaged in last night would have been the stuff of scandal a decade ago.

One of the downsides of making such a big deal of your ridiculous dating guidelines is that millions of people now know the Duggar courtship rules by heart.

Not only are Duggars forbidden to engage in premarital sex, they’re not allowed to kiss or hold hands for a period of time exceeding 15 seconds.

In order to maintain full compliance with Michelle and Jim Bob’s rules, unmarried Duggar couples can’t even hug face-to-face lest their fully clothed genitals come into contact.

Fortunately for Joe and Kendra, their scenes were overshadowed by the news of Joy-Anna Duggar’s pregnancy.

Still, the fact that such a racy (by Duggar standards) scene was permitted to air is a sign that either Jim Bob is desperate for ratings, or he’s finally easing up on his beleaguered adult children.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Counting On Recap: Joe Duggar Cannot Wait to Bone Kendra Caldwell!

This week on Counting On, Kendra Caldwell headed to Kentucky to pick out her wedding dress in anticipation of her special day.

She and her husband-to-be were also focused on other aspects of tying the knot, though … specifically what comes after that.

As Joseph Duggar and Kendra’s wedding day quickly approached on Counting On Season 6 Episode 3, the anticipation began to build.

Sexually. We’re talking about temptation.

Yes, the couple’s sexual desires were running ever so high as they geared up for their impending nuptials, but this is par for the course.

In this family, patience is a virtue.

Joe’s sister Joy-Anna Duggar and Austin Forsyth, her husband, interestingly talked about getting through the challenges of waiting.

It was this couple that allegedly engaged in massive amounts of courtship rule-breaking and didn’t delay physical intimacy until marriage.

Of course, a lot of that speculation was just that – speculation. Talk of Joy-Anna having premarital sex made for great gossip, but that’s it.

The birth of Joy and Austin’s son Gideon did nothing to disprove her consistent claim that the couple got pregnant on their honeymoon.

In any case, Joe confessed to Austin that as he gets closer and closer to his wedding day, it’s impossible not to think about Kendra.

He means in a sexual manner.

“I spend the evenings with Kendra and then during the day I’m just working. It keeps me busy and not thinking about it,” Joe admitted.

The 23-year-old Joseph later added that “Joy and Austin have been a great example for us as far as relationships.”

“They say when you get closer to the wedding it’s always so much harder,” he said, and in his estimation, “it’s true.”

For her part, Kendra chimed in:

“You just start loving each other more and more and you just get excited about the wedding but I think having chaperones allows us not to fall.”

Joe spoke about the “physical boundaries” he and Kendra set, and they are strict … think side hugs and not a whole lot else.

“We’re not kissing before we get married, we’re just saving ourselves for each other,” he explained, and that’s not out of the ordinary.

The Duggars’ upbringing basically forbids all types of contact pre-engagement and marriage, even unsupervised alone time.

Of course, without a lot of practice beforehand, there’s going to be a learning curve of sorts after they do finally get married.

Not that he’s not up for the challenge.

Challenges and lessons don’t get much more entertaining than this one, and besides, his siblings seem to have figured it out.

Still, a Counting On producer continued to press them on the subject, probing for cringe-worthy details and asking awkwardly:

“What have you guys done to prepare yourselves for the physical side of marriage, as far as education on such things?” 

Joe’s response?

“At this point, we figure that we don’t have to educate ourselves completely … if we had questions we can ask people who we trust.”

“I know there’s a lot of books out there, a lot of things you can read,” he said, though it’s unclear what things he meant.

Given the family’s limits on media consumption (see below), we’d be interested to see the reading material in question.

It’s a moot point anyway.

“We don’t want to make it harder on ourselves thinking about all the things we can’t actually carry out,” Duggar added.

“Also, I think that in marriage, I think it’ll be fun understanding more as we go along and just learn together.”

Clearly it worked out in the end.

Soon after their wedding – VERY soon after their wedding – we learned that Kendra Caldwell is pregnant with their first child.

Who needs books anyway?!


Thursday, February 22, 2018

Kendra Wilkinson Blasts "Fake" News, Insists Marriage is in Trouble

Here is something you really don’t see very often:

A celebrity has taken to Instagram in order to shoot down a rumor that her relationship is happy and healthy.

Indeed, Kendra Wilkinson is insisting that her marriage to Hank Baskett really is in trouble, despite what you may occasionally read on the Internet.

The former Playboy centerfold and the ex-NFL wide receiver have been through a lot over the years, as documented on the awful reality show Kendra on Top.

Most notably, the couple has been forced to deal with the fact that Baskett received a hand job from transgender model Ava London in 2014.

Baskett himself has admitted as much, confessing that he put his family in a “bad situation” via this scandalous fondling.

Hank and Kendra proceeded to milk this controversy for every ratings ounce they possibly could, using it as the basis for one season after another of their aforementioned reality series.

In June of 2016, however, they celebrated seven years of marriage and said they were happier than ever together.

But now Kendra is actually the person claiming this isn’t the case.

The mother of two shared a tabloid story on social media last night that accused her of “faking marriage problems” for TV.

As you can see below, this article alleges that Hank and Kendra are trying to convince WEtv to pick up Kendra on Top for Season 7 by conjuring up marital issues that do not exist.

This is why Kendra recently (and randomly) wrote that 2018 has already been the hardest year of her life, according to the magazine.

Somehow more angry that she’d be accused of being a liar than of having a healthy romance, Wilkinson jumped ALL OVER this allegation. 

“how do u fake marital problems? makes absolutely no sense,” she wrote on Instagram to open a lengthy rebuttal to this charge.

(Must we even mention how ridiculous this question is? An unofficial survey has found that 99.9999% of all drama on reality television is manufactured, scripted and phony.)

“Yes, we are having issues,” Kendra added… and she was far from done.

“My job has been reality tv for 13 years,” she said as her third bullet point and continuing:

“My show was a comedy and light hearted til sad times happened then we had to change my show from comedy to drama. Not what i wanted but was a part of my journey and story.”

Kendra, of course, rose to fame as one of Hugh Henfer’s girlfriends on E’s The Girls Next Door.

She has since settled down with Baskett, but really wants everyone to know that it hasn’t been easy.

“These issues Hank n I are having in our home which we are tryin to hard to over come, everyone knows about, including producers and network, friends and family,” she writes.

Her sixth point in this list?

My job is reality TV and I love my job unfortunately these issues at home are affecting my decisions cuz the last thing i want to do is hurt Hank.

Yes, the very last thing, people.

This is why she’s telling the world how many problems she has at home with him.

(Another point: her job is to film a reality TV show about her life, therefore she clearly needs there to be drama in her life, or there’s no job. Self-owned much, Kendra?!?)

“I hope to get back to the fun Kendra you all know. That’s all i want n aim for. I hate drama!!!” Wilkinson wrote, as assume with a straight face somehow, toward the end of her post.

She then concluded:

Thank you all for your support and understanding me at this time. I’ve been in a lot of therapy lately n hope all gets resolved for me, Hank,kids and even for TV. Lol.

Hank and Kendra wed in 2009 and have welcomed two children together, son Hank IV, 8, and daughter Alijah, 3.

For their sake, we’d say we hope their parents work things out.

But for the sake of ratings, their mother would apparently say the opposite.


Friday, February 9, 2018

Kendra Caldwell: Pregnancy Struggles Revealed

When Joseph Duggar married Kendra Caldwell back in September, it was widely assumed the couple wouldn’t wait to start a family.

And sure enough, Kendra announced that she was pregnant with Joe’s baby just three months after tying the knot.

Kendra and Joe both seem genuinely excited about the prospect of becoming parents, and their marriage has thus far been free of the strife and controversy that’s marred previous Duggar unions.

But no relationship is entirely without hurdles, and it seems like Joe and Kendra were recently confronted with their first challenge.

Kendra is known as an optimistic, uncomplaining sort, but she recently opened up about some difficulties she experienced in the early days of her pregnancy.

In a recent TLC promo for the new season of Counting On, Kendra revealed that she experienced intense morning sickness during her first trimester.

“During my pregnancy, I’ve had a lot of morning sickness and I think it’s slowly subsiding. But other than that, it’s been good,” Kendra told the camera.

It’s the first we’ve heard from the couple, who initially seemed to be taking Joy-Anna Duggar’s lead and keeping a relatively low profile during Kendra’s pregnancy.

Of course, unlike Joy-Anna, Joe and Kendra haven’t been forced to contend with any “shotgun wedding” rumors.

But while they’ve laid low for most of the past three months, the newlyweds have been interacting with fans more than ever over the past few days.

Last week, Joe and Kendra revealed that they’re having a boy in a video that appeared on TLC’s website.

“I’m excited about all of the little outfits you can put on him and the little bowties,” Kendra said about the idea of raising a son.

“I think the thing that most excites me about having a son is that I’m going to be able to raise him up, teach him a lot of things that I do and I think that a lot of our interests will probably be similar,” Joe responded.

What’s a little morning sickness when you’ve got a future full of bowties and “similar interests” to look forward to?

Our sincere congrats go out to Joe and Kendra.

It’s looking like 2018 will be another year of aggressive expansion for the Duggar clan.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Sunday, February 4, 2018

Joseph and Kendra Dugger Gender Reveal: They"re Having A...

Joseph and Kendra Dugger have some very exciting news to share.

Already having confirmed they’re expecting their first baby this year, the TLC star found a unique way over the weekend to announce the gender of this baby.

Were they feeling blue at the time?

Or pretty in pink?

This young Duggar couple made the reveal in an especially fun manner, as first reported by Us Weekly.

You see, Joseph’s brother, John David Duggar, is an Arkansas constable and part-time officer with the Tontitown Police Department.

This will soon become relevant, don’t worry. We’re not just bragging on his behalf.

Using his connections, John David organized a gender reveal unlike any we’ve seen before, using tannerite mixed with a certain color powder that would burst into the air once the explosive denotated.

(Do not try this at home, people. Make sure you have a professional standing by at all times.)

So… the Duggar family stood approximately 20 yards behind John David – who has undergone extensive firearm safety and weapons training – as he shot a bullet 200 yards into the substance, which is commonly used in target practice.

Blue powder subsequently burst into the air.

See a snapshot of the reveal below:

You know what this means, right?

Yup, a bundle of baby boy joy is on the way for Kendra and Joseph!

“Wow! We are so happy to learn that our firstborn is a boy!” the couple told Us Weekly, adding via statement:

“Our minds are already racing toward all the future memories to be made with this little guy!

“Most of all, we are already asking God to bless him and help us grow him into a loving and faithful follower of Christ!”

Along with the cute picture below, Kendra and Joseph were equally psyched when sharing news of the former expecting back in December.

This is what they said at the time:

“During this season that we are celebrating the birth of Christ, we are so excited to share with you that we are expecting the gift of a child ourselves! Wow, it’s so exciting!!!

“We’ve both always loved children and seen them as a real blessing from God.

“It’s so surreal to think of being parents and having our own little one. We cannot wait to see this new baby!”

Joseph is only 22 years old and Kendra is only 19 years old.

Even by Duggar standards, they are pretty young to become parents.

But this how members of the large family role, as anyone who has chronicled their controversial lives on television knows very well.

The two have known each other for a very long time, at least, having met in church way back when they were children.

Joseph popped the big question to Kendra at sister Joy-Anna’s wedding last May and then they got married in September at the First Baptist Church in Siloam Springs, Arkansas.

Making the event extra special?

They were married by Kendra’s dad, who is a pastor.

Speaking of Joy-Anna, meanwhile, she is also pregnant.

Based on her due date and her baby bump and rumors flying around the Internet, however, this pregnancy comes equipped with a built-in scandal:

Did she and Austin Forsyth have sex before marriage, make a child and then have a shotgun wedding?

Such shocking chatter refuses to die.

Either way, however, we send our best wishes to Joy-Anna and to Kendra for happy, healthy pregnancies and babies.


Thursday, January 25, 2018

Kendra Wilkinson: Beer Bongs Forever! I"ll Never Grow Up!

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Friday, January 12, 2018

Kendra Wilkinson: Life is Kicking My Ass and My Mom Doesn"t Care!

Kendra Wilkinson tweeted out that she’s suffering in 2018.

In fact, it’s apparently her hardest year so far. She doesn’t spell out why … but we can guess.

But do you know who doesn’t feel for Kendra? Kendra’s mother, Patti Wilkinson.

Kendra Wilkinson’s 2017 was not necessarily ideal.

There were rumors that she and Hank Baskett would divorce.

Kendra was hospitalized more than once. She suffered a mystery illness … but, another time, she injured herself while pantomiming a handjob on stage.

To top it all off, Kendra — who’s taken other reality stars to task for racism in the past and, lest we forget, whose immediate family is black — was accused of racism after she picked cotton.

It was one of those very rare instances when someone accused of racism was not, in fact, being racist.

Despite all of that, Kendra seems to be having a harder time in 2018 — and we’re not even two weeks into the year.

Kendra tweeted:

“2018 has been so far the hardest start to a year in my life. Kickin my ass n putting me through a true test… but I survived this far. I choose to stand strong, be grateful n smile. Life is too short.”

It is, but that’s really vague, right? Well, she gets vaguer with some life advice that looks like it belongs on a trite motivational poster:

“The most important time in your life is right now at this moment. Let go of the past and have fun dreaming. Enjoy life’s little pleasures. Take control n prioritize who n what deserves this time.”

So, what does that mean? Is she okay?

Kendra’s mother, Patti Wilkinson, spoke to RadarOnline. But she didn’t seem terribly interested in addressing Kendra’s tweets.

“I am not interested in talking about Kendra.”


Patti is apparently vacationing outside of the US, and told RadarOnline that she is “not talking about Kendra.”

Infamously, Kendra’s mother wants to write a book that will expose details and secrets of Kendra’s life, which very understandably makes Kendra nearly lose it whenever it’s brought up.

It’s a sore point between the two of them.

We can only speculate as to what she might mean.

Remember how she was suffering from aches and pains that had her rushed to the hospital and canceling her Vegas shows?

It turned out that, according to Kendra, she had something called vaginal depression — aches and pains in her genitals that have no apparent physiological cause.

(A lot of gynecological ailments haven’t been taken seriously by the medical community over the years, because sexism ruins everything; we can’t help but wonder if doctors would have a better grasp on what causes vaginal depression if, you know, women hadn’t been excluded from becoming doctors for centuries)

Doctors usually prescribe sex, which should be great news for Kendra. Kendra describes herself as a “horny motherf–ker,” and it wasn’t just her emotional bond with Hank Baskett that she missed while she spent time in Vegas.

Speaking of Hank Baskett, some believe that old hurt feelings over Hank’s alleged affair with a trans model — well, affair is a strong word; the story goes that she maybe gave him a handjob — may still be causing problems.

Others hope that the couple is past that.

It’s also possible that Kendra is just working really hard on her 2018 body goals. Her New Year’s Resolution is all about herself and her figure, and she’s been hitting the gym hard to keep in shape.

So maybe she’s kicking her own ass?

It’s possible that we have no clue as to what’s making her 2018 into such a trial. But, it’s Kendra, so we doubt that it’ll remain secret for long.
