Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Michelle Duggar: Jim Bob is the Best Dad EVER!!!

Between Bill Cosby and Jim Bob Duggar, it hasn’t been a great year for wholesome TV dads.

Maybe JB didn’t do anything as horrendous as Cosby has been accused of, but he allegedly helped cover up Josh Duggar’s sex crimes, which is about 47 million kinds of not okay.

Even so, Michelle Duggar is a firm believer that Jim Bob is a candidate for Dad of the Year.

Actually, make that Dad of the Century.

Come to think of it, is it too late to get his name on the ballot for Best Dad of All Freakin’ Time?!

Like daughter Jessa, Michelle took to the family blog this week to list the reasons that she thinks Jim Bob is the dad to beat all dads.

Her fond memories are warm – if somewhat random:

“I have sweet memories of you helping with our newborn babies, during those late night feedings,” Michelle wrote. “You would get up and change the baby’s diaper and then bring the baby to me to feed.”

Whoa! Jim Bob changed the occasional diaper? What a guy!

“I remember early on when we started our used car business you would let the little ones ‘help’ you wash cars.”

Hey, there’s no point in having 19 kids if you’re not gonna put ’em to work, but it’s still kind of a weird memory to share as a Father’s Day tribute.

“And you are a great cook over the grill! You can make some awesome hamburgers and hot dogs!”

C’mon, Michelle! There is literally not a dad on the planet who doesn’t love to fire up the Weber for some burgers and dogs. Grill skills are only worth mentioning if your man is busting out some blackened ahi tuna, or some sh-t.

And, of course, as she does with every blog entry Michelle takes the time to remind us that she and Jim Bob had, like, a whole ton of kids:

“You took our whole family on fun bike rides. Often, I was pregnant so I would follow along behind driving our 15 passenger van with water and snacks.”

Sigh. Details like “15 passenger van” are clearly intended for the public and not for Jim Bob.

We know you guys had some serious brand rebuilding to do this year, but next year, maybe just a heartfelt card, mmm-kay?