Showing posts with label Michelle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Michelle. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Michelle Money Admits to Teenage Pregnancy, Adoption Decision

Michelle Money has come out with a very personal confession.

The former Bachelor contestant and Bachelor in Paradise star revealed in an interview with skincare brand PMD that she got accidentally pregnant as a teenager.

“I’ve been known for being very real and upfront, but there’s a big part of what makes me me that I’ve never shared before,” Money says in the segment, adding:

“When I was 15 years old I got pregnant.”

Money didn’t get into specifics regarding the identity of the father or anything, but she did take us through her thought process at the time.

“You go through all of the options in your head of how to deal with this,” she said, eventually revealing what she chose to do:

“The decision to place this baby for adoption was not an easy one, but it was the right one. The day came, my water broke. It was bittersweet. It was just very bittersweet.

“Just the process of labor and the process of delivering and feeling love that I’ve never felt before. It rocked me.”

We really can’t imagine being in that difficult position.

In video of the interview, Money shares footage of herself soon after she became a mother, with the clip depicting her holding the newborn in her arms while sitting on a hospital bed.

“When the moment came for me to say goodbye and hand him over to the social worker … it was the hardest thing I’ve ever done,” Money said.

Things didn’t get easier for the Utah native, either.

“I was really consumed with trying to prove myself to everyone and caring a lot about what people thought of me. I lost myself in that for a long time really trying to overcompensate from this mistake that I made,” she says.

“It’s taken a lot for me to get here.

“It doesn’t happen overnight where you get to where you can feel so confident in the decisions you’ve made in life and the trials that you’ve gone through.”

Money is best known for competing for the heart of Brad Womack on The Bachelor in 2011.

She has also appeared on Bachelor Pad (2011) and Bachelor in Paradise (2014) and is currently starring on Marriage Boot Camp: Reality Stars.

“My wish for every woman is for them to be able to look at themselves in the mirror and love every challenge, every trial, every heartache that they’ve experienced in their life and still feel beautiful,” she says, concluding:

“That, to me, is true beauty.”

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Michelle Obama DNC Speech: An Instant Classic

Yes, Sarah Silverman may have delivered the single line that stood out the most on Monday night at the Democratic National Convention.

But Michelle Obama delivered the speech that will stand the test of time.

Framing the argument for this election not around party lines, but around “who will have the power to shape our children for the next four or eight years of their lives,” Obama endorsed Hillary Clinton in the most passionate way possible.

Speaking candidly about Sasha and Malia, Obama brought up the topic of bullying, a clear reference to Republican nominee Donald Trump.

"We don"t stoop to their level. Our motto is: "When they go low, we go high,"" she said.

Words matter, she said. Actions matter.

When she and her husband moved into the White House years ago and and their 10-year old and their 7-year old went off to school with armed Secret Service agents, Obama recalled:

"I saw their little faces pressed up against the window and all I could think was, "What have we done?"" 

Ever since then, she had focused primarily on making this experience into an important one for her kids.

"We urge them to ignore those who question their father"s citizenship or faith," she said.

"We insist that the hateful language they hear from public figures on TV does not represent the true spirit of this country."

Obama used this angle as a way to segue into why Clinton needs to be elected President.

"What I admire most about Hillary is she never buckled under pressure," the First Lady said. "Hillary Clinton has never quit on anything in her life.

"When I think of the kind of president I want for my girls and all our children, that"s what I want – the proven strength to persevere."

Later on, Obama talked emotionally about how the White House was built by slaves.

About how her two African-American daughters now play on its lawn with their dog.

And about how the Republicans spent their Convention trying to tell viewers about all the awful things now going on in the country.

"Don"t let anyone ever tell you that this country isn"t great," she said in a pointed reference to Trump"s campaign slogan.

"This, right now, is the greatest country on earth."

The speech was lauded as one of the all-time best on social media.

And a certain Commander-in-Chief clearly liked it:

It made you understand why someone might want to plagiarize Michelle Obama.

Prepare for some waterworks, and don"t be ashamed if you stand and cheer at one point, as you watch the full Michelle Obama speech from the DNC below:

Michelle obama dnc speech an instant classic

Monday, July 25, 2016

Jim Bob Duggar: Michelle Used to Use Birth Control!

When you see a family as rooted in in their old-fashioned ways as the Duggars, it’s natural to think that they’ve been that way since time immemorial.

But even the most hardcore Duggar obsessives might be unaware that Jim Bob and Michelle weren’t quite as obscenely strict about sex and gender roles in the early years of their marriage. 

As we told you earlier, Jim Bob wrote an open letter to Michelle on his blog over the weekend in honor of her birthday.

In addition to the fact that he very conspicuously avoided mentioning Josh by name while talking about his children, Jim Bob also surprised some fans by revealing that he and Michelle took a much more liberal (by Duggar standards) approach to their relationship when they were in their 20s.

Surprisingly, the famously fertile couple even used birth control at one point – which is a huge no-no in Duggarland.

Of course, to the surprise of absolutely no one, JB turned his confession into a cautionary tale about how birth control kills!!! or some such nonsense:

“Believe it or not, when we first got married we decided we did not want to have children right away, so Michelle began taking birth control pills,” Jim Bob wrote.

“Three years into our marriage Michelle went off the pill and we had our first child. Then she went back on the pill, because we heard it was better to space your children out, but Michelle got pregnant while she was on the pill, and the pill caused her to miscarry.

“We talked to a Christian doctor and he explained that the pill could be abortive. 

“Three years into our marriage Michelle went off the pill and we had our first child.”

He added “…whose name is totally not important right now, so let’s just move on.”

Okay, we might have made that last part up.

Jim Bob credits his 32-years of wedded bliss to the big guy in the sky of course, but also, weirdly, to the fact that he and Michelle have often gone long periods of time without owning a TV.

Makes their primary source of income a tad ironic, no?

Anyway, Jim Bob closes the whole thing out exactly like you would expect him to – with a promise of hundreds more Duggars to come!

“I look forward to spending the rest of my life with you and with our 6, going on 200 grandkids and counting,” he wrote.

Does that sound like a threat to anyone else?

Jim Bob Duggar: I Love Michelle More Than Ever!! (Josh, Not So Much)

Jim Bob Duggar recently posted a letter in his family blog in honor of his wedding anniversary, and gushed repeatedly about Michelle.

His first-born son, however, was the recipient of subtle shade.

While it wasn’t the point of Jim Bob’s blog post, Josh Duggar’s name was absent, conspicuously, at a crucial point early in his tribute.

Surprisingly, when the two first got married 34 years ago, Michelle Duggar (nee Ruark) was using birth control and even wore pants.

We can’t believe it either, but that’s what he says:

“Believe it or not, when we first got married we decided we did not want to have children right away, so Michelle began taking birth control pills.”

“Three years into our marriage Michelle went off the pill and we had our first child,” he added, notably not mentioning the name Josh.

Jim Bob went on to say that this was a seminal moment: “Michelle got pregnant while she was on the pill, and the pill caused her to miscarry.”

“We talked to a Christian doctor and he explained that the pill could be abortive. However, after one miscarriage, we decided to stop rejecting ‘god’s gifts."”

Whether or not the pill is abortive is subject to debate.

What is quite clear is that Jim Bob systematically eliminated Josh’s disgraced name when he made passing reference to “our first child.”

Right after their decision, “God blessed us with twins, Jana and John, then Jill & Jessa, Jinger & Joseph,” he wrote, not forgetting their names.

Indeed, the Duggars would just as soon forget he exists these days, even going out of their way to shoot down rumors of his return to TV.

They didn’t waste time when talk of him appearing on Jill & Jessa: Counting On surfaced, clarifying that Josh Duggar returning to TLC are false.

Speaking of refuting reports, if Jim Bob and Michelle separated as some tabloids would have you believe, you would know it from this.

The opposite, in fact. Jim Bob GUSHES about her.

Of his tips for making it last through nearly three and a half decades, he says “both of us individually ask Jesus” for guidance.

“To forgive us for the things we have done wrong,” he says, but also to “take over the direction and control of our lives.”

According to Jim Bob, they praise each other in front of others, never putting each other down or calling each other derogatory names.

If there is a conflict, they talk privately and pray about it together, and in good times and bad, they honor and cherish each other.

“I look for opportunities to open doors, to carry heavy items or other ways to serve Michelle and regularly take time to talk with her,” he says.

“Michelle is always looking for ways to say I love you! I try to treat Michelle like a queen and she has always honored and respected me.”

Finally, JBD says that date nights (chaperone-free!) help too.

He reflects on their early courting days, and how they were counseled, ironically, “not to have a television for the first year of marriage.”

“We did that and it was an amazing honeymoon year.”

“Then shortly after our first year, someone gave us a TV and we connected it to cable. We instantly noticed our communication dropped off.”

“Our attention turned from each other, to being glued to the TV … we got rid of the television in order to concentrate more on each other.”

The irony, as a future reality star, is not lost on him.

“Looking back, that is one of the best things we have done for our marriage and family. As you can imagine, we are not against TV,” he says.

“Computers, phones and various forms of entertainment … [we just] ensure it doesn’t devour one of our most precious resource, time.”

Through it all, he says, it’s been unforgettable. 

“We would have never dreamed the joy, fun, adventure and sometimes disappointment and tears that we have encountered.”

Raising 19 children, “there is never a dull moment. We love each one of our children and each is thankful for the life God has given them.”

Well, at least 18 of the 19 …

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Michelle Obama Sings Carpool Karaoke: WATCH NOW!

Michelle Obama didn"t have time to worry about Melania Trump stealing her words this week.

That"s because the First Lady was a bit busy… singing some carpool karaoke with James Corden!

At the outset of this segment, we saw Corden pick Obama up from The White House and make funny small talk with her until the two broke into a few versions of a few major hits.

They danced along to ​Stevie Wonder"s "Signed, Sealed, Delivered I"m Yours" and Beyoncé"s "Single Ladies," for example, and then sang "This Is For My Girls."

The latter is the power anthem inspired by the Let Girls Learn initiative and the 62 million girls around the globe who do not have access to education.

"We just dropped the mic into the hive," Obama said in response to their take on Beyonce, hilariously adding:

"We were making honey in the Beyhive. We were making honey to put in our Lemonade."

Obama also admitted it was only the second time in seven-and-a-half years that she"s "been in the passenger seat, listening to music, rocking out like this."

(The other time? A few months ago when daughter Malia was learning to drive.)

After discussing the First Couple"s Secret Service code names (she"s Renaissance, her husband is Renegade) – along with the First Lady joining Snapchat to document a trip to Liberia, Morocco and Spain in support of her Let Girls Learn initiative – Missy Elliott suddenly appeared in the back seat.

Yes, Missy Elliott!!!!

The unexpected trio sang "This Is for My Girls" before launching into the singer"s 2001 hit "Get Ur Freak On."

Simply put, it was awesome.

Previous stars to have joined Corden for Carpool Karaoke have included Selena Gomez, Mariah Carey, Jennifer Lopez, Demi Lovato, Adele and Justin Bieber.

Check out a few of their performances here:

Watch The First Lady take her place in this pantheon now:

Michelle obama carpool karaoke watch now

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Michelle Suzanne Hadley Poses as Ex-Boyfriend"s Pregnant Wife, Responds to Craigslist Rape Ads

A California woman is accused of posing as her ex’s pregnant wife and responding to Craiglist fantasy rape ads with her contact info.

Seriously. That takes a rare kind of twisted human …

In other words, she tried to get strangers on Craigslist to go rape her former boyfriend’s current wife by pretending to be her.

Literal, sociopathic, life-sentence revenge porn.

Michelle Suzanne Hadley, 29, was arrested last month. She appeared in court this past Monday, July 18 and was charged with 10 felonies.

Most notable among them? Stalking despite a restraining order, making threats, assault and attempted forcible rape, CBS News reports.

Yes, attempted forcible rape. Even though other people were the ones trying to commit said rape, Hadley was the catalyst for this act.

Hadley was involved a two-year relationship in 2014-15 with the victim’s husband, a U.S. Marshals Service agent, according to authorities.

They split up, and he began dating his now-wife, whose identity has not been released; “Jane Doe” is what she’s called in court documents.

Prosecutors say Hadley sent photos of “Jane Doe” to men, and details about her daily schedule so they knew when she would be alone.

“Hadley is accused of telling the [Craigslist] responders that the victim wanted the responders to have forcible intercourse with her.”

The D.A.’s office said, per the L.A. Times:

“Even if she screamed or resisted.”

As a result of the ads and Hadley’s responses, several men showed up at Jane Doe’s home in Anaheim, Calif., with the intent of raping her.

Fortunately, they were unsuccessful.

One of them attacked her, but fled as she called for help; Hadley was subsequently arrested by the Anaheim Police Department on June 24.

She was released on $ 100,000 bail, after which authorities said she continued to threaten Jane Doe in emails and respond to rape ads.

Police arrested Hadley again on July 14, and raised the bail amount to $ 1 million. She faces a maximum sentence of life in state prison.

Orange County Deputy District Attorney Richard Zimmer summed it up as well as one can when he told a local ABC television station:

“The fact that somebody would go to such lengths to get some sort of revenge on an innocent person, it’s pretty shocking.” 

Jessa Duggar Squashes Michelle & Jim Bob Divorce Rumors

For weeks now, rumors that Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar are headed for divorce have been circulating non-stop on social media.

Some have even gone so far as to suggest that Jim Bob and Michelle are already separated.

The fertile couple has yet to respond to the rumors, which is no great surprise, as the elder Duggars have been in the habit of keeping a low profile in recent months.

In the wake of the Josh Duggar sex scandals, the task of maintaining and defending the family’s public image has been left up to Jim Bob and Michelle’s offspring, primarily daughters Jill and Jessa.

Thus far, the sisters have proven that they’re up to the task.

Their reality show was recently renewed for a second season, and they’ve become pros when it comes to quietly suppressing scandals without addressing them directly.

Take Jessa’s latest Instagram post, for example:

She shared the photo above, along with a caption reading:

“HAPPY 51st BIRTHDAY, DADDY!  I love you so much!!!”

On the surface, it’s a simple birthday shout-out.

But it also serves as a dog-whistle confirmation to the Duggar faithful that all is well in Jim Bob and Michelle’s marriage.

Jill also wished her father a happy birthday, but she didn’t include a coupled-up picture.

Of course, it’s worth pointing out that Jill is still performing missionary work in El Salvador and has frequently reminded us that wifi is hard to come by in the village where she and her husband and son are living. 

In fact, it’s possible she hasn’t even heard the divorce rumors.

Yes, you might know more about what’s going on in the Duggar family than Jill Duggar herself.

We hope that makes you feel 37 kinds of special.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar: Already Separated?!

For several weeks now, rumors that Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar are getting divorced have been circulating online.

Life & Style was among the first to report that the parents of the 19 Kids and Counting clan had officially called it quits, but sources offered the tabloid a variety of explanations.

The most memorable was that Michelle had caught Jim Bob cheating.

That one seemed rather unlikely, if only because Jim Bob would have to be some sort of Arkansan James Bond to get away with an affair in the Duggar’s small-town.

Sure, Josh Duggar got away with a lot worse, but he had his parents’ help in concealing his crimes.

Jim Bob allegedly acted alone in his affair.

Anyway, a much more feasible explanation for why the high-profile couple may be calling it quits has to do with the ongoing controversy surrounding the Josh Duggar sex scandals.

As you may have heard, Michelle reportedly took the whole situation much harder than Jim Bob did.

In fact, some insiders have claimed that Josh is “dead” to Michelle and the matriarch has had little to no contact with her disgraced son in the weeks since he returned from rehab for his addictions to sex and pornography.

Jim Bob reportedly believes Michelle’s being too hard on Josh (as though that’s possible), and sources say the couple fought about the matter non-stop for several months.

“They rarely argue, but this one was a doozy,” said one insider.

“[Jim Bob] argued about putting family first and how Michelle needed to move on and put things in the past, and she stood her ground and said she was putting family first by being cautious.”

Now, L&S is claiming that the couple is secretly separated (within the confines of the Duggar Compound, of course) and doing all they can to hide the decision from their media … and even from their kids.

Well, as we’ve learned in the past, Michelle and Jim Bob are quite adept at concealing the truth.

Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar: Already Separated?!

For several weeks now, rumors that Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar are getting divorced have been circulating online.

Life & Style was among the first to report that the parents of the 19 Kids and Counting clan had officially called it quits, but sources offered the tabloid a variety of explanations.

The most memorable was that Michelle had caught Jim Bob cheating.

That one seemed rather unlikely, if only because Jim Bob would have to be some sort of Arkansan James Bond to get away with an affair in the Duggar’s small-town.

Sure, Josh Duggar got away with a lot worse, but he had his parents’ help in concealing his crimes.

Jim Bob allegedly acted alone in his affair.

Anyway, a much more feasible explanation for why the high-profile couple may be calling it quits has to do with the ongoing controversy surrounding the Josh Duggar sex scandals.

As you may have heard, Michelle reportedly took the whole situation much harder than Jim Bob did.

In fact, some insiders have claimed that Josh is “dead” to Michelle and the matriarch has had little to no contact with her disgraced son in the weeks since he returned from rehab for his addictions to sex and pornography.

Jim Bob reportedly believes Michelle’s being too hard on Josh (as though that’s possible), and sources say the couple fought about the matter non-stop for several months.

“They rarely argue, but this one was a doozy,” said one insider.

“[Jim Bob] argued about putting family first and how Michelle needed to move on and put things in the past, and she stood her ground and said she was putting family first by being cautious.”

Now, L&S is claiming that the couple is secretly separated (within the confines of the Duggar Compound, of course) and doing all they can to hide the decision from their media … and even from their kids.

Well, as we’ve learned in the past, Michelle and Jim Bob are quite adept at concealing the truth.

Melania Trump RNC Speech: Ganked from Michelle Obama?

The Republican National Convention kicked off from Cleveland on Monday night.

And it didn"t take long for this Donald Trump lovefest to generate its first scandal.

From Willie Robertson or Scott Baio? Not really, even though the #NeverTrump crowd likely was not a fan of anything these "celebrities" had to say.

Rather, the first scandal of the week came courtesy of The Donald"s wife, Melania Trump.

"From a young age my parents impressed on me the values that you work hard for what you want in life; that your word is your bond and you do what you say and keep your promise; that you treat people with respect," Melania said on stage.

"They taught and showed me values and morals in their daily life."

Sounds great and inspiring, right?

The sort of thing a First Lady-to-be would say in such a circumstance?

Melania went on to add:

"That is a lesson that I continue to pass along to our son, and we need to pass those lessons on to the many generations to follow.

"Because we want our children in this nation to know that the only limit to your achievements is the strength of your dreams and your willingness to work for them."

Again, good stuff.

But plagiarized stuff?

Critics were quick to note similarities between Trump"s speech here and Michelle Obama"s 2008 speech at the Democratic National Convention.

Barack and I were raised with so many of the same values: that you work hard for what you want in life; that your word is your bond and you do what you say you"re going to do; that you treat people with dignity and respect, even if you don"t know them, and even if you don"t agree with them, Obama said eight years ago.

She continued at the time:

And Barack and I set out to build lives guided by these values, and pass them on to the next generation.

Because we want our children – and all children in this nation – to know that the only limit to the height of your achievements is the reach of your dreams and your willingness to work for them.

Speaking to Matt Lauer on MSNBC prior to the event, Melania said of her upcoming speech:

"I read once over it and that"s all. Because I wrote it with as little help as possible. I"m excited."

This is what Donald Trump said about his wife"s speech on Monday night and what he said in 2008 about that of Michelle Obama:

Was Melania subconsciously influenced by Obama? Did she outright gank her material?

Listen and watch the speech below and decide for yourself.

Melania trump rnc speech ganked from michelle obama

Monday, July 11, 2016

Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar: Is It Over (and Why?)!

Is the once-rock solid marriage of 19 Kids and Counting patriarch and matriarch Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar officially on the ropes?

If you watch Jill & Jessa Counting On online, you’ll see … a whole lot of the next generation of Duggars and not a lot of Jim Bob and Michelle.

Maybe even any of them in the upcoming Season 2.

This is largely because while the younger children and young adults of the family maintain a strong following, Josh Duggar is tainted.

By extension, the already-controversial Jim Bob and Michelle took a major hit last year for trying to deal with Josh’s issues “in-house.”

The lack of accountability for Josh molesting his little sisters – coupled with the subsequent reveal that he was a philandering cheater?

Let’s just say it’s been a bit challenging for his parents.

This is the case for several reasons, most notably the fact that in their hearts, they feel “destroyed” by their eldest son’s abhorrent actions.

Then there’s the fact that their public personas have taken a hit, as well as the conflict between them which has arisen out of the scandal.

Michelle was reportedly livid with Jim Bob and church leaders, who wanted to give Josh a strict punishment that would “appease God.”

Things went Jim Bob’s way, with Josh sent to Christian sex rehab labor camp for much of last year, but to Jim Bob, this came at a cost.

Insiders say nowadays, since Josh’s return to Arkansas, Michelle is – for the first time – no longer doing what her husband asks of her.

A friend shockingly reveals to the celebrity news tabloid:

“She has actually raised her voice to Jim Bob.”

Whoa. Shut UP.

“The Jim Bob Michelle fell in love with 32 years (and 19 kids) ago is very different from the man she knows now,” the source continues.

Michelle is standing up for herself because “he bears little resemblance to the young man who was filled with hope and happiness.”

With all these issues, is there any chance it’s over?

As in for real over? Will the couple divorce?!

Ha. Not likely whatsoever. #BecauseDuggars.

“That would be against everything she lives for,” said an insider, adding that breaking a Covenant Marriage simply isn’t done.

“But they are not the happy couple they once were.”

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Michelle Duggar: Jim Bob is the Best Dad EVER!!!

Between Bill Cosby and Jim Bob Duggar, it hasn’t been a great year for wholesome TV dads.

Maybe JB didn’t do anything as horrendous as Cosby has been accused of, but he allegedly helped cover up Josh Duggar’s sex crimes, which is about 47 million kinds of not okay.

Even so, Michelle Duggar is a firm believer that Jim Bob is a candidate for Dad of the Year.

Actually, make that Dad of the Century.

Come to think of it, is it too late to get his name on the ballot for Best Dad of All Freakin’ Time?!

Like daughter Jessa, Michelle took to the family blog this week to list the reasons that she thinks Jim Bob is the dad to beat all dads.

Her fond memories are warm – if somewhat random:

“I have sweet memories of you helping with our newborn babies, during those late night feedings,” Michelle wrote. “You would get up and change the baby’s diaper and then bring the baby to me to feed.”

Whoa! Jim Bob changed the occasional diaper? What a guy!

“I remember early on when we started our used car business you would let the little ones ‘help’ you wash cars.”

Hey, there’s no point in having 19 kids if you’re not gonna put ’em to work, but it’s still kind of a weird memory to share as a Father’s Day tribute.

“And you are a great cook over the grill! You can make some awesome hamburgers and hot dogs!”

C’mon, Michelle! There is literally not a dad on the planet who doesn’t love to fire up the Weber for some burgers and dogs. Grill skills are only worth mentioning if your man is busting out some blackened ahi tuna, or some sh-t.

And, of course, as she does with every blog entry Michelle takes the time to remind us that she and Jim Bob had, like, a whole ton of kids:

“You took our whole family on fun bike rides. Often, I was pregnant so I would follow along behind driving our 15 passenger van with water and snacks.”

Sigh. Details like “15 passenger van” are clearly intended for the public and not for Jim Bob.

We know you guys had some serious brand rebuilding to do this year, but next year, maybe just a heartfelt card, mmm-kay?

Friday, June 17, 2016

Michelle Collins: Leaving The View!

Earlier this month, rumored swirled speculating that Michelle Collins was getting fired from The View.

Today, the ABC talk show confirms that Collins will not be returning next season.

“I have some bittersweet news to share – Michelle Collins is leaving the show,” executive producer Candi Carter wrote to staff in an e-mail obtained by Entertainment Weekly.

“A gracious presence on stage and off, she asked smart questions, made us laugh and will always be part of The View family.

“We wish her great success with some exciting new projects ahead. 

“Please join me in thanking Michelle for her hard work, great humor and many contributions this season to The View.”

Anyone who’s ever worked in an office knows that e-mails bombs from the boss like this are purposely written to come off as politically correct and uncontroversial, but we imagine there’s more to the story.

However, a source told People that “the parting was amicable,” although Collins won’t make another appearance at the table.

The source added that the show “would have been happy to have her back but understandably she wants to focus on other projects – we’d be happy to have her back on the show down the line to talk about them.”  

It’s kind of a bummer. With her quick wit and down-to-earth personality, Collins is one of the hosts we actually liked. 

Unfortunately, in the year that she’s been a full-time host, the comic became embroiled in a few kerfuffles during the show.

ABC reportedly lost advertisers after running a segment in which Collins criticized a nurse.

Then in October, Collins was scrutinized after making fun of presidential candidate Carly Fiorina’s appearance.

Whatever her “other projects” may be, we hope to see more of Collins in the future.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Jim Bob & Michelle Duggar: Blaming Victims of Orlando Shooting?!

It’s no secret that the Duggars don’t believe in gay rights, but are Jim Bob and Michelle actually blaming the victims for Sunday’s massacre?

According to the latest media reports, 49 victims tragically lost their lives in the June 12 shooting at Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida.

A homophobic, American-born man, Omar Mateen who pledged allegiance to ISIS reportedly targeted Pulse because it was an LGBT club.

Reports that Omar Mateen was gay himself have put an interesting twist on this story, but regardless, it was a hate-filled act of terrorism.

Celebrities, politicians, and other public figures quickly offered condolences to the family members and everybody who lost loved ones.

Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar were among those who offered prayers after the tragedy, but did so in a way that has sparked controversy.

The 19 Kids & Counting couple posted the following Bible verse:

“Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. James 4:7-8.”

Naturally, this has become subject to wide-ranging interpretation.

Some critics have posited that the Duggars are implicitly opining that the gay men and women who died brought the attack on themselves.

By failing to “resist the Devil,” at least in JBD’s warped world view.

That may be a stretch, but not to their growing chorus of critics, many of who accused them of lacking compassion and being self-righteous.

They aren’t even the first to take heat over this in their own family.

Earlier, Jim Bob’s daughter and son-in law Jessa Duggar and Ben Seewald quoted anti-gay leaders in their response to the massacre.

The Duggars’ not-so-subtle dislike of the gay community dates back years, evidenced by things like their “kissing challenge” on Facebook.

If you recall, they asked their followers to help them celebrate love by posting pictures of themselves kissing their significant others.

Jim Bob and Michelle deleted gay couples’ photos, of course.

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Michelle Collins: Fired from The View?

Stop us if you’ve heard this before, but…

… The View may soon be undergoing yet another cast shake-up.

In news broken by Variety, ABC producers will let Collins go after just one season on the talk show.

She will supposedly finish out the summer and then receive her walking papers.

Collins joined the program in July of 2015 after an extended trial period, during which she impressed viewers, as well as moderator Whoopi Goldberg.

She was especially popular due to her well-timed zingers and commentary.

It wasn’t long after Collins became a permanent co-host for Season 19, however, that ABC bosses “experienced buyers’ remorse,” according to the Variety story.

The network is yet to actually comment on the alleged Collins’ dismissal, except to say the following in a statement:

“Michelle is smart, opinionated and funny.

“She’s been a great addition to the panel this year. When we are ready to make an announcement about next season, we will.”

Collins has been at the center of a couple show controversies:

First, ABC lost advertisers after a discussion where she criticized nurses.

Then, in October, she came under fire for making fun of Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina’s face.

There had previously been a rumor that Raven-Symone was also set to be fired. But that chatter has lost its momentum.

The View, of course, has cycled through an endless number of panelists over the past couple years.

Rosie O’Donnell has come and gone twice. Neither Sherri Shepherd nor Jenny McCarthy lasted very long. Rosie Perez was around approximately 12 minutes.

Assuming Goldberg’s contract gets renewed in August, the rest of the Season 20 will consist of a combination of current co-hosts such as Joy Behar, Paula Faris, Candace Cameron-Bure and maybe one of the following options:

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Kelly Osbourne Publishes Michelle Pugh"s Phone Number In Scathing Tweet

Point: Kelly

It was recently revealed that Ozzy Osbourne, 67, had been having an affair with hair stylist, Michelle Pugh.

According to  i, Pugh was fired from her job as a colorist at Meche Salon in Beverly Hills after the cheating rumors surfaced.

“Ozzy was supporting her,” a source told the magazine.

Kelly Osbourne is defending her mother, Sharon, who uncovered the affair by going through her husband’s emails.

“She and [daughter] Kelly both called the salon repeatedly for about two weeks before the news broke, trying to get in touch with Michelle.

“They were really angry,” the source added.

“Sharon is the reason Michelle was let go.”

Last night, Kelly took to Twitter to issue a scathing call-to-action against Pugh.

“Anyone looking for cheap chunky LOW-lights a blow out and a blowjob call ________,” listing a cell phone number that no doubt belongs to Pugh.

In the May 30th issue of Us, a coworker told Entertainment Tonight that Pugh, who has worked with Jennifer Lopez and Pete Wentz, “is super into rock/metal music, so they bonded.

“It was known in the salon they were a little too close.”

The family thought Ozzy went missing in April, but it turns out he just left the house without telling anyone so that he could hang out with Pugh.

Sharon, according to the story, “thought he had gone on a walk and had some kind of medical emergency.”

She and Kelly, along with siblings Aimee and Jack, tried to find their dad.

Ozzy had left behind his cell phone, so the family scrolled through his history for any information pointing to his whereabouts.  They noticed a strange number, which belong to Pugh.

“She’s a Black Sabbath groupie who used to dye his [Ozzy’s] hair,” a friend of Pugh’s said.

As of press time, Kelly’s tweet is still up.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Joan Rivers: MURDERED For Exposing Michelle Obama as a Transsexual, Alex Jones Claims

This election year has been witness to some of the most ridiculous, fact-free rhetoric in the history of presidential politics, but just when you thought it couldn’t get any more ridiculous than the claim that Trump Tower has the nation’s best taco bowls, along comes Alex Jones:

For the uninitiated, Jones is a syndicated radio show host, and professional nutjob who’s spent several years appealing to the tinfoil-hat crowd with theories about the government faking the moon landing and staging the Sandy Hook massacre as an excuse to steal everyone’s guns.

His latest theory has to do with the death of comedian Joan Rivers who passed away in 2014 during a surgical procedure.

“Don’t forget, the famous comedienne Joan Rivers said, ‘Of course everyone knows she’s a tranny.’ She’s dead serious, ‘She’s a man,’ Jones says in the clip above. 

“Deader than a doornail in a routine operation where basically she had fire poured down her throat and was a fire-breathing goblin. Dead on arrival. Shoot your mouth off, honey, you will die.

“I really think — her daughters don’t look like her — I really think this is some weird hoax they did again,” he said, “just like he didn’t get sworn in on the Bible, it was the Quran.

“All this weirdness, I mean, I used to laugh at this stuff, but man, it’s all about rubbing our noses in it.”

Yes, Jones really thinks the comedy legend’s goal wasn’t to mock everyone in equal measure to expose Michelle as a man. He goes on:

“I think it’s all an arranged marriage, it’s all completely fake and it’s this big sick joke because he’s obsessed with transgender, just like some weird cult or something. I think Michelle Obama is a man. I really do. I really do. I believe it.” 

He goes on to claim that it’s common knowledge that Michelle is a man, and that President Obama frequently refers to her by her birth name, “Michael.”

Then he rants about Bono for a little bit and calls George Clooney a “maggot.”

It’s impossible to talk about Jones without sounding like you’re joking, but that’s really how the clip above plays out.

We’d like to play by Jones’ rules and claim that he’s clearly a 1,000-year-old lizard person who came to Earth in order to help Ted Cruz’s dad assassinate JFK, but we just can’t bring ourselves to stoop that low.

Although feel free to spread that around social media if you’re so inclined.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Michelle Duggar Clashes With Fellow TLC Star Over Bathroom Law

Long before North Carolina’s so-called “bathroom law” kicked off a national conversation about transgender rights, Michelle Duggar was already warning her fellow Arkansans about the nonexistent danger of men strolling into their daughters’ restrooms.

Back in 2014, Michelle recorded a robocall for an Arkansas politician who was basically running on a policy of personally looking into everyone’s pants and deciding where they should pee.

So you would think that Michelle would be particularly vocal these days, what with the entire country finally arguing about a wedge issue she helped dream up years ago.

Instead, Michelle has been surprisingly quiet about the bathroom law, and not only because the topic of examining people’s genitals against their will is a sensitive one for her family these days.

It seems Michelle might be keeping a lid on it as part of her ongoing effort to appease her TLC bosses and one of her fellow stars at the network.

The clip above is a promo for I Am Jazz, which is soon to be entering its second season on TLC.

The show features Jazz Jennings, a transgender teen who shares her struggles and triumphs with a good-sized audience on her own reality show.

Is Jazz the reason that Michelle has been staying quiet on what was once her favorite issue?

We don’t know, but the Duggar matriarch certainly doesn’t carry the kind of clout that she once did at the network.

After 19 Kids and Counting was canceled in the wake of the Josh Duggar sex scandals, Michelle and her family had to do a lot of convincing in order to get back on the air.

As it is, Jill & Jessa: Counting On is on the brink of cancelation due to advertisers pulling out as a result of the intense controversy surrounding the family.

There was a time when Michelle might’ve complained about sharing a network with someone who’s views so sharply contrast with her own.

These days, she knows network execs would tell her not to let the door hit her on the way out.

Of course, you can bet she still has little to no compassion for Jazz and her family, who are seen responding to death threats in the show’s upcoming family.

“I want people to understand, the hate is real,” Jazz says in a recent promo for the show. 

Sadly, she’s very right about that.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Michelle Duggar: SLAMMED For Misidentifying Daughter on Facebook!

Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar are famous for having an absurd number of children (19 to be exact), and it seems that the sheer size of their brood sometimes results in parenting…mistakes.

No, we’re not talking about them letting Josh Duggar do what he did (Although seriously – who was supposed to be watching that kid?!).

We’re actually referring to the family’s latest Facebook post, which contained a fairly major error:

The photo above was uploaded on Saturday with a caption reading:

“Looks like Jordyn is getting some good practice.”

Some folks took issue with the fact that that’s not the safest way to use a sewing machine.

Others objected to the idea of a little girl “practicing” to become the ideal housewife.

But the most common complaint was a simple and inarguable one:

The child in the photo is not Jordyn Duggar; it’s her older sister Jennifer.

Needless to say, it’s a seriously embarrassing gaffe, especially since the Duggars have made a career out of their “family first” ethos, and have boasted for years that they maintain a connection with their fans by managing their social media accounts personally.

In all likelihood, Michelle Duggar is able to identify her own children, and the mistake was made by the person she pays to manage her Facebook page.

Not quite as embarrassing, but still not a good look for a woman who have us believe she lives a life quiet simplicity.

The Internet being the Internet, Facebook commenters were quick to pounce on the error:

“Whoever runs this page at least needs to know which Duggar is which. That’s Jennifer not Jordyn,” wrote one commenter.

“If I had 19 kids with the same letter, I’d mix up too,” wrote a fan who’s either more forgiving or a master of the art of subtle shade.

Like we said, it’s certainly not the worst thing to happen to the Duggars in the past year, but it’s another crack in their increasingly fragile facade.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Patton Oswalt Remembers Michelle McNamara in Moving Essay

Ever since his wife, Michelle McNamara, died in her sleep at the age of 46 last month, Patton Oswalt has been uncharacteristically quiet.

The beloved comedian and actor tweeted a loving tribute to McNamara one week after her death, writing:

“She wrote lines that stung & hummed. 13 years in her presence was happily humbling. #RIPMichelleMcNamara.”

He included a link to make donations to in McNamara’s honor to 826LA, an organization that assists students with their writing skills.

Fans of Oswalt’s know that he and his McNamara – a writer who operated the website True Crime Diary – shared a common love of words.

The comic is as well-known for his eloquence as for his cunning wit, so it was no surprise when he paid more long-form tribute to his beloved wife of 11 years in a way that honored both her work and her devotion to her husband and daughter.

He accomplished that today, in an essay for Time magazine that is both moving and full of surprising revelations about a life well-lived:

After recounting her tireless work for the website that made hers a familiar name in certain online circles, Oswalt recalls McNamara’s earlier days and lesser-known achievements:

“Those are facts but not her entire story,” he writes.

“Her life also involved social work in Belfast and Oakland, and screenwriting in Los Angeles, and teaching creative writing at Minnesota State, and motherhood and marriage and glorious, lost years on the outskirts of the early 90s Chicago music scene, where she also worked for a young Michelle Obama.

“One day Michelle Obama’s husband came into the office to speak to the staff. He was impressive and funny. Another encounter, another memory in a life spent fascinated with people and relationships and the unknown.

“The reaction to her passing, the people who are shocked at her senseless absence, is a testament to how she steered her life with joyous, wicked curiosity. Cops and comedians call—speechless or sending curt regards.

“Her family is devastated but can’t help remember all of the times she made them laugh or comforted them, and they smile and laugh themselves. She hasn’t left a void. She’s left a blast crater.”

You can read Oswalt’s entire tribute to McNamara at Time magazine’s website now.