Showing posts with label LIAR. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LIAR. Show all posts

Monday, May 8, 2017

The Real Housewives of Atlanta Season 9 Episode 24 Recap: The Liar

Phaedra Parks has a knack for making everything about her and that was shown off on The Real Housewives of Atlanta Season 9 Episode 24

When the episode got underway, we picked up with Kandi, who was not impressed with the revelation that Phaedra was the one who concocted the claims that about Kandi sexually assaulting Porsha. 

“I repeated it because I heard it,” Phaedra snarled at her enemies when she was put on the spot. 

“No, she said it to you, Phaedra,” Porsha fired back as Kandi’s eyes widened with shock. 

“Something was brought to me, and I repeated it,” Phaedra replied as though she was ready to change her name and make a run for her life out of Atlanta. 

However, Porsha’s reply was pretty awesome. 

“You told me she said it to you!”

As you could probably expect, Kandi was ready to go to war with her former friend for even bringing the drama up.

“That’s what I’m talking about — the lies, the lies, the lies!”

Kandi has been vocal about the women lying all season long. Kandi noted that Phaedra has been playing a game with Porsha all season long and it’s not been healthy. 

Porsha bursts in floods of tears, while Kandi looked like she was ready to forgive her. These lies have cast a dark shadow over the latter part of the season. 

Nobody likes having their name dragged through the mud, but poor Kandi had that done to her and people questioned whether it was true. 

Porsha continued to try and make things right with Kandi. 

“That’s awful. I would never say that about somebody if you didn’t tell me that.”

Phaedra just sat on the seat, not giving a damn about the way she was being portrayed on television. 

The issue at hand quickly switched to whether Phaedra created the rumor from thin air, or if one of the other housewives said it first. 

Now, what the women did to Kandi was beyond horrible, and, they did it on national TV! That would be enough to make anyone want to run off and change their name. 

All of the women started wailing, and it became clear just how much of an effect this had on all of them. While Porsha questioned her whole friendship with Phaedra, Todd Tucker had the best response. 

“Drag her Porsha!”

Porsha then had the mother of all responses when she realized Phaedra was trying to play dumb about the whole thing. 

“You know damn well the day you told me that, two days before I sat with Kandi, you said she told you firsthand! Then two days ago we talked on the phone, and you told me that she said it firsthand. Now, what I’m not gonna do is go back in text messages and reveal that, because we don’t need no motherf—ing receipts.”

I was sitting there, waiting to see the receipts. Now, I love a good feud, but not when one person is this crappy towards someone who is a friend. 

When the tables turned on Phaedra, she tried to brush it all off, saying: “I asked her. I said, ‘I was told this.’”

Um, alright then. 

When Andy pushed for the truth from Porsha, she could only muster the same rehashed response she had already given, like, ten times. 

“I was repeating something. I shouldn’t have repeated it.”

Kandi, however, was not ready to let the feud die down. 

“Y’all accused me of being a f—ing rapist!”

This signaled the ladies to take a break from all of the drama and left the stage. When they returned, Phaedra pulled a new phrase from her vocabulary: 

“You know I made a rash decision.”

For what it’s worth, she did try to apologize, but she also never admitted she was in the wrong. 

Andy then even targeted Phaedra because he felt like she was giving the women a bad name. 

“You got caught in a pretty megawatt lie. I don’t know that you’ve completely copped to it…”

Phaedra, however, was not ready to end the feud. She did try to apologize, but what is an apology when it almost ruined a life?

“All I can do is apologize. I can’t change that it happened.”

Oh, the drama. 

The Real Housewives of Atlanta returns later this year. Should Phaedra be fired? 

Hit the comments!


Monday, March 13, 2017

Little Max in "Liar Liar" "Memba Him?!

Justin Cooper is best known for playing the let down little boy Max Reede — opposite his on-screen dad Jim Carrey — in the 1997 funny film “Liar Liar.” Guess what he looks like now!


Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Jenelle Evans: My Mom is a Liar, Read About It in My Book!

Jenelle Evans has some problems with her mother, Barbara.

And, of course, instead of dealing with them like the mature adult she should be — seriously, she has three kids now, would it kill her to act grown? — she’s airing all the dirty laundry on social media.

It’s not surprising, but it sure is disappointing.

There are several layers to this story. It’s like a moldy, smelly, but still entertaining onion that way.

First up, there’s this interview that Barbara gave to Radar about the birth of Jenelle’s third child, Ensley.

“David is very excited about having Ensley,” she said, which is kind of shocking, because she and David have never gotten along.

But don’t worry, nothing’s changed. Barbara added that “Everything was good until he threw me out of the room.”

So she was in the delivery room with Jenelle while she was preparing to give birth. That’s sweet, right? Or, well, it would have been, until that part where David kicked her out.

When Barb was asked exactly why David threw her out, she said “I don’t know, maybe it’s me! I haven’t seen them.”

As for Jenelle’s side of the story, she tweeted (and deleted!) that “She was never kicked out of any delivery room.”

“She says that so people feel pity for her. She ends up arguing with my boyfriend and leaves.”

So who do we believe here? Jenelle, who has always been one of the hottest messes that ever was, or Barbara, who honestly seems pretty confused most of the time?

It’s hard to say. But what we do know is that Jenelle is really enjoying hating on her mother these days.

She’s been retweeting several negative comments about Barbara, things like “Barn is seriously a conniving snake. She’s probably the main reason for all Jenelle’s issues. And now Jace is.”

Someone asked her why Barbara’s been keeping Jace instead of handing over custody to her, and she said “She really has no real reason. You will see more into this issue later this season.”

But when a fan told her that her mother was using Jace against her, and that she’s been verbally abusive to her, that’s when Jenelle let the real juicy stuff out.

“Wait until my book is released this summer,” she wrote. “There will be lots of diary entries of mine as a child and it sheds light on my earlier relationship with my mom.”

“Makes things very clear to me now why I have so much bad thoughts about the way I was raised. I was very unhappy.”

… So Jenelle’s releasing a book? And it’s going to have old diary entries of hers?

We all need to pre-order this mess immediately.


Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Stassi Schroeder SLAMS Lala Kent: She"s a Liar & a Nobody!

Though she’s been irritatingly melodramatic and self-absorbed (even by reality star standards) this entire season, we can’t help but feel a little bummed that Lala Kent is quitting Vanderpump Rules.

The reason is not that we were holding on to any hope that she could turn things around and redeem herself.

(Her problematic observation that if you’re “not ugly” and “have tits” you should be cruising on private jets all the time pretty much squashed any chance of that.)

Rather, it’s because the feud between Lala and the entire rest of the cast is heating up in entertaining fashion, but Ms. Kent is jumping ship just as things are starting to really get good.

Kinda leads us to believe she didn’t really know what she was getting into.

If only the show had been around for several seasons before she joined the cast, so that she might’ve gotten a better idea of what she was signing on for. Oh, wait…

Anyway, things really came to a head on this week’s episode of Vanderpump, as Lala lost her last allies when Sandoval and Ariana turned on her.

Sure, she still has James Kennedy on her side, but that’s like having a hybrid of Voldemort and a shaved ferret in your corner.

And even James seems to realize that Lala’s behavior is beyond the pale these days, as he offered up the best indication yet that she doesn’t really understand what makes compelling reality television work.

It was James who spread the word that Lala tried for force her “friends” to sign a non-disclosure agreement in exchange for staying at a house her mysterious sugar daddy rented for Coachella. 

All this season, Stassi, Katie, Kristen and company have taken no end of flak from fans for taking too much of an interest in Lala’s love life.

The NDA ordeal made it clear that their dislike for the newest SUR girl had little to do with Lala’s feminine wiles and everything to do with her secretive behavior.

Put simply, Lala is f–king up their cash cow by trying to keep the drama off camera.

In a lengthy Twitter tirade posted yesterday, fan favorite Stassi explained that the reasons for her squad’s disdain for Lala are simple – she’s a bully when she’s not filming, and she doesn’t play by the clear and explicit rules of the show.

Stassi writes:

In between filming seasons, Lala thought she could say the most sicking degrading degrading things about Katie & my friends on podcasts, social media, and news outlets.

“She thought she could disparage every single one of us: call us old, uninteresting has-beens; say it was ‘her’ show.

“All the while she never actually showed any part of her life. We have worked so hard for 5 years to make a great show.

“We have poured our hearts and, for better or worse, exposed our lives in every way we could. VPR has been our baby. She doesn’t get to ride our coattails without having to do any work.”

It’s a fair point, and it’s the sort of thing viewers often lose sight of:

The restaurant and hostessing gigs are for show. These folks real job is starring on a Bravo reality series, and they have reason to be protective of the following they worked hard to build.

As for the NDA controversy, Stassi has this to say:

Lala handed out non-disclosure agreements. A NDA is a COMPLETE violation of the contracts we all have to sign for our show,” Stassi continued.

“None of us have the luxury of hiding anything in our lives; therefore, I 100% made it my goal this summer to see that justice was served, regardless of what it would make me look like.

“Mission accomplished.”

Stassi and her clique will likely continue to be accused of bullying, but if they were genuinely trying to rid the cast of behaviors that might hurt the quality of the show, their actions are justified.

We imagine many fans will blame Lala’s departure on the “mean girl” behavior of her female co-stars, but the fact remains, this show has a low tolerance for boring cast members (We’re looking at you, Vail Bloom!), so if Ms. Kent was taking great pains to hide the most interesting aspects of her life, she probably wouldn’t have lasted long anyway.

Watch Vanderpump Rules online to get caught up in time for the final days of Lala. We hardly knew ye.


Monday, December 19, 2016

Kailyn Lowry: I"ll Be a Better Liar, Won"t Be an Afterthought Come 2017!

Kailyn Lowry is looking ahead to 2017 with a fresh attitude … and a fresh batch of passive-aggressive, attention-grabbing shade-throwing.

So basically it’ll look a lot like 2016, only she’ll be single!

The Teen Mom 2 star’s ex-husband, Javi Marroquin, is moving on with new girlfriend Cassie Bucka, and it’s already getting pretty serious.

Lowry, for the most part, has been taking it easy in terms of finding romance again, and not shading Javi’s new love with cryptic tweets.

Strong emphasis on “for the most part” there FYI. 

Kailyn did say on her social media account that when it comes to her next relationship, she doesn’t make a one-sided effort with someone.

“I don’t wanna be anyone’s after thought,” she said.

Ooooooh. Obviously, random, vague comments that may or may not be a shot at her former spouse are par for the course from Kailyn.

When Javi Marroquin’s new girlfriend made her Twitter debut, Lowry said that to make a romance official, you have to broadcast it.

She was clearly dissing Javi with that one.

Other comments are more abstract. “In 2017 I won’t be petty,” Kailyn revealed on Twitter, in a more uplifting note for the coming year.

After reading that one, one of her 1.2 million Twitter followers wrote to her, “U lyin.” Lowry’s response to that: “In 2017 I’ll be a better liar.”

Good to know.

Lowry, who is mother to Isaac (from her relationship with Jo Rivera) and Lincoln (from Javi) also took some flak for her parenting recently.

“Another night in the house,” Kailyn revealed, sparking some harsh comments about how she needs to be a hands-on mom to her two sons.

“U need to be in the house and not running the streets with ur friends… U have 2 kids… suck it up girl,” one follower wrote to Lowry.

Obviously, people can be ridiculously out of line.

“They’re with their dad but thanks for the advice a–hole,” Kailyn, who recently filed for divorce from Javi after a long separation, wrote.

Everyone’s a critic.

On her personal blog, she recently discussed why the two split, and without the usual digs at Javi. Kailyn was heartfelt and candid:

“I filed for divorce in December, I have been separated since then. You cannot have a divorce finalized when someone is deployed.”

“We were separated… Back and forth at times. But we have both seen other people. Were there times we contemplated getting back together?”

“Hell yes. I wanted to keep my family together.”

“At the end of the day, and I can only speak for myself, I did not change my behaviors or my mind on what I wanted/want to do in life.”

“I felt trapped in my own life for a long time.”

Lowry also appeared to lament the downside of fame.

“There was also too much outside involvement in the marriage since the beginning, and it has continued up until this point,” she added.

“I made the decision to continue with the divorce.”

Hopefully, when and if she does get involved with someone seriously again, she takes these lessons to heart and puts her best foot forward.

For the sake of everyone in her family.


Monday, November 14, 2016

The Real Housewives of New Jersey Season 7 Episode 18 Recap: You"re a Liar!

Jacqueline Laurita and Teresa Giudice will never be friends again. 

That much was made as clear as day on The Real Housewives of New Jersey Season 7 Episode 18

If you watch The Real Housewives of New Jersey online, you will already know the two former friends have been at war all season long, with Teresa thinking Jacqueline played a part in having her thrown in jail.

“You’re a f–king crazy bitch!” Teresa yelled at Laurita. Andy Cohen asked her to back up her claims and Teresa laid out an elaborate excuse that Jacqueline was the one who got her thrown in jail. 

She seemed to think Jacqueline was one of the people who spoke to the police about her. It definitely seems like Teresa wants to blame Jaqueline for everything that’s wrong with her life. 

It’s an easy thing to do, but Teresa needs to understand that she can’t blame everyone else for her problems. It’s very childish. 

Siggy Flicker and Dolores Catania, however, seemed to think that Jacqueline would never do anything like that. Even Jacqueline’s husband, Chris, revealed that he had spoken with Joe Giudice about a deal that went awry. 

After Joe got hot headed about the whole thing, Chris said that was when he realized the friendship was over. 

Not everyone was on Team Jacqueline. Melissa Gorga revealed that Jacqueline has a knack for revealing secrets that have nothing to do with her. She pointed at Jacqueline and continued her tirade, with Dolores and Siggy looking like they had just realized Jacqueline was the one in the wrong. 

“She’s a wolf in lamb’s clothing, but she has rabies,” Teresa added, but Andy was quick to correct her mistake, but Teresa was not done trashing Jacqueline. 

“You are a low, dirty bitch!” Teresa shrieked. 

Andy decided it was time for Teresa to open up about her time in the slammer, and for what it’s worth, Teresa did change her attitude. 

“I met a lot of wonderful women,” she explained. She then opened up about her part in the tax crime, revealing she was not the one in the wrong and she was coerced into it. 

Giving an update on Joe’s prison stint, Teresa revealed that Joe had lost 35 pounds. She also laid waste to the claims that Joe cheated on her while she was in jail. 

“I know if I was with Joe Guidice, I would make sure I would get kissing pictures,” she reasoned. “I would make sure I would get pictures in bed.”

Teresa seemed upset at when it was brought up that Joe could be deported when he got out of prison. 

When that was all said and done, a montage of Teresa and Jacqueline in happier times was played. It got both woman emotional and they called a truce, before engaging in a group hug with the other ladies. 

How will this harmony last?

What did you think of the episode?

Sound off below!


Friday, August 19, 2016

Jordan Rodgers is a CHEATER and LIAR, Ex-Girlfriend Alleges

Wait, did JoJo Fletcher cheat on Jordan Rodgers?

This question was posed on the Internet last week.

But an ex-girlfriend of The Bachelorette champion says we really need to flip things around.

Because Rodgers is the one who is a total cheater and liar, says Brittany Farrar.

Farrar, who has blasted Rodgers in the past, took to Instagram on Thursday night with a video showing a purchase order for a large bouquet of roses.

Based on the affiliated caption, the flowers were allegedly purchased by Rodgers for “the girl he cheated on me with in Louisiana.”

Farrar later deleted the footage, but reposted it on Friday morning.

According to Farrar, Rodgers met this mistress while filming a scene in Pitch Perfect 2 (the scene in question is posted below, partly because it’s relevant, but mostly because it’s hilarious).

“He was deep in the background pretending to be one of the Green Bay Packers- the closest he’s ever been to making an NFL team,” Farrar joked in posing the video.

That is pretty funny, as must admit.

The message that appears on the receipt, which was to be delivered along with the flowers, appears to read:

“Happy Birthday to my Favorite Bella. Miss you. Can’t Wait to To See That Beautiful Smile Again. From, Your Favorite Football Player Wanna Be Actor.”

It’s worth noting at this point that Farrar is best friends with Olivia Munn, who is dating Jordan’s famous brother, Aaron Rodgers.

Farrar first slammed Rodgers after this season’s Bachelorette premiere aired, writing at the time:

“Riding the bench doesn’t get in the way of a relationship, but cheating does.”

She added the pretty amazing hashtags “#tuneinnextweekformoreBS” and “#alwayswantedtobefamous.”

Wrote Farrar last night:

“After our breakup, I was surprised to find out what a prolific liar and cheater #JordanRodgers was during our entire 3 1/2 year-relationship.

“But what has surprised me even more is how he has carelessly bashed and lied about me in public. I guess he thought I wouldn’t stand up for myself.#HeWasWrong.”

Farrar says she’s only speaking out like this because Jordan started it.

“With the power of a press tour, his lies reached our hometown and my family and friends are now constantly approached by mutual acquaintances,” she wrote.

“After weeks of this, I started wondering why I feel like I’m the one who should be silent when he was the one who jumped on a reality show hoping to catch fame as a last ditch attempt to make something of himself.

“His choice has become other people’s consequences. So if I don’t have a choice in whether people back home are talking about me, then I might as well have my voice in this.”

Farar post

You can read Farrar’s full post above, but she continues:

“Unlike Jordan, I’m not going to sell stories to magazines. Instead I’m posting right here. Because to me truth is not about fame – I don’t want it. And it’s not about money – I can afford to leave some chia behind.

“All I want is the same thing that anyone else who’s been wronged would want: the chance to share the truth.”

Here is a photo of Farrar and Munn, seemingly enjoying a pair of cocktails:

Rodgers, who is engaged to Fletcher and who seems to be very happy with her, has denied all cheating allegations.

But it sounds like we’ll be hearing more from Farrar in the near future.

Brittany has vowed to show “some of the proof” that she claims Jordan had hidden, “probably because it doesn’t fit into the new character he’s created.”

She also teased a “two-part post” where she would be “laying out all out” for fans to see. Why go down this path?

“Because I don’t want to do this again,” she wrote. “Unlike Jordan, I’m not desperate to stay in the spotlight.”

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Lindsay Lohan: Not Pregnant, Just a Liar!

The world is letting out a long sigh of relief today.

It seems that despite the actress’ previous claims to the contrary, Lindsay Lohan is not pregnant … she just likes claiming she is whenever she’s desperate for attention, You know – like a crazy person!

In case you somehow missed it, Lindsay claimed to be knocked up during a recent social media tirade.

At first, the world dismissed it as the drunken ramblings of someone who long ago went off the deep end.

But then something strange happened…

Michael Lohan confirmed the pregnancy, claiming that Lindsay spoke with him the day after her Insta-rant and verified that she was indeed expecting.

Now it seems Lindsay simply woke up still drunk the morning after, because the evidence that she’s not pregnant keeps piling up.

First, Lindsay was caught smoking by the paparazzi.

We’re not saying she isn’t foolish enough to smoke while pregnant, but after a literal lifetime in the business, we’d like to think she’s savvy enough to not get papped while doing so.

Now, Lindsay’s mom and closest confidant has confirmed that no freckly demon child shall issue forth from her daughter’s woman, as foretold in Revelation.

At least not yet, anyway.

Dina Lohan has spoken with TMZ and confirmed that Lindsay is definitely not expecting.

Apparently, she was just so angry when she thought fiance Egor Tarabasov was cheating on her that she decided to pretend she’s pregnant because … Well, that’s when all logic breaks down.

The good news is, Lindsay can now smoke and drink all she wants.

The fantastic news is, she won’t be responsible for raising another human any time soon.

Lindsay Lohan: Not Pregnant, Just a Liar!

The world is letting out a long sigh of relief today.

It seems that despite the actress’ previous claims to the contrary, Lindsay Lohan is not pregnant … she just likes claiming she is whenever she’s desperate for attention, You know – like a crazy person!

In case you somehow missed it, Lindsay claimed to be knocked up during a recent social media tirade.

At first, the world dismissed it as the drunken ramblings of someone who long ago went off the deep end.

But then something strange happened…

Michael Lohan confirmed the pregnancy, claiming that Lindsay spoke with him the day after her Insta-rant and verified that she was indeed expecting.

Now it seems Lindsay simply woke up still drunk the morning after, because the evidence that she’s not pregnant keeps piling up.

First, Lindsay was caught smoking by the paparazzi.

We’re not saying she isn’t foolish enough to smoke while pregnant, but after a literal lifetime in the business, we’d like to think she’s savvy enough to not get papped while doing so.

Now, Lindsay’s mom and closest confidant has confirmed that no freckly demon child shall issue forth from her daughter’s woman, as foretold in Revelation.

At least not yet, anyway.

Dina Lohan has spoken with TMZ and confirmed that Lindsay is definitely not expecting.

Apparently, she was just so angry when she thought fiance Egor Tarabasov was cheating on her that she decided to pretend she’s pregnant because … Well, that’s when all logic breaks down.

The good news is, Lindsay can now smoke and drink all she wants.

The fantastic news is, she won’t be responsible for raising another human any time soon.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Kylie Jenner on Taylor Swift: She"s a LIAR!

Kim Kardashian was not the only member of her family to throw shade in Taylor Swift’s direction over the weekend.

As previously reported, Kardashian sang along to Kanye West’s “Famous” on Friday night, sharing the noteworthy incident on her official Snapchat account.

What made the incident noteworthy?

The fact that Kim rapped along to lines that included her husband saying he might still have sex with Taylor Swift and that Kanye West made “that bitch famous.”

A few days earlier, of course, Kim had released footage of Kanye clearing these lyrics with Swift, proving that Taylor may have manipulated the truth when she claimed several weeks ago that she had no idea West would slam her in the song.

The stunning phone conversation leak has turned the celebrity gossip world upside, with folks celebrating on Twitter that Taylor Swift is finally over.

Now, for the first time since this mess got underway, a fellow member of the Kardashian-Jenner clan has spoken out.

Sort of.

What Kylie has actually done is throw some impressive, passive aggressive shade.

Over the weekend, Jenner shared a Snapchat video that featured her standing in front of a magazine rack and admiring her cover of Allure’s August issue.

She tells her follows as narration: “I’m fan-girling! This makes me so happy, I never get to see these in person.”

Check out the video above.

Did you catch the screen shot that opens it?

Just in case you did:

Oh, yes, that’s a close-up of Us Weekly screaming over how Swift has been exposed as a LIAR.

Kylie did go ahead and eventually add another Snapchat video (below) of just her Allure cover, prompting us to wonder:

Why didn’t she just post this to begin with?!?

Oh, right. Because of the whole family hatred of Taylor Swift thing.

We can’t exactly claim originality here.

We aren’t the only ones who noticed Kylie’s clear dissing of Swift. Take a look at some of the comments on her Snapchat account:

What do you think of Jenner’s not-so-subtle shade throwing here?

Should the family stop picking on Taylor Swift?

Or does Swift have it coming?

Also: How does Kylie have time to do anything everyday except put on makeup?!? Just consider the following…

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Pretty Little Liars Recap: Which Liar Got Engaged?

Will the liars are ever learn that telling the truth might actually get them somewhere?

On Pretty Little Liars Season 7 Episode 5, things got pretty intense when there was an influx of old enemies back in Rosewood. 

Jenna immediately made it her plan to target the liars, but this time she’s doing it ever so openly. 

Previously, she’s lied her way to the top, but now she has Sarah Harvey on her payroll and that’s only going to spell bad things for the liars. 

Aria continued to lie to Ezra. After wondering where her boyfriend disappeared to, he returned and informed Aria that he was actually away visiting Nicole’s parents to let them know that he’s moved on. 

That was pretty damn nice of him. Right?!

It all seemed like it was going well until Ezra’s phone started ringing, but the person on the other side of the line appeared to be Nicole. 

What the hell? She’s meant to be dead! 

Aria chose to lie about the phone call. I don’t know whether it was an effort to keep her man, or to prevent his heart from breaking further. 

Alison returned home, but she had Mary with her. Mary is the one who is caring for her.

As much as Alison wants to hate Mary, she knows that something doesn’t quite add up with her story and wants to know the truth. 

There is some element of trust with her, but could it be the fact that Mary looks like Jessica that’s making Ali keep her around?

Aria and Emily decided to go to Elliot’s hidden apartment in order to get a clearer picture of who this person was and their motives. 

This only brought up more questions than answers, but it confirmed that to the gals that Archer/Elliot was dressing up as Wilden in order to send Ali off the rails. 

Their digging was going well until Rosewood’s finest, Toby appeared on the scene and asked the liars if they have been to the station recently because that’s where they found Rollins’ car. 

Obviously, they said no. 

Alison’s day went from bad to worse when she realized that she was broke and that her husband had taken all of her money and there was A LOT. 

The gals decided to text back a number on Elliot’s cell and asked to meet the person. The person replied to meet them at the normal place, but things took a crazy turn when Jenna showed up at Ali’s house and tried to open the door. 

That means we know that Elliot was working with Jenna, along with Mary, but does Mary know about Jenna? That’s something we’ll probably be waiting another few years to find out. 

Seriously, I feel like I was a teenager when this show started and I’ll be collecting my pension by the time it’s over. 

Emily continued to rush into another relationship. This time, Sabrina is the lucky chick, but I just can’t shake the feeling that she’s hiding something. 

She’s just so damn sketchy. Remember how sketchy Maya was? Sabrina’s worse. 

Whoever A.D is, they have the best zingers. Emily missed her test, but A.D passed it for her and sent the mother of all texts. 

“Thank me later, ungrateful bitch.” 

Did anyone else laugh out loud at that? At least this new villain is helping sometimes. 

We closed this thrilling episode off with a shocking proposal. As much as Ezra’s speech made zero sense, it was cute. 

Aria does not look like she’s accepting. 

We need to wait two weeks to find out!

Pretty Little Liars Recap: Which Liar Got Engaged?

Will the liars are ever learn that telling the truth might actually get them somewhere?

On Pretty Little Liars Season 7 Episode 5, things got pretty intense when there was an influx of old enemies back in Rosewood. 

Jenna immediately made it her plan to target the liars, but this time she’s doing it ever so openly. 

Previously, she’s lied her way to the top, but now she has Sarah Harvey on her payroll and that’s only going to spell bad things for the liars. 

Aria continued to lie to Ezra. After wondering where her boyfriend disappeared to, he returned and informed Aria that he was actually away visiting Nicole’s parents to let them know that he’s moved on. 

That was pretty damn nice of him. Right?!

It all seemed like it was going well until Ezra’s phone started ringing, but the person on the other side of the line appeared to be Nicole. 

What the hell? She’s meant to be dead! 

Aria chose to lie about the phone call. I don’t know whether it was an effort to keep her man, or to prevent his heart from breaking further. 

Alison returned home, but she had Mary with her. Mary is the one who is caring for her.

As much as Alison wants to hate Mary, she knows that something doesn’t quite add up with her story and wants to know the truth. 

There is some element of trust with her, but could it be the fact that Mary looks like Jessica that’s making Ali keep her around?

Aria and Emily decided to go to Elliot’s hidden apartment in order to get a clearer picture of who this person was and their motives. 

This only brought up more questions than answers, but it confirmed that to the gals that Archer/Elliot was dressing up as Wilden in order to send Ali off the rails. 

Their digging was going well until Rosewood’s finest, Toby appeared on the scene and asked the liars if they have been to the station recently because that’s where they found Rollins’ car. 

Obviously, they said no. 

Alison’s day went from bad to worse when she realized that she was broke and that her husband had taken all of her money and there was A LOT. 

The gals decided to text back a number on Elliot’s cell and asked to meet the person. The person replied to meet them at the normal place, but things took a crazy turn when Jenna showed up at Ali’s house and tried to open the door. 

That means we know that Elliot was working with Jenna, along with Mary, but does Mary know about Jenna? That’s something we’ll probably be waiting another few years to find out. 

Seriously, I feel like I was a teenager when this show started and I’ll be collecting my pension by the time it’s over. 

Emily continued to rush into another relationship. This time, Sabrina is the lucky chick, but I just can’t shake the feeling that she’s hiding something. 

She’s just so damn sketchy. Remember how sketchy Maya was? Sabrina’s worse. 

Whoever A.D is, they have the best zingers. Emily missed her test, but A.D passed it for her and sent the mother of all texts. 

“Thank me later, ungrateful bitch.” 

Did anyone else laugh out loud at that? At least this new villain is helping sometimes. 

We closed this thrilling episode off with a shocking proposal. As much as Ezra’s speech made zero sense, it was cute. 

Aria does not look like she’s accepting. 

We need to wait two weeks to find out!

Friday, July 1, 2016

Matt Baier: I"m Not Evil! My Son is a Liar!

It’s been a particularly bad week for Matt Baier’s public image, which is surprising, as his reputation has been about on par with that of Chris Brown mixed with a leaking bag of garbage for as long as he’s been in the spotlight.

Still, Amber Portwood’s fiance found a way to sink lower this week.

You almost have to admire him, but then you remember that no one should ever admire him for any reason.

It all started when Baier’s estranged son called him “the ultimate con artist” in a scathing interview with Radar Online.

Chris Baier, 26, says that Amber and the average Teen Mom viewer are clueless as to the depths of his father’s shadiness, and to prove it, he offered up a seriously disturbing example.

Chris says that he’s struggled with drug addiction throughout his adult life, and that his father co-opted his story in order to help him win over Amber Portwood (a recovering addict herself) and appear more sympathetic to MTV audiences:

“He asked me to tell him all about my problems with drugs. When I saw him on MTV, he was talking about all of my drug problems that I told him about, and made believe they were his problems,”

“The truth of the matter is, he’s an evil, evil man, and when he did evil things, he was stone cold sober.” Chris says.

“All he does is use people and hurt them. He’s a horrible, nasty person, the ultimate con artist.”

Harsh words to say the least. 

Not surprisingly, Matt says his son’s story is utter nonsense. 

“What actually happened is he was contacted by the press numerous times in the last six moths or so and offered money to say bad things about me,” Matt says.

“It’s important to note my son has a bad drug addiction, and he was completely strung out when he started talking about six months ago.

“He was in trouble with the law and in between places to live. When you’re offered an amount of money by anybody when you’re in that situation it’s really tough to turn down.”

But as the saying goes, there are three sides to every story: Matt Baier’s version, and the versions of the two people who say he’s lying.

The Ashley’s Reality Roundup spoke with the journalist who interviewed Chris Baier, and she claims that Matt’s explanation for his son’s comments makes zero sense:

“Chris hasn’t used in years!” Radar Online’s Donna Thomas says of Matt’s allegations.

“He wasn’t paid a dime, and wasn’t looking for money, he’s a really nice kid…He’s had some issues with drugs, but it’s the past, he has a good job, and a girlfriend and he’s on the right track, he doesn’t want Matt to destroy anyone else, that’s all!”

So yes, yet again Matt comes off looking incredibly shady.

The situation has left many wondering if Amber and Matt will still get married, and the answer is yes.

Yes they will, because Amber has learned to turn a blind eye to her fiance’s true nature.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Khloe Kardashian: Kris Jenner Is the World"s Biggest LIAR!!

No one could ever accuse Khloe Kardashian of holding back her feelings.

In a preview clip for this Sunday"s Keeping Up With the Kardashians, Khloe tears her own mom Kris Jenner a new one for helping Rob Kardashian buy a house.

Khloe starts by telling her mom, "You are one of the world"s biggest…"

"Enablers," Kris says, finishing her daughter"s sentence.

"Liars," corrects Khloe.

"I"m not a liar. No, he has the money for the down payment," explains Kris in defense.

"What did I do now, why are you so angry all the time?" she asks Khloe, as Kourtney wisely checks her phone.

Khloe begins to cough in disbelief at her mother"s words.

"I"m just allergic to bullsh*t," Khloe responds.

In her confessional, Khloe explains that she"s irked because when she allowed Rob to live with her, Kris accused her of enabling him.

(While Rob purportedly had a sock business going, he mostly hid out in his room and collected dust for three years.)

"I would have such deep fights in my family because I was "enabling" Rob by letting him live with me," says Khloe.

"And then the one person who yelled at me the most, which is my mom, now she"s helping Rob?" she continues.

"I just find it mind blowing." 

Ahhh, it"s times like these that lead to a full-fledged Krisplosion, as evidenced in a previous clip in which the momager is fed up with her kids" BS and tells all of them to f**k off.

Watch Khloe face off with her mom below:


Khloe kardashian kris jenner is the worlds biggest liar

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Jenelle Evans: Nathan Is a LIAR! I NEVER Attempted Suicide!

Earlier this month, in a move to prove his ex an unfit parent, Nathan Griffith submitted testimony to the court alleging that Jenelle Evans tried to kill herself last year.

The former couple are in the middle of an heated custody battle for their son Kaiser, and both parties have gone to great lengths to take down the other.

He claimed that after they broke up, Jenelle tried to slash her wrists in front of him.

“That because of the separation of Plaintiff [Evans] and Defendant [Griffith], Plaintiff threatened self-harm and/or suicide and did, in fact, slice her wrists with a knife,” the court papers read.

Jenelle now reveals to InTouch that Nathan perjured himself by making up the whole story.

“It’s not true,” Jenelle told the magazine. “I think it’s from [ex-fiancé] Nathan [Griffith], because our custody battle [for son Kaiser] and the complaints that I have put in are so harsh towards him, that I think he’s coming back with anything against me right now.”

Both Nathan and Jenelle have turned this custody negotiation into an grisly, no-holds-barred war.

Nathan has pointed out to the courts that Jenelle is an ex-drug abuser with a history of multiple arrests and a violent new live-in boyfriend.

Jenelle, in turn, says that Nathan is hooked on steroids, is getting evicted and also has a number of arrests under his belt.

Whichever way the courts rule, the situation looks rather bleak for little Kaiser. 

Friday, March 11, 2016

Caitlyn Jenner: Hillary Clinton is a F--king Liar!

Last week, I Am Cait Season 2 premiered on E!, and as part of their effort to boost last season"s middling ratings, producers had Caitlyn Jenner come out swinging against her fellow trans activists by expressing some surprising political views.

In case you don"t watch I Am Cait online, or you just don"t care about Caitlyn Jenner"s political beliefs any more than you cared about Bruce Jenner"s political beliefs (a reasonable stance to take), here"s the rundown:

  • Caitlyn supports Ted Cruz.

  • She draws the line at Donald Trump, though she thinks he"d be "good on women"s issues," which is pretty LOL-worthy.

  • Her friends are shocked that she"s not more concerned about trans issues.

  • Her friends seem to have forgotten that Caitlyn is very rich, and in her decades as a public figure has never wavered from her position as a single-issue voter, that issue being "lower taxes for rich people like Caitlyn Jenner."

What we"re saying is, Caitlyn"s views might not be what one would expect from the world"s most famous trans person, but they are consistent with what she"s always believed, so it"s a little weird that her friends expected her to become socially enlightened overnight just because she transitioned.

In fairness, her "friends" are a bunch of people that E! paid to hang out with her, and most of their knowledge of her past probably comes from Wikipedia. 

Anyway, Caitlyn really, really, really does not like Hillary Clinton. Like, really. Check it out:

Caitlyn jenner hillary clinton is a f king liar

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Lucy Hale Goes Blonde: Is She Still a Pretty Little Liar?

Those who watch Pretty Little Liars online may be in for a surprise down the line.

Because Lucy Hale suddenly looks very, very different.

The young actress has decided to find out whether or not blondes really do have more fun, as stylist Kristin Ess took to Instagram today in order to share a photo of a lightened-up Hale with the caption:

“Going blonder by the minute with @lucyhale and swapping faces with @kdeenihan on snap.”

Hale may have simply been in the mood to change up her appearance, of course, but we wonder whether this semi-drastic dye job is an attempt by the star to distance herself from those Selena Gomez comparisons.

“There was a phase growing up, people thought I was Selena Gomez,” Hale told The Talk panelists this week.

“During the time she started dating Justin Bieber, they would try to take my phone to see if I was texting Justin Bieber.

“And I’m like, ‘I’ll try to take a picture with you to make your dreams come true if you think I’m Selena, but I am not."”

Hale also made headlines a few days ago when she hinted very strongly that Pretty Little Liars will end after Season 7.

“We’ve been doing it for six years,” Hale said while speaking to James Corden. “I’ve literally spent my 20s on the show, and I think all good things must come to an end.”

The beautiful star added that she hopes the series concludes in “tragic” fashion.

Take a look at Hale’s new blonde hair above and sound off below: WHAT DO YOU THINK?