Showing posts with label Markle's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Markle's. Show all posts

Monday, May 14, 2018

Meghan Markle"s Extended Family in London Despite No Royal Wedding Invite

Meghan Markle’s extended family wasn’t invited to the Royal wedding, but that didn’t stop them from jetting off to London. Meghan’s nephew, Tyler and his brother Thomas Dooley arrived at London Heathrow Airport along with their…


Meghan Markle"s Dad Suffers Heart Attack! Won"t Attend Royal Wedding!

There’s been a Royal Change to the Royal Wedding.

And it has us Royally Concerned.

Scroll down to find out which major figure will NOT be attending this wildly anticipated event and to learn the significant effect it will have on the upcoming proceedings…

According to TMZ, Thomas Markle suffered a heart attack last week and has decided it’s best for his health if he does not board an airplane and fly to London.

(A newly-famous recluse, Thomas lives in Mexico and has tried to stay as far away from the spotlight ever since his daughter started dating Harry.)

Thomas initially checked himself out of the hospital in order to attend the Royal Wedding, but he tells TMZ that he’s chosen to remain home for reasons that go beyond his physical well-being.

You see, Markle recently made news when it became public knowledge that he’s been staging various paparazzi photos.

As you may have noticed over the past several months, photographers have captured Thomas buying beer, looking disheveled and not exactly presenting the best version of himself.

He says now that he finally accepted some money from a paparazzi agency in order to set up shots that appeared candid but which were, in reality, staged ahead of time.

He did so partly to earn some cash, but mostly to avoid embarrassing his family with snapshots that depicted him in a negative light.

Now that this information has gone viral, Thomas himself is embarrassed and TMZ reports he does not want to attend the wedding and bring any shame to those involved.

It all sounds pretty darn sad, to be honest.

Markle will at least have her mom by her side when she exchanges her vows this Saturday, but one pressing question now remains:


Mere days prior to the ceremony, this is a rather huge issue to not have an answer for at the moment.

The topic of Markle’s family in general continues to be a pressing one.

Simply put, some of her relatives seem a bit… off.

The former Suits star has been the target of wrath from her half-sister for weeks, for example, as Samantha Markle keeps dragging her sibling in the media because she isn’t invited to the wedding.

And her brother also says Markle sucks!

“She’s clearly forgotten her roots. It’s torn my entire family apart,” hr recently told The Daily Mail, adding:

“Meg likes to portray herself as a humanitarian, a people’s person and a charitable person but she is none of those things to her family.”

UPDATE: Samantha now says that she’s the person who actually set up Thomas Markle’s paparazzi photos.

“I have to say I am entirely the culprit,” she said during an appearance on British talk show Loose Women on Monday, explaining:

“As we know the media can take very unflattering photographs of people on their casual days and blow it way out of proportion. I said, you know, the world has no idea you’re getting in shape, doing healthy things.

“They don’t photograph you buying vegetables and PH water. They photograph you as unflattering ways as they can…

“So I said, really you need to show the world that you’re getting in shape and doing great healthy things. So I suggested it.

“There’s a lot of scrutiny that it was money motivated, it was not. It was my suggestion that to benefit him and to benefit the royal family that everyone looked good and they depict you as you are – in shape and doing healthy things.”

Neither of Meghan’s half-siblings will be at the wedding.

They were grown up and out of the house by the time Markle was born and the ex-actress has never really had a relationship with them.


Meghan Markle"s Father is Not Going to the Royal Wedding, Suffered Heart Attack

Meghan Markle’s father will not be walking her down the aisle Saturday … he isn’t going to the wedding at all because of the fallout over selling photos of himself … TMZ has learned. Thomas Markle tells TMZ, he meant no harm to Meghan or the…


Friday, May 11, 2018

Meghan Markle"s Exes: A Complete Rundown of the Future Royal"s Romantic Past

Well, the big day is almost upon us.

In just over a week, Prince Harry will marry Meghan Markle before the eyes of the world.

In many ways, it"ll be just like every other royal wedding – loaded with pageantry, tradition, and probably a few dozen powdered wigs.

But we don"t need to tell you Meg is not the typical royal bride.

She"s American; she"s a former actress; and – perhaps most controversially – she"s been divorced.

In fact, unlike some of her more prim and proper predecessors, Meg has a rather extensive romantic history …

1. Young Meg

Meghan markle modeling

Before hitting it big on Suits, Meg was just another young woman taking whatever work she could find in Hollywood. Like most up-and-coming model/actresses, she often found herself in some unusual positions.

2. What’s the Deal?

Deal us in

For a time, Meg was one of the “Briefcase Girls” on the popular game show Deal Or No Deal. But it wasn’t long before she rose through the ranks to become a legitimate actress.

3. Suit Up

Meghan markle on suits

Before her relationship with Harry, Meghan was most familiar to Americans as one of the stars of the USA Network drama Suits.

4. Go-Getter

Meghan markle face

Yes, she certainly didn’t waste any time in carving out a career for herself. And it seems Meghan applied that same level of ambition to her love life.

5. Rule-Follower

Meghan markle in happy shock

Sources say Meg was a strict adherent of the controversal women’s dating guide entitled The Rules.

6. Meghan’s Men

Meghan markle in red

“Meghan used to quote The Rules all the time and really put it into practice with a number of her boyfriends,” says one insider. And those boyfriends were a motley crew, indeed …

View Slideshow

Meghan Markle"s Mom Arrives In London For the Royal Wedding!

Well, folks, it’s really happening.

The big day is almost here, and royal obsessives all over the world are downright giddy with anticipation.

We’re talking, of course, about the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.

The couple will exchange vows one week from Saturday, and the eyes of the world will be watching.

Of course, most of us will be forced to view the proceedings in HD, but a lucky few – roughly 600, by last estimate – have been invited to witness the ceremony firsthand.

Several members of Meghan’s family were snubbed, including her sketchy, opportunistic half-siblings.

(Their outraged reactions served as a potent reminder that Meg made the right call.)

Markle’s beloved parents, however, will be in attendance, and her mother just touched down in London last night.

Doria Ragland is a 61-year-old yoga instructor, and apparently, she’ll be staying with Harry and Meghan at Kensington Palace in the week leading up to the wedding.

“Ms. Markle is delighted to have her parents by her side on this important and happy occasion,” the Royals’ press secretary said in a statement issued this week.

“Prince Harry and Ms. Markle are very much looking forward to welcoming Ms. Markle’s parents to Windsor for the wedding.”

Because the statement was apparently written on an especially-long parchment, it went on to explain that along with Meghan’s father, Thomas Markle, Ragland will be spending a lot of time with her new son-in-law’s family over the next week:

“Mr. Thomas Markle and Ms. Doria Ragland will be arriving in the U.K. in the week of the wedding, allowing time for Prince Harry’s family, including The Queen, The Duke of Edinburgh, The Prince of Wales, The Duchess of Cornwall and The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, to spend time with them before the big day,” the statement concludes.

Sounds like a high-pressure situation.

It’s always stressful meeting your daughter’s fiancé’s family for the first time, but knowing one of them is literally the freakin’ Queen of England probably makes things a bit more tense.

What do you even talk to these people about if you’re a yoga instructor from America?

So … um, you folks still doing that whole colonialism thing, or is that not cool anymore?

Hopefully, Prince Philip will get drunk and start telling knock-knock jokes to ease the tension.

There’s one in every family.


Thursday, May 10, 2018

LEGOLAND Screws Up Meghan Markle"s Skin Tone in Royal Wedding Exhibit

Meghan Markle has the exact same skin color as her fiance, Prince Harry — at least according to LEGOLAND’s special display ahead of the royal wedding. LEGOLAND’s Windsor Resort unveiled a new exhibit this week in honor of Meghan and Harry’s big…


Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Meghan Markle"s Brother Warns Prince Harry: Call Off the Wedding While You Still Can!

We’re just over two weeks away from the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, and for the most part, everything is falling into place.

The royal invitations have been sent out; the menu is set, and Meghan’s gown – which is sure to be extravagant – is reportedly in its final stages of preparation.

Of course, anyone who’s ever planned a wedding knows there’s no way to prepare for every eventuality.

All anyone can do is take precautions wherever possible, so as to minimize the likelihood of a disaster.

And the happy couple did exactly that by snubbing Meghan’s brother and sister.

Actually, Thomas Markle Jr. and Samantha Markle are Meghan’s half-brother and sister, but as they’ve repeatedly shown us in recent weeks, they’re full-blown opportunists.

Samantha penned a tell-all about Meghan, even though she reportedly hasn’t spent any time with the princess-to-be in over a decade.

As for Thomas, he accused Meghan of tearing her family apart in a hilariously over-the-top interview.

And the melodrama doesn’t end there.

Today, In Touch Weekly published an open letter from Thomas, in which he implores Harry to call off the wedding before it’s too late!

“As more time passes to your royal wedding, it became very clear that this is the biggest mistake in royal wedding history,” the 51-year-old writes.

“Meghan Markle is obviously not the right woman for you.”

He goes on to accuse Meghan of basically conning the Royals:

“I’m confused why you don’t see the real Meghan that the whole world now sees,” Thomas argues. 

“Meghan’s attempt to act the part of a princess like a below C average Hollywood actress is getting old.”

Thomas then repeats one of the most damaging – and demonstrably false – claim about Meghan, insisting that she used her father for his money and left him destitute:

“What kind of person starts out by using her own father until he’s bankrupt, then forgets about him in Mexico leaving him broke, over mostly all her debts. And when it’s time to pay him back she forgets her own father like she never knew him,” Thomas says.

“It’s very apparent that her tiny bit of Hollywood fame has gone to her head,” he continues.

“Not to mention, to top it all off, she doesn’t invite her own family and instead invites complete strangers to the wedding. Who does that? You and the royal family should put an end to this fake fairytale wedding before it’s too late.”

Like, she’s becoming a princess, so it’s almost literally a fairytale wedding – but is Thomas aware that that’s generally considered a favorable description of a nuptial ceremony?

When people object to a wedding, it’s usually because they’re pregnant with the groom’s baby or something, not because the whole thing is too reminiscent of a Disney movie.

But hey, maybe Harry will heed Thomas’ warning and call off his wedding 17 days before the ceremony.

Just kidding, he’s more likely to have Thomas beheaded as part of the after-dinner entertainment.


Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Meghan Markle"s Former Psychic Saw London in Her Future Before Prince Harry

Meghan Markle was destined for London even before she met her fiance Prince Harry – at least according to her former psychic. Richard Win, Meghan’s longtime psychic, tells us, during his last session with her just months before she met…


Meghan Markle"s Former Psychic Saw London in Her Future Before Prince Harry

Meghan Markle was destined for London even before she met her fiance Prince Harry – at least according to her former psychic. Richard Win, Meghan’s longtime psychic, tells us, during his last session with her just months before she met…


Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Meghan Markle"s Sister: Exposed As Lying Opportunist By Ex-Husband?!

Royals have it easier than everyone else on the planet in pretty much every area except one:

When it comes to mate selection, their lives are far more complicated than most.

Centuries ago, royals kept it in the family, and we’ll never know how many are still padding around Buckingham Palace with webbed toes as a result of those incestuous decades.

Thankfully, these days, blue bloods dive into the peasant pool to find their better halves, but that practice presents its own problems.

You see, peasants have peasant families, and peasant families can be problematic.

Take, for example, Meghan Markle’s siblings, who have been a royal pain in the royal’s collective ass ever since the world learned Meghan is engaged to Prince Harry.

At first, it was just Meghan’s half-sister who insisted on making waves with her public attempts to tear down Harry’s betrothed.

These days, Meghan’s half-brother is also in on the act, though he hasn’t proven to be quite as adept in his shameless opportunism.

While Thomas Markle has granted a couple scathing interviews, it’s Samantha Grant-Markle who’s really cashing in.

She plans to publish a tell-all about Meghan, and she’s even collaborated with the folks at the Enquirer on a series of hit pieces about the half-sibling she barely knows.

Not bad for someone who no one had heard of a few months ago, and who most people wish would simply fade back into oblivion.

Now, Samantha’s ex-husband, Scott Rasmussen, is saying enough is enough by speaking out against his former wife’s conniving ways.

“Harry and Meghan need to know the truth about her. She’s the last person who should be at Windsor Castle,” Rasmussen told the Daily Mail in a recent interview.

Asked about Samantha’s nickname for Meghan, “Princess Pushy,” Rasmussen said it’s simply a result of projection:

“Samantha’s the pushy one,” he said.

“I believe she resented Meghan because she had the life Samantha always wanted and she was jealous.”

Like Samantha, Scott hasn’t spent much time with Meghan since she was in her late teens, but he says he remembers her fondly from those days:

“She was all class and so polite,” he said. “Everything Samantha wanted to be.”

No rebuttal yet from Scott’s ex-wife, who we assume is currently in recovering at a nearby burn unit.


Thursday, February 8, 2018

Meghan Markle"s Brother Lashes Out: She Abandoned Her Family!

We’re just over three months away from the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.

As expected, royal obsessives the world over are already giddy with anticipation.

Sadly, just as unsurprising is the fact that opportunists and con artists are coming out of the wood work hoping to exploit Meghan in her remaining days as a civilian.

And some of them are members of her immediate family.

It all started when Meghan’s half-sister, Samantha Grant, threatened to publish a tell-all.

Amazingly, it looks like she managed to land a publisher, but it sounds like the book won’t be loaded with the bombshell revelations the public is hoping for.

Meghan and Samantha reportedly haven’t had any contact with one in well over a decade, and sources say they weren’t close with one another for several years before that.

So unless you’re hankering for some insights into Meg’s high school study habits, the book probably won’t do much for you.

Just last month, the sketchy sibling started going by Samantha Markle and managed to score a deal with TLC to produce a special about Meghan.

And now it seems she’s not the only member of the Markle clan who’s looking to line their pockets.

Apparently, Meghan also has a half-brother named Tom Markle Jr.

In addition to having a name that sounds like an anagram for a Harry Potter villain, Tom is apparently even more shady than Samantha.

Rather than threatening to share Meghan’s secrets with the world, he took the more direct route of asking Meg for money for a personal security detail, and then publicly calling her out for abandoning her family when she refused.

In a recent interview with In Touch, Tommy Marks shared the contents of the email he received from Meghan’s lawyers that basically told him to go do his panhandling elsewhere.

“My lawyer had a phone meeting with her lawyer, and he emailed me some of [Meghan’s] direct words. She said, ‘That’s distant family and I don’t know those people,"” Tom told the tabloid.

“That’s pretty harsh,” he adds calling the email “a slap in the face” and “below the belt.”

“I spent a lot of time with her growing up,” Tom says.

In the emails, Tom asks Meghan and Buckingham Palace officials to “take some action to protect [him],” which apparently meant not only security services but protection from what he claims are inaccurate media reports.

“There was a time where people were following me around at work, taking pictures and posting horrible stories about me and my family saying I’m a white supremacist, a drug addict and a dealer, all this crap that just isn’t true,” Tom tells In Touch.

“My attorney was reaching out to her people and the palace to basically [help us] try to get a retraction for all these false stories in [countries] where there are different laws.” 

Reps for Harry were apparently more polite than Meghan’s lawyers, telling Tom, “We are so sorry to hear you have been having a tough time with the media.”

Of course, they still didn’t offer him any sort of assistance with the problem.

We’re assuming Meghan is currently being trained in how to tell someone to shove off using proper royal decorum.


Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Meghan Markle"s Sister: Is She Trying to Cash In On the Royal Romance?!

These days, when one hears Meghan Markle’s name mentioned in the press, it’s usually alongside some breathless exclamation about how “the whole world is in love” with Prince Harry’s bride-to-be.

Unfortunately for Meg, there’s at least one iconoclastic holdout who refuses to share the opinion of Harry and the other 7 billion or so inhabitants of Earth who think Ms. Markle is just the bee’s knees.

Long before Harry and Meghan’s engagement was announced, Samantha Markle began throwing shade at her half-sister’s relationship like it was her job.

And in a way, we suppose it is.

Meghan’s shady sister has made a career out of tearing the actress down in interviews, and she’s soon to publish a memoir with the hilariously un-subtle title of The Diary of Princess Pushy’s Sister.

Among other wildly salacious claims, Samantha writes in the book that Meghan severed their relationship because Samantha’s physical disability clashed with her posh lifestyle.

Obviously, if that were true, it would forever change the way we look at Meghan.

But it’s clearly not, so no need to worry.

These days, Samantha is on a non-stop press tour, attempting to extend her fame into 16th-minute territory in the final months before Meghan and Harry’s wedding.

Unfortunately for her, most of her media appearances are painfully awkward affairs that basically consist of the interviewer going, “But seriously, WTF is your problem?”

Accused of cashing in on her sister’s fame during a recent appearance on the UK’s Channel 5, Samantha had this to say in her defense:

“I think the term ‘cash in’ is a low blow. I think any of us who have experiences and feelings, positive, warm, insightful or otherwise and we are able to share them apparently—I wouldn’t say that it’s we’re cashing in because there’s certainly a large audience and market of people who are interested and curious.

“So why not share information that is socially and historically valuable? I feel like it’s kind of a service to do that.”

Oh, so she’s performing a service by publicly portraying the sister she’s had no contact with in the past decade as the worst kind of monster. Got it.

As for that horrendous title, Samantha says the whole world has it all wrong:

“People have taken the title so literally, and I think that’s funny,” she said.

“I chose the title because I was more making a mockery of tabloids who, at one point, called my sister Princess Pushy. The opposite is true. And so I thought, you know, to make fun of that and illustrate that she really is not, I’m going to choose that title and run with it.”

Ah, yes. Foolish tabloids. Why would they think a book that insults its subject in the freaking title is some sort of hit piece?!

Clearly, Samantha is a completely well-adjusted grownup who simply wants to celebrate her sister’s engagement in the traditional fashion–by publicly denigrating her in exchange for money.

So stop judging her! You people are acting just like Princess Pushy!


Saturday, January 6, 2018

Meghan Markle"s Future Sister-in-Law Arrested for Assaulting Bro

Meghan Markle’s not the only one in her family planning a wedding — but her half-brother’s might be on hold after his fiancee got busted for assaulting him. Darlene Blount was arrested in Oregon Sunday night — just before midnight, actually –…


Thursday, December 28, 2017

Meghan Markle"s Sister Claps Back at Prince Harry

Prince Harry may have received enthusiastic blessings from his future in-laws in regard to his impending marriage to Meghan Markle.

But the Royal Slab of Red Hot Meat hasn’t exactly received the same warm response from another relative of his beloved fiancee.

Quite the opposite, in fact.

On Wednesday night, Markle’s half-sister, Samantha Grant, actually clapped back pretty hard against Harry and a recent disparaging remark she felt he made against her and her loved ones.

Allow us to explain…

During a special edition of Radio 4’s Today program this week, Harry talked openly about his first holiday season as an engagement individual.

Did Markle enjoy the time she spent with Kate Middleton, Prince William and their kids for Christmas?

What about attending church along with these same members of The Royal Family

“We had an amazing time,” Harry said in response, adding:

“We had great fun staying with my brother and sister-in-law and running round with the kids. Christmas was fantastic.”

Simple enough, right? Totally harmless and not worthy of any kind of rebuke, right?

Not quite.

Continuing on about Markle, Harry noted:

“She’s done an absolutely amazing job, she’s getting in there and it’s the family that I suppose she’s never had.”

There it is. The family she’s never had.

Markle, of course, has a family.

She’s actually received some unfortunate hate mail because she’s of mixed descent (her father is white and her mother is black) and, by all accounts, she is very close to her parents.

She is NOT close, however, to her half-sister.

And it’s this half-sister who took exception to Harry’s remark.

“She has a large family. She always did,” Grant wrote on Twitter last night, adding:

“Our dad is amazing and completely self sacrificing. We made it so that she had two houses. How fun it was!”

Grant, it is worth noting, has basically no relationship with Markle.

Insiders have said they were raised separately (they are 17 years apart in age) and Grant has taken a few shots at Markle ever since the actress became an international celebrity.

Back in April, for example, she directly said Markle only pretends to be a humanitarian in order to make positive headlines.

There’s also been talk that Grant will soon release a tell-all that slams her siblings, even Tweeting about the memoir last night as follows:

“Excited for my book coming out and wait until you see what our home life was like!”

Then again, in November, Grant seemed pretty psyched about the couple when asked about them on Good Morning Britain.

“When I watch her with him it’s very real and normal,” she said at the time, expounding:

“You know, we only get that once in a lifetime if we’re lucky. It’s not about royalty so much as it is about love. And that’s wonderful for them.”

So perhaps Grant isn’t completely evil after all.

We can understand why she got a little offended at Harry’s “family” dig, even if he meant to harm by it at all.

This is a situation worth keeping your eye on, however.

The last thing the Royals want is some ugly family feud clouding the excitement over May’s big wedding.


Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Meghan Markle"s Royal Wedding, Potential Dress Sketches Revealed

Meghan Markle could be going in a way different direction than Kate Middleton for her wedding dress … IF she goes with Israeli designer Inbal Dror. Dror confirmed Monday she was contacted by the Royal Family about possibly…


Friday, December 15, 2017

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle"s May 19 Wedding Date Has Checkered Past

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle DID not choose their wedding date for any historical significance … that is unless they’re both huge fans of the Kennedys or the Buttafuocos. Ya never know. We did some research, and the May 19 date of the…


Sunday, December 10, 2017

Meghan Markle"s Toronto Home During Filming of "Suits" Up For Sale

To say Meghan Markle is trading up is a gross understatement. This is the place Meghan called home while filming “Suits” in Toronto.  The house is perfectly nice, but it doesn’t compare to her new digs, although the square footage of the…


Friday, December 8, 2017

Meghan Markle"s Father Speaks Out: Does He Approve of Prince Harry?

Think you’re happy that Meghan Markle is engaged to Prince Harry?

You should hear what Meghan Markle’s father has to say about it!

No, really, you should. Scroll down to find out what he just said…

Back on November 27, after Clarence House confirmed that the actress and the Royal Stud Muffin had agreed to marry, Markle’s parent did issue the following statement:

“We are incredibly happy for Meghan and Harry. Our daughter has always been a kind and loving person. To see her union with Harry, who shares the same qualities, is a source of great joy for us as parents,”

Thomas Markle and Doria Ragland, who are divorced, added at the time:

“We wish them a lifetime of happiness and are very excited for their future together.” 

Thomas, however, is not spotted out in public very often.

He’s been described by some outlets as a “reclusive” individual who lives  a quiet life in Mexico.

But The Daily Mirror tracked him down in Rosarito Beach (where he was purchasing a four-pack of beer and cigarettes, the newspaper notes) and asked if he’ll be at St. George’s Chapel in Windsor Castle to give away his daughter.

Thomas “beamed,” the publication writes, told the reporter:

“Yes. I’d love to.”

Markle and Harry have confirmed the aforementioned wedding location, along with their plans to exchange vows in May of next year.

(Many insiders, meanwhile, think Markle will then announce her pregnancy by next Christmas. But that’s pure speculation at the moment.)

“I’m very pleased,” the 73-year-old dad added. “I’m delighted.”

Markle’s parents have been indirectly in the news a bit because Thomas is white, while Doria is African-American.

Because people often suck, there’s been debate over Markle’s heritage and some unfortunate harassment she’s suffered as a result.

As for plans more immediate than her nuptials, a source explains to Us Weekly how Meghan will celebrate her first Christmas season as the fiancee of a Royal.

After celebrating Christmas Eve at Queen Elizabeth II’s Sandringham House Harry and his bride-to-be will join Prince William and Kate Middleton at their nearby Anmer Hall home in Norfolk, England.

“They’ll be William and Kate’s guests and travel back and forth with them,” the insider says.

Doesn’t sound too shabby at all, does it?

On December 25 itself, the quartet will be served a traditional English breakfast… attend a mandatory 11 a.m. service at St. Mary Magdalene Church… and then chow down on a a lunch featuring two roast turkeys.

That’s some specific, delicious detail right there!

We’ll let you know more about Harry and Markle’s holiday and wedding plans when further news breaks.


Thursday, December 7, 2017

Meghan Markle"s Getting Royal Etiquette Training from Prince Harry

Meghan Markle is about to get a crash course on being a royal — from knowing the rules of curtsying to handling herself at State events — and we’ve learned her teacher is her fiance, Harry.   Meghan has a million things to learn,…


Monday, December 4, 2017

Meghan Markle"s Resume, Woman of Many Talents, Like Stripping and Juggling

Meghan Markle’s a Jill of all trades … at least according to an old acting resume that lists a VERY wide range of talents. The British Royal-to-be’s resume, obtained by TMZ, seems to be from before her days on “Suits” … listing her TV credits on…
